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File 129054593347.jpg - (18.09KB , 175x239 , chronicles.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
473 No. 473
Hey there. Whats up, Fellow Trolls? I am new to the Trolling Scene and I saw that Christian Weston Chandler on his Youtube Channel. I hate that darn stupid Bastard. His Videos are soo dumb and That Sonichu comic sucks. Me and my Girlfriend of 3 years have been Watching his videos and we make Fun of him all the time.
So what are you Trolls going to do to that Lame Retard next? I want in, Bros. >:D ;)

And look how lame and Stupid this picture He drew is.

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>> No. 474
Oh wow Dude you look HARDCORE...its great to have someone like you with us, I'm sure you had your Hot Girlfriend have a lot of sex all the time !!
>> No. 475
Chris, is that you?
>> No. 476
File 129054642762.jpg - (43.90KB , 454x432 , Obvioustroll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 477
File 129054647131.jpg - (50.40KB , 345x345 , 1290287408623.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 478
Yes, Bro. We have sex Regularly. Sometimes up to 5 Times per week and twice per night sometimes. It's Awesome.
I am Hardcore Fo Sho. I have Trolled many Stupid People on the Internet playing all kinds of Tricks on them and hurting their Feelings. Its soo funny and I get LULZ out of it. How long have y'all been trollin that Chris-Chan Dickhead?
>> No. 479
File 129054672775.jpg - (149.35KB , 490x333 , 05-fabio021006_big1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Troll trollin trolls.

Nothing to see here.
>> No. 480
Oh hey dude. Welcome to our Board. How long have you been a Troll and do you have any plans to troll that Retarded Bastard?
>> No. 481
We fucking know that's you Chris. It's pretty god damn obvious.
>> No. 482
To the dude who asked me those questions;
I have been trollin' for about Five and a Half years now and its SOO funny and full of LULZ.
Yes, I think I will Troll Chris-Chan by pretending to be a girl on the Internet aged 22 - 28(His age). He is going to be Tricked again soo bad! >:D
>> No. 483
Fuck off, Chris.

Why did you delete all your videos, huh? Was it because Jackie broke your heart?
>> No. 484
I am not Chris-Chan. Maybe you are mistaking me because you are tracking my IP Address back to my Computer. I do live in Charlottesville where he lives but I am NOT him! He is such a Homosexual! I ahve a girlfriend and she is one of 10 girlfriends which I have had in my Lifetime. So when are we going to troll Him again?
>> No. 485
>I am not Chris-Chan.
Then explain why you type like him.
>> No. 486
>I am not Chris-Chan. Maybe you are mistaking me because you are tracking my IP Address back to my Computer. I do live in Charlottesville where he lives but I am NOT him! He is such a Homosexual!


Man, you're so fucking obvious, bro.

So just level with us, seriously. How long till you'll be back on YouTube? Was it because of Rocky that you deleted your videos, or was it your reaction at Jackie being a troll?
>> No. 487
File 129054739135.png - (111.42KB , 228x262 , 1272073199729.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Troll trolling as Chris-chan trolling us.

Move along.
>> No. 488
It's obivous that OP is Chris because of how he types. HELLO THAR CHRIS! I thought you were leaving the internet.
>> No. 489
File 129054752355.gif - (832.94KB , 167x167 , 1290496753425.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chris randomly capitalizes words that he wants to have emphasis and ALL CAPS things that he believes are vital to what he's saying.
The dude, although going along with the random capitalizations, isn't following the pattern Chris shows. Also, there is not enough misspelled words.
>> No. 490
Oops. Replied to too many.
>> No. 491
This is just a troll trying to make us believe he's Chris pretending to be a troll. I think that's blatantly obvious.

However if Chris was to ever post on /cwc/ I can't believe that some of you would spoil it by not humouring him, and asking him stupid, insulting questions that the real Chris wouldn't answer.
>> No. 492
From all the logs I've read of his chats, he actually has decent spelling, unless CWCki is correcting his shit for him in the logs. I actually remember being surprised at his spelling and vocabulary in some of those logs.
>> No. 493
I don't think this is Chris. However, he DOES know about this place, so who knows? He might show up some day.
>> No. 494
I guarantee you I am NOT HIM. But I heard it Through the Grapevine that He has been talking to that Bitch Rocky again and she has warned him about us Internet Trolls and to not Believe their lies and mockeries any more as it will Lead to more Heartbreak and Stress. Looks like he might not give in to our Trolling Methods any more.
Oh and dude he probably took down all those videos because he realised how Lame they are. LOL
>> No. 495
You are insulting are new Troll friend by calling him Chris, guy. WTF.

Hey fellow troll. Welcome to the CWC trolling scene.

We don't have any concrete plans yet on our next BIG TROLL of Chris. Any ideas, bro?
>> No. 496

Oh shi
>> No. 497
Curse that bitch Rocky.

Any ideas on how to troll Chris, bro? I live near his house and have been thinking about taking a shit on his porch or maybe killing his cats. What do you think, bro?
>> No. 498

I lawl'd when Chris actually thought he had a chance selling to Sega or Nintendo Computer Entertainment of America the concept of a video game that centers all about him and his neverending ordeal against the bullies.

That's all the exists in Chris' world; him at the center of the Universe and all the bullies who are jealous of his material things.
>> No. 499
If you were a legit, dues-paying member of the supersecret trolling network, you'd know that there aren't any plans to act until we get the green light from Rocky.
>> No. 500
What grapevine did you hear this through, friend? Just curious.
>> No. 501
I heard the rumours around Town form some of Chris's many long time Friends in his Congregation. They are a tough bunch of cookies who would fight Tooth and Nial to Defend Chris and his Honor. So I don't Fuck with THEM. Hey dude, the guy who is from Charlottesville. Perhaps I know you from around?!?! Yeah we should go troll Chris some night. Good idea to Take a Shit on His lawn. When will you do that? Also you cannot get to the cats. I tried but He keeps them Indoors at most times. :(
Also Rocky IS NOT a troll. She doesnt even own a computer.
>> No. 502
>> No. 503
File 129054970473.jpg - (78.57KB , 482x473 , cwchater.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey OP, I think I've seen you around town before. This is you, right?
>> No. 504

Dude. Don't mess with the cats. They have it bad enough being trapped with that manbaby and his geezer parents. Imagine the sort of generic cat food these cheap fuckers probably feed them.
>> No. 505
This guy isn't a decent Chris, you stupid fucks.
>> No. 506
Not according to the videos he made showing off his house. The cats were outside then. Plus, I have cased his house several times, and have seen the cat known as 'Lucy' outside before. Also the one I think is 'Scamper'. I think I'll take a shit on his lawn AND I'll hang Lucy from a tree in his front lawn. You can come with me if you want. My name is Lucas, we may know each other.

Also, the only friends I've seen that Chris has are total pussies. We could fuck them up.
>> No. 507
Hey new guy, how do you think we could manage to get Chris to rape Rocky?
>> No. 508
That guy isn't even from Cville and neither is OP. This is trolls trolling trolls bro.
>> No. 509
Actually, I'm not so sure.
>> No. 510
Fuck you, bro. I am from the one and only C-Ville.
>> No. 511
Yes, that would be epic, fellow troll brother.

New guy, how do you think we could get Chris to force himself on Rocky? You probably know better than us since you are from the same town and you know her.
>> No. 512

Dude, shut up, you're not supposed to mention Rocky's affiliation with the trolls. The true blue Chris knows about this board and could read about it. Keep that sort of talk for PVCC, /cwc/ is just for footsoldier trolling plans.
>> No. 513
No that is not a picture of me dude. I am younger than that and also I am quite the looker and Muscular. I am 26 Years old and my name is Raymond(Don't tell Anyone in Charlottesville.) ;) Hey I don't even know the name of that Loser's cats. How do you guys know them? Because he keeps them Inside and Around the House and looks after those stupid things too well. If you name a time and place we can meet up before we Plan going to his house I can meet you there. This will be Awesome! >:)
>> No. 514
However I do not think he would Rape Rocky because she is a friend of his. While he IS a Dickhead he would not commit Criminal Acts such as Rape. Also she is too Old for him to be attracted to her in That Way. Hey if it were me I wouldn't be Attracted to her either. She is one UGLY Bitch. XO
I saw her around Charlottesville.
>> No. 515
Stop pissing about, this guy seems legit. I'm giving him the link to the real troll forum:

>> No. 516
He wouldn't need to be attracted to her to rape her. Rape is all about man's god given duty to fuck women--there's nothing about physical attraction in the picture. We just need to get Chris to see that.
>> No. 517
This guy seems legit and is definetly one of our troll brothers.We should definetly let him know all our super special 1337 troll secrets
>> No. 518
Troll. I grant you an 8/10. You do type somewhat like Chris what with the random capitlizations, the odd use of slang language. However, your posts have so far lacked one thing that the true and honest creator of sonichu uses a lot of; semicolons.
>> No. 519
Does Clyde Cash operate on these forums?
>> No. 520
Dude that is a LOT of trollin secrets. I know a great many of the Secrets but I do not know ALL of them; Could you explain some of them to me as I am a New troll of Chris Chan?
>> No. 521
Pretty good job imitating Chris, definitely better, than most, but still pretty obviously not him. Your messages are too coherent even with the misused slang and awkward syntax. Better luck next time.
>> No. 522
You're pretty good, kiddo, but you just don't gots that cwc mojo goin for ya
>> No. 523
Yeah bro. I'm Clyde Cash. I'm the ring leader around here, the one who always organises the trollings of that naive retard Chris Chan, real name Ian Brandon Anderson. Welcome to the team. First you have to tell me how great a leader u think I am and then you have to tell me what you plan on doing to that fat retard Chris.
>> No. 524
This thread's just given me so much stress, I'm gonna bestow butthurt unto ALL OF YOU.
>> No. 525
One of the big trolling secrets is that PandaHalo and Ivy were both trolls. Well, it's not really a secret, considering everyone involved in trolling figured it out on there own right away, but Chris is... not too bright.
>> No. 526
HAHA thats pretty funny, Dude. :) Why do you call him that Ian Brandon Anderson name anyway? It doesn't make any Sense; it must really get his Goat. >:)
Clyde you are a Good Leader of the trolls and I think you're a Pretty Cool Guy for how you have been mistreating, Torturing and slandering that naive bastard for this Long Time; it made him Angry and Sad and that is soo Awesome.
I plan to Pretent to be Chris's next Sweetheart-to-be over the Internet and Arrange a date Near or In the area of Charlottesville; then you trolls can acopany me and we will POUNCE on that bastard. >:) ;)
>> No. 527
File 129055278096.jpg - (25.17KB , 396x349 , zoidberg_bad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 528
File 129055281329.jpg - (86.56KB , 500x400 , newfag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Pretty Cool Guy
>> No. 529
>I think you're a Pretty Cool Guy for how you have been mistreating, Torturing and slandering that naive bastard for this Long Time
Okay, you're being too blatant about it now. I'm going to have to lower your trolling score from 8/10 to 7/10.
>> No. 530
>make thread pretending to be Chris pretending to be a troll
>get figured out after the first post
>keep it up anyway
Goddammit /cwc/
>> No. 531
File 129055346566.jpg - (22.51KB , 336x262 , raw-black-guys-extreme-hardcore-action.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey new guy, if you can stand to look at a tirade of nigger sex u can be in our gang.
>> No. 532
Guys, there's a very easy way to find out if this guy is really one of us, and I'm kind of embarrassed that no one's thrown it out yet. If he's really sincere and not just some slow-in-the-mind man-child trying to troll the trolls, he can take over the YouTube project. If this faggot gets the videos back up, he's in.
>> No. 533
I for one, welcome our new troll brother from CWCville. Welcome, gentletroll.
>> No. 534
I'm surprised to be saying this, but you're actually capitalising too many words for it to be believeable that it's chris. Trying too hard, faggot.
>> No. 535
Oh god dammit you guys.
>> No. 536
File 129055561730.jpg - (51.66KB , 400x400 , Success-Kid-Successful-Troll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Giving him too much attention, faggots.
Successful troll is pretty successful.
>> No. 537
Acutally, I am pretty sure it is Chris.
>> No. 538
Wrong, the real trolls trolling trolls are people like this:

>> No. 539
You dipshits, this WAS Chris.
>> No. 540
No, I don't think it's Christian; he seems like the real deal troll to me, you guys.
>> No. 541
To those of you who are saying I AM Christian Weston Chandler; you are Wrong. I'm glad that most of you are not mistaking me for that Bloated Ugly Autistic BASTARD and realise that I am a troll like the rest of you. Now can we get on with our Sinister plans of Trolling The Manchild already or what?!?! Come on, dudes! >:D
>> No. 542
He's right bros!! Let's play Kick-the-Autistic already!!! I'm SICK of this messing around!
>> No. 543
Not Chris. This guy's using British English. (realised). Chris probably isn't smart enough to know the two subtleties between the two.
>> No. 544
I give in; Just back the FUCK off you damn crooked trolls? OKAY?
>> No. 545
Thank you. CWC wouldnt be able to act as smart as I am.
>> No. 546
Dudes, maybe C.W.C Hater is Right. Maybe through the compassion we all have within Us, you can Find it in yourself to resist shattering this damned FOOLISH autistic Bastards crushed heart?
>> No. 547
I suppose you're right. It's time to rethink the newest plan involving that attractive field agent who would actually have sex with Chris.
>> No. 548
>> No. 549
Hey, I havent been trollin' in a while. What are field agents?
>> No. 550
Field agents are people who interact with Chris on a regular basis but are not directly involved in trolling efforts; they serve the role of intelligence collection as well as supervision and guidance. NEGAM was a field agent and YKCOR currently is.
>> No. 551

Your IP says you're from Ireland.
Yet Chris definitely isn't smart enough to use a proxy.
>> No. 552
So now you know I am NOT Chris as I have been saying all alongg.
>> No. 553
op is a faggot. this thread is concentrated gay.
>> No. 554
This was a pretty good effort, embarrassed it didn't just sink to the last page though
>> No. 555
File 129056191912.png - (18.63KB , 184x184 , cereal_guy_normal.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holy shit, I come back here 2 hours later and this fucking thread is still going.
OP is a fail troll but he sure did hurt a lot of feelings, you faggots.
>> No. 556
legorobot is the real "fail"
>> No. 557
>Oh yeah? Well that webcomic you like sucks!

Well played junior.
>> No. 558
File 129056432626.jpg - (13.04KB , 209x168 , trollface11.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
OP here
>> No. 559
Bro I'm pretty sure everybody realized it after post 1 and were just playing along. I don't think pretending to buy it still counts as buying it.
>> No. 560
Disregard that, cocks, sucking them, etc.
>> No. 561

i am disappoint
>> No. 562

People use that picture all the time, but I don't see how it's relevant to trolling.
>> No. 563
File 12905653907.gif - (559.03KB , 160x120 , 128121212618.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You gave it a good shot.
Aaaand you wasted my time.
See you in three days.
>> No. 564
Oh you'll see me sooner than that, Atlus, YOU FAGGOT!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


>> No. 565
File 129056626145.jpg - (69.09KB , 372x468 , aulas.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And that, lads, is what we call "ban evasion".
Typically this warrants a permaban.

Nothing of value was lost.
>> No. 566
I will! Thank youm father!


>> No. 567
In my opinion... this retard is one of the obviously underage morons who show up and make shit posts, then get butthurt when banned for a day and "declare war" on whoever banned them.

Anyone agree?
>> No. 568
Yes, Atlus. I agree. He is the dork of ages.

>> No. 569
File 129056724039.jpg - (7.74KB , 196x257 , images (2).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 570
File 129056730589.jpg - (8.62KB , 320x240 , redforeman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That seemed to take you a bit longer to find a working proxy, huh?

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