No. 1535
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The problem with your definition is that well, it's wholly inaccurate.
There are plenty of crossdressers who may want to wear clothing designated for the opposite gender, who do not define themselves as being that gender, or even gay. Eddie Izzard for example while being a crossdresser would not want you to refer to him as a woman.
There is a difference for example between looking female and looking feminine. Your definition would seem to base gender on attractiveness, which is entirely subjective. A woman can be extremely "butch" and nonetheless female.
There are legitimately intersexed people born with both sets of organs or malformed organs, but besides them, no one has a legitimate claim to being transgendered, anymore than a poor person can claim they're actually rich and should be treated as such by society because they'd be happier if they were.
Trannies such as Rika are resigned to one of two categories. Either they come out looking freakish and abnormal, or lanky and androgynous, not quite male or female. See, what you're implying is that most trannies aren't immediately identifiable as such, that the voice and bone structure aren't dead giveaways. Beyond that, they generally fail to take into account that most actual women don't dress like drag queens, with layers of caked on make up, weeves and leather mini skirts. They claim they want to look female, but combined with their gaunt appearance come off only as streetwalkers.