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File 134851467912.jpg - (43.10KB , 945x304 , krmirai.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2192 No. 2192
Mary-sue Kamen Rider comic. It's like Sonichu (unintentionally).

Made by a 14 year old.
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>> No. 2193
>> No. 2194
I love how almost all spast claim to be hyper-intelligent beings.
>> No. 2195
It's a defense mechanism.
>> No. 2196
He doesn't make such a claim. If anything he's trying to portray himself as an unhuman rainman. Noticing very specific patterns isn't a trait of general intelligence and I'm pretty sure they're aware of that.
>> No. 2197
No, no they are not.
>> No. 2198
Someone gonna storytime it for us?
>> No. 2199
He's most likely making that claim. Since that character is his mary sue and is super smart therefore he is Einstein. But I'm just probably reading too much into it.
>> No. 2200
The creator does have spasm.
>> No. 2201
confirmed spast*
>> No. 2202
File 134852781968.png - (34.32KB , 443x56 , iamveryintelligent.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm sorry, what?
>> No. 2203
Here's his facebook

Thomas Ledbetter
>> No. 2204
Just read the comic....holy shit.

this kid has way too much time and not good enough drawing skills to do this.
>> No. 2205
To be fair, the kid's only 14 and this is probably a "first ever fanfic" sort of deal. So this isn't so much lolcow so much as typical teenage fanfiction writer. Or comic artist, in this case.
>> No. 2206
Here's his DeviantArt.
>> No. 2207
  Some links I found:
>> No. 2209
How much longer till /cwc/ runs him off the internet like moleman and sammy?
>> No. 2210
Homo alert.
The point was to show the comic. I don't this person in real life.
>> No. 2211
Also, he did do something funny. He made this comic!
>> No. 2213
>> No. 2214
>> No. 2215
Hey, OP! Let's ween troll this spastic 14 year-old.
>> No. 2216
>> No. 2217
>> No. 2218
This is the dumbest origin story ever, and I've ready almost every Lightbringer issue.

Seriously, how can you predict what number will win the lottery? It's literally impossible. The numbers are completely random - you could get a team of the greatest mathematicians on earth to study lottery numbers for five years, and they'll pretty much tell you what everyone else will - it's completely random, there's no way to predict it.

But let's just assume that he CAN predict random numbers - he's the greatest mathematician ever and he's found a way to break the laws of psychics - why the heck would the parents abandon THAT?

Sure they got what they wanted, they won the lottery, but why stop there? It doesn't take much of a logical leap to figure out "hey, if this kid can win us the lottery, imagine what else he could do!" I mean, this kid can calculate RANDOM NUMBERS and see which ones will win, there's virtually no limit to what he could do.

If you were unimaginative, you could just play the lottery again, but it doesn't stop there - you could take him to Vegas and get him to count cards, rig slot machines for you, calculate how hard you should throw dice, all kinds of shit, or you could even get him to play the Stock Market, have him tell you which companies will go up/down, what to invest in and shit.

They could become the richest people on earth with this kid and they stopped at some dumb redneck lottery that was probably just in the thousands.

It's like if Biff got the Sports Almanac, won a single bet, and just tossed the thing into the garbage so he could sit around and jerk it all day.
>> No. 2219
Cool spasm brah
>> No. 2220
>They have a kid who can mathematically predict winning lottery numbers and they abandon him? That's like if Biff got the Sports Almanac, won a single bet, and just tossed the thing into the garbage so he could sit around and jerk it all day.

This is all you had to do, Homor. Simple as that.

But you just kept going.
>> No. 2221
Too long; didn't sperg.
>> No. 2222
Maybe he has mastered chaos theory but unfortunately the whole family are so spastic they can't act in rational ways.
>> No. 2223
Homor is a bigger lolcow than Robbay sometimes.
>> No. 2224
File 134859752866.gif - (6.71MB , 480x360 , 134698778084.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 2225
If you won a zillion trillion dollars in the lottery, that's all you'd need, though. Then you can move away and live your life without the sperg kid.
>> No. 2226
He is also a pervert, obsessed with Japanese girls.
he runs an FB group
>> No. 2227
It wouldn't let me see that without a Facebook account so I did a google search and it looks like they are related to the Kamen Rider series so that's not really a surprise he'd obsess over anything related to that show.
>> No. 2228
File 134860819354.jpg - (47.73KB , 469x437 , 1343847639703.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Kamen Rider lolcow, you say?
>> No. 2229
wtf did i just read
>> No. 2230
That one makes me feel sad. :-(
>> No. 2231
My brain hurts from this.
>> No. 2232
You all have too much time on your hands to complain about this. Really your lives are spent focusing on bashing a person's Kamen Rider Comic. Hey if you like don't read it, it is a shame that people like Brildo and Aaron exist because they have nothing better to do then to bash someone younger than them, truly you two are the future of our society.
>> No. 2233
Rider Comic. Hey if you don't it like don't read it, it is a shame that people like Brildo and Aaron exist because they have nothing better to do then to bash someone younger than them, truly you two are the future of our society.
>> No. 2234
why do newfags always double post
>> No. 2235

go to bed, James
>> No. 2236
James who is this James you speak of?
>> No. 2237
Hey Aaron how are you?
>> No. 2238
You are sheltering this kid from criticism, stop sheltering him from the world you fucking idiots. We are trying to help him get better, nobody is picking on him you dipshit.
>> No. 2239
Okay Aaron or Brildo or Kacey or whatever you feel like calling yourself. Your consent trolling of him and repeated attacks on him aren't really helping him.
>> No. 2240
Nobody is trolling him, it just seems like it because when you constantly shelter someone, you are prone to defend any little statement thrown at him. Enough of your shit.
>> No. 2241

>> No. 2242
Hey Aaron how are you?
>> No. 2243
You didn't need to put caps God, you are such a drama queen Aaron.
>> No. 2244
Wait, what happened here?
>> No. 2245
File 134864797059.png - (128.72KB , 320x320 , Tendou Souji 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Grandmother said this: OP is a homosexual deviant
>> No. 2246
File 134868595061.jpg - (23.65KB , 704x396 , PunchHopper.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
fuk u tendo
>> No. 2247
looks someone sent this to ledbetter, and now he is butthurt.

Also, Ledbetter, it's A-Log, not Aaron.
>> No. 2248
yes yes enegry grink
>> No. 2249
>> No. 2250
lurg maor amerifad :--DD
>> No. 2251
>> No. 2252
Your newhomosexual deviant is showing.
>> No. 2253
newfag y fug benis :-DDDD
>> No. 2254

>> No. 2255
I sure hope you like /fail/, thread.
>> No. 2256
File 134966686174.jpg - (24.17KB , 335x478 , wtaf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just... Wat?

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