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File 13365858634.gif - (1.18MB , 300x169 , 0_5 dollar.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1857 No. 1857

>walk into health class, there’s a sex ed guest speaker
>sit down expecting yelling about abstinence and heteronormativity
>the first thing she says is:
>“i’m going to be using gendered pronouns for the sake of simplicity but understand that not all males have penises and not all females have vaginas and this doesn’t invalidate their identity”
>Now, if only the speaker had mentioned nonbinary folks.

Imagine if you got offended if you were treated like a normal human being. Trannies lol
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>> No. 1858
File 133658596319.png - (31.00KB , 445x640 , postal tiem.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1859
>> No. 1860
File 133658625592.gif - (1.04MB , 200x115 , haha no2.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>1) Apologize. Change your perception/pronoun use IMMEDIATELY to the correct options.
How about no.

>2) Remove misgendering post(s). This is not a freedom-of-speech thing. This is a not-letting-violent-misgendering-stand-and-continue-to-trigger-folks thing.

>3) Ask what else you can do.
Continue "misgender" you some more.

>4) Attempt to not be an asshole during steps 1 through 3.
Haha, as if.

>5) Move the fuck on.
Hahaha. Fuck you.
>> No. 1862
And they wonder why they make such easy lolcow material. Not to mention, I could only imagine what the ones who aren't batshit insane think of these losers.
>> No. 1863
File 133658657415.jpg - (5.40KB , 160x212 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trannies are just mad that they wasted over a hundred dollars to look like the opposite sex but will never actually be one.
They want to be treated like royalty and love going on a power trip with their "sexuality".
>> No. 1864
I would really like to know this too. I think its some kind of gay roleplay website.
>> No. 1865
Shit. That's what it is
>> No. 1866
>> No. 1867
File 133658693014.jpg - (95.99KB , 500x674 , tumblr_lpiwqw3WyJ1r18quno1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1868
File 133658718276.jpg - (51.34KB , 500x500 , dearcisttoilet.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You can submit your own tranny rage slogans here.
>> No. 1869
File 13365872704.gif - (336.06KB , 200x200 , scully.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Teach everyone you work with to give trans people basic decency and respect. Especially trans women/transfeminine people, especially trans people of color, especially disabled trans people and especially trans people who don’t “pass” or who don’t have a binary gender to “pass as.” No harassment, no intrusive questions, no slurs. This should go without saying, duh.
>you need to be a preaching tranny dick to your workmates about some shit that has nothing to do with abortions

But everything seems to be about trannies
>> No. 1870
Fucking laughed at that one. Cause all straight guys would jump on a tranny given the chance.
>> No. 1871
File 133658742041.png - (287.32KB , 477x438 , cortexiphan is helluva drug.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>black heteromantic demi-gray
>heteromantic demi-gray
If trannies...whatever spoke English it would make tranny-human communication much easier.
>> No. 1872
Because the act of standing in the same room with a tranny is comparable to rape...
>> No. 1873
Dear tranny fuckasses,

Don't you think it would be awkward for the women on the ladies room to see a very mannish looking tranny walk into a stall to stand and piss? Or that it would be awkward for guys to watch a woman with a vagina try to use a urinal? Also I love that you think we're all sexual animals with uncontrollable lust. Porn is not real life. Fucking stop that
>> No. 1874
On the Atlus forums, some guy created over 9000 sockpuppets and started a thread accusing Atlus games of "transphobia". His sockpuppets weren't that clever, usually somebody with a very similar opinion who just created an account, only posted in that thread, and praised him. Despite the valid points made to him, he dismissed EVERYTHING as irrelevant. As one guy put it, it was more like a hostage situation then a debate.

I would post a link, but the Atlus forums are currently down.
>> No. 1875

"Demi", as in demisexual, means they're only attracted to somebody that they're romantically attracted to.

"Gray", as in graysexual, means that they have feel they have a lower sex drive than most people, putting them in-between asexuality and normality.

That is, they're bullshit terms used by people who aren't even close to asexual but still want another label to put in their tumblr description.
>> No. 1876
They have harnesses for women to piss standing up, and the males would probably sit down to piss, just because he has a dick doesn't mean he couldn't just do that, and in his mind would probably even make him feel more lady like.
>> No. 1877
Good god these people are ridiculous. They want so hard to be "unique" and special. Fucking trannies...
>> No. 1878
A stupid vocal minority filled with fuck-ups and people with daddy issues.

Like furries, I guess.
>> No. 1879
I see you missed the point entirely
>> No. 1880
Or maybe he just demonstrated the autismal tranny inability to relate to normal people.
>> No. 1881
The website went back up, but all the posts from the past couple days have been deleted, including that thread.
>> No. 1882
From what I understand, Seanie, it's a webcomic that got a whole lot of attention and developed some sort of homosexual deviant cult around the characters who, from what I've been told, are called trolls.

I have no clue if it's just generic trolls or a mockery of internet trolls.

Basically, the MLP fandom before MLP existed.
>> No. 1883
>a harness

You're fucking kidding me.
>> No. 1884
Nope. I can't be arsed to find a link atm, but they do indeed exist.
>> No. 1885
Had a bit of an epiphany earlier. I'm thinking all these bloggers went to transsexual.org, took Jennifer's bullshit test, and actually believed it.
>> No. 1886
What the fuck is a Cisgender, I dont get tranny terms
>> No. 1887
'A cisgender person is someone who identifies as they gender/sex they were assigned at birth' AKA someone who is female/male in mind, and in body.
>> No. 1888
Basically means if you were born a dude and are happy with having y chromosomes. According to these blogtards, those of us who do should also hate ourselves for it, apparently.
>> No. 1889
I'd rather have rape on my DICK if nah meen????
>> No. 1890
I'd like to hear about some epic Tranny vs. Homosexual stories, supposedly the whole 'LGBT' (and apparently there's a Q in there now) thing isn't exactly the glorious rainbow of unity some make it out to be, and good and decent homosexual deviants apparently tend to resent some of their notoriously more psychotic transbrothers.
>> No. 1891
Philadelphia trans community. TIA
>> No. 1892
All the gays want to do is fuck each other and get married and be left alone. The trannies want to restructure language and thousands of years of gender-based differences just to suit themselves.
>> No. 1893
>>All the gays want to do is fuck each other and get married and be left alone.

And forcibly make religions change rules that are thousands of years old to appears 2-4% of the population through social pressure.

And before you say it's not about that, if it wasn't civil unions would be enough. It's about forcing churches to recognize them. And I say this as an atheist.

Also, the slippery slope argument has already been validated in Canada. There have been several cases where the laws that legalized gay marriage were used to justify polygamous marriages. They're consenting adults too afterall.
>> No. 1894
Why do trannies seem complain about adhering to soceital gender norms, yet after they undergo their glorious surgical metamorphosis, they seem to want to obey the gender norms that apply to their new gender? As in, for a dick remover, wear dresses, use the bathroom designed for their new gender, wear makeup, etc.?

So, it's only bad to obey gender norms if they are the ones designed for your actual birth gender, not if you "become" the other gender?

Fuck it, if a tranny does it, it's right. That pretty much explains all the holes in their logic.
>> No. 1895
Because the Christian church should decide civil rights of everyone in Amurica

Its not like there's a separation of church and state and that gays shouldn't get the same benefits of marriage because some Bible thumping hicks hate them
>> No. 1896

>And forcibly make religions change rules that are thousands of years old to appears 2-4% of the population through social pressure.

Sure, let's do that.
>> No. 1897
Guy who read Homestuck till, like, November 2010, here.
Homestuck is a sort of webcomic, using action commands. Basically, each panel is a single picture with a description, a (not user made) action command, and the dialog between character is entirely in chatlogs. There's also sometimes Gif and flash animations, with music and all.
It's also weird, confusing, fucked up, REALLY hard to understand and follow, and extremely meta and nerdy , but the worse came with the trolls.
Basically, the four first acts were about 4 kids doing some random shit between eachother and a sim like game to save the world, during that time they get in contact with random users in chats who generally tell obscure advice or berates them, so they dubbed them "trolls".
Then, the author did an entire arc telling the troll's story and fleshing them out. Turns out they are 16 kids from a previous dimension who did the same stuff they did which destroyed their dimension but also created ours, and they were helping the kids from a place where they could contact them from any point in time. More importantly, he spent some pages describing how their romance worked, with basically four mode represented by card signs which mix love,hate and random stuff, also they don't care about gender.
So yeah, since then the entire fandom is revolving among them and shipping between them and the kids and whatever, even if he killed some one after the other. But then he rebooted everything made another alternate dimension with the same kids but some differences and the trolls and also some guys from the future and the author self insertion and an overlord and this is where I dropped out.
It's seriously one of the weirdest webcomic around, and it's hard to tell when the author is not having an acid trip.
The link for it is http://www.mspaintadventures.com/ if you dare to try, but believe me I gave it lots of chances and I couldn't. BTW, the first panel here is 1902, and checking the link I see its now at 6826.

So, that's basically all there's to know about homestuck.

Also it's forum is full of nerds and pseudo adventures in the same styles, the only redeeming factor is that prequel came out of that.
>> No. 1898
Wow, all I see in this post is autism and wordswordswordswords
>> No. 1899
Does Prequel move on beyond pity porn? I could only feel sorry for the cute cartoon kitty so many times before I got sick of it.
>> No. 1900
>It's also weird, confusing, fucked up, REALLY hard to understand and follow

A lot like your paragraph structure...
>> No. 1901
File 133659633741.jpg - (42.66KB , 556x303 , Autism Everywhere.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1902
Nice autism you got there, I'm sure Chis would approve.
>> No. 1903
Yeah, expected that answer from you guys.
English is not my native language so I had to find other means to explain. And really, this is short compared to the thing itself. It's full of wall of texts.
Yeah, the animation at Kvatch makes up for it, though you get your share of pity again too.
>> No. 1904
I find it endearingly sweet when fat American neckbeards feign multi-lingualism from another native language to compensate for their general ineloquence.
>> No. 1905
>"I don't get this shit, someone explain it"
>"Will do; well, you see... *wordswordswords*
>"Ha, look at all those words. What an autistic!"

I know autistic/autism/neckbeard are just kneejerk words you people fling at anything and anyone that makes a post longer than 3 sentences, but shit.

I mean don't get me wrong, it was a shitty post, but you people act like you're just itching to get "The Verbose Former Homestuck Fan" wiki going.
>> No. 1906
Good god do I hate me some tumblr.
>> No. 1907
Why are you so mad, sir?
>> No. 1908
File 133659913372.png - (645.06KB , 680x1275 , umad.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Quick, now call him butthurt!
>> No. 1909
>English is not my native language

I can forgive/respect you for that.
>> No. 1910
>someone asks about Homestuck
>another guy explains
>"hahaha what an autistic"

Never chance, /cwc/. Never change.
>> No. 1911
Meh, I wrote that for Seanieb anyway.
Besides, it's really not easy to explain, given how complicated it is.
In fact I dug up the three recaps he already made: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003574 http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003888 http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005138 read that if you want an idea of what it talks about.
But really, the only reason you'd want that is to see how weird it is. It's sad, because the flash animation, and especially some of the music, are really cool, but it's really wasted on the "plot".
>> No. 1912
I didn't follow that at all. Not because of your writing I don't think, but just because it sounds like a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.
>> No. 1913
I know what homestuck is, I just say that every time it comes up...

I read the first part of whatever the original thing is called, then it changed over to the green people and I dropped it cause I thought the switch between plots was pulled off badly and it was stupid.

I have a friend who tries to convince me to re-read it, but I get 30 panes in and realise there's over 6,000 more. I love comics and I own a few compilation books, but that shit's too god damn long.

I hear that guy can literally live off homestuck though
>> No. 1914
He got called a sperg because he responded with a tl;dr fucking wall of text instead of just saying "its an interactive webcomic" or whatever. No one asked for the complete fucking storyline, just what the hell it is.
>> No. 1915
It's far from the complete storyline, I tried to explain what the trolls were because that's what the fandom and /co/ is all about now.
I suppose so, since the guy update 5 to 10 times a day and he made 5000 pages in 3 years.
>> No. 1916
Well, I posted
Because I was really was confused as to what Homestuck was. I guess now I know, thanks guys. Doubt I could ever get into anything like this though, I'm a big comic book fan but I've never found a webcomic I actually enjoyed.
>> No. 1917
I guess that is why anytime I try reading through one of those massive Homestuck threads on /co/ I just get confused and have no idea what anyone is talking about.
>> No. 1918
Lol look at this retard
>> No. 1919

As an atheist too, I agree.

The state should recognise any civil union between 2 consenting adults and confer it's various benefits on them, regardless of sexuality.

However, marriages performed by a man of God should not be made to follow the rule of the state, their legitimacy should be up to, like, the branch of the religion actually offering the fucking service.

A shitty analogy would be like me getting pissed off that a Jewish butcher doesn't sell any pork, when I could just go down the regular butcher and fill my boots.
>> No. 1920
File 133660372499.jpg - (15.66KB , 320x290 , 205890_160717330673490_160715637340326_319283_6220.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Someone who spent his life in Catholic school here. This is gonna be tl;dr, but let me try to shed a little light on the situation here:
>And forcibly make religions change rules that are thousands of years old

Actually, many of these religions are everchanging in structure and ruleset. For example, the Catholic Church originally let women preach before the establishment of priests. Many of these things were originally established in the council of Nicaea, but only because Constantine forced the bishops to because they were all killing each other over interpretation of scripture and religious law.

In respect to more recent changes, you have Vatican II which changed the structure of Mass by changing it to the local language and by making the priest preach TO the congregation, and not face in the direction they are facing.

There was also a large change recently in mass structure revolving around using a more literal translation of the Mass from its Latin counterpart to reflect the original more accurately. That's along with other recent (as in within the last 500 years) changes including that suicide is no longer a sin under a lot of circumstances, that homosexuals are allowed in the congregations (no, not that they can marry. That has to do with the interpretation of the word "marriage" and the idea the belief that something must biologically come from it, as it is symbolic of God's creation of man. Fun Fact: You're also not allowed to marry someone who is a paraplegic.), and that the unbaptized can go to Heaven.

>if it wasn't civil unions would be enough
Civil unions, at the time these debates were started, were highly ineffectual and still today do not provide the same benefits as a legal marriage. If you watch/read some older gay stances they focused more around getting civil unions to be as beneficial as marriages and not so much on having marriages themselves, but as time progressed Civil Unions became a symbol of inequality.

[spoiler]Also, I'm a straight, cisgendered, atheist. Just stating what I know.
>> No. 1921

Civil unions are just second-class legal marriages that have benefits inferior to their counterparts, making them by their nature discrimination.
>> No. 1924
I like how you can argue about gay rights in this thread without the slightest sense of irony. Take that shit here: http://789chan.org/id/
>> No. 1925
If gender, like race, is a social construct, then why changing your genitals to match you "identity" is OK, but a black person deciding to look white isn't?

Transexuals aren't transcending genders, they are just reinforcing them.
>> No. 1926

I especially like how some trans people want so badly to fit into their gender identity but take special care to make sure everyone knows they don't. "I'm not a woman, I'm a TRANSwoman!"
>> No. 1927

Of course I think everybody should have the final say over their bodies, even it is about mutilating genitals.
>> No. 1928
That's what I've never understood. Like, if they were really a woman who happened to have been born with a dick, then wouldn't they just think of themselves as straight up women? Doesn't anything else mean they aren't calling themselves women, and are thus being cissexist.
>> No. 1929
What I never understood was the appeal in the first place. If you are a woman trapped in a mans body, why not just get fucked in the ass, start a chick flick collection and eat chocolates while doing so? Clothes/fashion/hormones can't make you instantly switch to a gender you can't never hope to obtain.
>> No. 1930
I still can't get over how stupid "cis" and all its related terms sound.

>> No. 1931
File 133670695352.png - (34.58KB , 600x520 , CIS_banner.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1932
I liked it better when it was the Trade Federation
>> No. 1933
Assuming what I'm supposed to be looking at is this:
>The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), also known as the Confederacy, the Separatist Confederacy, the New Order, the pro-secessionists, colloquially as Separatists or Seps for short, nicknamed the Sepies and lesser known as the Separatist Alliance,was the government and separatist movement publicly led by Count Dooku, a.k.a. Darth Tyranus, (and secretly led by Darth Sidious) formed by various planetary and sectorial governments, as well as some mega-corporations, that declared intentions to leave the Galactic Republic, refusing to comply with its excessive taxation and corruption in the Senate during the Separatist Crisis.

Goddamn, look at that autism.
>> No. 1934
Asshole from gay band confirmed for Tomgirl.


>According to the magazine, 31-year-old Tom
>Gabel says he has a condition called gender >dysphoria ... just like Chaz Bono (except in >reverse) ... and has questioned his sexual >identity since he was a kid.

>Despite the transformation, Tom says he's NOT >attracted to men ... and will still be married >to his wife ... with whom he shares a 2-year->old daughter.
>> No. 1935

Despite that you claim to be an atheist, you are still under the delusion that plagues so many Bible thumpers, and that delusion is that marriage is still a solely religious ceremony and institution. As the millions of atheists and agnostics who have gotten married without the aid of a church or minister, I can assure you, marriage has not been the sole domain of religion for a long, long time.
>> No. 1936

Sorry, my bad. That should say "As the millions of....can attest".
>> No. 1937
No, that should say "nothing" because you're derailing this thread by sperging about unrelated topics.

Stop it and shut up.
>> No. 1938
why would anyone make a post that says "nothing"? that's some dadaist nonsense
>> No. 1939
Finally have a name for my punk band. "Trannysmasher and the Cisgender Fuck Experience"
>> No. 1940
Please sell band t-shirts online. My wallet is ready
>> No. 1941
>punk band
Oh, I'm sure that will be awesome. There hasn't a decent punk band since the mid 80s except maybe The Spits. And this is someone that mostly listens to first-second wave punk/post punk/hardcore. The shit that passes for punk today is a joke. That shit was a product of its time and place, thats why most of it doesn't work today.
>> No. 1942
Who cares?
>> No. 1943
No one. Go out and zap to the extreme!
>> No. 1944
Autismcore right here holy shit.
>> No. 1945
>decent punk band
>first-second wave punk/post punk/hardcore

>> No. 1946
What punk bands do you consider decent, Jenifer?
>> No. 1947
Don't try to derail this thread, homosexual deviantron! We have enough with the trannies already.
>> No. 1948
Fuck your gay marriage and music shit. Let's get back on topic.
>> No. 1949

Haha, oh wow.
>> No. 1950
Haha, ok.

But you're right, we shouldn't derail the thread, so lets forget it.
Helmet is okay, my favorite punk band is Big Black.
>> No. 1951

Do you have any screencaps that you could share with us?
>> No. 1952
If they're talking about sex ed, then wouldn't it be reasonable to assume they mean sex (not gender)?

I thought they were different things, trannies. Biological vs social or whatever the fuck.

Unless now they're going with the we're born this way shtick, heaven forbid.
>> No. 1953
File 13367557959.jpg - (27.67KB , 300x300 , edgy-bike.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I like the Toy Dolls.

That's the only thing they use to justify themselves, it must be it.
>> No. 1954
>Bitch about biological determinism
Well that's science for you.
Take it up with all those nasty doctors and what they write in their stupid journals for pushing an idea you think it stupid.
>> No. 1955
>Toy Dolls
Bitch nigga, you know your punk.
>> No. 1956
Punk rock fucking sucks, and the Sex Pistols were a marketing gimmick for Malcolm McLaren's shitty clothes.

Now, back on topic. Trannies such as the ones on dearcissexism have much potential as lolcows, and I propose we devote more attention to trolling the shit out of them.
>> No. 1957
Are there any who have Youtube channels or something? The ideal lolcow would both produce a lot of entertaining cocks and be hilariously gullible, but it seems like most trannies on this site just have short tempers and entitlement issues.
>> No. 1958
>it seems like most trannies on this site just have short tempers and entitlement issues
...So anonymous is a tranny?

Well, that'd explain the obsession.
>> No. 1959
File 133676971641.jpg - (78.61KB , 960x640 , 1335904304183.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In my experience, the best way to troll trannies, and social justice people in general, is to be someone "holier than thou". Maybe criticize them for not being inclusive of trans people of color, or discriminating against trannies who are atheists/pagans/wiccans/insert trendy religious minority here.
>> No. 1960
Maybe we could all pretend to be the same angry minority. Car-fuckers? Necrophiles? Sociopaths? Sociopaths would be funny as an activist group because they'd share some of the same traits as autistics.
>> No. 1961
>>In my experience
>Likes role playing as trannies on Tumblr
JeniferMagica, is that you?
>> No. 1962
Nopey Dopey.
I'm as baffled as you all on how tumblr works.

But still we should troll the trannies to oblivion as they contribute even less than me to threads and always derail them.
>> No. 1963
Uh, sure you're not the guy who's talking about RPing as them?
And don't you kinda count as one?
>> No. 1964
I don't know. Does someone who feels completely comfortable with his own gender could count as a tranny?
>> No. 1965
You're a transvestite aren't you? That's close enough to count as a "tranny".
>> No. 1966
Yeah, but nowadays labels are getting hazy around here with all the fagotrons from the former ADF threads expanding towards the rest of the board.
Next you'll know they will call cis privilege on threads with no tranny discussion.

Let's just end this and search for more juicy LGTBQ blogs, champ.
>> No. 1967
I dunno, don't the tranny threads start up well enough on their own. I doubt it's all from the queers going out to annoy you.
>Let's just end this and search for more juicy LGTBQ blogs, champ.
I'm okay with this. I just hope you're not going to tell us that RPing as trannies counts as trolling.
>> No. 1968
> I'm okay with this. I just hope you're not going to tell us that RPing as trannies counts as trolling.

Uh, that's exactly what counts as trolling. The idea is that you do whatever it takes to produce cocks.

Unless, of course, RPing as Chris didn't count as trolling for Liquid, or RPing as Clyde Cash didn't count for the numerous Clydes, or RPing as sweethearts didn't count for them.
>> No. 1969
>Uh, that's exactly what counts as trolling. The idea is that you do whatever it takes to produce cocks.
>RPing as trannies=trolling
Uh... If you want to see it that way, 'k.
It sounds more like when cwcki members started role playing as the characters from CWCvill to "troll" Chris tho.
But if that's how your idea of a good time, then that's cool and all.
>> No. 1970
File 13367874242.jpg - (86.52KB , 1024x1024 , 1330070614170.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>be a girl
>say you are a guy
>suddenly, guy

>> No. 1971
Yeah, you know, sort of how you are a guy, but claim to be a girl.
>> No. 1973
About that, isn't Yasmin supposed to be some hairy Indian guy?
>> No. 1974
This is supposed to be "her", but notice the filename:
>> No. 1975
>Dat nose.
Is he supposed to be some sort of Hijra who never got a nosejob or something?
>> No. 1976
He does say pic unrelated.
>> No. 1977
Nah, that is just a pic of some indian girl he saved from 4chan and roleplays here as. He calims to be a teenage indian girl.
>> No. 1978
He says "pic unrelated, it said I had to add a file", acting as if he doesn't know how posting threads works when he obviously knows how to trip and is using a pic saved from 4chan. Its pretty clear he meant to imply the pic is him without coming out and saying it.
>> No. 1979
When did tolerance turn into whatever the fuck this cis garbage is? When did the right to free speech turn into the right to no consequences for anything?
>> No. 1980
Yes, let's all give him more attention.

Here's his YT: http://www.youtube.com/user/Skinnyoompalumpa

At least it was when he was doing a hilarious job trolling that King Slyther guy a few months ago with some other person and giving us updates about the comments they were leaving on the guy's sockpuppet YT accounts.
>> No. 1981
For that crowd, it goes far beyond tolerance. Basically it has become "we're special and entitled to whatever we want because of it!"
>> No. 1982
Exactly. Trannies don't scare me or in any way upset me. Do what you want to your body. But when you think you deserve special treatment because you had a surgery and start to sound like you think you are superior to "cisgenders" or think that people who don't treat you like a special snowflake are hateful people who should probably die, that's when I start to judge. Having gender identity issues does not make a tranny better than anybody else.
>> No. 1983
Yeah, "special snowflake syndrome" or "self-esteem run amok". One of the greatest psychological failures of the 20th century (and beyond, unfortunately) I mean, look how it turned out for our boy Chris...
>> No. 1984
Civil unions don't go as far legally speaking and several religions do actually endorse gay marriage, for example Reform Judaism actively preaches that homosexuals should get married and raise families. Lots of kids to adopt and all that.
So the real issue is with the government. What right does the government have to say which adults can and can't enter the legal arrangement of marriage?
>> No. 1985
Can you imagine what the world would be like, if they got their wish? What would the punishment be for "gendering" someone?
>> No. 1986
You ask a fair question. I will ask you one back, why has the state always been interested in marriage?
>> No. 1987
I don't think anybody except for a few specials like Yasmin ever say that crap.
>> No. 1988
It's a way to control the population. But legally speaking it's just a contract with legal privileges.
Why was the government interested in what race you could marry? Why was it illegal to marry outside of your own caste in india?
>> No. 1989
We're referring to the "Dear cis people" blogger loonies here, not just trannies in general.
>> No. 1990
Are you suggesting that "trannies in general" are not entirely fucked up?
>> No. 1991
Well then then it's more from them being imbeciles than anything sexual identity.
>> No. 1992
File 133679288422.jpg - (33.01KB , 313x313 , ritsu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>be a guy
>say you're a guy to people on the interent to avoid mislabeling
>Still mislabeled as a girl

>be Yasmin
>everybody thinks you're a smelly indian neckbeard
>insist on being a female
>everybody nope

>> No. 1994
BBY, you're way more girl than Yasmin is.
>> No. 1995
File 13367937221.jpg - (14.73KB , 320x318 , yui_blush.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hyaaaah! No! You're making me blush, dude.
>> No. 1996
File 133679376428.jpg - (62.33KB , 460x500 , smita.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1997
>people think yasmin is a girl

somebody hasn't dropped into tinychat recently
>> No. 1998
They're missing alot.
>> No. 2000
>>213348 >>213345
Don't need tinychat's hun.
Anyone can tell Yasmin's as fake as ADF.
Just the same way we can tell that Jen is really a magical girl.
>> No. 2001
File 133686047342.jpg - (194.87KB , 791x621 , die-cis-scum.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

these people are laughable. their goals and ways of achieving them are embarrassing and very much first world problem bullshit. the typical tumblr DIE CIS SCUM mentality is why i'm loath to associate with other trans folks IRL.

they're to transsexuals what NAMBLA is to gays, what Fred Phelps is to Christians, and what Tomgirl is to people on the autism spectrum. please don't tar the rest of us with the same brush these people tar themselves with.
>> No. 2002
Don't worry. I think a lot of us knew you weren't all complete loonies. Kinda tied to my previous post, do they realize how one-note they really sound? You'd think they'd see that as counterproductive, since it's all the same bullshit from every one of them. Maybe that's expecting too much from that crowd, though.
>> No. 2003
File 133686117192.jpg - (29.28KB , 500x375 , tumblr_lv05rkr7vK1qfsw3bo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Maybe that's expecting too much from that crowd, though.
yeahh, pretty much.

the few i've e-known have tended to be oblivious liberal arts majors with well-off parents, which probably has something to do with it.
>> No. 2004
"We're special and entitled, dammit!" Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about there.
>> No. 2005
The fuck is this batman/woman creature supposed to be?
>> No. 2006
>> No. 2007
>> No. 2008
I thought I was on /bitch/ for like a minute, why do we have the same color scheme now
>> No. 2009
This will sound crazy, but does 789chan happen to have a tranny mod? Because I recall one shitposting in ADF thread so that it got derailed, turned into a complete shitstorm, then locked it and deleted it to cover it up.

Trannies man.
>> No. 2010
I don't hate Trans people. I just hate homosexual deviants who go out of his way to bitch and shit everything. Like LiquidRika.
>> No. 2011

Mother's Day
>> No. 2012
video related
>> No. 2013
File 133686640657.jpg - (14.90KB , 484x509 , facepalm 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yup, Omega's a tranny.

Tumblr, Facebook or 789chan, trannies gonna tranny.
>> No. 2014
To be fair Omega actually attempts to look/act feminine. Also she has a sweet music taste.
>> No. 2015
To be fair I'm sure most of them "try".
>> No. 2016
Seriously? Every single fucking tranny..
>> No. 2017
Omega says she could care less about Tranny hate on /cwc/
>> No. 2018
Well it is nice he is totally unbothered. Now, if only the rest of the trannies could keep it to shitting up only one thread.
>> No. 2019
>Bitch about tranny threads
>Start tranny threads
>Say RPing as trannies counts as "trolling"
>> No. 2020
Is that tattoo for real?
If I had a die tranny scum t-shirt wouldn't he get all offended? Actually we should make that. Let's order them made in Israel since these trannies seem to have a poblem with that country.
>> No. 2021
reminder: women arent the only folks with ovaries/vaginas, and men arent the only folks with penises


REMINDER "human beings" arent only animals that have 46 chromosomes called "homo sapiens"

REMINDER "cars" arent only inanimate objects, respect all CARsexuals and TRUCKfolks everywhere

REMINDER its okay to think youre a wolf and jerk off to this in public. "god" bless our times
>> No. 2022
what is cool is how these freaks constantly get owned by everything in their life. it's like they're living in a concentration camp for all of their fucked up lives, and it makes me happy.
>> No. 2023
I think it's even funnier that they usually bring it on themselves.
>> No. 2024
File 133693786739.jpg - (43.59KB , 420x484 , teh boys.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh hey guys what's going on in this thread?
>> No. 2025
um, this is the first time omega has been on the board in about 2 weeks. fyi
>> No. 2026
File 133693882141.jpg - (119.83KB , 800x692 , 1332125268368.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Tranny Hate
>> No. 2027
Sounds awesome man
>> No. 2028
File 133693913446.jpg - (37.39KB , 387x480 , 1329283908034.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It is brah. You should join in! =D
>> No. 2029
can tranny fight contributors be banned please? or could you make a new board explicitly for tranny vs neckbeard shitbattles?
>> No. 2030
>> No. 2031
Even better!
We were talking about how RPing as trannies on Tumblr is totally trolling.
>> No. 2032
TRANNY VS. NECKBEARD the board is being considered
>> No. 2033
File 133694025553.jpg - (280.71KB , 905x960 , Beautiful Woman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Proposed banner for /cwc/
>> No. 2034
oh yeah, let's make a banner that takes up the whole screen and isn't funny.
>> No. 2035
You mean like that time you embedded a giant video of Krapple screaming "JEWS!" at the top of his lungs?
>> No. 2036
>> No. 2037
I think it's potentially funny.

Toss on Jessi Slaughter, Nick Bate, Jennfer and Jordman, maybe change "tranny" to "crossdresser" as that would actually probably annoy them more.
>> No. 2038
you want a 900x960 banner image full of lolcows? that's literally like the lolcow mosaic in a banner.
>> No. 2039
Well, there was that one banner drunkendrawfag drew. That was funny.

Anyway the banner described would be more fitting for the hypothetical "neckbeards vs trannies" board which I'm presuming won't be made.
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