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File 13178699167.jpg - (14.78KB , 200x264 , 200px-IPad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
414 No. 414
Heard it on the way home. Steve Jobs has gone to that great personal computing platform in the sky.

RIP Mr. Jobs.
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>> No. 415
Apple Will never be The Same Again...
>> No. 417
Goodnight, sweet iPrince.
>> No. 418
looks like everyone at apple just lost their jobs
>> No. 420
Nah, things will keep on rolling. It's just a question of how much of Steve's spirit is going to remain. Remember, much of Apple's success was because he was a major slavemaster with a vision. Now Apple has Tim Cook, and no one outside of the company really knows how this guy will drive things.
>> No. 421
>didn't catch the pun
also tim cook seems to be doing a good job so far, however i doubt he's going to have the same reality distortion steve had
>> No. 428
>> No. 430
was my tought exactly
>> No. 431
I don't know. Much that Jobs did pissed off the geek crowd, especially with locking down iOS, but there's no denying that left the mark on the industry that only a visionary could. Regardless of what you think if Apple's products, there's no doubt he caused other companies to play his game (see iPod, iPhone, etc), which is the mark of an industry leader.

To put it another way, when Jobs died, everyone went through his history of innovation and influence on the computer industry. When Bill Gates dies, everyone's basically going to remember someone who was a cutthroat businessman. When Larry Ellison dies, everyone will probably jump for joy. At Oracle, at least.
>> No. 432
jobs is actually more of a cutthroat business man than gates. gates will probably be more remembered for windows or xbox, despite having nothing to do with them. much like how jobs is miscredited for multiple things (but its understandable seeing as how jobs's image was maintained to be synonymous to apple)
>> No. 433
Gates is actually a much bigger humanitarian than Jobs was. Gates at least gives away some of his money to charities.
It baffles me how Steve Jobs ended up as a deity to applefags. They all thought that he loved his fans personally when in reality he was just a good businessman.
>> No. 434
>Gates at least gives away some of his money to charities.
gates pretty much relinquished all of his money and time to charities
>> No. 436
>> No. 438
File 131971075494.jpg - (13.28KB , 450x315 , Gates Mugshot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> gates pretty much relinquished all of his money and time to charities
He's using all the money he stole from you to buy Redemption (and strut on the World Stage).
>> No. 440
<- Here's an article based on the recent biography of Jobs. I used to think he was a visionary, and I still appreciate the impact he had on the world, but the article makes him out to be a monumental dick.

As much as I like progress and technology, it really upsets me that they both seem to thrive at the expense of basic human dignity.
>> No. 441
File 132113500845.png - (1.41MB , 661x7389 , Steve Jobs’s Real Genius - The New Yorker_132085.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, fer cryin' out loud!

Here. I dun goofed and forgot to add the image. My bad.
>> No. 442
Christ, he's like the very epitome of anal-retentivity.
>> No. 443
More than that. The dude had massive USI. He was happy to take ideas and "improve" on it, but threw a fit if anyone tried to do the same with him. If that article is right, the reason Mac and iOS systems are so locked down is that Jobs thought he made the perfect thing and just didn't want anyone screwing it up.

I dunno. He's clearly forced progress in multiple industries, but man... what a jackass. Allegedly.
>> No. 447
File 132419099539.jpg - (54.37KB , 558x744 , 1301668433386.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
By forcing progress in multiple industry's you mean mp3 players and to some extent phones.

pic related. it's me looking smart posting this. Allegedly :D.
>> No. 482
fucking christ kid, at least buy ankle socks ffs.

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