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File 135345088381.png - (363.25KB , 650x520 , SocialDarwinism.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
289633 No. 289633

Meet Whoopigoldblum, a self described "sickly black 21 year old lady." Those dang dirty white people have been getting her down and all she's trying to do is spread her message of how everyone needs to get along!

Here she explains how Darwin is the original racist.




The original post that brought her to my attention. She's removed it from her page but I found a reblog of it from our good friend FracturedRefuges page.

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>> No. 289637
Most people talking about Social Darwinism don't know what they are talking about. It's just a label for people they don't like.
>> No. 289674
It turn 2 days she left tumblr with this message
>By the way, the last couple of days was a social experiment. And I learned that all of you are horrible people. None of you are good enough to witness my greatness.
>>And so I denounce you all. Tumblr, tumblr support, and all of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I pity you all for not listening to me when I was shouting truths that could change the world.
>One day, you will learn. Goodbye.

source - http://whoopigoldblum.tumblr.com/post/36009897760/by-the-way-the-last-couple-of-days-was-a-social
>> No. 289677
I was going to point out some reasons why this tumblr is fucking stupid. But I really don't have the time, or inclination.

This tumblr does more to prove the stereotype that black people are stupid, rather than combat racism.
>> No. 289678
>Natural selection is all about survival of the fittest.
>But on whose standards is this so called “fittest”?
>Who created the standards of which species and which animals and which people were better? Charles Darwin.
>And do you honestly think that a white man from hundreds of years ago who could not understand the capability of smart phones had any idea of what is “fittest”?
I love how her idea of Darwinism is more comparable to the idea of eugenic as opposed to actual the actual survival of the fittest that is the animal with the fittest genes and doesn't die live to have off spring.
>> No. 289679
The thing she would classified as racist because she discriminate people based on the merit of race
>> No. 289680
Is... is SJ rolling around to creationism? I mean, I guess as two fundamentalist ideologies, they're highly compatible, but... jeezus... last year's "scourge of the internet" mixing with this year's?
>> No. 289709
>Natural selection is a fundamentally flawed and white supremacist idea.
Actually, natural selection is how nature works, lol. Those who are able to adapt, survive. It's not a conspiracy by whitey to "put da black people down."
>> No. 289714
Why does she talk like Darwin controls evolution?
>> No. 289715
I think she might believe that Darwin invented natural selection instead of documenting the concept... which is fucking hilarious.
>> No. 289716
> Who created the standards of which species and which animals and which people were better? Charles Darwin. And do you honestly think that a white man from hundreds of years ago who could not understand the capability of smart phones had any idea of what is “fittest”?

If you can't operate an iPhone you're literally an idiot. Aristotle, Newton, Galileo, Planck, Einstein... all idiots.
>> No. 289717

Correction: if you're white and you can't operate an iPhone.
>> No. 289719
This is so dumb it's hard to believe it's not parody. Then again, lol tumblr
>> No. 289722
Yeah I remember some christfag nigger security guard at my high school would constantly heckle one class because a big part of the subject matter was evolution. She would walk in and say shit like "Darwin say we come from monkeys; I ain't no monkey". Not believing in Darwinism doesn't necessarily make you a creationist and it's quite understandable why SJ fags would be against Darwinism. Stalin believed in Lamarckian inheritance and rejected Darwinism on the basis that it was a capitalist myth. There are many people who equate Darwinism with eugenics and classism. The term social Darwinism is applied to a socioeconomic take on Darwinism and thus reinforces this opinion.

tl;dr SJ fags deny proven scientific fact if it isn't politically correct
>> No. 289723
So She says not being to operate a device released after have passed away make you an idiot.
>> No. 289728
It's like saying that William Harvey and Miguel Servet invented the circulatory system. Before them, blood didn't flow!
People see whatever they want to see.
>> No. 289730
Dat dang dirty Darwin! Who the Hell that honky ass think is he? Ima calling Al Sharpton!
>> No. 289735
Those fuckers. So many people died from blood loss because these white privileged men invented blood circulation.
Things were better when blood was aether-like and flow-less, buzzword buzzword.
>> No. 289736
It's funny because the ass backwards rednecks are the most racists, ignorant, "nigger" throwing people around...
Yet, if they actually accepted them, they'd discover that lots of blacks are huge backwards, ignorant, uber christians too.
>> No. 289738
What I understand is that she thinks that nature just decided to benefit white people just because, not the white men driven by ambition(intellectual, spiritual, material, power, territory, you name it.).
Instead the black people who were sitting in their asses worshiping the crocodile, killing neighbor tribes, raping everything and slaving each other while not only white people, also arabic, hispanic, latin, were discussing the nature of God as a metaphysical concept; rather than whatever the fuck atheists think it is, capitalizing the use of gun powder as a weapon, creating palaces and temples that surpassed the burden or time and still amaze us to this time, inventing the mechanical clock, the first steam-powered engines, etc. are somehow superior or better than white men because the black people is being oppressed thus nature babbysits white people.
Or ignoring humans altogether, animal species that were stronger and more effective than their competitors did it to please the white men?

Is this lady retarde-
>SJ PC sassy black woman
Close enough.

Or is just that today the concept of stronger is nil, non-existent, invented to the social activist sperg?
>> No. 289739
File 135347496895.jpg - (44.86KB , 350x500 , geordi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'll bet that dumb bitch can't even operate a holodeck

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