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File 128328761458.jpg - (212.83KB , 781x602 , 1282336067558.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
79 No. 79
Let me first say this. I've been nothing more than an avid observer of cwc. I've never interacted with him directly. I've also never delved into the active troll community until this whole PS Triple destruction thing. What I don't understand is why every one seems to think JJ and cwc are the same guy.
JJ's writing style is a little to normal and well thought out to be cwc. In every instance I've seen chris pretend to be some one else, it's always been glaringly obvious.

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>> No. 80
is there any hard evidence in either direction that JJ is cwc or not?
>> No. 81
fuck i typo'd my name faggotry.
>> No. 82
File 128328813659.jpg - (115.99KB , 627x476 , 1269825028234.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I thought one OP is a faggot thread sufficed? Well, I'm alright with two I suppose

OP is a faggot
>> No. 83
File 128328849384.jpg - (75.97KB , 633x381 , smallfp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This could be a facepalm thread instead.
>> No. 84
oh, your right. I see what i've done. Nevermind.
Don't mind me I'm just the cancer thats killing /cwc/
>> No. 85
>Well thought out
>> No. 86
File 128328871444.png - (124.34KB , 303x291 , 128010575132.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Probably the fact that IP tracking proved JJ was Chris back on Cwcki.

Or the fact that JJ's posts lavish praise on Chris and insults towards the trolls.

Or the fact that JJ made up that stupid story about being attacked by Patti's ghost to keep trolls from digging up her grave.

It could take a fucking infant five minutes to figure this shit out while soiling himself.
>> No. 87
An example one of the well thought out plans:

"It's all no good; the neighborhood is Very Often Quiet. The noise will be heard by someone, if not the Damndler family; someone would call the Police on us for sure. Besides which, I was Haunted by the spirit of the dog AND the child Monday Night.

I went over to Chris's house with a flashlight that Night. I'm trekking through the daylilly garden aisles, searching for more bad I can do about the house. When suddenly, I hears a voice, "Hello". I look around and see nobody. I am Terrified. Then suddenly, I am fucking paralyzed; my ankles and wrists are pulled to my left and right, feeling like there were other people's hands holding them down on a floor, and I feel a pair of hands on my Neck too;
strangling me, yet I can still breathe. Then the voice comes back, "Hello, Mr. Troll." It is the voice of a child, about 8 years old. I struggle to look around, yet I see nobody. I'm fuckin' shittin' my pants here. The voice continues, "Do not be afraid of me, like the teachers of the Elementary School were; they did not understand me and my mind. I want you to understand my mind..." Right after, I see a lot of strange images going through my mind. Including the images of an abusive babysitter called "Roache" locking me alone in a static room; a therapy session at James Madison University; the teachers, guidance counsoler and principal of Nathanel Greene Elementary School holding me down and taping my screams and more. I tried to scream, but Nothing came out; it was a Scream of Silence; I could not even utter a WORD in Normal Voice; Only Silence.

Next thing I knows, I am knocked back onto the cement block trail of the garden aisle, by the weight of a big dog, yet there was no dog. Wrists, Ankles and Neck still being hand-held, the child ghost leaves my mind, and then I hear a deep womanly voice, Growling at me as I smelled the stench of a dog's breath surrounding my nostrils. The voice says, "Do not mess with my master, my family or me, you infidel!" Next, I feel the sting of the dog biting into both of my ankles, one after the other. At that moment, I struggle back, leaving behind the lit flashlight I dropped earlier when my arms were
being stretched out. And I limp as fast as I can back to my house, closing and locking the door behind me, gasping for breath and dripping with sweat. I limp to the bathroom with the shower and look in the mirror; what a gross mess I looked like. And I see a Big, Red Rash on the right side of my neck, and rashes on both of my wrists, from the hands that held them in place. And my pant legs were ripped, and he saw on both of my ankles rashes, and Teeth Marks of a Dog. I tried to scream again, but it was another silent scream. And I was unable to speak at all for Four Hours.

I have encountered the Spirits of Young Christopher Weston Chandler and Patti, protecting the Chandler Household. I warn you all right here and now, Stay Away from his house, and Patti's Grave. It is NOT worth it to have to suffer the Nightmare that can render you as damned silent as the Autistic child. And Patti is definitely not friendly to our dark kind.

I tell you only the truth, my friends."
>> No. 88
Sometimes I wonder if Chris posts here too.
>> No. 89
>>1088 see >>597

We definitely get Chris-types round these parts regardless
>> No. 90
Oh man this so isn't Chris its JJ but he just so happens to be as over weight and wear a bra like chris but its not chris so stop saying its chris their writing styles are no where near alike!!!
>> No. 91
I admit that JJ isn't the most eloquent person in the world. But he sure as hell is a mother fucking word smith compared to chris.
As for the ghost story shit i was unaware.
From JJ's introductory post on the forums, his story of how he got to where he is was to well put together to be chris....

This may be a noob thing to say but I'm only posting this because I see conflicting facts as to who the fuck JJ really is.
>> No. 92
File 128329082352.jpg - (64.34KB , 257x262 , 1275764542651.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You seem to be confused. JJ IS Chris. There is no comparing them

If you've read any of the prievious literary works by Chris you'd see how much they are identical to what we are now seeing from JJ.

I will contribute to the thread
>> No. 93
but what about clyde and tito vouching for him not being chris?
>> No. 94

I fucking hate you.
>> No. 95
File 128329136545.png - (98.43KB , 308x231 , 1268616012118.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

because they would never stretch the truth for the sake of trolling...
>> No. 96
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>> No. 97
File 128329149138.jpg - (31.48KB , 638x448 , DDS067.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You must be joking. That ghost shit is so damn stupid nobody but Chris would take it seriously. Look at the Ghost story and "JinkiesJenkins"'s report on Chris filming the destruction of his Pee Ess Trippul if you want a ridiculously blatant example of classic Chris writing. Otherwise, lurk the hell moar and you might actually figure this shit out on your own.
>> No. 98
File 128329178476.jpg - (328.90KB , 1512x1247 , WHFP.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Please tell me you have more brain cells than a rock.
Please tell me you're just TRYING (key word: TRYING) to be a troll who trolls other trolls.

Because if not, OP needs to fucking kill himself.
>> No. 99
File 128329194160.jpg - (151.04KB , 576x576 , Diagnostic-House-i-ran-some-tests-OP-is-a-fag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 100
File 128329206493.jpg - (85.34KB , 550x733 , riddle.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the fuck is going on in here? I don't even know what..I.....fuck....no seriously just...just fuck.
>> No. 101
Pretty sure we're getting so many posts like this because of the recent activity, it's getting reposted on /v/ and this is amidst a huge 12yo summertard invasion.
>> No. 102
Yeah I just read it, you're right:

"Hey, Everyone! J.J. has arrived.

"First, let me say I am most humbled to be welcomed among my fellow Troll Kind.

Well, let me tell a bit more about myself for starters. My real name is Junior Jenkins (Scooby-Doo was the inspiration behind the "Jinkies"). LOL. I had a birthday recently on the 16th of July, so now I'm 15. I couldn't celebrate it with my friends like I would have wanted to, because I was hitchhiking my way to Ruckersville from Boston. I'm crashing at a house where I have some relatives there (They're the fucking Black Sheep of the family, and they're not close within the same house. It is cool, because they won't rat me out to my parents and siblings. Like I need another damn minute with those assholes who overlook me). And a better part, their house is across the street from Chrissy's house. Sadly, though, the blinds to his bedroom are always closed, but I still get some sights of him and the family out of their house.

I've arrived at my new home a few days ago on the 20th. I'll be spending my Sophmore year and so on in Greene County's High School. I promised I'd write to my gal back in Boston, but what happens here she doesn't have to know. I'll have to make some new friends come September, but I'll be cool; I'm a stud!

I'll also miss my favorite duo of dudes, Jerry and Dino. They taught me the ropes of high school life; they both were 16. I looked up to them (like I would have for my older sister if she wasn't such a fuckin' cunt). They were a gay couple, and they respected me as a friend only. I made it my Final Realization I was not gay with the help of Jerry and my girlfriend, Lisa. Sweet little whore took me in with gratitude on my 14th birthday. She had a few exes from Middle School, and her mom was a Bondage Queen.

Before then, I had a gay experience in Summer Camp when I was 7. My bunkmates were experimenting, and made me their mo-fo unwilling guinea pig. I was blindfolded during the whole thing, feeling an 8-year old's dick up my ass. I was not thrilled from the ordeal. But last January, I became curious from the recalling of the feeling, so I asked Jerry to show me a night. At first it was neutral, then he made out with me; his breath was minty with a hint of garlic from something he ate; it was cool with me. Then he told me to suck his dick, and I did; the taste and sight did not thrill me. And he sucked mine. He got a rise out of me, but then I started to feel uneasy. It was minor at first, and I promised myself I'd see this through. Finally, he was in me doggy style. As he humped me, I was feeling it both in my penis, and in my gut; worsening as he went on. And eventually, I embarrassed myself grossly. I came AND fucking threw up simultaneously. Jerry had not come yet himself, and out of respect, he withdrew himself and asked me if I was okay. He cleaned me, and my mess on his floor up. I felt soo damn ashamed, but Jerry was kind and understanding to me. And it was then I confirmed it for myself that I was not gay, and Jerry and Dino agreed with me. So with that, I was able to move forward feeling more confident in my orientation.

Anyway, after moving here, I have studied the times of exits and entries from the Chandler Chateau, looking for a pattern. There was definitely one with Robert, morning for breakfast at B.K. and afternoon outings to I.D.K. where. Barbara appears to come out mostly either in the afternoon or night; sometimes in the mornings. And Chris has no set pattern as far as I can tell yet.

But I'll post new stuff as I learn them, some with (hopefully embarrassing) photographs of Chris as I learn and take.

Smell ya later,
Junior Jenkins "Jinkies"."

This is way too solid to be Chris, no way this can be made up.

>> No. 103
Then thank godjesus summer is coming to an end for many of them.
>> No. 104
God dammit, that better be a permaban. Fucking hell.
>> No. 105
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>> No. 106
File 128329905142.jpg - (23.75KB , 124x189 , Cerah-facepalm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You must not even be that obsessed if you couldn't see the blatantly obvious.

Now think about it. Just about every b-tard and v-tard post under a Chris-chan identity. Do you think those legions of Christians Weston Chandler scattered all over the net are truly from the same fat manchild?

Conversely... there are many namefags in the world out there that want to troll Chris somehow. Why was JJ of all people given an invitation?

LOGIC, people!
>> No. 107
File 128329936094.jpg - (30.74KB , 320x286 , Down-Syndrome-Child-3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ITT: Trolls getting trolled.
>> No. 108
OP is a retarded faggot

You sir, are and idiot
>> No. 109

its september. Back t the special ed school for you and OP
>> No. 110
I could have sworn the line

>This is way too solid to be Chris, no way this can be made up.<

was meant to be read with all the sarcasm in the world.

But that's probably just me giving him the benefit of the doubt.

OP. on the other hand...
>> No. 112
File 128331280435.jpg - (19.39KB , 390x399 , SlowpokeFossil.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guys! Hey guys! Lets settle this debate once and for all!

There is no way that Jackie can be a troll!
>> No. 113
File 128332146986.jpg - (15.38KB , 300x197 , the_more_you_know-300x197.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We have an appeal process, if that's true the poster is more than welcome to appeal their ban.
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