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File 13341405699.png - (104.01KB , 500x281 , Mcgarrigle.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
415 No. 415
Anybody know of any cyberpunk stories set in South America and/or Mexico? I feel like getting in touch with my neglected heritage.

Pic unrelated but how funny was this guy? Man I love boardwalk
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>> No. 418
Brazilian favelas or US-Mexico border "colonia" settlements would make for excellent settings.

Instead of trying to find one, why not make one instead? I'd be willing to help with this project, if you wouldn't mind help.
>> No. 419

I know fuck all about latin America.

Besides, I'm currently tossing something around about the middle east.
>> No. 422
I don't know if this quite what you're looking for, since it's primarily a couple of maps and geopolitical/world settings and descriptions, but the one time I've ever seen Latin American settings intersect with cyberpunk was with these two entries:


>> No. 432
If you are looking for something to read I can't help you but the movie Sleep Dealer is set primarily in Mexico and is in spanish, with a little english here and there. Its a bit low budget but its a great story.
>> No. 435
http://www.amazon.com/High-Aztech-Ben-Bova-Presents/dp/0812508661 This book is awesome. Set in South America and instead of the dumb weeaboo shit that permeates cyberpunk, it has an Aztech revival.
>> No. 436

I love you. If you come to New York sometime we can do kama with one another
>> No. 476
File 135285008039.jpg - (26.67KB , 400x500 , aldous-huxley6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ben Bova is a great SF writer.
The old school system says the 1st tier is Asimov, Clark and Heinlin (In that order!!!)
and even by those uber-tough standards Bova is 2nd tier.
A minorty of his work can be called cypberpunk but still...
Also P.J. Farmer is Hispanic. The J stands for Jose. He is well respected and fun to read.
Of course anyone who wants to understand Latin Lit (including this Irish-American poster): Cervanties He is the height of Spanish language literature and a great writer by any standard. Also fun to read. Do "Don Quixote" and then move on the modern writers. That's the same advice they would all give you.
>> No. 478
More novels like this should come out. I have been living in mexico for about 4 years now and I think cyberpunk is a reality here by now. I've seen some crazy ass computers been built with just disposal pieces,people selling cracked software in the streets. All the material you would need for a cyberpunk nobel.

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