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  • Blotter updated: 2012-05-14 Show/Hide Show All

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127 No. 127
Hey, can I get your opinions on this?


I'd like your interpretation of the piece. What you think it says, what you think the impact might imply, and whether you think that it speaks to a fundamental truth. That is, whether or not it highlights a real issue and not one perceived by the journalist, and what you think will happen in the real world. It's five pages, so take your time.

Basically, the reason I'm asking for your opinion is because I already have my own. But because I'm such a ridiculous know-nothing quack (communism - yes, I'm one of those faggots), I just want to know if my prejudice has some grounding in reality, or if my bias is looking at things the way the Von Mises Institute would (taking general inevitabilities ("things will go bad") and using them as conformation while ignoring the counter-evidence).

For myself, now I'm not a soviet commie or anything having to with the USSR, so that that can of worms can die right here. What I am, or at least how I describe myself, is someone who advocates (pluralist) economic democracy alongside pluralist semi-direct democracy. So I think a lot of today's problems are cause by capital being unjustly held in the hands of a few, and that remedies lie in social democracy, and Worker's Self Management. More like a Hungarian Kardeljist or something.

My bias - or my education, really, it's impossible to tell from where I stand - basically tells me that we have too many people "gaming" the system ("exploiting" the workers, true entrepreneurs (think about how many inventions Edison stole) and the lesser echelons of management) and the whole "surgery with an axe" approach economics must take has led to an establishment that protects bad science and these "gamers". Essentially the basic class distinctions that drive Marx's theories. And since I think the only way society will move forward involves a sudden change (a not necessarily violent revolution), and that these will result in societies where scarcity and vice still drive the distribution of capital, and that further permutations caused by sudden changes will be the only way an educated homo sapiens will achieve a world-society that deals with scarcity in an efficient, ethical, equitable way, I describe myself as a communist. And as a commie who thinks people a gaming the system, an article saying that people are gaming the system makes me feel better about myself.

Obviously, I liked the article, as it reinforced my beliefs somewhat. I'd like to know your opinions and ideas on it.

So ya'll can tell me how I'm stupid, and wrong, and should go kill myself now, please.
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