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File 13101660883.jpg - (107.06KB , 430x333 , FUCK OFF 4CHAN.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
760 No. 760
Hey kids, it's ADF thread 8!
Expand all images
>> No. 762
Why? The other one is still active.
>> No. 765
File 131016693069.jpg - (135.15KB , 948x1066 , The return of the giant retard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
People were fagging it up. 'Nuff said.

ADF's RAEGfest on the previous thread was epic!
>> No. 767
File 131016708334.jpg - (13.17KB , 471x132 , 789chan aftermath.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
BAWWW! Are you crying over how "mean we were to you today," ADF?
>> No. 770
your gimmick blows
>> No. 774
if posting adf's adress pisses him off so much then lets post it about every 100 post. I bet his roommates go fucking nuts at him and this drives him into a tart rage.
>> No. 775
AIM: wafflemachinegun

Always ready, Ahuyiva-chan.
>> No. 777
Oh yes, it was epic!
What was the last time CWC delivered the Lulz right on our footsteps? Our gay aspie with manboobs is quite teh guy!
>> No. 780
hey admins, can we get a confirm if the "Ahuviya Harel" poster in ADF thread 7 was the real deal or not?
>> No. 783
File 131016935749.jpg - (25.15KB , 500x375 , 130642911873.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I have no idea! But I loved every minute of that pedophile's RAEG!

What a great idea! Let's call it; "Operation SEND ADF BACK TO HIS MOTHER'S BASEMENT!"

My message to ADF
>> No. 785
We could ask Trey Pepe the authenticity of what ADF said. Just throwing in an idea. Hey, Captain Commie! Did you show Trey ADF's latest stunt?
>> No. 786
Haha, ohwow, I missed ADF raging in 789chan?!
>> No. 787
I called him right after the last post. It's legit. The back story behind one of the posts is that Trey got wasted at a party at his friend's house. He found out him and a friend shared a common interest at the party. His friend's phone # is right next to ADF's and that's the story behind that.
>> No. 788
i used my friends cell phone a few weeks backs. I was sorting thru his contact list because we hangout together and I couldn't believe this phone number he had 267-443-3732
>> No. 789

Here's all the posts he made >>75812
>> No. 791
Could someone give links to the archived ADF threads? I can find only three.
>> No. 792
File 131017432163.jpg - (65.06KB , 537x720 , 269553_10150228792945780_553250779_7605702_268310_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ahuviya is ready for combat against the Trolls!
>> No. 794
File 13101748441.jpg - (14.06KB , 416x300 , 1260422047021.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He was even dressed to combat us? That is fucking hilarious!
>> No. 795
Looks more like he's dressed for the Twinkies convention.
>> No. 803

No one likes that fucking show.
>> No. 805

I actually agree. I know >>75818 said we should ignore him but it's hard to ignore someone who's autistic enough to talk like a retarded anime character on threads dedicated to someone like ADF. Can we just ban him or something and get it over with?
>> No. 807
All the tard posts are gone. Looks like atlus just woke up from his slumber.
>> No. 808
I suggest everyone deletes their posts to the tard as well. No shitstain shall be left behind.
>> No. 809
Credit card kerokerokero!

:3 I'm still here!

(I'll just keep banning you ahole)
>> No. 810


You know that ADF can't say no to Twinkies!


ADF is trapped forever in lulz!
>> No. 811
New to ADF, What's so funny about this guy? All I know about him is that he's an ugly russian obsessed transvestite Narutard. Am I missing something? I think he's becoming big enough that I should pay attention.
>> No. 812
For me, I find all the hypocrisy and irony ADF spews the most amusing thing about him/her/it/whatever.
>> No. 813
Where can I learn more?
>> No. 814
He's a huge sperger with massive delusions, a big superiority complex, a compulsive liar, and he dresses up in terrible cosplay as a "woman" with extremely manly features and a permanent 5 o'clock shadow on a daily basis, basically. Don't know what else I left out, but feel free to add anything.

There used to be a wiki (now somewhere in text format IIRC, don't remember where though), but at the least there's his ED page: http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Adf-fuensalida
>> No. 815
You basically got it, wannabe communist/trans activist and anime dork. I don't think he's that amusing, more contemptible.
>> No. 816
File 131019335725.jpg - (39.21KB , 282x604 , 26372_101043269931618_100000778373584_30770_670386.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, you laugh you lose.

He believes he is a woman, period. Like he used to believe to a gay dude before this, and a straight dude before that - and an anime character (Sasuke) in between / all the time.

Well, also a terrible artist (thousands of pictures, believes he's great), horribly ugly (thousands of photos, believes he's beautiful), not only superiority but also persecution complex (beginning with the conspiracy to give him autism and keep him down), coined up and still cherishes an ultradetailed inane imaginary world (Australatina), a CWC troll (in his mind), violent fantasies but a total coward, TRUE and HONEST about the most embarrassing stuff (well, when not lying), creepy sex maniac, constantly makes a freakshow out of himself on the Internet and IRL in public (for years), hates America and plans a violent overthrow of its government (including a call for da homos to riot and kill people), beat his mother, shits his pants.

(And more.)
>> No. 817
File 131019422983.jpg - (2.84MB , 3278x2552 , ADF__s_Map_of_Philadelphia_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also a long and futile Love Quest, involving many sweethearts (first 5 female, then several male, then some more boyfriends and girlfriends since ADF is female). Most of whom did not feel that way, and some of them became his enemies (chiefly, his nemesis Kourine).
>> No. 818
File 131021989613.jpg - (218.50KB , 1024x1880 , Trey's revenge.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone remember the last time ADF threw a giant fit and Trey leaked their conversation as payback. I'm still waiting for similar results for this time
>> No. 819
Yup. He and I are LOVIN' it.

...Y'know, sometimes I can't help but wonder if I should unblock him from AIM, but at the same time I feel I can't be arsed to deal with his bullshit.
>> No. 820
File 131022413987.jpg - (330.25KB , 553x750 , 13101619424.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Unblock him (I'm assuming you mean ADF, right?) just to troll him.

That drawfag from the previous thread was amazing! He should do more drawings!
>> No. 821
File 131022434434.jpg - (54.78KB , 800x640 , Trey.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Captain, do you know if Trey met ADF when he was still gay, or after he decided he was really a woman.

Image related, it's how I imagine Trey.
>> No. 822
Man, it must be depressing to be ADF when the trolls make ten times better art of him than he ever could.
>> No. 823
File 13102272047.jpg - (227.05KB , 750x595 , 131016760171.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fuck! That is amazing art! Really.

He's probably crying himself to sleep.
>> No. 824
>>76213 Some of the trolls are very good artist and ya know adf is such a self centered ass he will never see it.
>> No. 826
Or at least could never admit it. But on the other hand, he tends to exaggerate things and victimize himself, maybe he sees some trolls as reborn Picassoes playing Kick da Aspi(e)ring artist.
>> No. 827
File 131022996323.jpg - (123.98KB , 1024x1258 , ddfdgdgf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hello everyone.

I find it extremely amusing that Ahuviya felt the need to cry about Maria, Captain Commie, and me on here yet again. He needs to be put on a shorter leash if he goes berserk over stupid shit like "789chan following me."

Also, I've noticed he has a strange obsession with what I'm sexually into or my sexuality in general. Can you please explain to me why that is, Ahuviya? I'm curious to find out why.

Well, here's another screencap. I like to call this one; " Bad Anti-smoking advice." Ahuviya's advice really helped me. I smoked three cigarettes after the conversation.
>> No. 828
File 131023035685.png - (26.39KB , 330x330 , kabuto.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, the people here are excellent artists and comic makers. Definitely worth saving!

Also, Ahuviya. If you want to continue playing this little tedious game of yours; I'll play it, but you're the one that's going to lose!

Have a nice day, everyone!
>> No. 829
File 131023080585.gif - (1.04MB , 200x115 , haha no2.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>its proven that if you do not start by 19 you will never smoke
>its a gay guy thing

In the previous thread he said he stressed he's not a drunk. This explains. Of course he's not a drunk when he's piss poor and can't even afford estrogen.

>I do not care for small children that much
What's the matter? Estrogen's not yet kicking in? Oh, right.
>> No. 830
  Also, one more thing before I depart. I'm going to post both Naruto comics about us, Maria, Captain Commie and that on Facebook some time this week. Wouldn't that be fun?

What's behind your painted face
Can you see the real pig in the mirror
Revenge you breed
I hate your skeletons begging to get out one by one
Don't let your secrets get out
Keep it in the brain dead circle
This is you create a new fantasia cause it beats hating yourself
Hating yourself
>> No. 831
File 131023206741.jpg - (321.39KB , 800x767 , ADFxTomgirl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Eyebleach time, /cwc/!

Today I have for you a splendid image of ADF and "Tomgirl" CWC getting it on.
God help you if you fap to this...
>> No. 832
Oh ew
>> No. 834
>God help you if you fap to this...
Time for eye bleach, brb Gurochan.

But really, I love it. It's hideous, but beautiful in its own way. Like, if your wife gave birth to a mutant. It's ugly and terrifying, but its your own son and you gotta love it.
>> No. 835
Excellent song choice, comrade.
>> No. 836

Yo trey. Check your facebook. Phillip Delici aka Manhuviya Harel defriended you on facebook.
>> No. 837
Hmmm... setback.
>> No. 838
Meh. We've got undercover agents.
>> No. 839
Holy shit, I fucking LOVE this pic! He is seriously the ugliest thing I've ever seen. How the hell he thinks he passes for a woman, I'll never know. Phillip, don't ever stop being such a pathetic failure! We love it
>> No. 840
  Now for my list of demands! Isn't this going to be fun? You've only got a week to do this, so don't wait too long to do this.

1: Make a video on youtube and keep the video on there for at least a month. The focus of the video would be an apology for everyone you have done wrong, including myself, Andrew Smith, Maria Pupo, your housemates, and anyone else. You better not miss one of the following or you'll have to redo the video over.

2: Repay back at least 10% the money you leeched off of others.

3: Check yourself into ACTUAL counseling for your issues regarding the sexual abuse from your father, your Autism, your BPD, your hatred/possible pedophilia towards children, and whatever else you have.

4: Unblock me from your facebook and give me free reign over your page again.

5: Answer any questions that 789channers ask you and be quite honest about it!

Do all five of these and you have nothing to worry about. If you don't, you'll face punishment. Such a pity!
>> No. 841
File 131025279958.jpg - (13.44KB , 263x317 , 1306702075351.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I hope he refuses so I can laugh at whatever you have on him.
>> No. 842
File 131025368118.jpg - (43.36KB , 555x639 , eldritchsmoking.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm bumping just because of the video... Not to mention a very good set of demands.

Also this.
>> No. 843
  One more bump, I can't help but think *THIS* Sisters of Mercy song is somewhat appropriate (the song being a taunt against an ex-friend who fucked with you).
>> No. 844
File 131025461955.jpg - (38.10KB , 319x428 , Bolszewika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF: "I am the winner."
What he actually has: - . In his panic posted shit about Trey, and now his toothless.
ADF: "I WILL WIN. Rant rant rant, stop or I will draw you!"

789chan-Polish-Orthodox Communist union's response: LOL
>> No. 845
He called me and refused to most of them.

Ahuviya, unless you do ALL of them! I'm going to sing like a canary!

Random song for you guys xD
>> No. 846
This is great but uh... didn't someone already try to threaten/blackmail him into apologizing those he shits on daily? Whatever happened to that?
>> No. 847
File 131025530114.png - (3.84KB , 178x82 , oh gosh.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Shit his pants and live in a constant fear of assassination attempts while living in a delusion of an on going war, at least.

I love it when people post these "threats". I dunno why. The idea of a hideous mutant hiding in a basement flipping the fuck out when he reads them is just hilarious.

>mfw when I follow the shitstorm grow
>> No. 848
File 131025537785.jpg - (17.16KB , 462x175 , Another witchhunt.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You mad, ADF?
>> No. 849
File 131025577343.gif - (4.99MB , 400x220 , Hitler laughing.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh look, another paranoid autismal shitfit.

I think it has been stated before, but ADF is funny because you don't need to troll him. He requires absolutely no provocation. He tried to make himself untrollable, first by CWC troll shielding and then by mass removal of friends. And yet, he fails to realize that he is his own greatest enemy and troll. If he didn't active seek out people not praising the divine being and a martyr he is, he would be blissfully ignorant of our existance.
>> No. 850
File 131025737233.jpg - (19.58KB , 499x386 , Art theft.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 851
Like some kinky loose bourgeious Polish faggot from Rockford, IL is going to scare me!
>> No. 852
But people on the internet saying mean things about you sends you into a huffing panic, fearing some sort of attempt on your life.
>> No. 853
>from Rockford, IL
Trying to drop more info on Trey, or an autistic need to add little details?
>> No. 854
File 13102583392.png - (175.44KB , 1024x661 , Trey's wall.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh look who came crawling back! Did you enjoy the drawing of you fucking CWC in the ass?

Also, Trey's wall!
>> No. 855
File 131025844166.jpg - (10.83KB , 204x267 , say that to my face fucker.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 856
You're queer, and you're into bondage, and yet you diss Trey for being "kinky" and being a "faggot"? *pushes up glasses*

Your cognitive dissonance never ceases to amaze me.
>> No. 857
Hey, what happened to that "I walk away in victory" thing?

You just had to come back to bash more gay people, huh? You're a disgrace to the LGBT. You should show some solidarity!
>> No. 858
File 131025858179.jpg - (69.59KB , 248x252 , wow its fucking nothing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Dropping info on Trey

Phillip, we told you before no one wants to bother him. Are you really that retar-- oh, right.
>> No. 859
File 13102586789.jpg - (12.12KB , 276x188 , facepalm2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
and right below it >>76317

He just never learns, does he?
>> No. 860
>wears superfluous anime accessories
>doesn't know what "bourgeious" means
>is an uneducated fatass
>> No. 861
>tells people to get a life
>wants to live as an anime character
>> No. 862
Seriously guys, pointing out ADF's hypocrise is like pointing out that a shit smells bad.
>> No. 863
How nice of you to release the city I live in for the last 6 months! Also, to be fair, I am an actual homosexual unlike you. Also, you couldn't satisfy me with for your 4 inch dick covered in fat rolls. I do have standards, you know!

I hope you like this song I picked out for you. It suits you quite well.
>> No. 864
I fucking love that album <3
>> No. 865
File 13102601529.jpg - (225.72KB , 537x720 , 269553_101MEME.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You can:

Make all the threats you want at me, through phone or post, I do not care if try and bomb me through the mail

Send Kourine, Andrew Smith, that Polish Catholic who in incapable of confessing being a 789 Agent from day one after me

Threaten the rest of my living family

Threaten Maria Pupo and my Housemates

Attempt bodily harm even, go for the gold and try kill me if you want, HELL I love for you to try to jump me on the subway or anywhere on SEPTA.

After all, I have been a walking target since 2008

Come to Philadelphia, find me, I will be ready for you
>> No. 866
Audio Track 5 - (7.48MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , SS Potpurri.mp3 ) Length: 5:27 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>Also, you couldn't satisfy me with for your 4 inch dick covered in fat rolls. I do have standards, you know!
I'm going to gouge my eyes out, marinate them in gasoline and set them on fire. I can feel my brain trying to defenestrate itself. Thanks alot, the mental imagine will never leave me. I'll never be pure again.

>ADF thread turning into a random music thread
Well, since ADF is all about how great and mighty Soviet Union and the Invincible Red Army were, why don't we think of its great archievements.

Soviet-Polish War, Winter War, Battle of Narva. Man did those Polacks, Finns and Estonians get their asses whooped.

Music related. My mother's half-brother's teacher had served in the SS, and always told in a casual manner about the history. "Oh, and here that Adolf guy made a little mistake.." USSR didn't manage to drag a single member of the regiment to the court.

Red Army - losing to little piece of shit countries since the 20s!
>> No. 867
You look like you're about to cry in that picture.

>Proclaim fearlessness.
>list off paranoid fears.
>> No. 869
>Make all the threats you want at me, through phone or post, I do not care if try and bomb me through the mail
I thought you were the one fascinated with bombs.

>Attempt bodily harm even, go for the gold and try kill me if you want, HELL I love for you to try to jump me on the subway or anywhere on SEPTA.
We've just been talking about you. Paranoid, much?
>> No. 870
>Send Kourine, Andrew Smith, that Polish Catholic who in incapable of confessing being a 789 Agent from day one after me
You still don't want to believe people turn against you because you're a self-centered douche who treats others like shit? Of course it's always easy to blame others, but really, before you tell other people to get a life, grow up and at least pretend you take responsibility of your mistakes.
>> No. 871
Ahuviya we've only been friends for a little while and I have been reading the forum here. Some body by the name of cisgender opressor wrote. "Phillip was a known racist who accused the black members of our club from stealing his manga.

Phillip had coitus with another man in a burger king bath room.

Phillip has been known to steal from his mother to buy manga and cosplay related stuff.

Phillip has had sex for money and monetary items. One member stated that Phillip performed fellatio on a guy for a volume of Naruto.

The secret service did send agents to GCC to help the investigation of his sasuke death threat. Phillip does have a file on him from this incident.

When Phillip failed to have sex with kourine. He had a magical dream that he was a homosexual man named Felipe. After that dream he started to go to the LGBT clubs and referred to himself as a Latino man named Felipe.

The members of the GCC anime club almost get phillip arrested for false detainment when he handcuffed Kourine to himself for 2 hours while they were watching an anime movie. 0"

Is that true Ahuviya?
>> No. 872
>We've just been talking about you. Paranoid, much?
But Trey said he's face punishement if he didn-

Oh right, of course he didn't refer to physical punishement as that would require being close to that sweat, cum, grease and shit covered whale.
>> No. 873
File 131026070586.jpg - (74.20KB , 500x784 , 4APMHDTHPOWGE34IWLJOEYEO4KEFULFU_preview.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Quit playing armchair psychologist cwcfaggots, or else you are all talk and no action

C'mon, organize some plan to get me in Philly

Dead serious nigga
>> No. 874

Yeah, you keep deluding yourself, ADF, all while (strongly) identifying with Sasuke, a MALE character.
You do that.
>> No. 875
>I would not fuck her!
>> No. 876
What's that? Too big words for a manchild?

>C'mon, organize some plan to get me in Philly
>Please oppress me
You've gotta try harder than that.
>> No. 877
>Phillip has had sex for money and monetary items. One member stated that Phillip performed fellatio on a guy for a volume of Naruto.

I'm not sure if this is more or less pathetic than that "sex for a cheeseburger" image.
>> No. 878
>I would not fuck him!
>> No. 879
>No one has ever talked about harming you at all, why do you insist on behaving as if we're plotting to kill you?

All we're doing here is having a nice giggle at the stupid and downright bizarre things you do.

I don't get how you get "Lets saw that faggot's head off" from "Jesus christ look at this tard."
>> No. 880
File 131026090695.jpg - (34.36KB , 458x290 , The Plot Thickens sml.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 881
And he still keeps on doing it! Likely, he never left.

ADF must be the number one pathetic thing...ever. A manchild staring at the screen, shitting himself, following as people criticize him but his ego won't let him leave because they are talking about HIM.
>> No. 882
We've just tapped into his massive persecution complex. In his mind !!!the oppressors!!! are after him again.
>> No. 883
Which is the best thing about it all <3
>> No. 884
Come to Philadelphia, kill me faggots

I do not care, go try and off me

Operative word is try, and this might require some effort away from your computers
>> No. 885
Yeah. Knowing a crazy manchild is shitting his pants because we talk bad on him in the internet makes my sleep a lot better, not joking at all.
>> No. 886
>me faggots
Did you just use "faggot" as an insult?!
>> No. 887
He doesn't seem to want to address what anyone individually is saying. Just pop in, make a big puffed up open post trying to look tough.
He's like what, 25 now? but he seems to think that these pictures of him in costumes should intimidate and frighten us? This is how a child thinks.
Dammit Phil, can't you take any time to be an adult? Try not to view everything as it relates to your personal interest (Like viewing smoking as a homosexual problem, rather than a human problem)
>> No. 890
File 131026154742.jpg - (44.90KB , 350x473 , lmao6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Operative word is try, and this might require some effort away from your computers
>Said by ADF, who is obese even by American standards.

Gentlemen, witness more hypocrisy!
>> No. 891
Phil, dude
No one at any time has said anything about killing you. No one has ever discussed beating you up. No one has even planned to shoot a spitball at you.
Take a deep breath man, chill the fuck out.
>> No. 892

Tell your friends here to haul ass to Philadelphia and try to kill me, don't care.

I will just die as a another martyr from anti-LGBT bullying
>> No. 893
File 131026164315.jpg - (69.30KB , 426x550 , james-connolly.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Awww, cute, he thinks he's gonna become a martyr for our cause!

James Connolly does not tolerate your bullshit.
>> No. 894
File 131026167794.jpg - (74.34KB , 462x820 , Untitled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Me too!

I was going to use that song but I couldn't remember the name.


I don't think I'll be able to get any sleep tonight after seeing that!

Ahuviya, you only have yourself to blame for this. You're the one who turned me to what you would consider a "troll". I've gotten fed up with how you treated Maria and others on Facebook. So, I've went on here under the name of "Happy Dahmer." I owe it to Andrew (Captain Commie), Jen (Orokabu), Kimmo, and others for giving me the balls to stand up to you!

I wasn't against you. At first, I felt sorry for you and wanted to help you. I even released the fact that you wanted to go into prostitution, because you wanted to distract them. Yes, Ahuviya did want to go into prostitution. In fact, I opened up to him about my past. Right after I finished telling him my backstory, he told me he wanted to try it! I couldn't believe it.

I'm a non-denominational Christain, motherpuncher! Also, I didn't threaten your life, or threaten anyone, retard. YOU are the one who threatened Maria. I don't want to kill you either, just make you look like a damn fool!

I've already done that under the name of "Happy Dahmer!"
>> No. 895
I'm thinking he isn't reading posts anymore.
All he knows is that they're all mean so he can only assume the worse. Won't read them though, such mean stuff makes him feel so bad. Just post blindly.
>> No. 896
>I will just die as a another martyr from anti-LGBT bullying
More like, you would die as yet another opressor of the LGBT people. You bash poor gay Trey and treat the people in LGBT community like shit.

You aren't being bullied because of your sexuality, and you know it.
>> No. 897
You're the one posting anti-LGBT shit. Also, it's 789chan (other homosexuals, bisexuals, straight people, etc.) and homosexual (me) vs. retard
>> No. 898

You are too pussy to kill me in Philadelphia

because ED and 789 could get shut down by the FBI and the Attorney General by way of the USA Patriot Act!

Chicken shits...
>> No. 899
>I will just die as a another martyr from anti-LGBT bullying

Mao Zedong say: Ahuviya die from his tardness, death will be lighter than feather.
>> No. 900
Man, you are really attached to this idea of people wanting to fly over and kill you.
>> No. 901
No, we can't kill you because it is a crime. You see ADF, we are all good people unlike you. We wish no harm what so ever, you are briging all of this over yourself, not us.
>> No. 902
He must think that he has this really brilliant plan cooked up, all it requires is someone coming over to him.
>> No. 903
>You are too pussy to kill me in Philadelphia
>because ED and 789 could get shut down by the FBI and the Attorney General by way of the USA Patriot Act!
Breaking news: A hate crime murder of a valiant freedom fighter leads to several racist neo-nazi white supremacist sites being closed.

This is what ADF believes in.
>> No. 904
I can see ADF holding a baseball bat sitting looking into his locked door with a chair to block it(because he is lazy to drag something heavy)
>> No. 905

Of course its a crime...but you all are chicken shit to do it
>> No. 906
Look at you. You're so precious.
>> No. 907
File 131026235625.jpg - (52.29KB , 604x456 , internet tough guy2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Of course its a crime...but you all are chicken shit to do it
>I'm a big boy, I could commit a crime if I wanted
>> No. 908
and a colander on his head for a "helmet"
>> No. 909
What is up with you and chicken shit? You eat it? Is that why you can't stop thinking and saying that? Dude, you are just sad, seriously.
Also, some of us have better things to do than a public service and get rid of you, well, thiking this way, we are all terrible people for not killing ADF.
>> No. 910

Home invasions are fine by me, but doing it on the streets of Philadelphia is a lot better, trust me...there sure to be witnesses this time around....

>> No. 911
Nah, we won't bother in your house, your roomates have enough shit to deal with you around, they don't need more mess.
>> No. 912
You can't archieve martyr status by carrying around attraction signs and dressing up as cartoon characters. You gotta try harder.
>> No. 913

Colander, my ass

I own a combat helmet, remember Spetznaz Sakura Haruno?
>> No. 914
I think you're too chickenshit to sell your capitalist anime merchandise and go on a diet. Prove me wrong
>> No. 915

Oh Phillip. All of us at GCC knew you weren't a true LGBT and we have proof. You've bullied Trey, Maria who are both on the spectrum. You've also taunted people to beat you up, so you can be a LGBT Martyr. You're still the same Man child who put handcuffs on me. Just with a purple wig and more estrogen flowing through you. You're pathetic.
>> No. 916
Does it fit your big head?
>> No. 917
Oh yeah, didn't they pop up in a thread telling how much they just wished he'd roll the fuck out?

And before that, ADF had told they'd protect the LBTG saint with their lives. lol
>> No. 918
Treating a joking comment in such a serious manner.
da autism
>> No. 919
Well, the image of you in a helmet and a pink wig IS more comical than you in a colander... =D
>> No. 920
No, no one here pays that much atention to you, don't feel so special.

Also, a fucking combat helmet won't protect the rest of your body, oh wait, you have that crappy cosplay. NOW WE ARE SCARED.
>> No. 921
Meet my demands or I'll release shit next Saturday!
>> No. 922
Hey ADF, do you acknowledge the fact that you'd be the very definition of a parasite in the Soviet Union?
>> No. 923
Yeah, or are you "chicken shit", ADF? Huh? Huh?
>> No. 924
File 131026319512.jpg - (110.42KB , 400x308 , 8721091.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well, Hi Kourine, its Ahuviya Harel now, BTW if you aren't up on my transition to female, you wonderful Asexual Don't Steal MY OCs Czarina, Can I draw your characters again? I have this lineart of you in a Nazi SS Uniform I have been sitting on coloring since May and...
>> No. 925
Tell Dusty I said hi!
>> No. 926
This thread is only getting more and more awesome.
>> No. 927

I know about your transistion and it's not working. You still are trying to be a bishie man. Also, you have full permission to draw my characthers. As long as the work states it's not by myself.
>> No. 928
OMG they have a nazi drawing!?!?!?!
Oh wait, nobody cares.
We're talking about you Phil, and the weird shit you do.
>> No. 929
No, no. You didn't get it. HE, ADF, made a drawing of Kourine in a nazi uniform. AND THAT TOTALLY PROVES HE IS A NAZI GUISE.
It is like Chris trying to tell us he had sex making a drawing of him having sex, all over again.
>> No. 930
Hey ADF, what's your stance on Holodomor?
>> No. 931
what the fuck are you sperging about?
>> No. 932
Oh no, I guess because I had relatives in the Wehrmacht, that makes me a Nazi too! lolololololol
>> No. 933
Holy shit that is pathetic.
Seriously, this is childlike reasoning.
>> No. 934
ADF: what would you do if you had a heteronormative, "cisgendered" son who was totally normal?

"I told you I'd disown you if I ever caught you fooling around with some girl!!! HOW COULD YOU SHAME ME LIKE THIS"
>> No. 935
*turns to ADF, wry grin*
>> No. 936
To be fair, I actually like that ADF isn't normal. I don't know why you fucking /cwc/fags are so obsessed with people being normal and conforming to your conventional ideas and images of how a person should live his or her life.

ADF, you keep doing what you're doing. If everyone were like you, this world would be a lot more interesting. I won't pretend to be a fan of your artwork or anything like that, I just don't think it's fair that you get kicked around just for being different. They may call you childish, but they're the ones bullying you like a bunch of schoolyard tough guys.
>> No. 937
>> No. 938
File 131026407824.png - (53.67KB , 256x256 , Cartman-Special-Olympics-icon.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What kind of helmet do you own?
>> No. 939
I would say you are ADF. But he can't write this good. So, oh hay whiteknight. You took a while to show up.
>> No. 940
There's "harmless kook" or "eccentric", and then there's being a humongous dick about it and a genuine disruption to others in society.

You figure out which one our dear Philip is.
>> No. 941
i hate you more than adf by the way
>> No. 942
File 131026425025.jpg - (924.99KB , 2552x3324 , IMG_KN_SS_officer_LA_5911.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Kourine, since you have become the poster womanchild of how Germany has been wronged by the Bolshevik Queer Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Ahuviya Harel. Why don't you fellow Der Fuerher's orders and invaded the Soviet Union and drag that tranny tyrant Ahuviya Harel back to Berlin in chains, give her a fair trial, and gas her...like a Good German.

Pic Related, anyone want a crack at the lineart?
>> No. 943
What the hell are you talking about?
>> No. 944
>He is a german
ADF, master of logic.
>> No. 945
ADF is stunningly normal, in that he doesn't give a damn about the queer community, he just cares about his own status within it. It's very typical really
>> No. 946
>Pic Related, anyone want a crack at the lineart?
If you haven't figured out yet, you can't draw. So, no, not really.
>> No. 947
Would I be the poster child for Poland. The country did have a lot of wars with Russia.
>> No. 948
>ADF being a racist
You don't say.
>> No. 949
File 131026453360.jpg - (24.52KB , 500x375 , MISTYWHAT.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 950
Draw me next! Draw me next!
>> No. 951
>Why don't you fellow Der Fuerher's orders and invaded the Soviet Union and drag that tranny tyrant Ahuviya Harel back to Berlin in chains, give her a fair trial, and gas her...like a Good German.
>Would somebody now please oppress me
This is getting sad, ADF. I mean, really.
>> No. 952
File 131026465949.png - (50.66KB , 172x145 , happyredskull.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>because ED and 789 could get shut down by the FBI and the Attorney General by way of the USA Patriot Act!

Do you seriously believe that the government will shut down websites because they're making fun of you? You might want to get started on that letter to Obama, ADF, since you seem to think you're more important than national security.
>> No. 953
I feel sorry for you, I really do.
>> No. 954
Dear Phil,

You're not a woman, a worker, an activist, or a homosexual. You're an idiot.


>> No. 955
It is like he is using CWC's logic on us.
>> No. 956
I do hope this goes on, I need something to entertain me at work.
>> No. 957
Ooh, yes! Can I be China? ADF, you can be the Soviet Union and we can have a Sino-Soviet Split and you can call me an ultra-leftist and I can call you a revisionist, Brezhnevite social-imperialist! It'd be realistic because it's true...

Oh, and where is that pic of me and Trey? I'd love to see your interpretation of me...
>> No. 958
So according to Captain Commie, it appears that Ahuyiva avoids AIM. Well in that case, lemme offer an alternative.

[email protected]

As before, I'm always open to chat ;)
>> No. 959
why is it that there are always namefags on both sides of the issue?
>> No. 960
I know, right? My plans fell through for the evening and I don't work tomorrow, so I can go on as long as you can, Ahuviya....
>> No. 961
I know, it's amazing.

>"Hurr I hate Chris-chan because he's such a retard"
>Be retarded in the same exact ways
>> No. 962
Isn't it obvious? Everyone wants to be the next Clyde/Liquid/Whoever.
>> No. 963
This is what he gets for trolling CWC.
Made him leave the internet forever so focused turned towards him.
It's all your own fault Phil.
>> No. 964
Draw Trey as Pilsudski and me as Mannerheim brofisting and trolling commies.
>> No. 965
Hey, Ahuviya. I gave the screenshot of you releasing your own address to Maria. Expect to be homeless in 5 . . . 4 . . .
>> No. 966
Guys! Guys! Our hero is speaking to me on AIM! Hang tight
>> No. 967
I love you (No homo)
>> No. 968
File 131026535937.png - (178.64KB , 489x277 , awesome.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Heeeereeee weeeee gooooo!
>> No. 969
File 131026552070.gif - (31.72KB , 340x300 , 1306201256279.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Please, do go on. We will wait for you.
>> No. 970
Love you man! Though Ahuviya might think dirty thoughts about us and fap to them!
>> No. 972
Try and make him come back. We luv him.
>> No. 973
File 131026590528.png - (785.72KB , 548x759 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 974
It's pretty boring so far... it's mainly him expanding upon my Sino-Soviet Split metaphor into some... fuck if I know where this conversation is going. It's mainly him sperging off about Soviet history. I'm still hearing him out, but gotta admit you guys might find this convo boring
>> No. 975
Hah. I liked it.
>> No. 976
Maybe try and school him for a bit? Point out inaccuracies and such, his complete lack of understanding?
>> No. 977
Ahuviya Harel 10:47 pm
I had a few drinks

>> No. 978

Aww! I wanted him to start sperging again!
>> No. 979
What if we, from now on, point out when ADF isn't being a hypocrite? It'd be easier.
>> No. 980
LOL! I like it too

I kinda do, but I know most of y'all wouldn't be interested in that shit. I know I've caught major hell in the past derailing previous ADF threads with political matters, so that's up to you guys.
>> No. 981
And he called me a drunk! He's definately going to regret most of his posts in the morning xD
>> No. 982
Well that explains his posts here getting even less coherent.
>> No. 983
Ahuviya Harel 10:50 pm
Do youu think I am qualified to be a Soviet dictator
ComradaiCeart400 10:50 pm
Uhhhh.... sure. We'll go with that.
Ahuviya Harel 10:50 pm
I am such a bitch after all
It would the USSR's first Female Premier
Ahuviya Rotem Harel
ComradaiCeart400 10:51 pm
You can be in your IMAGINATION, darling, you can *pats your little helmet*
Ahuviya Harel 10:51 pm
I am not wearing my helmet
>> No. 984
Dude, I think ADF actually gets off on the idea that people are after his life.
It's like he's living in a Naruto-inspired universe or something.
>> No. 985
>It would the USSR's first Female Premier
Lets us ignore the USSR is not real anymore.

>ComradaiCeart400 10:51 pm
>You can be in your IMAGINATION, darling, you can *pats your little helmet*
>Ahuviya Harel 10:51 pm
>I am not wearing my helmet
Amazing how the only thing he got out of this was "he thinks I am with my helmet" and not "he is mocking me"
>> No. 986
I thought ADF was supposed to be "superior" to CWC.
Isn't that what he used to claim all the damn time?
>> No. 987
Ding ding ding. He wants to be an oppressed martyr.
>> No. 988
File 131026699372.jpg - (19.82KB , 300x225 , 060717_oro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hopefully you screencapped it!

Where I am Kabuto and the people here are a part of the Sound Village. I think you're right!
>> No. 989
Well, anyone can claim they are an eagle, that does not make it true.
ADF just can't see irony and hypocrisy I guess. Fucking autism.
>> No. 990
He's currently pouring his heart out to me about... stuff. Most of it seems incoherent. I'll continue to hear him out though. Yes, I will save/screencap the chat.
>> No. 991
File 131026784632.jpg - (109.04KB , 500x350 , notaproperwoman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So... what have we learned from the fat tick that is Phil?

>c'mon guys... plz oppress me?

Man, get over yourself and start answering these peoples' thought provoking questions. Or are YOU too chicken shit?
>> No. 992
This. Answer our questions and we will hunt you down and kill you if that is what you wan't.
>> No. 993
He's barely making any sense, and he just keeps talking about I'M A WOMAN I'M A WOMAN I'M A WOMAN when I try to ask valid questions:

ComradaiCeart400 11:13 pm
I don't care, my point is I find it amusing that you could easily ignore what I, Trey, and the /cwc/fags all do, sooo easily, but you just keep coming back for more from us
I personally enjoy it
I'm glad you do
but I wanted to play devil's advocate for a minute
Ahuviya Harel 11:14 pm
I am a woman


ComradaiCeart400 11:15 pm
but why should you care if I don't think you're a woman?
You don't even know who I am
Ahuviya Harel 11:15 pm
I am waiting for my natural hair to grow out


ComradaiCeart400 11:18 pm
I must ask, if you're a woman, why do you emulate Sasuke, a distinctly MALE character?
Indulge me.
You want to live your life as Sasuke
that's a dude
the fuck?
Ahuviya Harel 11:19 pm
I mean I am such this horrible OMG this is the next CWC, that fucking ADF-FAGsalida you see me as
I shouldn't have the right to be happy with my own body

This is more than a little surreal
>> No. 994
File 131026825026.gif - (593.68KB , 239x270 , Hitler tea time.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>He's barely making any sense, and he just keeps talking about I'M A WOMAN I'M A WOMAN I'M A WOMAN when I try to ask valid questions
Breaking news.
>> No. 995
point taken
>> No. 996
>Ahuviya Harel 11:19 pm
>I mean I am such this horrible OMG this is the next CWC, that fucking ADF-FAGsalida you see me as
>I shouldn't have the right to be happy with my own body

The fuck man.
>> No. 997
File 131026889939.png - (1.55MB , 1800x2572 , a_stigma_i_must_address_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d3li.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
New Phillip poster.
>> No. 998
File 131026893141.jpg - (61.59KB , 420x502 , Jet Li and Tupac consume lemon.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Ahuviya Harel 11:14 pm
>I am a woman
Never gets old.
>> No. 999
Hate to disappoint you guys, but the current chat isn't much new, just him talking like a broken record, and any attempts to manipulate or press his buttons don't do anything... until I got to this point:

ComradaiCeart400 11:31 pm
Soooo, uh... let me ask, what was your point in IMing me anyway?
Ahuviya Harel 11:31 pm
I needed to pull away from that
Its out of my system
ComradaiCeart400 11:32 pm
That... didn't answer my question
Ahuviya Harel 11:33 pm
No, I needed someone to talk to
and vent
Ahuviya Harel 11:34 pm
I wanna see if you can break me from my will to be Ahuviya Harel
>> No. 1000
>No, I needed someone to talk to and vent
He's running out of friends. Definitely.
>> No. 1002
File 131026912951.jpg - (870.23KB , 1531x1986 , trans_hammer_and_sickle_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d3li.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Phillip managing to piss of commies,diabetics, junkies and trannies all at once.
>> No. 1003
>I wanna see if you can break me from my will to be Ahuviya Harel
Poor girl, even in private chats the oppression still continues.
>> No. 1004
A moment of clarity?:

Ahuviya Harel 11:37 pm
See if you can get me to go back to being male and maybe I kill myself because I reached crit mass of people telling me I will never be a woman
But each and every time, I end up more militaristic thasn before
Ahuviya Harel 11:39 pm
For me its simple, the transitioin or I die
ComradaiCeart400 11:39 pm
I'm not going to give you what you validation like that. I don't reinforce negative behavior like that.
ComradaiCeart400 11:41 pm
In fact it's this "victimizing" behavior that you feed off of that makes me pretty convinced that you may fit the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder
Ahuviya Harel 11:41 pm
I prolly do have BPD
>> No. 1005
It's not unlikely, but keep in mind he'll look into identifying with anything that makes him seem more "fucked up" to the "norms".
>> No. 1006
File 131026951774.png - (12.41KB , 662x195 , 51b7e0559c717b4a19a20a520c79f8f66d8f491f.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
the amount of times heteronormative and cis-gendered has been said without a trace of irony or self-awareness is hilarious and makes me want to vomit at the same time. fuc kyou guys are great.
>> No. 1007
>Ahuviya Harel 11:34 pm
>I wanna see if you can break me from my will to be Ahuviya Harel
He has another persona in mind. Sweet.
>> No. 1008
>Ahuviya Harel 11:37 pm
>See if you can get me to go back to being male
>> No. 1009
No you see GENDER is a STATE OF MIND and contrary to the opinions of the CIS-GENDERED WHITE MAJORITY, ... [wank wank]
>> No. 1010
Dude. You have a dick or a vagina? Oh, a dick, ok, you are male. It is easy like that.
>> No. 1011
I just ended the convo with him. It really wasn't going anywhere, and not much new info could be gleamed... this was really the end of the convo:

Ahuviya Harel 11:41 pm
I prolly do have BPD
however if I ever get DX that - I feel the capitalist medical establishment will take away my right to be a woman
Ahuviya Harel 11:43 pm
Theres my catch-22 and disincentive not to change
ComradaiCeart400 11:44 pm
I don't know what to tell you there.
Ahuviya Harel 11:44 pm
Yeah I know
Its destroy the male body of self-destruct
Ahuviya Harel 11:45 pm
FFS Seventh Smirnoff tonight
ComradaiCeart400 11:46 pm
Slow down.
Ahuviya Harel 11:46 pm
What reason?
ComradaiCeart400 11:46 pm
Drinking that much ain't helping
Ahuviya Harel 11:47 pm
I mean everyone telling me I can't be this or that
what's the point anymore
Ahuviya Harel 11:49 pm
I also cover up my past Asperger's DX when I was male, If I ever recognize that as one of my legitimate illnesses I feel I will be denied surgery
another catch-22
and disinscentive
Ahuviya Harel 11:52 pm
I am also facing another disincentive, I refuse to go on disability'
as its legislated poverty and thats want I do not need
To by honest, I am in talks with my old work for coming back in August
Ahuviya Harel 11:54 pm
yeah...you heard right
ComradaiCeart400 11:54 pm
Good luck.
Ahuviya Harel 11:56 pm
So, I am this Brezhnev era like dictator that protects her womanhood at all costs
Ahuviya Harel 11:56 pm
even at my own expense
Ahuviya Harel 11:59 pm
not to mention self-destructive
I have to pick the lesser evil
every time
BRB Beer number 8
ComradaiCeart400 12:01 am
I'm done with this conversation. I know you won't want to hear what I have to say and you're only going to get more and more drunk so I don't see the use.

That's all I got, gentlemen... honestly shit was kinda depressing.
>> No. 1012
I keep seeing that word, "cisgendered".
What the fuck does it mean?
Is ADF even using it correctly?
>> No. 1013

My friend's cousin was raised a girl and then when she was about 23 she started experience pains in her abdomen. She went to the doctor and got an ultrasound and it turned out she had two testes down inside of her, so she had both boy parts and girl parts. Sometimes gender isn't so black and white. It's a different situation for ADF though.
>> No. 1014
Shit /cwc/
I think we broke him.
>> No. 1015
It means a person whose gender fits into their sex in a typical way, contrast to "genderqueer" or trans people. Progressive blogger types are trying to make it catch on lately by saying it over and over.
>> No. 1016
File 131027113798.jpg - (28.48KB , 420x350 , deawithittrannies.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's not even important. One thing these trannies fail to understand, is no mater how much estrogen they take, or surgeries they have, a simple blood test will always come back reading their birth sex.
>> No. 1017
So she was a hermafrodite. Completly diferent situation with ADF, I have no problem on calling him a woman if he does the operation and cuts his dick off and puts a fake vagina in there.
>> No. 1018
Do people like ADF realize they're hurting their cause? I never had any problem with transexuals, but lately a lot of them do nothing but hiss and spray acid because I have the audacity to be a generic male. It's kinda making the while thing out to be a bunch of self-righteous dicks in my mind.
>> No. 1019
>> No. 1021
Sheesh... ADF will probably just recover from all this in the morning and go back to being a jackass but we nearly broke down his walls for a bit there. That guy is a mess. He needs to see a doctor for antidepressants or something.

We're not all delusional. A lot of us are rational and just try to live as comfortably as possible. But yeah there are some crazy bitches out there who take "stealth" way too far.
>> No. 1022
File 13102723696.jpg - (108.32KB , 231x524 , 1305981219767.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw he will continue to use us to get off on his oppression fetish.
>mfw I feel so violated.
>> No. 1023
File 131027263628.png - (3.96MB , 1882x3137 , FeliciaUkeHunter_91909-svg.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yo, assholes

You know that I read the CWCki, listen to the CWC phone call recordings on a regular basis, right?

So ADF Phone calls aren't gonna happen, too smart to pick up the phone for Trey Pepe anymore

So, cut the phone calls to me or I will like, change my number...a few more times

BTW Captain Commie - I was not drunk, you got faked out
>> No. 1024
And all of that were lies. No shock there ADF. You scumbag.
>> No. 1025
You still need psychotherapy, hon :p
>> No. 1026

Hey ADF! Since you're here, can you care to tell us why every communist country in the history of Earth has sent it's LGBT community members to death camps to starve?
>> No. 1027
Yet. You're possibly dumber than Chris. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if troll sagas started springing up. Enjoy your years of online and IRL harassment by Anon.
>> No. 1029
File 131027420273.jpg - (21.34KB , 235x272 , 130046402333716202762.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Still waiting for you to draw a picture of me and to draw a picture of Captain Commie in exchange for one of the demands being dropped.
>> No. 1030
*checks front page*

looks like ADF is mad.
>> No. 1031
>> No. 1032
To Waffle Queen, Wanna call me?

Ask Trey Pepe for the number, he knows it well
>> No. 1034

"ahuviya", if that's what you call yourself now, i don't care about those trey/maria retards, but i think >>76594 is right about you having an "oppression fetish". it's one thing to be LGBT or even hold leftist views, but it's another thing to change your identity more than your underwear like you do so much.

plus, you have to admit, you only became a communist because of hetalia.
>> No. 1035
Just answer this one for me please.
Do you realy consider yourself a communist? I mean, you have so much anime merchandise. Trying to be civil here, just answer that question. Thank you very much.
>> No. 1036
Implying the shitstain even changes his underwear often.
>> No. 1037
I personally could, actually... but let's hear ADF's take on it first, shall we? :D
>> No. 1038
Hey ADF, if you read the CWCki...

What was your favorite saga?

Do you think it could happen to you?
>> No. 1039
Hahaha :p Shit thread.
>> No. 1040

adf, if you actually believe we don't know this is you, you are seriously more retarded than Chris.
>> No. 1041
File 13102756236.jpg - (58.07KB , 400x400 , 400x.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Phil.

A natural born woman here. I've got the body you wish you had and which those placebo pills will never give you. The hips, the curves, lack of bodyhair, a full head of hair, the tits and let's not forget the lack of a dick. I've got real tits, nice and perky... unlike your misshapen flaps of hairy man-fat.

u jelly?
>> No. 1042
And for those that don't believe
I think we are done with the kerofaggot now, just stop.
>> No. 1043
find me on facebook boy. us spies are still among your ranks.
>> No. 1044
Hey, Ahuviya. I've got to ask; Did you jack off before or after my phone calls and texts to you?

Are you trying to pick up a date?
>> No. 1046
File 131028139329.png - (36.24KB , 949x585 , A Community of Idiots.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF hates and despises the American mainstream ("bourgeois") LGBT community for a long time.

Apparently they don't accept him enough (which would mean total and unconditional praise of his limitless courage and beauty), or maybe just because don't really ever obey when he commands them to riot and kill people so he can lead the "queer revolution".

Hey, what was he arrested for (allegedly)?


The Bolshevik caricature looks like ADF. Seriously.
>> No. 1047
File 13102827194.jpg - (155.96KB , 480x720 , adfready.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Come to Philadelphia, find me, I will be ready for you

ADF, this "combat stance" of some kind, what the hell are you doing in this photo? 'CWC Fighter' was less awkward, you know.
>> No. 1048
Yeah, pretty much every other tranny I've met has been sane. We're not ALL batshit crazy "cisgendered oppressed" morons.

I can't say I really care that much, as my birth sex has been a huge part of my life and I wouldn't change the past if I could. I'll just be a part of me unless they can somehow change it with gene therapy in the next 20 years. Like it matters.

>>So ADF Phone calls aren't gonna happen

>>Wanna call me?

The hypocrisy, does it ever end?
>> No. 1049
File 131028600958.jpg - (220.56KB , 900x1633 , Sasuke___Wrathful_and_Majestic_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, I just checked out in Wikipedia about his #1 role model. Apparently, it's a violent asshole.

>His personality has also been subject to criticism, with many finding it difficult to like or sympathize with Sasuke's character.
>> No. 1050
Hey ADF, my man, seriously. Don't kill yourself, or I'll feel bad. It would surely KILL THE LULZ, you know? And, like, did SASUKE ever killed himself? And really, your mom would be heartbroken.

(Assuming it wasn't just for attention. Which probably it was, unless all the COME AND KILL ME too was an attempt for a suicide by troll.)
>> No. 1051
File 131028930031.jpg - (119.12KB , 900x614 , ADFBODYREADY.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Girl? On a chan?

You know what to post.

He does have masochist tendency. The rape fantasy, prison fantasy, etc...
>> No. 1052
File 131029583231.png - (454.75KB , 1003x1905 , 09_newuniforms.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
AHUVIYA, you've got to admit these SS uniforms were bitching. So much better than this Chinese Communist uniform that you chose to dress up!
>> No. 1053
File 13102967194.jpg - (328.40KB , 1000x1123 , 35_triumph.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, and you forgot the Totenkopf.
>> No. 1054
It might have been more impressive if he bent his knee all the way down to a 90 degree angle while perched atop that log. What he's doing right there just looks like a small child that has to go wee-wee.
>> No. 1055
Seriously, what happened to the last thread? I don't care how faggy it got, a lolcow showing up to rage should be preserved.
>> No. 1056

Oh man, you have no idea. I don't watch Naruto, but I've picked up a lot of second hand knowledge on it. Sasuke used to be hated for being an emo jerk, but he turned into a villain who's pretty much the most selfish character in the series.
>> No. 1057
It claimed its rightful place in the /L/and of Eternal Threads.
>> No. 1058
>> No. 1059

Don't hit on me silly boys!
>> No. 1060
Man, waking up this morning, quickly rereading what happened last night. Great night, eh guys?

It's archived in /l/
>> No. 1061
File 131030848080.jpg - (73.42KB , 512x600 , 1310308210001.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>weeaboo as fuck
>Narutard extraordinaire
>wants to overthrow the goverment of the United States
Wyatt Mann was right all along.
>> No. 1062
File 131030861689.png - (27.52KB , 476x188 , digital cameras.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Camera time!
>> No. 1063
Will you please just throw his ass out?
>> No. 1065
I find it funny (and a little annoying) that he seems to be under the impression that we actually intend to inflict bodily harm upon him, as opposed to simple mockery.

No, most of us actually have jobs and lives and school and stuff. And aren't as outlandishly petty as him.
>> No. 1067
Mann is not using a tablet.

>In April 2000, 16-year-old Spanish teenager José Rabadán Pardo murdered his father, mother and his sister with a katana, proclaiming that he was on an "avenging mission" by Squall Leonhart, the main character of the video game Final Fantasy VIII.
>> No. 1068
  also this
>> No. 1070
File 131031678681.png - (721.22KB , 999x1017 , 1310308210002.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You forgot "homosexual".

>the main character of the video game Final Fantasy VIII.
>> No. 1072
Hey, who makes these parodies, and where can I see more?
>> No. 1073
A. Wyatt Mann. There are a couple in Encyclopedia Dramatica and in http://www.resist.com/CARTOON%20GALLERY/CartoonIndex.htm

There are much more around however. There used to be a site with most of his work, but it is sadly gone.
>> No. 1074
File 131031872749.jpg - (129.77KB , 500x470 , gook_image06.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, "A. Wyatt Mann" isn't using a tablet, his art style is different, he wouldn't know about Atlus and "Narutu", also he's unlikely to draw swastikas to show the Honorable Aryans negatively.

Look, his "Gooks" series is mostly about eating cats, young Azns emulating "the ruthless nigger street gangs", and Asian shopkeepers shooting African Americans (I have no idea what is the point of this one), but nothing whatsoever about popular culture.
>> No. 1075
LOL, gotta love Tom Metzger and W.A.R.
>> No. 1076
I think Mann did some anticommunist cartoons, and a couple that were tributes to German soldiers who fell on the Eastern Front... wish I could find them.
>> No. 1077
File 131031912733.jpg - (147.13KB , 500x560 , spics_image02.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So it's a parody, like this one was turned into a "newfag scum" pic.
>> No. 1078

I'll second that. The anti-weeaboo images in question bear no (obvious) resemblance to any A.W. Mann cartoons out there and were most likely made by some random *chan-lurking drawfag.
>> No. 1079
>I think Mann did some anticommunist cartoons, and a couple that were tributes to German soldiers who fell on the Eastern Front... wish I could find them.
Really? Never seen them. The only ones with real nazis were a few cartoons criticizing the gas chamber story.
>> No. 1080
Hmm...true. His art style is much less non-scribbly. I think our drawfag Torture88 did some faux-Wyatt Mann cartoons as well.
>> No. 1081
File 131032010646.jpg - (36.09KB , 496x599 , Newfag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And here it is, obviously by the guy who did the parodies above.
>> No. 1082
Yeah, there was one that was of a German soldier laying dead in the snow with a giant Reichskriegsflagge flying over him. I wish someone could find them so we could use them in some way against OUR GLORIOUS HERO.
>> No. 1083
File 131032295160.jpg - (158.27KB , 768x512 , 05.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF, do you really want the trolls to beat you up (or even kill you), and become a martyr? And you love Russia, and their military and police, right? Hey, look at this Russian paratrooper, he even has a trollface on. What do you think he and his drunk pals would do with you if you came along and provoked them with your incredible faggotry? And do you think the police would try and stop them before they turn your face into bloody pulp, so you'll come back even uglier than before?

>Send Kourine, Andrew Smith, that Polish Catholic who in incapable of confessing being a 789 Agent from day one after me

Whoever is this Andrew Smith character? Don't remember him from the earlier sagas.
>> No. 1088
>> No. 1090
  Holy shit! I've just got an email from Trey. The blackmail he has is pretty good man. I've been ordered not to release it yet. However, if the fat ass keeps herping around. I'll release a sneak peek of one of the things on Tuesday.

Oh ADF, I had no idea that you loved my Toy Soldiers video! You should've rated,favored,& commented it!
>> No. 1092
>> No. 1093
File 131033255520.png - (497.53KB , 614x460 , adf1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Tossing in my own propaganda poster thang
>> No. 1094
Hey chicken shits!

My number is 272-443-3732 if you guys want to call me so bad! I need someone to talk to other than a back-stabbing Polish Catholic whore! I want to rape Trey Pepe so damn bad just to shut that little faggot up!

>> No. 1095
I thought you said:
>So ADF Phone calls aren't gonna happen, too smart to pick up the phone for Trey Pepe anymore

>So, cut the phone calls to me or I will like, change my number...a few more times

God you're precious.
>> No. 1096
I don't pick up the phone for him. I just text him! So, he can't tap my phone and release the info! I won, you chicken shits!

>> No. 1097
>I want to rape Trey Pepe so damn bad just to shut that little faggot up!
Nice, being a gay/bisexual/transexual/pansexual homophobic.
>> No. 1098
I see you all are having fun here...
>> No. 1099
Goddamn ADF. I guess you lost almost every single one of your friends right? I mean, if you have to talk to trolls just to have someone to talk to. I feel sorry for you.
>> No. 1100
File 131033366230.jpg - (98.17KB , 448x582 , c05s04i02.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Last of my own propaganda posters for the day.
>> No. 1101
I'm having fun too! I'm raping my Uchiha plushie right now!

>> No. 1102
Once again, you miss my point; if you don't want people to record you raging, then why are you challenging us to call you?
>> No. 1103
Because then we would opress him and that is like, his fetish or something.
>> No. 1104
Raping/pwning польский is a Russian given right! I will win against him!

>> No. 1105
File 131033408228.jpg - (12.35KB , 512x103 , moscow.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You do not live in Russia, you gelatinous sack of shit.
>> No. 1106
Hey, hey man. Make some sense please. Thank you very much.
>> No. 1108
I do too! I hate Polish faggots, I love drinking and communism, and KOL KOL KOL

>> No. 1109

Sasuke is not even in my room at the moment


How do you know if I am going to rage, may be it be a civil call
>> No. 1110
I had to throw him in the washer after raping him. God, he's covered in shit!

Also, all of you are going to be put into a work camp in Siberia!

>> No. 1111
File 131033488071.jpg - (74.46KB , 400x600 , ADF Anal Fissure.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't get an anal fissure now!

>> No. 1112
....Oh, if it wasn't for that fact that a friend's coming over soon, I'd be tempted to do so. I'd take you up on the challenge provided you allow me to record the call and post it here >=)
>> No. 1114
Also, 272?

Philadelphia area codes are 215 and 267

Also I don't pick up for restricted numbers, Verizon is screwy with that...You want to call from a line or carrier Verzion will recognize
>> No. 1115
Funny, I have Verizon...
>> No. 1116
Then quit fucking with us. So, your number is either
215-443-3732 or

You've just handed your number to us on a silver platter!
>> No. 1117

You are showing up as restricted if that was you that just called
>> No. 1118
His number is 267-443-3732. It's his actual number!
>> No. 1119
Nope, I got a friend coming over soon so I don't have time to call.

But you'll get to hear from me in due time, comrade, in due time.
>> No. 1120
How much is a bus ticket to Rockford, IL?

>> No. 1121

Try it. phone is on

That might not b my number for too much longer
>> No. 1122
I think I'm going to be sick after reading that!

We're not going to tell you! Why? Who lives in Rockford?

>> No. 1123
Saved. I'll call tomorrow or something.

Also, a friend just pointed out a rough analogy:
"In the ADF Saga
Trey is Clyde/Ryan
Captain is Liquid Chris"
>> No. 1124
Quit comparing me to Chris Chan! I'm more intelligent than he will ever be! Don't flatter yourself, people will forget who you are! Trey most likely to die from AIDS within the next couple of years anyway so he'll be forgotten as well!
>> No. 1125
I dare you fuckers to hack my facebook and my DA! Go ahead, shitheads!
>> No. 1126

What, because he's gay? Haven't you had gay sex yourself?
>> No. 1127
>Quit comparing me to Chris Chan! I'm more intelligent than he will ever be!
Yeah... no.
>> No. 1128
Hey, Phillip! Did you know that Trey Pepe was the one whom Dusty left you for. It's true! I'm not even sure how old Trey was at the time, but Trey took a vacation to New Jersey and stayed there a couple of months. Dusty couldn't keep his hands off of Trey. He was a short skinny guy. Hazel eyes, dark blonde hair.
>> No. 1129
Also, I'm planning on emailing this page to the Mazzoni Center and William Way. All the homophobic comments you've made on here are going to haunt you, Phillip Vincent!
>> No. 1130
File 131033750184.gif - (271.52KB , 352x198 , neuro.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's raging about the internet, again?!? Who did he draw in bondage this time around? Are the trolls going to be "PUNISHED!!1!11" beached whale? I know who created your ED page, but I'm not saying a word!
>> No. 1131
Shut up, you bitches! You're old hacks just like what Andrew and Trey are going to be in a couple of years!
>> No. 1132
ADF, we're waiting for the rimming pictures.
>> No. 1133
  I'm listening to this song, while thinking about how I wanna touch everyone here sexually

>> No. 1134
File 131033876039.png - (195.14KB , 478x305 , 128963729389.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You really want us? How cute!

>> No. 1135
>ADF tries to dox Trey
> Trey is somehow the "backstabbing whore"
>> No. 1136

adf, do you realize how retarded you sound here? at least nick bate and the angry beaver fetish guy answered people's questions. you just repeat the same shit like a retarded kid with autism or... oh wait.

that really isn't soviet dictator material, ahuviya.
>> No. 1138
Yeah. Similarly incoherent in the chats with Captain Commie.

ADF, are you capable of reading comprehension?
>> No. 1139

Don't forget; This is the same guy who listens to Justin Bieber and Jeffree Star
>> No. 1140
I am giving Kourine a call...

No shit, I am actually doing this...I know her number
>> No. 1141
Just once, I wish we had a lolcow who had classy taste in music.

Commies should listen to the music of Kurt Weill and Marc Blitzstein.
>> No. 1142
File 131033994761.jpg - (0.96MB , 1198x6172 , hugbox.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Epic samefag, one guy trolled this whole board hard.
>> No. 1144
File 131034070918.jpg - (31.58KB , 125x120 , hahanerd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If they're the ones that are going to be forgotten, what makes you so special? To yourself, you're a special commie/bisexual/bishe snowflake martyr who's combating the EVILLLLL /cwc/ by dodging questions, trying to bait trolls into your house, and basically acting like the neckbearded autistic nerd you say we are. To everyone else, even outside the internet, you're just another lolcow like CWC was, Timbox was, and just about everyone else with an ED article was. Without anyone making fun of you, your life would be lonelier, sadder, and even less signifigant. At least most of the people who go on here have actual friends, jobs, families, etc.

Without us, you'll be forgotten just like any other attention-whoring scumbag. So who are you to talk? Explain.

Or are you as "chickenshit" as you say we are?
>> No. 1146
hey idiot look above your post
>> No. 1147
File 131034102315.png - (645.64KB , 497x720 , Nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK. I shooped the poster a little bit, no disrespect towards your MS paint skills intended Captain.
>> No. 1149
File 131034374442.jpg - (268.30KB , 894x800 , CommunistVersusFaggot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1150
File 131034412313.gif - (175.83KB , 480x360 , clap.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Those fucking rat teeth man...
>> No. 1151
>he put his signature on a mediocre drawing
>> No. 1152
Eh, better than anything I could ever draw.
>> No. 1153
But... They're both faggots. I don't get it.
>> No. 1155
The faggot on the right is more faggy.
>> No. 1156
All you aspies fell for a huge troll, and just ignore it.
Don't change /cwc/
>> No. 1157
>All you aspies fell for a huge troll, and just ignore it.
"BAWWW I watched some retards fall for an obvious troll!"

Happy now?
>> No. 1158
File 131034662134.jpg - (32.33KB , 343x378 , Gaddafi1-e1309244726605.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Trying waaay too hard, and what's even the point of this? ADF is funny on his own, doesn't need any dang dirty impostors.
>> No. 1159
File 131034786679.jpg - (96.29KB , 460x268 , gaddaf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's not even a real name, or a nickname, it's just an anagram for Mary Lee Walsh.

Also mods, why do you cover the ip of the real ADF but release the ip of CC? I didn't see CC to engage in any samefagging here.
>> No. 1160
>> No. 1161
there was no real adf btw
>> No. 1162
I fucking knew it.
>> No. 1163
Also trey posts and adf posts, share the same IP.
>> No. 1164

>> No. 1166
File 131035149235.jpg - (37.88KB , 624x351 , 514085580074715911.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are you sure? I mean, just look at their conversation:

>I'm having fun too! I'm raping my Uchiha plushie right now!

ADF (changes his username)
>Sasuke is not even in my room at the moment

Etc. (and every time ADF changed an username, the samefag then followed with this name).
>> No. 1167
Sinä - Me, Finnbro
Trey - Trey

There's some weird shit going on.

o hai
[Trey Pepe]
Are you wantin to talk to Tery
Uh, yes?
[Trey Pepe]
That pussy is in the hospital for a while because he fallin and can't get up after I reminded him that he liked having sex with me a decide ago
My name is Stephen btw
Oh, okay.
Just using Trey's account for, you know, just for the sake of it?
[Trey Pepe]
That and I'm lookin for shit that would make him look bad
Well that explains why ADF and Trey share the IP.
[Trey Pepe]
That buster is threatenin to have me arrested for molestation
And for a reason.
[Trey Pepe]
His ma believes that he just fainted from the pills he be on
Been molesting kids lately Steve?
Damn, would I like to have some hard candy.
[Trey Pepe]
Shit I get bitches all the time, mothafucka
>> No. 1168
File 131035178821.png - (10.09KB , 662x109 , trey.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
there you go faggot
>> No. 1170
File 13103525426.jpg - (29.49KB , 400x286 , gadafi 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But the point is, the other ADF (the one rather reasonably answering with the obvious provocations) had another ip (you know, blacked out in the screenshot).

Real ADF in this conversation, I think:
He was also actually not captioned as "(samefag") in the thread. It all makes sense, no?
>> No. 1171
File nimetön.txt - (2.90KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
So apparently some nigger has hijacked Trey's account. Or some shit. You can draw your own conclusions.

And no, it's not ADF, but explains why I couldn't talk to him and "Trey" could talk shit without the real Trey calling him out.
>> No. 1172
File 131035321044.jpg - (120.74KB , 950x616 , 108109-libyan-leader-muammar-gaddafi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And >>76938 too (after the samefag posted as Kourine).

Really, it's obvious, and ADF even pointed out for us how the samefag's phone number is not from Philadelphia.

(mfw when giving my best Kabuto impression)
>> No. 1173
...You just can't make this kind of shit up. This is just too weird and all too intriguing. Reality is fucking bizarre.
>> No. 1174
File 131035476176.png - (20.64KB , 491x134 , Trey Pepe wigger time.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trey Pepe is down and out.
>> No. 1177
File 131035521878.png - (649.86KB , 720x540 , nigga-you-gay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, and isn't it funny how you keep on insisting you're not gay but keep on searching for Trey's gay porns?
[Trey Pepe]
I aint gay. I be looking for dirt on that white boy
Maybe one of these fags on here know sumthin

I am not gay, I just fuck men. I wonder if Trey is some sort of magnet that attracts cognitive dissonance, first ADF and then this. And why does he have to write like a nigger, too?
>> No. 1178
maybe trey is just a troll?
>> No. 1180
But he is trolling... who? We? ADF? I don't even know anymore.
>> No. 1181
File 131035593087.png - (140.79KB , 312x273 , monvisage.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>This whole goddamn thread

I love this, it just keeps getting better and I can't stop laughing.
>> No. 1182
File 131035595419.jpg - (48.99KB , 300x392 , benefit of doubt.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's been trolling ADF for weeks.
>> No. 1184
File 131035661570.jpg - (2.69KB , 127x127 , kermit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
the IP matches the one where he dropped trey's number.

over my dead body will you be a martyr for anything.

>because ED and 789 could get shut down by the FBI and the Attorney General by way of the USA Patriot Act!
that makes zero sense at all
this is me giving a shit

>this time around....
so, you're saying you've been killed before?


>you got faked out
>or I will like, change my number

it's actually not him. damn.
>> No. 1187
because omega is a homosexual bisexual transexual and secretly wants to molest ADF lol
>> No. 1188
cool story bro
>> No. 1189
What illegal have you even done?
I mean...fucking a guy is illegal only in Iran or some ragheadurkadurkamuhammedstan
[Trey Pepe]
He be 10 I be 16 when that shit began
Oh yeah, USA's got all that age of consent shit
sucks to be you bro
[Trey Pepe]
Now y'all see why I hate fags

AR USA I be up in Rockford visitin because ma and Danielle miss each other

I did get several hoes I even paying child support for 2 of 'em Ain't that a bitch

Rubber broke
twice on my ass

Danielle be mad when I rat him out

Shit his ma be christain and shit

He prolly tryin to get me in trouble who be givin a care if he be molested

he cried when I be chillin wit him and when we fucked
I be havin to hit him for him to stop

Ma and Danielle have Trey and I dun talk I hate the fag

He be in hospital with Danielle crying over his faggot ass

TL;DR - Wigger mad coz Trey's stylin' on him and Trey's got his bitches and the only company he'll soon have is Bubbas giant dong.

But even though he won't admit it, he'll prolly enjoy it, the colossal closeted fag he is.
>> No. 1190
>he cried when I be chillin wit him and when we fucked
>I be havin to hit him for him to stop

>He is crying
>I will punch him, that will make him stop
Flawless logic, who is this guy? ADF's cousin?
>> No. 1191
I know right? Trey's gotta have some hidden greatness that only the retarded can see.
>> No. 1192
File 131036255451.png - (155.94KB , 500x274 , 1304403535080.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the fuck is going on? Have we established that Trey is Ahuviya or something?
>> No. 1193
Naw, ADF just samefagged.
>> No. 1194
If that even was ADF.
>> No. 1196
If, but it definitely wasn't Trey.
>> No. 1197
Evenin' comrades! Sure was a nice night out, can't wait to call Ahuviya tomorrow, what's been goin on thi-

...Oh lawd.
>> No. 1198
File 131036611027.gif - (231.04KB , 200x161 , scannersexplodinghead.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Totally. MFW I read this thread after I got back tonight from work.
>> No. 1199
I've read over the thread 3 times and I still am utterly confounded as to what exactly is going on.

Also I guess namefaggotry has been disabled, probably for the best though
>> No. 1200
Troll poses as ADF
Retards fall for it
Samefaggotry exposed by mods
Some argue if some of the posts were really made by ADF
Some faggot-in-denial wigger used Trey's account to find some shit, but was unsuccessful
>> No. 1201
File 131036805378.jpg - (59.38KB , 468x609 , libya_thumb.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey, you guys. This thread is not about Trey Pepe / his troll / whatever. Seriously, no one cares. Quit fagging it up.

Also them mods now disabled the Name field, eh?
>> No. 1202

Hey, Gaddafi, why do you have the same fucking facial expression in every single picture taken of you? Did you have a fucking stroke or something?
>> No. 1204
File 131036926779.jpg - (40.21KB , 600x402 , Eli Roth partying after his success film King Kong.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My apologies. But considering the alternative would have been bawwing over the samefag troll, I can't feel too bad about linking the crazy wigger's bullshit. But I'll stop now, I promise.

Behold, an expression!
>> No. 1205
File 131037160148.jpg - (44.52KB , 400x225 , 15385893.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lol, no, it's just my serious / not-amused face, you see?

>> No. 1206
File 131039692669.gif - (294.58KB , 200x150 , 1305861417837.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
At this point I think it's safe to say Trey is a troll and is fucking with all of us. ADF, you, me, the whole of 789. Fuck.

I could be wrong it just all seems way too retarded to be real.
>> No. 1207
I hope he's a troll.

Because that'd mean he's not really in a hospital;___;
>> No. 1208
Or it could still be a hijacking and he lied about the hospital stuff.
>> No. 1211
File 131040576635.jpg - (59.84KB , 500x334 , UN_Qadafi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Video Guy is Trey is Kourine is ADF is the guy who has first founded and then deleted the ADFwiki, trolling everyone all the time.

Or something. And then Anon was a faggot.

Anyway, ADF faved this:

I have never seen Lenin to look more evil.
>> No. 1212
File 13104059493.jpg - (81.79KB , 525x594 , So mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Could be.

I promised to stop because apparently Gaddafi doesn't care, but disregards that I suck cocks. Logged in and he'd left this message:

"You be lyin to me mothafucka you told me Trey molested some bitch and I aint found shit I be searchin for sumthin to get him in tha jail before he snitches and I aint found shit Danielle was up in this house earlier That bitch be cryin that Trey be havin sum panic attack and now he be cryin and snitchin that he been molested and shit"

Some English-Nigger dictionary would be really handy now.
>> No. 1213
File 131040603642.png - (528.18KB , 1349x1397 , estrogen time.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Manhuviya Herel(my new sperg name for the artist formerly known as ADF-Fuensalida) is starting his injectable hormones.
>> No. 1216
File 131040892073.jpg - (34.42KB , 460x276 , gaddafi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cool story bros. Now, how if we talk about ADF.
>> No. 1217
File 13104136061.png - (533.88KB , 730x537 , north-korea-is-best-korea.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's surprising that ADF hasn't sided with Gadaffi on the whole recent Libya issue, since after all Gadaffi is the "Leader of the Libyan Revolution".

Or for that matter, why hasn't he said anything about Best Korea? Surely he has love for the Generals?
>> No. 1218
File 131041585625.jpg - (29.82KB , 233x423 , Colonel Gaddafi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Colonel Gaddafi

Also I said: let's talk about ADF. Like, the injectable hormones. What's the big deal about this, supposedly? I have absolutely no idea about anything tranny.
>> No. 1219

Simple, he wants to be a woman so he'll be more special.

Unfortunately that isn't working.
>> No. 1220
And he belongs to the deluded 'Estrogen pills automagically make you a girl' school of thought.
>> No. 1221
Injections are more a more focused method of hormone therapy. He's disappointed with how the pills turned out so he's thinking that the needles will make him pretty instead.
>> No. 1222
Generals, referring to the Generals of Korea. Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il, respectively. No offense, Colonel Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi.

But anyhow, I myself inject, and they're pretty much the "fast track to success". You only have to inject once a week to every 2 weeks (depending on the type of Estradiol, dosages, and effectiveness), it's not processed by your liver, goes into the blood more easily, and they give nice breast growth.

Haha, yeah, let's see ADF fucking inject. Doubt that he'll put up with it for very long.
>> No. 1223

How long do you think he will stay on that regimen before tiring of getting shot in the ass and going back to the pills?

My guess: 1 month.
>> No. 1224
3 Weeks, at most. Pretty much everyone I know who's tried to get on injections like me has either done it once or twice and given up, or been too scared to do them at all.
Injections are pretty painful sometimes, and there's always the inadvertent risk of accidentally giving yourself a massive blood clot if you do it wrong. Have fun getting stabbed, Phillip.
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