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231 No. 231
Democracy is sick in the US, government monitors your Internet


Don't be /cy/scenefag and represent.

Your corporate governments are spying on you and controlling your lives. Free yourselves.
>> No. 235
If I could think of a reasonable way, or find one, and get people in on it, I would. But that's easier said than done.

Even if people were to form their own independent state, it would still fall victim to the UN.
>> No. 256
There's always the Northwest Imperitive.

No niggers, No jews, No faggotry, and NOT under corporate globalist control.

I hear the Pacific Northwest has many technology jobs and cyber resources due to it's proximity to Microsoft and California.

It might be racist, but it beats the cancer of the NWO.

Come home, whiteman.
>> No. 261
Umm...The Pacific Northwest has plenty of Black people and Jews. They're not a Majority, but that's true of most of the U.S.

As for "No Faggotry", I've got two words for you: San Francisco.

We do, however, have quite a lot of tech jobs, and the Northwest could very well survive economically if it seceded from the U.S. (with how different we are culturally from the rest of the U.S., we kind of already *are*, our own country.)

Source: I live in Portland, Oregon.

Also, just an FYI; Racism's rather mornic, and that moronic-ness kind of makes the rest of your arguments seem moronic too, thanks to becoming associated with your ideas about race thansk to your comment.

The Pacific Northwest isn't really home to 'Whitemen', the native tribes (Chinook, Salish, and the like) lived here *long* before white people even knew North America existed.

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