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File 128873634961.jpg - (102.02KB , 1280x960 , manchild.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
313 No. 313
Today's the day, and who wants to bet that Chris voted republican?

I nominate Christian Weston Chandler to be the Poster Boy for the herd of Extremely Stupid Morons committing mass suicide at the booths as we speak, and the merciless GOP-created misery that will unfold for years to come because of it.

(Can we please stop trying to guess what Chris's political leanings are based on the rambling shit he sometimes comes out with? Its blantantly obvious he is too stupid to have any kind of political allegiance. )
(Can we please stop trying to guess what Chris's political leanings are based on the rambling shit he sometimes comes out with? Its blantantly obvious he is too stupid to have any kind of political allegiance. )
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>> No. 314
File 128873730773.jpg - (4.06KB , 135x128 , scarychris emote.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>implying Chris didn't vote for Obama
>OP's face
>> No. 315
Would Chris actually bother voting?
>> No. 316

No and this should be obvious and you should all be ashamed for entertaining the notion.
>> No. 317
inb4 political shitstorm
>> No. 318
Chris stated in a recent video that he's voting republican because Bob hates Obama.
>> No. 319
He's not going to care enough to pry himself away from ModNation Racers. He's just going to guess which party Jackie would support.
>> No. 320
Chris's views are so painfully liberal that even the most facist ultra-left-winger thinks he's nuts.

If anything, he'd probably vote or the democrats just because they're the underdogs soundly getting their asses kicked.

That is, if Chris paid attention to politics and the news or was even going to vote today.
>> No. 321

A guy who calls people "Jew" for having a possibly Jewsish sounding name, openly uses the word "nigger", and loathes teh homos.

I'd say he's a classic republican.
>> No. 322
For the last time, Chris's views don't fall anywhere sensible on the political spectrum. He has a fantasy world view and only cares about himself.
>> No. 323
Come to think of it, maybe this means he's libertarian.
>> No. 324
Wonderful. Another pointless thread where Democratics accuse Chris of being Republican, and Republicans accuse him of being Democratic.

He is a Retard, end of debate.
>> No. 325
He'd have to be wut with all those libhrul nazi socialist beliefs of his. Wait, does the term liberal nazi socialist actually apply in this case (to Chris)?
>> No. 326
Cool thread, bro.
>> No. 327
This would imply things like racism are strictly partisan concepts.

They aren't.
>> No. 328
I'm Canadian and while most of us aren't, I am pretty out of the loop on American politics, what exactly is so wrong with the Republicans? Obviously this whole Bush deal went pretty awful but how does that represent an entire political party? You don't think there are Democrats that are complete idiots too?

Is that making any sense or am I just missing something here, because I seriously could be.

Oh and, either way Chris won't vote.
>> No. 329
ITT people don't realize that local offices usually don't come down to democrat vs republican, and most of the ballot is propositions to change laws.
>> No. 330
I guess it needs to be pointed out again.

Chris voted for Obama.
Chris is against the death penalty.
Chris is for abortion.
Chris wants social security benefits extended.
Chris wants "soup hotels" for the homeless.
Chris (bizarrely) is for gay marriage.
Chris is for repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Chris is for hardcore gun control.

Now before you say "I bet a sweetheart made him say that!" With the exception of gay marriage, everything else was from stuff he volunteered on his own in his comic book, in videos, and in the mailbags.

If Chris has any political ideology at all, he's a hardcore leftist Liberal. OP is a giant fucking retard, and should hang his stupid head in shame, leaning on his comically oversized dunce hat.
>> No. 331
Because most republicans believe in "starve the beast." A method of getting small government by ruining the government you have now by driving it into bankruptcy. The only thing you can do to save it is to cut out the things Republicans are against (healthcare, social security, all that 'socialist' stuff).
>> No. 332

Look up the Tea Party - That's the current GOP.
>> No. 333

Kind of like the current administration, eh?
>> No. 334
File 128874235551.jpg - (45.81KB , 561x421 , die-hippie-die.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 335
LOL!! BECUZ OF SOUTH PARK!!! stuipd hippies, they sould realize the truth is Somewhere In The Middle....... . . .
let me tell you my highly original opinion about gingers
>> No. 336
You just need to watch this video he made to know how he'll vote:
>> No. 337
As a socialist, it would be fair to say that he is not one.

He is, however, a retard.
>> No. 338
Calling Chris a far-leftist, or an anything-ist based on his childish utopian babble makes you as simple as he is.

Chris' political orientation can be described as a bizarre, would-be sort of fascism based on his whims and fears.

I mean, he'd like to outlaw the "friend zone". Where does that fit? Nowhere. He's a child and it's silly to apply principles he doesn't understand to him.
>> No. 339
Funny how you only take issue when it's pointed out all his stated political positions are left-wing.
>> No. 340
File 128874716296.png - (9.26KB , 800x533 , China.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Implying Chris has any views about anything that don't involve CHINA
>> No. 342
That goes for every country, ever. This shit only exists to give the ilusion to people that they have some kinda of choice. They don't.
>> No. 343
No, because Democrats tend to raise taxes while raising spending.
>> No. 344
American politics lol
>> No. 345
Chris is inderpendent.
>> No. 346
I'm a Canadian and, in my unbiased opion, I'd have to say that he would vote for the CWC party, which changes its idealogy as often as he changes his DIRTY CRAPPED BRIEFS
>> No. 347
>International internet message board about a fat retard who draws shit comics and makes a fool of himself on the internet
>The perfect place to deride the political views of others

Fuck off OP you fuck.

Also, does this really need discussing? Chris's politics are formed by whatever he views as mainstream. He voted for Obama because of the hype surrounding him during the election, he since mimicked criticism of Obama for like, making America look weak and stuff which I would wadger he heard off Bob or some other redneck from his community. He GENUINELY believed that there was a chance that Obama was going to paint the White House black for fucks sake.

Can we please stop trying to guess what Chris's political leanings are based on the rambling shit he sometimes comes out with? Its blantantly obvious he is too stupid to have any kind of political allegiance.

Hurr look hes a librul he is for abortions no lol look hes a conservative he wants 2 cut tackses No, he's not anything, he's just a fat manchild with a hilariously simplistic view of how a perfect world would be based on his narrow world view and upbringing by a redneck.
>> No. 349
And Republicans tend to lower taxes and raise spending.
>> No. 350
>Republicans tend to lower taxes only for the rich<

>> No. 351
>Can we please stop trying to guess what Chris's political leanings are based on the rambling shit he sometimes comes out with? Its blantantly obvious he is too stupid to have any kind of political allegiance.

This needs to be the ban text for anybody who keeps posting these stupid fucking threads, jesus H
>> No. 352
Chris is apolitical. He doesn't have the intelligence necessary to understand politics, and even if he did it still wouldn't interest him. The only thing Chris has any real interest in is himself, and he's only interested in politics as far as it concerns himself.

Sometimes he seems like an extreme conservative (his apparent unawareness in separation of church and state, for example) while sometimes he seems like an extreme liberal (soup hotels), but in the end his only real political opinion is this: The government should go out of its way to make sure the world is perfect for him in every way. Chris isn't a conservative, or a liberal, or a moderate. He's just Chris.

Why did he vote for Obama in the first place? Not because he agreed with any of Obama's policies, or because he disagreed with McCain's, but because Obama reminded him more of himself. That says it all.

That said, Chris probably didn't vote. Chris seems to think that the President of the United States is some sort of absolute ruler who decides anything and everything, so an election for something besides the President would be a waste of time.
>> No. 353
Holy shit, such an objective opinion. Surely no bias in these facts stated therein.
>> No. 354
Really now? do go on
>> No. 355
File 128875372543.jpg - (21.55KB , 450x370 , Statler_Waldorf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 357
File 128875400558.jpg - (62.34KB , 610x388 , 610x.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is a place to discuss the fail that is Chris Chan, if you want to troll take it to /b/.
1 day ban for shit posting.
Also locking this miserable failure of a thread.
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