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File 135339239136.jpg - (522.41KB , 1280x1707 , pic found of atlus.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
289460 No. 289460
Damn /cwc/. I was just browsing tumblr and I think I found something big. Apparently, Atlus's hoe has a tumblr where she talks about her life.

Some of the shit I found while cruising the tumblr. Atlus dumped Missyinfamous for having a low IQ. Tons of pics of Atlus.
Expand all images
>> No. 289462
File 135339272089.jpg - (221.97KB , 849x869 , tumblr_m6kltbgz9h1rr03fro1_1280.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic 1.
>> No. 289463
File 135339277084.jpg - (74.23KB , 500x400 , tumblr_m9uyhhfoll1rr03fro1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Drew Drew.
>> No. 289464
File 135339300039.jpg - (78.47KB , 500x500 , tumblr_m4g4t1avug1rr03fro1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
When he's away from pokemon black and messageboards. Atlus goes back to a more primitive mindset.
>> No. 289465
File 135339306341.jpg - (41.78KB , 500x500 , tumblr_m4gcyrtl7g1rr03fro1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289466
Cool big bang theory t shirt he has there
>> No. 289467
File 135339321170.jpg - (19.43KB , 456x256 , tumblr_m47sylxkv11rr03fro1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Found Watson.
>> No. 289468
File 135339325949.jpg - (60.67KB , 500x500 , tumblr_m60b67adwy1rr03fro1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gangsta Dungeons and Dragon crew.
>> No. 289469
Was he in costume?
>> No. 289471
I had a hard enough trying to find atlus in the picture.
>> No. 289475
File 135339450089.jpg - (25.71KB , 500x375 , tumblr_mcjhb2pkww1ryu3xlo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ugh. Atlus's hoe is showing off her tits.
>> No. 289477
File 135339458964.jpg - (38.95KB , 500x500 , tumblr_maetvwogt91rr03fro1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Attention whore tumblr Pic. Much more from what I've seen.
>> No. 289479
File 135339490119.png - (3.02KB , 501x105 , atus cleaning house.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Atlus cleaning house.
>> No. 289482
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>> No. 289483
File 135339512080.jpg - (94.84KB , 500x500 , tumblr_m4g4x2kqit1rr03fro1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Atlus near a tree.
>> No. 289502
File 135339776871.jpg - (53.57KB , 500x400 , tumblr_md26viHFyF1rr03fro1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
in da tub.
>> No. 289503
Atlus looks a lot like Waldo, especially in >>289467.
>> No. 289504
Wait, is that clitdick?
>> No. 289507
File 135339897644.jpg - (43.71KB , 500x500 , tumblr_m56wch2nef1rr03fro1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yes. The so called "goddess" . Queen of the angle shots and photoshop.
>> No. 289509
She's not bad looking just really average.
>> No. 289511
Dat instagram.
>> No. 289512
Dat face. Dat chin. Why he is always looking like a retard?
>> No. 289515
  Video of her in da tub.
>> No. 289517
Atlus has that permanent "Molotov coktail attack at a wax museum" look.
>> No. 289518
Did she really post that on tumblr? Why...
>> No. 289526
That's some pretty nice tits, actually. Don't be a fag so much.
>> No. 289527

I get the impression you're the same (and only) guy who makes the "I'd bang PT" posts.
>> No. 289530

What's wrong with them? I mean, I know the rest of her isn't all that appealing and her clit is the stuff of nightmares, but the tits look okay to me there.
>> No. 289533
>i like what everyobdy!
>I'm so edgy! you are teh losers!
>> No. 289534
File 135341464210.png - (21.73KB , 603x267 , boss bitch.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Tumblr was deleted. Videos as well. It's not like I wasn't prepared for this shit. BAM!


>> No. 289535
File 135341478758.png - (246.45KB , 559x544 , attention whoring.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289536
Hi Faglus. Still enjoying that massive tranny cock up your ass?
>> No. 289538
She removed that video.
>> No. 289546
So.....who is Atlus?
>> No. 289547



Of all the people I've been accused of being on this site this is easily the most insulting. I'd rather be a-log than this retarded gargoyle looking fuckwit.
>> No. 289548
former admin from leeejun days. check his ed
>> No. 289549
TL;DR Epin ween Leejun veteran who trolled eight years old in YouTube until his IP got shitlisted. Got demodded after he went on an asspained banning spree when his homosexual deviantry was discovered and people laughed at him. Also was the most pussywhipped homosexual deviant, dyed his pubes pink for Ominous and jealously stalked the comment section of her videous for comments made by other males. Bragged with losing his virginity at 21 by writing himself into an ED article.
>> No. 289552
On a note related to another thread didn't he ban people using Evangelion themed avatars?
>> No. 289553
I don't know, but if he banned people avatarfagcirclejerking, that would be the least of his sins.
>> No. 289555
yeah he banned avatarfags
>> No. 289557
Sorry I didn't say that right, at the end he was banning people using Evangelion themed avatars if I remember right.
>> No. 289558
In the end he banned everyone?

But I don't know how Evangelion avatars are related to this. I think any mod would ban weeaboo circlejerk sperging on an unrelated board, even if they werent asspained fags like Atlus.
>> No. 289559
Where can I find pictures/videos of clitdick? I want to see it for myself.
>> No. 289567
Is that a donut with chocolate and pretzels? Silly americans, sometime you are truly disgusting.
>> No. 289570
Shut up, idiot. You can't even compare the atrocities some societies practice on a every day basis with some guy eating a pretzel on a top of a donut. Why don't you go outside a little more?
I'm not American by the way.
>> No. 289572
Check your not-being-an-inhuman-monster privledge
>> No. 289575
File 13534332285.jpg - (231.15KB , 615x616 , donut-cheese-bacon-burger.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I hope you're a troll.
>> No. 289576
Good to see ol' shovelchin again
>> No. 289581
Did anyone ever confirm if Atlus had some kind of developmental disorder or some shit? He looks awfully sickly and weird for a man in his twenties. Like I'm not sure even your pansiest of teenagers look like that.
>> No. 289584
I kinda remember an anon (presumably his GF at the time) making some comments about how we should be glad we don't have to go through what he does or did or something to that effect. Could have just been a weird troll post, but I do recall something hinting at him having some sort of a problem.
>> No. 289585
I thought that was more of a depression/anxiety/paranoia thing than the tism. Part of which manifested as a form of self-hatred, which when mixed generously with ebin ween and desperation yields pink pubes and "trolling" prepubescents.
>> No. 289592
File 135343766053.jpg - (63.86KB , 631x476 , 132932458655.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289595
ha ha ha oh atlus you embarassing fuck you are the living end! I wonder if he still trolls ten year olds on youtube?
>> No. 289597
I'm just confused about a few things.

First, why does she keep deleting everything? I remember this happened with that youtube account she made where she scratched things or whatever.

I just don't see the point. Why would she care if /cwc/ sees this stuff if she put it up in the first place? Are they really that afraid of getting trolled?

Second, am I the only one that doesn't find them that funny, and thinks the reactions in these threads are kind of ridiculous? Some of the posts and the way they describe him, if they were dropped in a thread about Chris would result in a chorus of "HI A-LOG" posts.
>> No. 289599
Most of us had to deal with Atlus's moderation and his attempt to brag about losing his virginity while at the same time ween-trolling his "friend." The happy couple even made an ED page chronicling the beginning of their relationship.
>> No. 289603

Atlus is a pretty cool guy.
>> No. 289619
Ominous really really really doesn't like being trolled, much like her tranny pal Omega. Which is ironic since they both used to go around acting like hardasses on youtube back in 2008/2009, making troll videos in which they wore masks.
>> No. 289621
Lemme guess. Leejun?
>> No. 289623
File 135344693219.png - (384.37KB , 519x479 , ominous_does_a_bad_ickeriss_impression.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Omega didn't involve himself with leejun til way later in 2010/2011. Prior to that he was involved with the FCTC (Fried Chicken Trolling Crew for you norps) & trolled people on youtube under the name OmegaTroll69. He'd make videos in which he wore a gasmask.

When he wasn't trolling lolcows that the FCTC or RickyRicardo/Ickeriss were jerking circles over, he'd be telling people how much he thought their music sucked.

Ominous would make videos in which she wore a medical facemask, much like her ex e-lover Ickeriss did. Only instead of "/b/ lulz", her mask had "LOL WUT"/"Aging Greys" written on it.
>> No. 289643
>Second, am I the only one that doesn't find them that funny, and thinks the reactions in these threads are kind of ridiculous? Some of the posts and the way they describe him, if they were dropped in a thread about Chris would result in a chorus of "HI A-LOG" posts.

This. I think they're funny though, don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good waxman bashing thread, but it seems like a lot of these guys (who are probably all Krapple) make a big "haha, what tryhard homosexual deviant fucking asshole loser douchebag fat cunt motherfucker FAILTROLL COCKSUCKERS HOW FUCKIGN STUPID THESE GUYS ARE amirite?!" thing out of it instead of providing anything.. you know... funny.

Ugly as fuck? Totally! Fat? Why yes, she is! Except she was fat 6 months ago. And the year before that. And for a while before that, too. For as much as we're supposed to think they're fags for being tryhard weeners, what new or entertaining things ever come out of these threads?
>> No. 289652

>what new or entertaining things ever come out of these threads?

You could say about most anything that's happened with Chris in the past year or so.

In the case of this thread I think the new thing was Ominous' tumblr, as the OP said, but that obviously didn't last long and I have on idea if there was anything particularly funny about, besides what's been posted here from it.
>> No. 289655
File 135345549753.png - (2.65MB , 834x4432 , page part 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I did save a few pages. Page 1.
>> No. 289656
File 135345553033.png - (1.53MB , 644x3177 , page part 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Page 2.
>> No. 289657
File 135345555860.png - (742.31KB , 602x2329 , page part 3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Page 3.
>> No. 289658
File 135345558580.png - (1.18MB , 667x2774 , page part 4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Will try to find more screencaps.
>> No. 289660
>> No. 289662
File 135345644344.jpg - (68.14KB , 782x475 , bypmP.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289664


Confirmed for STD dump site.
>> No. 289669
File 135345798978.png - (23.21KB , 588x302 , untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 289670
File 135345804613.png - (23.50KB , 596x352 , depressing.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289671
File 13534580618.png - (5.42KB , 486x173 , emo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289672
File 135345809265.png - (953.25KB , 629x1745 , basic bitch.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289673
File 135345814616.png - (5.94KB , 545x103 , for da ladies.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289676
File 135345884115.png - (480.03KB , 618x933 , suicidal people.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Suicide prevention yo.
>> No. 289693
That hamster shit is cute ya'll nigos need to relax if you think otherwise
>> No. 289695
File 135346254819.jpg - (82.84KB , 604x453 , AtlusTrollsU.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw Atlus/ominous/Krapple threads are now just being posted with the "cocks is cocks..." justification that people kept invoking to inform us all what kind of retarded cartoon porn A-Log had favorited on Deviantart that day

Though for what it's worth, a thread full of nothing but pictures of Atlus himself making strange faces would be funny.
>> No. 289697
What's wrong with Atlus's face? It's stretchy and ridiculous like a cartoon.
>> No. 289698

Nobody seems to know. Going theory is he's just ugly as fuck, but apparently there's been vague talk of him having some sort of "problem".

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