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File 13347075179.jpg - (109.38KB , 800x1057 , booboobulub.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1768 No. 1768
Yasmin thread, anyone? How about a little q&a, you penile and pert propositioner of perilous preposterous posts?

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>> No. 1769
  >Yasmin's face when
>> No. 1770
Fuck every single one of you for whatever you're going to say in this thread.
>> No. 1771
File 133470916814.jpg - (46.34KB , 600x549 , 11ah63m.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why? Give me a logical explanation why every reply following your comment will be the essense of fail?

Yasmin, please post in this thread to prove you really are an indian girl, sahib!
>> No. 1772
When did you come back?
>> No. 1774
Most of the attacks against Yasmin are racially-charged and misogynist simply because she won't shut up about the fact she's a female member of an ethnic minority.
>> No. 1775
>because she won't shut up about the fact she's a female member of an ethnic minority.
Is there a reason why she should?

I resurfaced to profess my love for Yasmin. No one is taking it seriously.
>> No. 1776
In a board that's seen Medickeriss, Tom FAPPINGTON image macros, and people avatarfagging as birds, Yasmin is arguably the worst ever tripfag. Before people stopped calling her out for her shitposting (i.e. when people were distracted by Chris losing his virginity) she was routinely told to GTFO.
>> No. 1777
Hell shes worse than TvsFagPit and Rika
>> No. 1778

>in love with a faceless person and doesn't care who knows it.

Sounds like a typical /cwc/ user to me.
>> No. 1779
Yasmin, go away. Please.
>> No. 1780
>in love with a faceless 26-year-old white basement dweller

>> No. 1781

>Is there a reason why she should?

Yes, because it has fuck all to do with anything on this board and nobody else cares to keep hearing it.
>> No. 1782

>doesn't think it's me because I don't avatarfag KoF anymore

Hah anon, shouldn't you be working your nightshift job at Wendy's right now, lowbrow?

Less about me more about the woman(?) of the hour here. At least some of us are honest.
>> No. 1783
Christ, this board has been absolutely flooded with failure lately.
>> No. 1784
>implying I'm American
>implying I give a fuck who you are

I'm only posting ITT because I think Yasmin is the epitome of what's wrong with this place.
Sage because you're obviously an equally bad tripfag.
>> No. 1785
> Is there a reason why she should?

Yes there is. Constantly bringing up irrelevant, unsolicited details about your personal life is tedious attention-whoring.
>> No. 1786
File 133471310811.gif - (27.16KB , 120x89 , 1327207878376.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yasmin is less annoying than Rika.
>> No. 1787
Oh, I guess you're right. If you don't like something, no one should do it ever.
Fuck people who think the way you do.

issues of gender and race are only irrelevant to people who enjoy the luxury of not having their lives controlled by circumstances surrounding those characteristics. Of course a website that is mostly populated by white males is going to be sick of hearing anything that a non-white female has to say.

I hate to go full tumblr like this, but you people are morons and as bad as Chris.
>> No. 1788
File 133472075990.png - (150.92KB , 1125x681 , 1287467659601-(n1308034054443).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, you're the retarded, failtroll TubularMonkey.

It's a sign both of autism, and tripfags to overshare needlessly. To repeatedly draw attention to aspects of themselves they think makes them unique, or special, or better than others, or more deserving of sympathy.

Yasmin comes off as wanting conversations she posts in to devolve to conversations about her race and gender, and that's irritating, whoever does it.
>> No. 1791
The world would be a significantly better place if all of humanity between Casablanca and Calcutta were nuked into oblivion. You know it to be true.

I don't want to do the same for black people, though. At least they are good at sports and HBO comedy specials.
>> No. 1794
File 133472520979.png - (13.38KB , 304x224 , kof2k3s-45.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
O, hai other me.
Love your...er my thread and all, but just have to say that there's nothing wrong with Yasmin doing a tell all about "her" life.

Nothing wrong at all about Yasmin going on in a lolcow board and talking about how half her cousins are disabled and autistic or rambling about not being able to get any when Chris can. If she wants to take one for the team and give us all the juicy cocks we'd want, then let her.
>> No. 1795

>Casablanca and Calcutta

They have tasty food in there.

Don't kill them all.
>> No. 1796

I completely agree. Yasmin is an annoying attention whore, but Rika is an incredibly smug asshole who's responsible for most of the tranny drama. He's the worst namefag on here.
>> No. 1798
>Still sore because a month old affair
That's adorable, I love you to anon.
>> No. 1799

Rika, kill yourself asap. sage.
>> No. 1800

They're both pretty boring. They just have no semblance of personality beyond being a tranny or being a minority.
>> No. 1801

>still a smug asshole that only creates drama

Shouldn't you be begging the police to shut down /cwc/?
>> No. 1802
See, this is the bullshit you do that's annoying

Redtext a misrepresentation of what was said to you.

Condescendingly say it's "cute" or "adorable".

Assert that you just want to have friendly conversation immediately after the overwhelming douchiness of the nature of the rest of your post.
>> No. 1803
>thinking you're a master of keen observation
aww, that's precious
>> No. 1804
inb4 Rika starts saying we want to fuck him.
>> No. 1805
>>Thinking Santa Claus is real.
Tee-hee, you're so silly.
>> No. 1806
Jesus christ you're an idiot.
>> No. 1807
They can be funny
>> No. 1808
hey yasmen u should show yo'ure pictture if ur hot (but take ur burka and turben off firtst and remove ur explosives lol j/k)
>> No. 1809
>Redtext a misrepresentation of what was said to you.
Um no, it isn't a misrepresentation, just a condensation of what you said.
You said you’re mad about what happened in a couple of month old threads. If you’re getting mad in /cwc/ you’re doin’ it wrong. Especially if you’re smarting over what went on in a couple of threads that were pretty meh to begin with.
>Condescendingly say it's "cute" or "adorable".
Don’t take it the wrong way. I’m just saying what I think, not condemning you. All that impotent anger over something insignificant in an image board is adorable. Just like a puppy, anon.
Not my fault you’ve got some sort of pent up rage over douches and whores doing the same thing to you IRL, not my fault at all.
>> No. 1810

You and yasmin deserve each other.
>> No. 1811
Saged and reported.
>> No. 1812
What, gonna send in detectives and have the police take me down?
>> No. 1813
Rich coming from you
>> No. 1814
You're pretty fuckIng stupid, rika.
>> No. 1815
Babby's first irony
>> No. 1816
you are all very strange. sage
>> No. 1817
>>Um no, it isn't a misrepresentation, just a condensation of what you said.
>>You said you’re mad about what happened in a couple of month old threads. If you’re getting mad in /cwc/ you’re doin’ it wrong. Especially if you’re smarting over what went on in a couple of threads that were pretty meh to begin with.

Yes, it was a misrepresentation. A complete misrepresentation. You do know how to read, right? First off, I wasn't the person you wrote that reply to, just someone who's seen enough of your posts to recognize the idiotic and predictable pattern to your bullshit.

Second, they didn't mention anything about threads "from a month ago" you just assumed it was specific past idiocy and tried to act like it would be stupid to still find you annoying, even though you've previously admitted the entire point of the way you post is to annoy

>>Don’t take it the wrong way. I’m just saying what I think, not condemning you. All that impotent anger over something insignificant in an image board is adorable. Just like a puppy, anon.
>>Not my fault you’ve got some sort of pent up rage over douches and whores doing the same thing to you IRL, not my fault at all.

See, more projecting. This is the thing, you're upset that you can't think of a single thing to insult whoever you're talking to based on what they've actually said, so you make up scenarios, and condescend to them because in reality you feel very, very stupid.

If anything saying "Oh, THAT'S SO CUTE... LIKE A... STUPID PUPPY" shows an unbelievable amount of "impotent internet rage."

It's not my fault you can't read, communicate or relate to others in any meaningful way approaching that of a normal person. I do wonder though whether or not your autism is diagnosed, I mean it's clear you have it. The way you repeat things over and over, how when someone tells you "This is upsetting. Stop it." You take it as an attack and do it again, now insulting them further and asserting there's something wrong with them, not you, over your childish and nonsensical behavior.
>> No. 1818
I'd rather read a hundred Yasmin posts than one Rika post.

Yasmin makes a lot of benign posts that may add nothing, but also take nothing from a discussion. LiquidRika's a failtroll that always sets out to annoy in the most obvious ways.
>> No. 1819

I, unlike you, don't expect real life security forces to protect me against some opinions or people I dislike on the internet. But then again, I'm a functioning member of society with a rich social life, an actual girlfriend, a job and I'm working on obtaining a career, things you don't have much experience in.

Of course, you'll try to keep up with your internet persona. It's sad that you don't realize that the few people that respond to you do so in hopes you'll expose more of your life to have something to laugh at, and that's the reasons I rarely post in tranny threads. But it's cool, you can pretend you didn't read this or that what I just said isn't real. Keep thinking that you're even remotely likable by someone's standards, it that helps you getting some sleep. It's your life, not mine.

Meanwhile, I'll keep reporting your posts like I'd report any other shitposting.
>> No. 1820
The reason that homosexual deviant hitlar was almost immediately assumed to be rika is because they share the following: weentrolling, unwarranted smugness, tryhard
>> No. 1821

>But then again, I'm a functioning member of society with a rich social life, an actual girlfriend, a job and I'm working on obtaining a career, things you don't have much experience in.
>posting on /cwc/
>that same cunt who announces his sage

>> No. 1822
>>Saying the moon is made out of cheese.

Oh Rika you silly little aspie, why do you continue to believe such stupid things? We just want to have friendly conversations here, try to calm down.
>> No. 1823

Your point being what, exactly?

Also, saging shitposts is what's expected. Not to bump cancerous threads.


>implying you're not rika
>> No. 1824

email field you dumbass

and my point is the "well i haev and hot girlfreind and make seven figuers a year so there fag" doesn't work on an anonymous imageboard
>> No. 1825

I still can't comprehend why are you so upset about an attack on rika. Unless you're him, of course.

Also, I never said anything about a hot girlfriend or seven figures. If you think that having a job and a girlfriend is something unusual and worth bragging about, you've got some issues.
>> No. 1826

are..are you kapcake?

i dont usually toss HI (NAMEFAG) around, but i just get that vibe from you. this kinda everyone-is-a-mad-sperg-except-me thing. of course, /cwc/ had a lot of that as of late
>> No. 1827

You can't argue, can you? And don't worry, I don't namefag. It's curious that you accuse me of being a nemefag as if it was something bad, yet you defend rika, the most annoying namefag this board has had the displeasure of knowing.

Also, expect to be treated as a sperg if you get angry over someone attacking someone else you don't even know...on the internet.
>> No. 1828
File 133477654314.jpg - (101.27KB , 500x500 , Calm-DownTime.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


jesus christ calm down

i pointed out the "i'm an successful person and you aren't neener neener" tactic is kinda baseless on an internet forum where most users are anonymous

suddenly i'm this hardcore rika fan sperg.
>> No. 1830

I was expecting the "calm down" line, or something like "u mad", it's no surprise. But remember it was you who started calling me names and making a big deal of some argument which was just a minor part of my first post.

And well, expect to be called a rika fan if you're attacking his detractors for so long.

>i pointed out the "i'm an successful person and you aren't neener neener" tactic is kinda baseless on an internet forum where most users are anonymous

Then, why are you arguing? You're an anonymous user, on the internet. Why do you even bother discussing things?

Also, I'm not a successful person, I'm a normal person. But the fact that you think that someone with something as simple as a partner and a job is not something normal, but more than that, really says a lot about you.

Peace, and sperg on.
>> No. 1831

excellent work, mods.
>> No. 1832

Check out this hardcore dude. I bet all the bitches love him
>> No. 1833

Thank you very much, mods.
>> No. 1834
File 133477857273.gif - (430.61KB , 241x199 , 1333247528141.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1835
File 133477865965.jpg - (61.04KB , 299x259 , 132995911248.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I hope this sets an example to future trannies. Thank you, mods.
>> No. 1836

So you were actually rika. I can't fucking believe how pathetic you are.
>> No. 1839
File 133478077538.png - (278.84KB , 452x303 , 1301051176200.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 1840
File 133478084269.gif - (22.49KB , 85x250 , Ashley.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm a functioning member of society with a rich social life, an actual girlfriend, a job and I'm working on obtaining a career
Sure you are bro, sure you are. Just let me know how that career turns out.
>things you don't have much experience in.
>Thinks all the Rika posters are one person
Oh anon... I'd hate to break it to you, but I'm not that Rika. I'm not even the OP this time. Hope that doesn't break your heart.
Talking about someone else IRL isn't going to make me put out.
Not that I don't appreciate your concern but I'm already an RA, work in designing vectors (based of stuff named an awful lot like cocks) and jamming them into kinetoplastids. It's all set to be published next year, I'm pretty much guarantied my pick of doctoral programs... and my labcoat brings all the boys to the lab.

I appreciate the sentiment and all, but trust me: I've got no problems talking about my profession.
>> No. 1842
>>Thinks Keebler cookies are made by actual elves in a giant tree.

Oh Rika, that's so retarded it's adorable! <3 Now I know you can't help but sperg, but don't take this personally. We're trying to have a friendly conversation here, try to calm down.
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