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If the soul exists, it's probably less than people make it out to be. For example, consider your arm. Let's say something horrible happened and your arm was amputated. Your arm cannot exist without being attached to the body. Likewise, losing your arm gives you the palpable sense that you are less of an entity in some way. We see this same sort of reaction with cats that have been declawed. The removal of their body parts leaves them altered psychologically as well as physically.
The soul, if it exists, probably follows through with the ideas I've presented above. If it were real, then it most likely is just a component of our existence, not a higher-order self as imagined by so many. Losing it probably would be survivable (much like losing an arm), but would probably have two effects. First the soul would cease to exist in a useful form because it's been removed from the person in question (much like the arm would die if removed from the body). Secondly, the person in question would undergo some sort of palpable change considering a part of his or her existence was removed. I don't know what kind of change that would be, but something would likely become noticeable.
On a more metaphysical level, since you brought up Shinto, perhaps you should look for a book called "Monsters" by John Michael Greer. Books like this are popular around Halloween, so you should be able to find it at a large bookstore. If not, it's about $20 off of Amazon. Most of the book is an categorization of supernatural creatures, but early in the book, page 27 in my copy, he discusses "Levels of Being". This is very interesting because it shows how thoroughly people who believe in magic have reasoned things out, even though there's no scientific evidence that any of it could be true.
"Levels of Being" goes something like this: The universe is layered. Everything we know about the sciences is derived from our observation of the physical layer, but there are more layers that exist. The layers work as follows:
--- > Spiritual - Entities on this layer control the universe
--- > Mental - Entities on this layer are made of ideas
--- > Astral - Entities on this layer are made of consciousness
--- > Etheric - Entities on this layer are made of energy
--- > Physical - Entities on this layer are made of matter
Here's the thing: Any entity on one layer has a representation on other layers. Based on this, the Etheric layer would be where our "soul" resides (if it exists). Moreover, if the Etheric representation of you is damaged or destroyed, you become unbalanced mentally and physically because that part of you is gone. And if your physical body is destroyed, the Etheric representation of you eventually destabilizes and recycles back into the universe. Also, the further away from your "home" layer, the less of a representation you have. Thus, you are fully represented on the Physical layer, but almost nonexistent on the Spiritual layer (which is only named so for lack of a better word).
Personally, I'm doubtful about the existence of a soul. In over two thousand years of human history, there's been no empirical proof of such a component of our existence. Further, the success of human development has relied significantly on our ability to imagine. This is something that allows us to create and conquer, but also allows us to delude ourselves very convincingly. I suspect what people point to as proof of a soul is really just proof that humans are able to take disparate objects and events and draw connections that don't exist through sheer imagination alone. That is just my guess, though.