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File 131966934096.jpg - (24.43KB , 320x320 , adfCommie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1345 No. 1345
I Love Ya Man. Love NOT, man yes.
Expand all images
>> No. 1346

there were so many ADF threads we had to convert from numbers to letters.
>> No. 1347
Next it will be Greek gods, followed by folk animals
>> No. 1348
I think the threads are somewhere around 14
>> No. 1349
sheep are nice wait no i'm gonna stop right there.
>> No. 1350
I am really suprised ADF has been under the radar. A lot of it might have to do with Rika, she is a good influence on him. Might even be one of the best people that ever happened to him. Her and Jen are trying to improve ADF but they have their work cut out for them. With ADF's assburgers or autism what ever it is I am starting to think they are in over their heads. ADF when you read this listen to Rika and Jen they really are trying to help you. Me on the otherhand i enjoy watching/reading you squirm.
>> No. 1351
I propose mathematical constants. Right now we're on Euler's number e, next Archimedes' constant π, then Feigenbaum's α and δ, Apéry's constant ζ(3), the golden ratio φ, and so on. When we're done with that, we start over again at -1, then -2, -10 and so on in base three.

I mean really now, doesn't it seem obvious?

Where is the last thread, anyways?
>> No. 1352
Somewhat related news:

>> No. 1353
Never mind, I'm a fucking stupid moron. The Bob thread was above it in /L/, so I thought it hadn't been added there.
>> No. 1354
I take this link as a deep shift in morality regarding child rearing; two decades ago, that kid would have been dragged to a psychiatrist, not received any media exposure.

I guess this is why so few people out there are calling ADF's bullshit out loud.
>> No. 1355

Have the parents considered that this might be a phase?
>> No. 1356
I'd pray to God for salvation for this deeply fractured society, but there is none. What do we do now?
>> No. 1357
File 131970539813.jpg - (54.88KB , 661x386 , imagesoccupy-wall-st-small1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone knows if he got any friends or maybe even followers while sodomizing Philly?
>> No. 1358
Field Agents have pretended to be genuinely interested in his opinions, and they definitely are followers.

But True and Honest followers? Rika maybe, but that's it. Even if he wants to see himself as a radical revolutionary, to everyone else he is nothing but a MANbaby and we will forever remain as his only "followers".
>> No. 1359
File 131970878391.jpg - (159.38KB , 639x800 , adf_the_revolutionary.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF troll art gets me every time. We need more.
>> No. 1360
I bet if it wasn't for the teeth ADF would get that put on a t-shirt and wear it everywhere.
>> No. 1361
File 131970946737.jpg - (9.35KB , 400x385 , The_Original_789chan_poster2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's not like that hasn't happened before. He stole this picture from /cwc/ and used it as Facebook photo and now on his DeviantArt profile's user page.
>> No. 1362

you might say that rika is ADF's megan

so we already know how this will end
>> No. 1363
No, his Megan was Kourine.
>> No. 1364
File 131972361013.jpg - (112.54KB , 960x640 , 302920_2119000177377_1316948428_31866342_214220733.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1365
I don't know that anyone would have tolerated his "friendship" for too long. It seems to me that he's pretty much abandoned his current sweetheart.
>> No. 1368
  Latvians found this in ADF's favorites on his youtube. I guess all the death mentions in his writings make sense. Harel is an active member of the bloods. I mean he even flags to the right in the pic shown( I know it's to the left, but i presume harel is smart enough to understand how a lense works). This goes beyond the picture though. Every picture with the red armband with the fivestar is worn on his right.
>> No. 1369
Oh you.
>> No. 1370
Just to summarize the last thread: ADF goes full retard (again), tries to block traffic, and ends up getting arrested. Rika, his current galpal, is attempting to make him into a better tranny.
>> No. 1371
>ADF arrested
Ugh... fuck. Something to add fuel to his persecution complex and make him feel like a true revolutionary.

>> No. 1372
Fuck you ADF your too much of a girly faggot to wear that camo gear.
>> No. 1373
He isn't a girly faggot at all. If he was, he wouldn't have such a problem with people referring to him as a man all the time.
>> No. 1374
File 131974475453.jpg - (38.00KB , 300x388 , her_ideology_is_red_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d4b2lp7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Arrest me, beat me

Jerkops: okay
>> No. 1375
File 131974492572.jpg - (81.22KB , 900x600 , s_p_e_t_z_n_a_z___h_a_r_e_l_by_verganza_de_sasuke-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Little Sasuke really is little.

Also Rika, you're a shitty cosplay photographer.
>> No. 1376
File 13197455131.jpg - (51.12KB , 537x720 , under_my_communist_spell_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d4a.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh and Rika, you're not even his best friend.

>This person nicknamed me 'Ahuviya Hell'

>Meet Maria Pupo AKA Heavy Weapons Sisbro

>That person I am next to - is my advocate/best friend

>Ze has made sure I am not going to get hurt or end up homeless or in jail, except for when ze puts me in jail when I misbehave

>Best genderqueer friend I ever had to date

>(and yeah we dated for 4 months, didn't work, but came out stronger friends afterwords)
>> No. 1377
Goddamn That is just plain retarded. When being gay or transgendered just doesn't quite make you special enough.
>> No. 1378
Has anyone figured out what the hell is wrong with her neck?
>> No. 1379
File 131974878488.jpg - (53.87KB , 720x537 , 131639502031.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, her expression is a bit...strange.
Just look at this photo.
>> No. 1380

it's a hole for a trach tube.
>> No. 1381
TRUE and HONEST Tomgirl.
>> No. 1382
She looks like my thumb.
>> No. 1383

ADF's dream home.
>> No. 1384
autistics have soulless black eyes like sharks
>> No. 1385
File 131977458293.png - (2.52MB , 1275x1754 , page 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Best 50 cent purchase ever part 1. Big file warning
>> No. 1386
File 131977462322.png - (800.34KB , 1275x1754 , page 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Best 50 cent transaction with the philly government ever part 2.
>> No. 1387
>her expression is a bit...strange.
kind of like down syndrome?
>> No. 1388

Looks just like a slap on the wrist to me.
>> No. 1389

Ahuviya is being arrainged on november 1st. "Arraignment is a formal reading of a criminal complaint in the presence of the defendant to inform the defendant of the charges against him or her. In response to arraignment, the accused is expected to enter a plea. Acceptable pleas vary among jurisdictions, but they generally include "guilty", "not guilty", and the peremptory pleas (or pleas in bar) setting out reasons why a trial cannot proceed. Pleas of "nolo contendere" (no contest) and the "Alford plea" are allowed in some circumstances."
>> No. 1390

I mean, he's already in and out, no bail whatsoever, so, whatever happens will probably end up being very minor to him.
>> No. 1391

Fixed link for you.
>> No. 1392

His charge is minor and he doesn't really have a criminal record.

" A crime is a misdemeanor of the third degree if it
is so designated in this title or if a person convicted
thereof may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment, the
maximum of which is not more than one year.
>> No. 1393

>he doesn't really have a criminal record

He needs to work on that to increase his revolutionary cred.
>> No. 1394
someone should tell adobe he pirated photoshop
>> No. 1395
He'll pay a small fine. Maybe have to do a few hours community service. And the charges will be dropped under whatever Philly's 'first offenders' program is. Nothing will come of this.
Next time he gets arrested he won't get off as easy because he threw away his get-out-of-jail free card on this stupid shit though. It's just a matter of time seeing as how he walks around with his crappy knife and mace with paranoid delusions that the niggos are out to get him.
>> No. 1396
File 131981429499.gif - (2.22MB , 297x229 , that's cool.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's time for some Hoarded Lulz© again!


Here we see ADF doing what he does best. Sit on his fat, white, privileged ass. To him, this is video footage of him saving the world by blocking fascist nazi ku-klux clan capitalist cisgender cars. To everyone else, not too fascinating.
>> No. 1397
>> No. 1398
  ADF and his characteristic autismal "I just crapped my briefs" smile.
>> No. 1399
I love how he is oblivious to the renunciation of his communism he committed. You know a movie about USSR taking over the US seems like one he would have seen and would masturbate to furiously.
>> No. 1400
Anyone have that drawing where he scrawled his face next to a few famous communists'?
>> No. 1401
File 131984325080.png - (714.34KB , 900x451 , The Founders of Communism.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1402

Why is he smiling?
>> No. 1403
I love how he bitched about the police denying his 'rights' after he whined about being a tranny. Looks to me that while the men and women were separated and crammed into paddy-wagons, he got a private ride in the back of a FAPPINGTONr. What an ungrateful faggot.
>> No. 1404
File 131985833380.png - (26.15KB , 467x205 , delusion.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Harel, what happened TO melissa. Did you dump her for a dobe you found at the playground!?
>> No. 1405


Why the name change?
>> No. 1406


>boy's name
>variant of Michael
>> No. 1407
Thank you very much.
>> No. 1408
File 131987330783.jpg - (502.83KB , 1024x683 , 6286831774_d3f4483e87_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ahuviya trying to look bishie instead of like a woman.
>> No. 1409
File 131987451638.jpg - (564.45KB , 1024x683 , 6286850870_294ccb7b50_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Retardation at it's finest.
>> No. 1410
ADF made a fake Facebook profile, idealized version of his new sweetheart. That being, a Russian communist. And ADF then somehow persuaded her to accept this new identity.
>> No. 1411
I like how he probably thinks he is being taken seriously.
>> No. 1412
File 13198793332.jpg - (529.96KB , 1024x683 , 6286849444_194797c1af_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Actually it gets even creepier than that. Since ADF's bishie yaoi lover is not able to access the internet thanks to her predicament. Harel thought it would be a cool idea to make a fake facebook of that person but Sovietboo style.

That profile is controlled and maintained by harel.
>> No. 1413
What’s with all the black marks?
>> No. 1414
I really take that spoiled brat with her sign seriously. God forbid her credit card gets taken away while working people like myself...y'know... work.

I'm glad ADF is speaking for me on this important topic I've never heard of. He looks serious doesn't he?

Smug faggotry.
>> No. 1415

Redacted stuff. The clerk at the office told me that it's legal to put these up on the internet; but just to cover up certain things for liability reasons until arraignment happens.
>> No. 1416

Wow, if I didn't know anything about him, I'd swear he's a paid agent trying to discredit the movement by being as retarded as possible.
>> No. 1417
File 131990166372.png - (50.67KB , 466x376 , he's back.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1418

Ah, ok. Thanks!


I love how the person next to him is acting.

"The fuck am I doing here sitting next to this retard?"
>> No. 1419
Could someone please explain to me what this "curfew" thing is about?
>> No. 1420
So... he really has had his name legally changed to Ahuviya Harel? And previously to what ADF was an acronym for?
>> No. 1421
in philly minors have a curfew. it was caused by a problem with flash mobs. mostly affects negros.
>> No. 1422
It stands for "Australatina Defense Forces", Australatina being his made up country.
>> No. 1423
http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/Australatina to read about it
>> No. 1424
Wait, it's just minors? I thought it was like that a lot of places in the US.
>> No. 1425
File 131991846214.png - (43.45KB , 488x254 , Harel's got some haters.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
With friends like that, you don't need enemies.
>> No. 1426
It's like Chris and McIntyre (sp?) Park all over again!
>> No. 1427
>>116140 This right here is what I just fucking love the most about the whole sodomize movement. Fuck capitalism, fight the man, get arrested, check into jail with an ipad, an iphone, a macbook air, and while lying in the jail bunk you cry yourself to sleep for Steve Jobs. Surely HE understands your plight.
>> No. 1428

Yeah, it's sure to work this time around. This time for sure. See, we just set an idealistic tyrant up and hand the reigns of all power over to him/her/hir/zer/ze/hyr/etc and boom, success!
>> No. 1429
I like to call it ''Revolution, the Wuss edition''.
>> No. 1431
Well, that's a false dichotomy, and you (almost) look like as much of an ass as ADF when you say that.

Nevertheless, he has no iPhone. Therefore, no app.
>> No. 1432
File 131994301092.png - (17.09KB , 475x186 , Hate crime laws.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1433
We've known he reads 789chan for some time, but was seeing people making fun of his retard smile all that it took for him to stop displaying it so much?
>> No. 1434
I would love to see him do martial arts.

Actually, I'm not sure. It might be too painful to watch.
>> No. 1435
File 131994431321.jpg - (37.73KB , 685x336 , LOL WUT.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1437

Let me see if I understand you here: At OWS there's booths set up to sell t-shirts and buttons emblazoned with FUCK CAPITALISM, folks at OWS wept for the tragic loss of who is arguably the most successful capitalist of the 21st century (you know, Jobs, who made music and pad devices fashion accessories), and complaining whenever their brand new Macbook Air just got stolen -- and for me to see that there's something really ludicrous about that whole picture literally makes me ADF.

Well shit better get on that Zhukov cosplay I guess
>> No. 1438
What are the odds that ADF hasn't even seen the movie, and "liked it" simply because it had "Serbia" in the title?
>> No. 1439

>"refuse to be victims"

hahahahahah oh ADF you are the living end
>> No. 1440
Or he could've liked it to appear awesome. If he has seen it and genuinely likes it; Well, take your guess on why he does.
>> No. 1441
We’ve got a dry spell with Chris. Do you happen to have a YouTube channel?
>> No. 1442
Since ADF was released from custody so quickly, and without bail, it's safe to say that he wasn't carrying his knife or mace when he was arrested. Which is hilarious, because only a cowardly moron would lie about carrying such pathetic weapons.
>> No. 1443

Considering how he made such a huge fucking deal online about purchasing a pocket knife and some pepper spray, I'm willing to bet that more than one with OWS told him not to bring that shit out there with him.
>> No. 1444
>because it had "Serbia" in the title?
I doubt ADF even knows where Serbia is. I think he just wanted to look cool and rad.
>> No. 1445
>> No. 1446
File 131997715174.jpg - (32.58KB , 567x266 , femalebalding.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How the hell is his hair thinning so much at such an early age? Is it the irregular doses of female hormones he takes that's fucking with his system? Because I must say, unlike everything else about him, he's losing his hair much like a woman actually does.
>> No. 1448
File 131997861455.jpg - (132.89KB , 789x448 , Beautiful feminine flowing hair.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he's losing his hair much like a woman actually does.
I politely disagee.
>> No. 1449
Actually, now that I look at the picture, his hair loss is more serious than I previously thought. He's clearly lost some hair from the back of his head, but his hair is covering the growing balding spot.
>> No. 1450
File 131999760742.jpg - (65.35KB , 780x700 , 1307346059878.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A lot of places with high youth-crime rates have them.
The problem in Philly is that it's only niggers causing problems so liberals/idiots/etc. claim the law is racist.
>> No. 1451
>mfw i live just a few minutes from the Livingston Parish line
>> No. 1453
File 131999890790.png - (171.01KB , 714x648 , 1319918907632.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Talking about racism, I love how ADF always equates fascism with racism. Especially when he claims to be an expert on politics.
>> No. 1454
It's probably that his family balds at an early age and his hormones aren't nearly enough to cut down his testosterone levels. I have a FTM friend who started taking testosterone in his mid twenties and his hair started thinning within a few months of being on it. I don't think most women really start balding until they're post-menopausal.
>> No. 1455

>was seeing people making fun of his retard smile all that it took for him to stop displaying it so much?

People making fun of anything he's ever done is exactly the last reason in the world he'd ever knock anything off. Case in point, basically everything he's ever done that's been brought to our attention. It both gives him his craved attention and feeds his legendary persecution complex tidily for anyone to mock him or tell him to stop that shit, whatever that is.
>> No. 1456

this, and he convinces himself (and Rika apparently) that he was the winner yet again, like how he "trolled" Glen Beck. It was all an elaborate plan to waste Beck's time you see. Nevermind the fact that a few days later he apparently had one of his rare moments of clarity and started to threaten suicide on facebook.
>> No. 1457
They've already done that in the BRICS.
>> No. 1458
anyone go out for holloween as ADF?
>> No. 1459

Nah bro. Power outages on the east coast.
Today is arraignment day. I won't post the documents but I'll post the results. Harel might get hit with bail for court. Hope Harel has the money.
>> No. 1460
File 132019593924.png - (1.24MB , 1700x2338 , doc1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, well, well... It's the uncensored court papers. Kabuto seems to think James was being overly cautious. Apparently he tried to negotiate with manhuviya when he had the upper hand.
A word of advice to ADF: you can't control every camera in the vicinity. It's therefore imperative that you make sure you are not identifiable.

There's an element of poetic justice in the fact that he was manhandled by an actual woman.
>> No. 1461
File 132019601768.png - (1.11MB , 1700x2338 , doc2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1462
File 132019607076.png - (726.43KB , 1700x2338 , doc3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1463
File 132019817011.jpg - (75.66KB , 720x537 , Harels gang.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1464
hey man don't bring fiction into this alright that sounds like a good movie
>> No. 1465
File 132020134630.jpg - (21.68KB , 455x243 , maybe.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Was that during Halloween?

Also, who are these people (especially that ''thing'' on the right)?
>> No. 1466
Oh that "thing" on the right is me. But I'd hate to see what you look like if you need to hide behind a computer screen. And yes this was on Halloween night.
>> No. 1467
File 13202028013.jpg - (18.97KB , 482x324 , cwcwhereyouatmap.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>you need to hide behind a computer screen

You do know that the wonder of the internet allows for global communication, right? It's not so much "hiding behind a computer screen" as it is "this is the only way people from different continents can communicate cheaply and effectively"
>> No. 1468
the elusive landwhale
>> No. 1469
Well if were going to play the looks game we can atleast show ourselves :) Nevermind, I don't even want to know what you look like, Probabally along the lines of Jordman or worse.

Anyways, anyone know the results of the ADF trial? Last I saw ADF it was on Halloween.
>> No. 1470
Oh, burn!

But seriously, which hipster are you?
>> No. 1471
I'd sure love to fuck your face, Rika. You're hot!
>> No. 1472
Why thank you! To whomever said they want to fuck me. Im still a newfag on this site and don't know how to quote.

The picture is basically my friends circle. We went and explored an abandoned rail road tunnel and it was taken right after. Im the one in all leather to the right. Jen is to the left of me (the one with the glasses) Shawn, Ahuviya, Lynx, and Jospeh
>> No. 1473
In b4 hot trap is hot.
Now who wants to bet that ADF is going to act his usual and make a pass at them?
>> No. 1474
Just click the number of the post you want to quote...

Anyway's, did Ahuviya say anything about his brief encounter with the police?
>> No. 1475

Nah, she just bragged about it. "HAREL GOT ARRESTED!!! OPPRESSION FETISH!!!" She does need to seriously grow up, This sodomize shit isen't worth ruining your life over.
>> No. 1476
Don't you mean he?
>> No. 1477
So how many of you are real girls?
>> No. 1478

I will use anyone's requested pronouns as long as they are on my goodside, Im usually chill with everyone unless they do something to wrong me. Hell I'd still be friends with Jordman if he diden't pull his transway takeover shit. I mostly got on his case due to the fact his little "attack" on Ahuviya was hypocritical and a mere attempt to make himself look better.

ADF and Jordan do have simularities sadly. They are BOTH cultral infiltrators. Both make little effort to pass, although Ahuviya does have way better hygenes and the manners to put down the toilet seat. BOTH are immature and seem to think that the LGBT community goes above getting a job.

What I do like Ahuviya is she isen't a coward like Jordman, who threatens to cut himself and plays the bully card and lays on the floor like a fucktard.
>> No. 1479
You click the numbers on the posts.

Also, I'm actually sort of surprised that's you. You actually look like a normal person and not a basement dwelling neverpass fugmeister.
>> No. 1480
Word of the wise, Rika. If that's your real email in your namefag, well, you don't have to post your email at all.
>> No. 1481
You don't have to post your email in the email field, darling. All you need for a post is either the message field filled, a file chosen, or both. Everything else is optional.

> BOTH are immature and seem to think that the LGBT community goes above getting a job
>LGBT community goes above getting a job
What does that mean?
>> No. 1482
Because ADF and Jordman are both unemployed and not looking for a job, and blame it all on ''discrimination''.

Also, fat.
>> No. 1483

Its a fake assed sock email anyways.

Both seem to think they are fucking revolutionarys in the LGBT community and making a differance. Jordman devotes all of his time to his blog where he bitches and rants which is ONE thing I could say he has over ADF because Jordman actually gets paid 200 a month to write for amplify. But its not doing shit otherwise.

ADF just thinks everyone should be a communist and follow her lead cause shes the "chairwoman!"
>> No. 1484

Harel didn't do the first time offenders program. Meaning that the chairperson will fight it out in court or plead guilty. The attorney who filed the motion is a sketchy ass dude. Female clients have been harassed by him and he is not allowed to practice law in philadelphia. The reason said in the court paper was because this guy didn't file the motions and stuff on time. Meaning that you would spend time in jail, you're not suppose to do.

Harel made a stupid decision in fighting this case. IMHO
>> No. 1485

*Face Palm*
>> No. 1486
I'm curious, but how were two(I'm assuming ADF had a tiny role) transsexual who were even considered almost-pariah by the LGBT community take over the Transway organization? Also, how many of Philly's trannies are lurking here nowadays, watching all the ADF/Jordan drama?
>> No. 1487
>I'm curious, but how were two(I'm assuming ADF had a tiny role) transsexual who were even considered almost-pariah by the LGBT community take over the Transway organization? Also, how many of Philly's trannies are lurking here nowadays, watching all the ADF/Jordan drama?
Christ, I need to get some sleep.
>I'm curious, but how were two(I'm assuming ADF had a tiny role) transsexuals who were even considered almost-pariah by the LGBT community able to take over the Transway organization? Also, how many of Philly's trannies are lurking here nowadays, watching all the ADF/Jordan drama?
>> No. 1488
I remember the other members deciding that the drama wasn't worth the effort of opposing ADF/Jordman and threw in the towel.
>> No. 1489
so we have a poor attempt at Fonze, a commie chick, and ADF as... a monk? what are the other costumes?
>> No. 1490

They aren't taken seriously at all mostly. Although Jordan DID win a small ounce of respect from the community over disowning Ahuviya, But we will see how long that lasts. Sure he writes well, But in person he reaks of shit. People who ARE supportive of Jordan are Julia (The fat panther) and maybe Tara Murtha. The hack PW weekly writer who keeps putting this turd in her articles as a representive for the trans community.

I don't support ADF or her communist views, I'm just trying to set her straight, Although I did get a good laugh out of the Glenn Beck shit, If you can get a rise out of someone then I consider that trolling.

And a good number of people from the community read this. EF got me into 789chan after you guys began doxxing Jordan, this shit is addicting I must admit! I do know Rachael reads it. Don't know who else.
>> No. 1491

I think Harel is dressed as emperor palpatine.
>> No. 1492

Lynx and Ahuviya traded their jackets. And nobody was really in a costume. Kind of a shitty Halloween.
>> No. 1493

Nah, Ahuviya was pretending to be Jigsaw lol.
>> No. 1494
Then why is he dressed as the Emperor from Star Wars?
>> No. 1495
So are you a real girl or a guy that wants to be a girl?
>> No. 1496
The funny thing is he really doesn't understand Communism. Its simply to latch on to something against the mainstream view.
>> No. 1497

Dude, go google "Gender Dysphoria" I'm not going to explain it to you. :p
>> No. 1498
Everyone in that pic has a dick
>> No. 1499
File 132021037071.jpg - (73.05KB , 400x300 , jewfin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So you were born with a penis, if you die in a fire and have to be identified by your bones you will be rightly identified as male, and you are incapable of having a period or bearing a child as a real woman would be able to?
>> No. 1500
>incapable of having a period or bearing a child as a real woman would be able to
So women with Müllerian agenesis are men according to you amirite?
>identified by your bones
bone structure doesn't look particularly male, you'd better stick to chromosomes
>> No. 1501

Seriously, if you have been following ADF for god knows many years, and fail to understand this tranny shit, then you're pretty slow. I'd REALLY would hate to know who you are. Please keep that paper bag over your head.
>> No. 1502
Was everyone in this picture born a male or not?
>> No. 1503
im proud to be a male.... and even more proud to be... a tomgirl...
>> No. 1504
File 132021230665.jpg - (28.48KB , 420x350 , deawithittrannies.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You can't change genetics, dude. If some mad bastard sincerely believes he's Napoleon Bonaparte that doesn't make it true. Likewise, there are a lot of furries who believe they have "species dysphoria", though that doesn't seem to be a recognized mental illness, and by extension a civil rights issue. Yet, anyway. I'm sure some psyche major will eventually write a book about it.

This, however, is.
The talk page has the usual droll wiki article pruning, but at the bottom is some user called "Swiftpaw" and an unregistered anon who whine about how insulting it is to True and Honest werewolves such as themselves.
>> No. 1505



This is a really shit attempt at trolling, Im one of the trannies that doesn't give to much of a shit. You're correct about the genetics part, but hey if I want to look, sound, and act like a girl, then why should something as genetics stop me? No worries I'm not one of those radical femmes. I actually Identify as Genderqueer myself because of this.
>> No. 1506
No troll, just someone who refuses to put up with that bullshit. It's fine to have a fetish, it's quite another thing to be delusional.
>> No. 1507

Ah nevermind then. I actually agree with you then. Believe it or not I refuse to get "the surgery." Because I'm not gonna risk my pisser for a vagina thats not real.
>> No. 1508
File 132021412818.jpg - (50.58KB , 692x553 , forensic-tbl3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You can't just declare that anyone who disagrees with your certified mental illness is retarded. Of course, you wouldn't realize why that's backwards, what with being mentally ill and all.

Ah, this defense always makes me laugh. "There's real women who are infertile! That means I don't have to be either!" Only through abnormality or old age.

It's like trying to argue that you don't have to have black skin to be black because some black people get vitiligo.
>> No. 1509
Well, no, arguing that you can change your DNA is silly and clearly false. But a valid argument you can make is based on how you define "man" and how you define "woman".

There are biological definitions and social definitions of these terms. Trannies can reasonably argue that the social definitions of these terms are a lot more useful than the biological definitions. I mean, if someone looks, talks and acts like a woman or a man, I don't need to look at their junk or their DNA to prove/disprove their claim.

You're always going to get crazy people who argue retarded things in any area, like ADF, but there are ways to make reasonable arguments about this.
>> No. 1510
File 132021461997.jpg - (38.09KB , 350x250 , short-bus-slow-browsers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>person goes on tangent about bestiality and furfags in wiki
>Make an autistic argument based on an an ADFesque understanding of genetics.
Is this supposed to be a joke? I hope it's one, because that's not how genetics work. Anything living can "change genetics", it's called gene expression, most of the genome isn't transcribed and the body can regulate what is based on chemicals working with the promoter stuff. These chemicals are hormones like estrogen, ergo it's very easy to "change genetics" when estrogen changes what's expressed, it's those hormones not the chromosomes by themselves that make people a sex.
A Basement dweller like you trying to use science when you have no competence in it is more than a bit like ADF.
>> No. 1511

Being trans is not a mental illness, I don't give a shit where you got that from. Even if it is an arcacic medical book.
>> No. 1512
File 132021540662.jpg - (156.27KB , 600x450 , b473b64e823301991b9e6af06c3848aa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...Are you serious? OMG you're so dumb. I'm just going to call you retarded a few times! DUMB! D-U-M-B, that spells MOON! Look, here's a picture of a short bus! That proves you're DUMB! Clearly I'm right, look at the picture!

You're like this other idiot in no tangible way I can explain. Seriously, it's obvious. I'm right and you're wrong. I said so.

Clearly you live in a basement and hide behind anonymity because you're posting on the same forum at the same time as me, but are disagreeing with my wonderful beliefs I can't articulate or validate in any way! You fail at science because you're DUMB~!
>> No. 1513
I love how you hang a lampshade on the fact that there are numerous medical and psychological quotations that could be called up explaining in detail how it is a mental illness. It's like you're demanding everything that disagrees with you be ignored.
>> No. 1514
>Runs from the science argument
>live in a basement
>Stating the obvious
What's the matter, don't want to keep playing with your "genetics" argument? I thought you said that was all that mattered?
You wouldn't be backing away would you?
>> No. 1515
Which is fine, if you're a frog and can grow a functioning set of genitals of the opposite sex. But as it stands now, popping estrogen pills until you grow saggy tits isn't the same thing.
>> No. 1516
I don't know if someone would be kind enough to check IPs, but while I have made other posts in the thread, the genetics post wasn't made by me, I'm pointing out simply, that you're not really making any argument at all.

All you're doing is screeching that the other person is retarded with a spat of childish strawman fallacies. "YOU'RE LIKE ADF!!!" It's pathetic. You're just buttraged and incredibly angry anyone would dare question your warped sexual identity, that anyone would even suggest that you were what you were born as, rather than your idiotic fantasies.

Arguing with you is pointless because you're mentally ill. Rather than actually refuting anything pointed out to you, you'll just call it dumb as well as whoever presented it, because you have all of jack and shit to legitimately counter it.
>> No. 1517

Then, SHOW THEM. Eitherway you're just trolling, Do you really think I care if some outdated medical books consider it a mental illness? do you know there are petitions to get that shit removed from the books? and I love how you accused the other person of being "anonymous," what do you think your doing buddy? In the real world you're just a bitch with a keyboard. Yeah sure I got a penis, But atleast its bigger than yours. :)
>> No. 1518
This thread is why mods shouldn't be allowed to sleep.
>> No. 1520
File 132021685613.jpg - (15.68KB , 385x216 , say_that_to_my_face_fucker.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Eitherway you're just trolling

Why? I disagree with you, and facts disagree with you, so I must be a troll? Do you not comprehend how retarded that sounds?

>>Do you really think I care if some outdated medical books consider it a mental illness?

First, obvious you do. Look how insanely angry you're getting over this? Also you should care, however you'd like to pretend they're "outdated" they're filled with facts. Facts you can never refute or hide from. Deal with it.

>>do you know there are petitions to get that shit removed from the books?

And there are petitions to force the government to reveal the presence of UFOs, petitions to ban the use of curse words, petitions to ban the use of water, and any number of other stupid things. Just because the inmates can all scream very loudly doesn't mean their cells should be unlocked.

>>and I love how you accused the other person of being "anonymous," what do you think your doing buddy? In the real world you're just a bitch with a keyboard.

Wow, the sarcasm flew right over your head? I was pointing out that they -and you- have attacked on that basis. The basis of anonymity, with basement dweller and put a bag over your head. All while you're doing the exact same thing. It's like you marched into a gay bar and started calling everyone else a faggot while searching for gloryholes you fucking idiot.

>>Yeah sure I got a penis, But atleast its bigger than yours. :)

You must be producing an awful lot of testosterone then, eh bro? You're coming off as a complete internet tough guy. Next will you tell me you've had sex with more people than me, or perhaps you have more money or could beat me up? It's pathetic. You have nothing to base an attack on, but you're clearly extremely asspained.
>> No. 1521
File 132021690178.jpg - (4.88KB , 126x126 , 131760212859.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Rather than actually refuting anything
>Can't argue about the basics of gene expression and hormones so instead whine about others not playing fair.
>isn't the same thing.
Could have fooled me. Both cases involve hormones switching what genes are used thereby changing body development. It's just a difference of extent.
>> No. 1522
>>Demanding a second party pick up someone else's argument, and call them retarded for pointing out that you're being childish.
>>Use image macros in place of arguments.
>>Thinks using strawman fallacies means "not playing fair" as opposed to "completely failing to make a coherent argument at all"
>>Intellectual equivalent of a 12 year old with an active Gaia account.
>> No. 1523
Don't worry trannies, you're just as much female as PixyTeri is Asian.
>> No. 1524

Then present your little "facts." All you have accomplished is the fact you sound like a complete bigot. And yeah, you can't even post your name on here. So really you are just a loser with a keyboard.

I'm off to bed.
>> No. 1525
Rika, women aren't proud of having large penises. Men are.
>> No. 1526
Hardly, biology and genetics were sold as all that matters and I've already pointed out how they work. If you or anyone else want to argue that they're something static and immutable then the burden of proof is on you.
>>using strawman fallacies means... "completely failing to make a coherent argument at all"
>>Intellectual equivalent of a 12 year old with an active Gaia account.
Lol K, was Gaia any fun? Let me know when you've got a coherent argument backed by science or get tired of strawmen.
>> No. 1527
Rika, if you have lurked 789chan at all you should know people here just love to fight and disagree. So it's time to learn to ignore.

Both of you, I think it would be good to remember that s­perging is a bannable offense. Thank you, and have a good day.
>> No. 1528
File 132021821339.jpg - (52.88KB , 300x300 , 1307840426388.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
God damnit this is the kind of shit I wake up to at 3AM?
>> No. 1529
>>Then present your little "facts."

Gender Identity Disorder. You have a feeling that something is wrong with you. Do go on hormones you must seek the counsel of a psychiatrist. You're never going to be a woman. If someone insists they're the race, gender or species they're not, clearly there is something mentally wrong with them.

>>All you have accomplished is the fact you sound like a complete bigot.

Right, because when you try to correct someone it's out of hatred rather than pity or a desire to help. I've never said I hate you, I just feel sorry for you, and refuse to pretend you're female to placate your madness.

>>And yeah, you can't even post your name on here. So really you are just a loser with a keyboard.

What difference would my name make, exactly? Namefagging is attentionwhoring. You want a face to attack is all it is. Something concrete to actually insult, and you're begging for something, anything you can attack, but you've got shit. So what you're left with is my words, and you can't counter those, so you're very, very angry.

>>I'm off to bed.

Except for when you reply to this post in the next 20 or so minutes.
>> No. 1530
I'm going to go over what I said to begin with again.

An MtF person will never be able to have a period, have large natural breasts, bear a child, or do any of the things that define a female. You'll have a mutilated male sex organ and be dependent on hormones to even halfway "pass" as the gender you want to be.

There are no distinctly male or female personality traits, so all that's left is the physical, and science has not progressed to a point that you will grow an actual vagina, or be able to produce your own eggs. You can become a man without a penis, and that's it.

If you die in a fire and you have to be identified by your bones, they will come to the conclusion that you're male. Because you are.
>> No. 1531
>If you can get a rise out of someone then I consider that trolling.
The joke is that those weren't intentional logical fallacies, but he just said what he really thinks.

Also, he still hasn't remembered to thank our Field Agents for the interview.
>> No. 1532
File 132021885573.png - (269.75KB , 640x640 , 1309718976392.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sorry to gang up on you Rika but that guy wasn't trolling.
>> No. 1533
Not the person you were responding to you.

This was me >>117490

There are a few different ways people use the words "male" and "female." You can use them in a strictly biological sense. In that case, yeah, it'd be silly to claim you can switch genders.

But there are also social definitions of these words. Personally, I am always finding myself referring to men and women I don't mean in the biological sense. I could encounter people who wouldn't necessarily look like the gender they are biologically and I wouldn't change what term I refer to them because they have the wrong genitalia. The most useful word in that situation is the gender they seem externally.

Maybe in a biology classroom the scientific definitions are more useful, but out in the real world, when you're socializing and dealing with people, the social definitions are much more practical.

Although for the record, you got Rika or whoever else was posting super pissed.
>> No. 1534
>There are no distinctly male or female
>arguing something you don't understand
Forget personality there are sex based neurological differences & Transsexuals have crossgendered brains.
Aren't particularly reliable for sex identification. Esp if hormones were started before growth plates sealed and changed things like the pelvis.
>science has not progressed to a point that you will grow an actual vagina
They've already gotten to growing tissue on collagen scaffolds so it won't be long.
>> No. 1535
File 132022077240.jpg - (49.11KB , 395x505 , Eddie-Izzard-Dress-to-Kill-8x62.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The problem with your definition is that well, it's wholly inaccurate.

There are plenty of crossdressers who may want to wear clothing designated for the opposite gender, who do not define themselves as being that gender, or even gay. Eddie Izzard for example while being a crossdresser would not want you to refer to him as a woman.

There is a difference for example between looking female and looking feminine. Your definition would seem to base gender on attractiveness, which is entirely subjective. A woman can be extremely "butch" and nonetheless female.

There are legitimately intersexed people born with both sets of organs or malformed organs, but besides them, no one has a legitimate claim to being transgendered, anymore than a poor person can claim they're actually rich and should be treated as such by society because they'd be happier if they were.

Trannies such as Rika are resigned to one of two categories. Either they come out looking freakish and abnormal, or lanky and androgynous, not quite male or female. See, what you're implying is that most trannies aren't immediately identifiable as such, that the voice and bone structure aren't dead giveaways. Beyond that, they generally fail to take into account that most actual women don't dress like drag queens, with layers of caked on make up, weeves and leather mini skirts. They claim they want to look female, but combined with their gaunt appearance come off only as streetwalkers.
>> No. 1536
First, let's take a look at what you're doing here. I specifically argue there are no distinctly male or female personality traits. You reply via strawman. In the first line you simply remove the words "personality traits" entirely because frankly, you have no argument to that. You then demand personality traits be forgotten entirely and link to an unrelated brain study.

As to the study itself, well it states that the MtF brains match neither male or female, but they think they're female. At best wouldn't that be evidence you were neither? Then though, there's this line you probably blocked out when repeatedly pasting the link to anyone who disagrees with you:

>>Guillamon isn't sure whether the four regions are at all associated with notions of gender, but Ivanka Savic-Berglund at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, thinks they might be.

Wait, what was that?

>>Guillamon isn't sure whether the four regions are at all associated with notions of gender,


>>at all associated with notions of gender,

OH! So the study you're using for proof says it's not proof of anything and may have nothing at all to do with gender! Isn't that interesting?

>>Aren't particularly reliable for sex identification. Esp if hormones were started before growth plates sealed and changed things like the pelvis.

Apparently you know absolutely nothing about forensics. This is exactly how they're used.

>>They've already gotten to growing tissue on collagen scaffolds so it won't be long.

So in other words, you're admitting it's not currently possible? A backhanded concession that you're wrong, but I'll take it.
>> No. 1537
Sorry, not trying to argue or rage or do anything that normally happens here but what you posted is a bit unclear.
>Anything living can "change genetics", it's called gene expression
But expressing genes have nothing to do with "changing genetics" and even the gene expression is encoded in the genome (though that may be why you put it in quotes and if so HURR HURR IGNORE THIS).

>hormones, promoters
What about other gene expression factors like growth factors for example? Also, enhancers and silencers can actually have more of an influence.

However, if you are referring to the sex-pathway (in which the female pathway is the default) the presence of the Y-chromosome is needed to lead to the right level of male hormones to build the male body.

tl;dr where do you think the hormones come from in these cases (hint: they don't come from the Y-chromosome itself)? Not troll-baiting or any of that nonsense, honestly just curious. Genetics make me tingly in all the right places.
>> No. 1538
If someone looks like a woman and identifies as a woman, I'd call them female.

If they look like a woman but don't identify as a woman, I'd call them whatever they ask me to.

And I wouldn't necessarily base gender on attractiveness. Butch women still look pretty feminine to me. If I fucked up and referred to someone by the wrong pronouns, I'd apologize and correct myself.

I call people what they want me to call them out of politeness. I wouldn't let people bend the truth for anything that matters, of course, but it's precisely because I don't believe gender matters for anything substantial that I call people what they like. Gender, as it's usually applied, is mostly meaningless social bullshit, so I call people what they ask me to. When people use terms like man and woman, it's usually pretty clear when they mean the biological definitions. They'll specifically refer to procreation or something. But I think that's pretty rare.
>> No. 1539
Race doesn't matter, is it wrong for people to tell PixyTeri she isn't Asian? She insists she is, it makes her happy to pretend she is. Would you tell her she was for her sake?
>> No. 1540
Well, you can track people's heritage pretty well and that's usually what people refer to when they talk about race. Well, or they talk about physical features. Like caucasoid, negroid, mongoloid. In that case you can also point out they lack the requisite physical features.

But, no, you're right, I wouldn't consider race important enough to argue with pixyteri about. (provided I'm not specifically trying to fuck with her, of course)
>> No. 1541
If you ever come back I have to ask...

>Although I did get a good laugh out of the Glenn Beck shit, If you can get a rise out of someone then I consider that trolling.
I'm pretty sure it has been raised before but his "LOLEPICWEEN TROLLING" of Glenn Beck hurt the cause he was supposedly supporting (for his own selfish reasons), I fail to see how anyone could get a laugh out of it. He made a fool of himself and the sodomize movement.

Also, trolling would require at least some desire, forethought and plan for such reactions but it all happened accidentally (after which he claimed as a "WIN!!"). I think it was more funnier for Glenn Beck to see such a raging retard at the rally that no one else wanted to claim responsibility for.
>> No. 1542
Why do so many Americans claim false heritage in the internet in the first place? I've never understood that. I personally feel it is extremely disrespectful to your family.
>> No. 1543
Gender is even easier to discern than race. It's easier to "pass" for another race than another gender in most cases. Just as it would be wrong to encourage PT to believe she's Asian, it is to encourage someone to believe they're the gender they're not. Someone simply wanting to be something isn't justification enough to pretend they are. Nor is it making them happy. PT isn't Asian, ADF -or these other trannies- aren't women, TheUnknownAutobot isn't a super hero.
>> No. 1544
What's with all this Glen Beck bullshit?
>> No. 1545
>> No. 1546
A few conservative blogs and radio shows picked up the video of ADF's interview at the protest, and added him to the pile of stuff making the "movement" look bad (though there's much, much worse shit going on there, like the organizers attempts to discourage women being sexually assaulted at the protests from reporting it to the police or media.)

I'm not sure how this was really trolling Glenn Beck though, it was actually giving him exactly what he wanted. An idiot dressed up as a Communist waving the red flag around who quite seriously had no legitimate argument for his complaints, and every unintelligible word out of his mouth he meant seriously. There was audio of people at the protests saying they preferred Communism, but nothing as overt as ADF's bullshit.

I think it was a minor victory for anyone who wanted something else to point to to discredit the protests, and a major victory to anyone who wanted people to see what a complete asshat ADF is and raise his profile as a lolcow.
>> No. 1547
Isn't life great!!!
>> No. 1548
I'm not American but I've seen it a few times and it seems either to seem more interesting or "white guilt" which is also an American thing.

Also I don't know why people are trolling trannies in this thread since we know that most of the stuff revolves around Transway, a place for transexuals where several of the members post here.
>> No. 1550
File 132024063674.jpg - (44.35KB , 379x300 , cloud look.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1551

aw gee I'm late to the party but oh well I'll run my gums anyway

Rika, you and everyone else need to realize that "bigot" and "racist" as terms or labels really don't have any meaning anymore. People like you and ADF have taken every drop of piss out of them, not only by labeling every person who doesn't agree to every ridiculous notion you hold but also by expanding it to cover every possible "prejudice" (sizism, ableism, etc)

A few months ago I read some stupid shit by some enraged person like you who was livid because there was some darker colored characters acting subservient to lighter colored ones in that cartoon everyone is watching now. This person was crying racism and was being taken rather seriously. I was then reminded of two events that took place not even over 100 years ago:



Go ahead, read both of them. I'll wait. I am hoping you see the difference between this and cartoon ponies.

I also have to assume that several of you are so broken as to think that I'm calling for a return to this kind of horrible shit. I'm not. I'm trying and hoping (futilely, I know) to show you that there's a difference between what you perceive as a "bigot" (someone disagreeing with you on an image board GOD FORBID) and what actual, hate-fueled bigotry is.
>> No. 1552
On a free case like this the lawyer doesn't give a fuck about the client. The lawyer just hopes for a little free press, maybe his name in the news, good for a tax write off.
>> No. 1553
I hate that some other disabled people use the term ablism. For fuck sake I'm disabled and I understand the stigma that goes along with that. But the only way to get away from that stigma is to to prove it wrong. People shouldn't expect less of you for being disabled, you should try fucking harder.

And just to clarify I have a sever anxiety disorder that makes going into my back yard let alone to other place give me anxiety attacks. I do it fucking anyway, might take longer to psych myself up for it but it gets done and I don't expect everyone else to even understand my shit let alone make accommodations for it.
>> No. 1554
The cartoon 'racism' thing wasn't even meant to be serious, dude: http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2010/12/09/my-little-homophobic-racist-smarts-shaming-pony/

But hey, isn't it a trait of autism to not be able to detect irony?
>> No. 1555
This shit belongs in fucking Fail.
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