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File 128274685420.jpg - (20.03KB , 650x476 , cyberwars05.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
6 No. 6
What cybernetic augmentations would you go for, /cy/?
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>> No. 7
Metal toes.
>> No. 8
Long finger-toes so you could grip shit, or short ones?
>> No. 13
I'd go for a cyberbrain so I could think my way to my porn and operate shit through Wi-Fi. I'd also go for some kickass eyes that let me see in the dark.
>> No. 16
Stubby. Metal. Toes.
For no reason really, just sounds fun.
>> No. 17
>> No. 31
I'm OP actually, and google. I think I just googled "Cybernetic Augmentations"
>> No. 32
File 12838673903.png - (387.23KB , 700x887 , Augments.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I made a shitty sheet for you guys to use! : D

Ripped straight out of Deus Ex!
>> No. 33
File 128406631920.png - (668.33KB , 700x887 , 12838673903.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lasers. Lasers everywhere.
>> No. 48
File 128467237846.jpg - (49.52KB , 640x480 , 127883881450.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cyber-brain for sure, watch porn all day everyday and no one will be any the wiser.
>> No. 49
Healing nanites and night vision eye implants (image intensifier, thermographic vision) would be top tier and the most useful stuff an average guy could use.
>> No. 57
Seconded. I wouldn't want to alter my brain or do anything that would change my outward appearance too dramatically, but healing nanites and super eyes would be kick ass.
>> No. 58
Personally, I would prefer smell,taste,hearing and feeling improvements.

We are already one of the worst species for being WAY too dependent on sight. I think I would rather be able to hear a frog fart in a bush 100 yards away while driving down the highway listening to music than be able to see EVERYTHING.
>> No. 59
Wouldn't that make life in any sort of urban setting unbearably annoying? I mean, you'd be able to hear the Justin Bieber coming from every pre-teen girl's iPod and the moans from every CWCish nerd's fapping for miles.
>> No. 62
what kind of cheap ass bionic hearing implants would not allow you to mute specific sounds?
>> No. 64
but also vision,having some king of falcon-like vison+dark vision would be badass
>> No. 65
>smell, taste, hearing and feeling improvements

Well, I can understand hearing but I think smell, taste and feeling is just fine as it is. How could you improve the ability to taste? What do you want to smell?
>> No. 69
Most of this shit's already been said but whatever

>metal arms and legs in kind of an elric brothers auto-mail styled thing

>bionic eyes, you could enhance your vision greatly, you wouldn't get bad eyesight with age, and you may even be able to put in different kinds of vision (ie infrared, heat sensing etc), you could also put a video camera in your eyes to spy on people without them knowing

>artificial bones, possible replace them with a super-strong metal alloy so that it wouldn't be as easy to injure yourself

>a steady stream of nanobots in your blood that help remove toxins, kill bacteria, and make you heal from injuries much faster

>motherfucking wings coming out of my shoulder blades so i can fucking fly. imagine how many bitches you could get if you told them you could fucking fly like the goddamn batman?

>bionic ears, preferably with the hearing range adjustable, so you can choose to literally be deaf or hear shit happening 3 miles away, or mute specific sounds

>like some dude in another thread said, put some kind of usb port or hardrive in your head so you could just download tons of encyclopedias to become super smart, download kung-fu like fucking keanu to become 1337 at fucking shit up, with the added bonus of having a near-perfect memory and being able to download hundreds of gigs of porn directly into your head, so you can fap on the go without the use of a computer

>replace my hair with luminescent fibre so it can be over 9000 different colors at once, so i can give people seizures with my haircut
>> No. 72
hydraulic penis, much? also nano-bots in my blood for maximum living capacity and shit.
>> No. 73
Dat reference.
>> No. 75
Hmm...super eyes, duh.
But...I'd also like..to be able to change my skin color. Like, to be able to go from red to blue to purple or something. And polka dots. I would have so much fun.
How long until this can happen?
We have this.
And I need it, dear god, I need it.
>> No. 76

Indeed, we live in interesting times when it comes to technology and technological progress. I can't wait to see what the future will bring.
>> No. 89
Stage 1: Enhance all body parts on the body side of the body-brain barrier. This includes adding more limbs, nanobots, genetherapy, replacing/adding more organs(heart, liver, kidney etc.). I don't plan to stay in the humanoid form either.

unique Technology used will be lab-on-a-chip, and I don't know.

Stage 2: The Brain side of the body-brain barrier, no comments, because I have no idea how brains work.
>> No. 90
I want rockets. On my shoulders. No idea why.
>> No. 91
I'd like a more mechanical brain that used electricity to retrieve information, so that I wouldn't have to rely on 300-meter-per-second chemical shit. That would improve computational speed thousands of times over, even if it didn't improve my actual storage capacity/intelligence/etc. (which it hopefully would).
I'd also like some sort of ability to interface with the internet, which would allow me to 1. Know everything via web searches 2. Interface with others (particularly others who had been similarly enhanced) via mental AIM (telepathic communication, basically) 3. Interact with computers via those Online PC applications. Would be totally kickass. The only thing to worry about would be viruses and hacking, though neither would be an issue if augmentation weren't widespread.
>> No. 92
I'm in ur internets, rickrolling your brain.

but really... think of all the potential butthurt
>> No. 93
Metal arm.
>> No. 97
Human brain is the most complex computer in the world so, I'd want Wifi and LOIC installed in my head.
I'd be a walking talking fucking botnet.
>> No. 98
Laser feet. ...I'd like laser feet.
>> No. 99
>Implying the human brain is even close to being as good a computer as 1080's calculators
lolno, that's just bullshit "humans are great" propaganda that has no truth to it.
>> No. 100
Also, 100 get
>> No. 101
considering humans invented calculators and not the other way around I'd say humans are still the best.
>> No. 102
it could be argued that humans invented calculators because they needed a system for doing math quickly, and the human brain wasn't reliable enough.
>> No. 103
This. Calculators were invented by man to do a job that the brain cannot.
>> No. 115
Bionic limbs! Would be awesome to be stronger and faster than you regular able-bodied for a change!

Also full cyberbrain upgrade please!
>> No. 123
Personally I wouldn't go for a singular machine component. Instead I'd rather have a hive of various nanobots to augment then entire body as well as a component of that hive that can make ... invasive techniques possible.

For instance, I'd want nanobots that work like blood cells that store oxygen and other fuels for the body so my whole body could run more efficiently. Another species of nanobots that upgrades the immune system. Another that increases brain function and allows for some kind of net connection as well as increased capacity to communicate (ie 'downloading' information, languages, ect) and another series of neuronanobots that works with subconscious systems such as muscle memory and unconscious functions of the body such as the function of nerve zero, pheromone production, and even pupil dilation.

The invasive portion would be centered in my finger tips, so that merely touching someone allows me to put a series of 'recording' nanobots into people. I could 'download' all the information in their mind and body and even implement their own muscle memory, all done remotely.

This hive would hopefully have minimal effect on the appearance of my body, but might set off metal detectors. Perhaps the cybernetic hive would be made of biologically crafted nanobots to avoid this and other pitfalls of current machines ... like weakness to EMP attacks.
>> No. 126
File 129886517174.jpg - (17.40KB , 399x276 , excellent.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's my input on mixing technology with the human body.

It's essentially giving "near-root-level access" to something which you probably don't actively/directly control. The trust factor is HUGE in a situation like this.
So, I *really* don't think any biotech should even be *able* to communicate with remote systems, or even anything at all. They need to be self-sustained and able to operate without the need for communicating.

The security factor of having something with that level of access to your body... is enormous.

tl;dr: Don't let the nanotech inside me talk with anyone/anything, and it's cool.
>> No. 128

Actually you could just make stuff that's built to be modular for security reasons. Like stuff that goes on the net can only work with a lens over your eye so that it can't affect your biological systems or other cybernetic implants. Plus there is always the system that fixes and defends itself. It'd just be another type of lymphatic system.
>> No. 245
do remember though all augmentations require energy, if it pulls energy from the body, it'll be harder to maintain yourself, if the power supply is outside the body, it'll suck if you forget about the batteries and they go dead.
>> No. 251
superstrong bionic arms (and a reinforced skeleton to support them, lest my strong mecharms break off where they attach to my not quite as strong flesh body), and eyes, so I don't need to wear glasses, can get it in interesting 'abnormal' colors, and can record anything I want to go over later.
>> No. 252
On the bright side, if they run off your body's energy, that'll mean you can eat lots of high-calorie, delicious-but-fattening foods without gaining a pound.
>> No. 280
I'd go for fully-augmented mode like Raiden in the latest MGS game.


Although maybe with less of the faggy high heel feet...
>> No. 283
Assuming this is pre-singularity and no nanotech.

brain-computer interface allowing me to do computer shit in my imagination anywhere.

bionic spectrogram eyes (instead of fuzzy 3-color sampler eyes).

Increased metabolism and muscular strength. Maybe like 5 horsepower?
>> No. 284
>brain-computer interface allowing me to do computer shit in my imagination anywhere.
This is exactly what I've been wanting.
>> No. 399
That social enhancer thing from human revolution
>> No. 400
Haven't played it. What does it do, how does it work?
>> No. 402

Basically it reads how people respond to a social stimuli and transmits that data to you via augmented reality.

the coolest thing though is that it has pheromones with it that can help you influence people one way or another
>> No. 405

so a psy-ops module
>> No. 406

Guess you can say that
>> No. 407
Augmented strength and agility, and a freeze ray grafted to my right index finger.
>> No. 411
Mechanical little hands that grow out of my armpits.
Like, if i were in a fight, and we locked up, my mechanical hands would come up out of nowhere and fuck some guy up.
I'd also like controllable x-ray vision, and super sight.
Also, jet-pack feet. Like Mega-Man. So I can fly around and shit, with my mechanical arms.
I'd also want my nipples to shoot lasers out of them. Different kind of lasers so if I wanted to throw a rave, I could just switch my nip-sers to lights, and have a nipple-laser light show.
I'd get so many bitches.
>> No. 428
depends on the budge and tecnology avaliable at the moment, i would get some computerized vision, just a contact lens that process lost of info for me, and a brain to computer interfase to be able to chat and use a computer just with my mind
>> No. 429
File 133983615698.jpg - (96.17KB , 799x416 , thief blackjack.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
modified legs that can walk very quietly and some sort of cloak or camo

also enhanced vision
>> No. 472

I've been looking for someone to do a neodynium magnet implant locally but I might end up going the DIY route at this rate.
>> No. 473
Inflatable cybernetic penis.
>> No. 474
working usb/rfid ports along arms - plug in a flash drive and you can view and interact with it w/mind
and lcd tattoo's (google it)
and stored fat lipid to low current converter for the usbs and lastly integrated comms
>> No. 475
File 135284849758.jpg - (58.30KB , 500x500 , aldous-huxley.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
IR vision
An eye/camera on the tip of each pinky (with a really strong lid.)

For the brain I just one a few terabytes of storage hooked up to my vosual cortex so I can access my files anywhere.

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