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No. 1687
AKA: How I learned to stop bitching and enjoy the cocks.

As we all know, our favourite greasy mortal is more mortal than most, so before he disappears to that great dungpit in the sky, perhaps I can provide you with some more cocks?

Massage my smokey scrotum sufficiently, and I'll provide you with more cocks than you could ever dream of.

Each fondle of my enlarged smoke-sacks will allow you one free question for my almighty self.

Once that level has been achieved, free cocks for everybody, for Facebook is only the tip of the camel's hump, my friends.

Yes, mortals. It gets far worse.
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>> No. 1688
File 132955164231.jpg - (19.78KB , 300x291 , feels-bad-man-meme.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>*begins massaging*
>> No. 1689
Fuck off Atlus
>> No. 1690
This is not my idea of a massage, but out of goodwill I will provide you with one free question.

I would rather fuck ON Atlus, but my smoky penis keeps dissipating upon contact. You mortals and your physical laws.
>> No. 1691
Thor fantasizes about being a gay genie?
>> No. 1693
File 132955382461.gif - (493.50KB , 450x253 , tumblr_lsk4dfCkcy1r35747o1_500.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1694
File 132955429179.jpg - (98.41KB , 500x386 , sp-hippie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're not getting into the hippie circle any time soon, OP.
>> No. 1695
here's my question:

you are gay
>> No. 1696
And who said I desire to befriend these cretins in the first place? No sir.

Thorg is my master but he's lenient, I do what he tells me, then I do what I like.

Correct. But it's awfully hard to find likeminded genies. I only came here because I heard someone had spotted a genie with light brown hair. I thought my Sweetlamp Quest was finally over.
>> No. 1697
I'm proud of you, /cwc/. I know we all think this board is full of ravenous CWC addicts, but these Facebook posts haven't generated a ridiculously large thread or a bunch of spinoff threads (well, the namefag has unfortunately) . And most of you are telling this guy to piss off, showing that your hate for everything in existence is stronger than your lust for cocks. Pretty soon we won't give a flying fuck about any new hippie circle.
>> No. 1698
Oh, I love you the most. Please ejaculate onto my lamp. ALL OVER IT.

>> No. 1699
Dear OP.

I am very hungry for cocks, please provide me one or maybe even two (I can handle up to four!)

>> No. 1700
What a dork.
>> No. 1701
I appreciate the fondling. I still require some more gentle caressing.

My ball level is at 10% Can we see a rise to 100% and win ourselves some cocks?

For your support, you are allowed one free question.
>> No. 1702
Thank you master troll for your generosity

My question is as follows: Did chris at any point duriJUUUUULAAAAAAAY
>> No. 1703
>Thorg is my master but he's lenient, I do what he tells me, then I do what I like.

lol... nobody who actually knows thorg fucking listens to him.
>> No. 1704
let alone lets him dictate anything
>> No. 1705
Yes, actually. He gave me a demonstration of the JULAY mantra over the phone.

"I'm dang sick of the phone messages! I- my mother and I SCREEN ALL OUR CALLS and the trolls and cyber-bullies keep leaving messages that say "Julie! Julie! Juliejulie!" and "JULAAAYYYYYYY" I am considerably hurtful from those bullies and I am still so alone!"
>> No. 1706
These new cocks are wonderful, grand genie! I am so very grateful that you have taken the time to provide us with new cocks for us all to suck down.

Please, you say that FB is only barely scratches the surface, can you allude to us what new cocks await?
>> No. 1707
I'll give you a fine hint. Stolen laundry and possibly some sort of R.O.
>> No. 1709
Did Chris steal someone's laundry due to his financial situation?
>> No. 1710
Snyder filed a restraining order against Chris?
>> No. 1711
You don't just get questions at the drop of a turban, you know. You must massage my misty testes!

Then maybe I will provide you with the answer you seek.

In the meantime, I will quote chapter 20-5-02-12 of "The Rantings of a Fat Man."

"Well, y'know. I am helping out Alex's Lemonade Stand, which will win me- well it's for the cancer charity helping childhood cancer so they can grow up into uhh healthy adults."

"I hope that Jackie enjoys what I am d- that I am doing this. I do NOT feel like making any videos. Every time I do it seems like a WHOLE NEW BUNCH OF DANG TROLLS finds me and makes my life depressed and I just end up that one step further away from finding my true sweetheart.

Pleaaase, do not turn out to be a troll. It's hard for me to even accept MALE friends!"

and finally

"Do you watch My Little Pony: Friendship is 'MAD-JICK' ?" (Spelled like that to emphasise how he said it)

Until we meet again.

>> No. 1712
Dear sexy, wonderful, powerful, genie

Who is the sexy asian that Chris knows?
>> No. 1713
Shigeru Miyamoto, mortal. Very sexy, very Asian.

If you mean Kim, I do not find Kim sexy at all.
>> No. 1714
Oh grand one, you are most fantastic for releasing this cocks! Has Chris said anything else about his publicity?
>> No. 1715
Slower, my dear. I don't want to ejaculate all over your chest.
>> No. 1716
Yeah, whoever the Kim girl is on Chris' FB. Is she actually a real person who cares about Chris or just another pickleman who has tricked him again?
>> No. 1717
She's just as real as you or I.
>> No. 1718
Yes, Kim is certainly a real person. IIRC, she even played the part of Emily in the date that his dad was with him on.
>> No. 1719
My balls are swelling! 35%! Rub harder! The cocks are getting closer! You all want the master cocks don't you?
>> No. 1720

Also, penis.
>> No. 1721
Yes! Yes! By my father's camels, yes! You know my soft spot! To be touched by a mortal in this way... I feel like a young Robin Williams.
>> No. 1722
>Basically copying Tito's Hawaiian proverb schtick entirely
>Master Troll
>> No. 1723
Lick the head, stroke the shaft, fondle the balls, and swallow the gravy. Thank u wise genie for these magical cocks, i just want to know what chris did on Vday and what is planned for his bday
>> No. 1724
When I was a young genie, and could not provide decent wished-up goods for my father, he used to beat me with the proverb schtick until I came good. It's what made me the genie I am today.
>> No. 1725
Yes sir!

*puts gloves on and rubs your cock*
>> No. 1726
I'm sorry. The word "u" is meaningless. Thanks for the oral pleasure however. It reminds me of Thorg's salty tongue. Oh, how it burned.

Memories. Why did you leave me, Thorg? I know I sullied the name of the Baboo-al-Shindrabads by not being able to turn you into a fine, respected straight man, but my powers are not infinite.

Ali Baboo is depressed.
>> No. 1727
Gloves tend to dissipate my gassy penal membranes. :(
>> No. 1728
Regardless of what you think of Cwcki Forums users, they sure appreciate the new cocks much more than /cwc/ ever will. Their main thread on it has ten pages already.

I'm sure all of them would eagerly rub your cock.
>> No. 1729
I do not require that. I require my smoky testicles to be massaged metaphysically.

People who have done so have passed on their free question however, so my case of cocks shall remain firmly closed.

My ball level has dropped back down to 25%, mortals.

Please me and I shall release a .Zip full of fat ridiculous law-breaking cross-dressing cocks.
>> No. 1730
I will elaborate on my earlier mumblings, and reveal that in lieu of buying "TOO EXPENSIVE" underwear, and not finding any Goodwill panties, he has taken to stealing lingerie from random clotheslines.

And he possibly has a restraining order because of it. He did not elaborate.
>> No. 1731
I found you funny at first but now you're just being retarded. Stop being an attention whore. First you think you deserve four threads to yourself and now you're...I don't even know what to call it. Trying to initiate ironic cyber sessions with the /cwc/ users? Trying to get your ego inflated? Making a point about the attention whoring nature of other trolls but taking it too seriously? Fuck knows.

Anyway cocks isn't worth this annoying shtick.
>> No. 1732

Come back when you've got something that isn't complete shit (i.e never) Master Fail Sporg
>> No. 1733
>> No. 1734
Sssh, quiet you fool. Now we might never know why his Facebook profile has Sonichu on it.
>> No. 1735
I wasn't aware that you guys wanted spoilers on the new Sonichu mini-strips. Well, I gave you guys plenty of opportunities for questions..
>> No. 1736

Sssh, quiet you Sporg. Now we might never give a shit about your drawn out unfunny attmept to be Tito.

>> No. 1737
Quiet, Mortal. You might want to "Attmept" that one again.
>> No. 1738
Oh wow you spotted someone's typo! MASTER TROLL UP IN THIS BITCH MOTHER FUCKERS.
>> No. 1739
I know. It's on a scale of trolling you've never seen before. For my next trick I'll add 2 & 2 to make 4.

Beware my magic. It's so so good.
>> No. 1740
This guy may have got the status updates but at the moment he's trying to whore himself out and force a EPIC WEEN hippie circle.
>> No. 1741
As annoying as that is, we have to tolerate him in order to get our lulz. We're at an impasse. He wants his cock stroked both metaphorically and literally, and we want lulz.
>> No. 1742

I didn't realise we were that desperate to laugh at a retard.

I'm fine with never getting cocks again as long as this homosexual deviant goes away.
>> No. 1743
The more this guy leaks Chris's facebook updates, the bigger the chance Chris will find out and crash his account into slumber.
>> No. 1744
I didn't realize we had lives of our own outside of the internet.
>> No. 1745

Shockingly, some of us do.
>> No. 1746
This shit is the best the stonecutters can come up with now?

Chris trolling truly is dead.
>> No. 1747
It's like Yasmin's here again.
>> No. 1748
File 132957735444.jpg - (16.22KB , 525x394 , Naked_Raiden_11.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
O, Dearest Ali of Baboo. You have sated our needs of cocks so much as to temporarily quell our addictions, yet however we do wish for more but if only on the inside. Unlike the others, I will speak out as I rub your magic 'lamp' that we all desire to be a gay genie such as yourself, who I will be the first to admit is the gayest genie of all. Yet in order further show our collective appriciation of you and your magic cocks, I will give you a portal to a world of goo, full of gooey goo balls. [ http://www.filedropper.com/worldofgoosetup130 ]

However with all of this I must trouble you to ask for three things, all of which I only pray that are not too much of a bother with you and your mighty smoke-sacks. The first and seccond is that you accept this gift and forgive yet some of my fellow people on this board for not giving your sack the fondling it deserves. My third is yet a question on this Christion Weston of Chandlers; How exactly was his christmas?

The picture in this post is also related as a fact.
>> No. 1749
File 132957743078.jpg - (35.05KB , 178x279 , 1325300356457.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>lust for cocks
>I am very hungry for cocks

I just can't get enough of that fucking wordbutter, I wonder if any of you guys actually type in "cocks" instantly. I know I do.

Also OP, you are a tremendous namehomosexual deviant but idea of requesting cock massage for cocks is amusing.
>> No. 1750

>> No. 1751
  If you'll pardon my personing for a moment, honestly I think these new personas would be somewhat more palatable if you based them around Aladdin characters.

It still fits the genie theme, and there's a precedent set with the Whole New World duet from the Liquid hippie circle. Not to mention pretty much everyone has fond memories of that particular Disney film for some reason. And there's already a shitload of ready made reaction images for many of the characters spread all over the internet.
>> No. 1752
Look, can you not just skip the bullshit and tell us something we'd want to know? This is as bad as fucking tvsArmpitt.
>> No. 1753

>If you'll pardon my personing for a moment

>> No. 1754
Don't anger him, you fool. Cocks are the only things I have left in my pitiful life.
>> No. 1755
>implying this isn't TvsArmPitt

Same writing style. Same USI. Different lolcow.
>> No. 1757
Same filthy, filthy man-thong.
>> No. 1758
File 132960014883.jpg - (67.03KB , 536x599 , 536px-Niggocwc.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1759
This is fucking embarrassing.
>> No. 1760
Agreed, feels like everybody is sucking up to some dude who found a way into Chris's account, and is getting a goddamn huge ego trip over it.
>> No. 1761
If we have to do this for lulz, then we're doin' it.
>> No. 1762

I wouldn't throw the word "we" around. Quite a few people have already voiced that they're specifically not going to do it because of how pathetic the whole thing is. And I imagine a lot of folk are ignoring the thread entirely.
>> No. 1763
Seriously. OP should delete this thread and pretend it never happened
>> No. 1764
Name a time when Clyde/Tito/thorg or anyone else asked you to do anything in return for kontent.
>> No. 1765
Can't hear you. Too busy rubbing Baboo's cawk so I can git mai fix.
>> No. 1766
He dropped the shtick 10 hours ago. Seriously, stop embarrassing yourself.
>> No. 1767
hi Ali Baboo, run out of cocks?
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