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267 No. 267
We all know that every single mobile handset we own rats us out, every single new computer has *hardware-level* features that rat out our location, allow remote access (which can be abused, don't pull that "only if you request it" bullshit on me), and so on.

Now, tell me: What technology is considered "safe", then? What's usable, (clearly not new then), but "safe"?
How old? Examples of laptops or desktops or chip models that have NO so-called "security" (spying/watching) features integrated or even available on them on the hardware level or stuff like that?

Yes, /g/, I'm in maximum tin foil CROWN mode. Fellow tin foil hatters (or crowners, if you're like me) get in here and suggest things. I don't want my own devices crawling up my own ass and reporting to who-knows-who or who-knows-who's-in-access where I am, what I'm doing, etc.

If you aren't worried about this kind of stuff, move on to the next thread or something.
>> No. 268
before there was internet, even dialup.

any tech before that is safe.
>> No. 273
Just build your own. Buy no components more complex than individual chips.

It's not THAT hard to do, just getting the knowledge to make anything worthwhile can be challenging.
>> No. 278
What hardware features are you objecting to? MAC addresses? CPU identifiers? ANI?
>> No. 282
Not any particular feature.

Just the ability that is appearing more and more frequently for developers to give their devices the ability to call home and report operating statistics with whatever else they see fit to send. Originates from both hardware and software- software callhomes are by far more common than hardware, but they are both still possible.
>> No. 283

That should cheer you up. Take the tin foil skullcap off and drink the kool aid.
>> No. 284
Oh, and iPhones log their locations at regular intervals. Meaning they log their owner's locations at regular intervals.
>> No. 285
heard that on the news tonight. honestly, why am I not surprised?
>> No. 286
So, has anyone else tried finding iPhone backups in publicly shared directories?
>> No. 287
maybe you need to use a really obscure platform like a ppc amiga, most people don't even know the damn things exist.
>> No. 288
I can imagine the NSA recalling some old dude from retirement

[Phone rings]


Phil? It's Maury. We need you back, Project Commodore is active again... someone is using an _Amiga_!

I don't do that anymore, get someone else. Get Latisha, she knows 68k assembler.

Didn't you hear? Latisha's gone! She screwed up, man! Screwed up bigtime! She's responsible for the whole Playstation Network debacle, by the time the yakuza is finished she's gonna be washing up piece by piece on the Washington coast! Besides, we need the best. We need _you_ Phil... This guy is from 789chan.

Oh Jesus, why didn't you start with that? I'll pack a bag.

A car will be there in 30 minutes to pick you up, see you at headquarters.
>> No. 324
This place has stuff that will hide your location http://www.idstronghold.com/?gclid=CLmyhbmh0qgCFcq8KgodIQ7kiA for an IPhone and others .. every cell sold in the US and every where else for the last decade
has location software by law . You won't receive any calls so figure out what is important to you . Remember they can be activated "quietly" while turned off ... not even bullshitting .. Yes it sells as "for rfid chip protection" but works just fine on cells .

How does Apple have such fanatically loyal customers considering how many ways they fuck their customers.

And OP .. I hope you get busted doing whatever it is you're doing inline .... I am betting you a pedo at minimum .Only guilty fucks are as paranoid as you.
>> No. 325
Oh bullshit, you don't need to be a pedophile to be paranoid. It's a fucking shame that you are considered guilty because you want to be private.

Wow, this trollbait is tasty!
>> No. 368
>Posts link for an overpriced Tinfoil pocket,

Here you go OP:

RFID chip nuker:
>microwave works better

Still looking for a decient modern netbook solution (90's tech is useless), that fits OP's description:

What I can think about so far:
Tinfoil-lined Computer bag.
- 1 computer bag w/ metal zipper ( if possible)
- 1 space blanket
- Scissors
- a glue, thread, and other bonding agents (be creative)

1.attach 2-4 (maybe 3) layers of flat tin foil on a flattened spacebag. (glue)
2. wait until it dries into a fabric.
3. Cut fabric and sew into the inside lining of the computer bag with the durable spacebag as the new inside lining of your bag.
4. Repeat until the only parts exposed when the bag is shut is it's METAL zipper.
5. repeat the proceedures for other pockets of the bag to protect your electronic belongings from spies.
Test it out by putting a cellphone inside, seal it up, and try calling the phone.
(I never made one of these or attempted. If anyone successfuly makes one, please let me know w/ pics)
Update your Windows(gentoo linux hardened for OP)
Truecrypt your drive
Spoof your MAC address
Spoof your IP address using Tor
follow the dangerous kitten instructions (lol 'dated)

Can we get modern hardware without (or disabling) all the spy/"security" shit?

Tinfoil Hats for all!
>> No. 376
>tinfoil bag
>netbook w/ removable battery
>disk for bios flash (or whatever... )
>Gentoo hardened or Open BSD
>512 bit Drive encryption with 100char password
>Vidalia Tor with polipo (or whatever)
>FOSS everything
>Learn to Cr4ck WEP and proxy
>write a script to randomize MAC address
>Screenfilter so faggots near you can't read your shit.
>never input your info on the machine, ever.
>use your best judgement. When in doubt, bail. When paranoid, abort.

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>> No. 377
>And OP .. I hope you get busted doing whatever it is you're doing inline .... I am betting you a pedo at minimum .Only guilty fucks are as paranoid as you.

If OP even gives a shit. I want to apologize for that uncalled for attack on your desire for a bit of anonymity online. I was probably a bit drunk when I made that post so again if it means anything to you I'm sorry for that shitty comment.
>> No. 380
What exactly is the "hardware" level stuff that is (or at least I'm told) gives away stuff about the owner?
A guy I know said there are chips in all computers made in, or for, America that the Gov' can do something with, but what that something may be, he does not know. He said that was legislation about it a 20 years ago or so. Is there any truth to any of this? Is there anything like this at the hardware level?
>> No. 381

As far as computer hardware I have no information if any exists that could compromise your privacy..

OK these are facts I know of.

Every cell phone sold in the last ten years in the US can be tracked by gps

For the last 6 years the gps can't be turned off or disabled legally . You can stop it from being seen from the handset(seeing that info yourself) but the gps can be tracked by the service provider, and this is with the hand set turned off by the user.

Even if you handset is turned off it can be activated in such a manner that you would be unaware of it. Several people have been convicted with evidence obtained that way.

Now for the things I have heard talked about by enough people who I feel knew what they were talking a bout.

All OS's from Microsoft and Apple have built in back doors that can be accessed without your approval or knowledge .

All encryption software has backdoors built in to do the same thing...but considering refusing to provide any encryption keys by court order can be punishable by up to twenty years in a federal prison I am not sure why they would need to go to the trouble.
>> No. 382
>>381 Me again

I build desktops for myself, family and friends and for the life of me I don't know how any hardware could 'spy' on us with out help from the OS. Maybe some one here smarter than myself could come up with something. This is not calling routers and wireless hardware, just the comp itself.
>> No. 384
A machine that's off the grid (internet) is completely secure no matter how many bugs are in the hardware because the bugs have no way to "phone home" without internet.

I would also say that a machine that is unplugged cannot transmit any sort of data with the minute amount of latent power from the onboard clock battery or a plugged in phone/ethernet cable.

Since an OS is entirely dependent on the hardware to operate, it would seem viable that rogue hardware could perform some limited amount of datajacking.

For example, a NIC card that hooks into Windows Explorer in order to access input from the keyboard and transmit it to a remote machine. However, such a process would need to be preprogrammed for a particular OS version, and other versions/service packs/OSes could alter its ability to access the information.

I presume it could also be programmed to access the system bus on the hardware level and retrieve data that way, but to what extent this is feasible I don't know. There are a virtually infinite number of possible hardware configurations, and to function in all environments would take quite a bit of work, by which point new hardware would have come along and complicated things further.

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