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File 132935114821.jpg - (211.20KB , 650x500 , 1329244412942.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
231 No. 231
What's the purpose of life?

It seems like you just exist for a while, then you die and everything stops. It's not seeing the things that happen next that bothers me most.

So what are you living for, anyway?
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>> No. 233
People have things that we value. We want the world to look more like the kind of place that we would like. What more do you need?
>> No. 235
I don't know, personally. It's all just going to fall apart anyways; sometimes I wonder why even go through with the effort.

Personally, I'm just hangin around until I move out and can sever some ties so I don't inadvertently give someone the impression that they're to blame.
>> No. 236
OP here.

What I mean is: Once you're dead the world doesn't exist, so what's the point in doing anything that affects beyond yourself? Having money, children, etc, seems useless. Happiness seems to be useless since it is finite and then you're dead.

What fundamentally makes you try instead of not try, make things instead of break things, etc..
>> No. 237
No, it continues to exist; everything your senses will indicate, so long as you apply a decent epistemology (by which I mean a means of discovering details about what exists), that things have been in existence since long before and by Occam's Razor and every observable trend it will continue to exist beyond you.

But like I said, I have some trouble recognising a point myself. But I know some people are happy, so I leave the choice of what to do with themselves up to them instead of trying to believe I have perfect information and can decide for them. When it boils down to it, I just go with emotions. I know happiness to be a good thing, and it makes me feel good to wish it for others. So I do. Not to mention I have a concept of beauty I want advanced, whether I'm there for it or not.

And I try to minimalize my own presence, so as to not take away from the people. So yeah.
>> No. 239
>universe ends with death.

Are you really that self centered? I value things beyond my own life, but I fully intend to live forever so it's moot.

this guy knows what's up.

The biggest fail people make with morality is trying to get all philosophical about it and come up with arguments for it that could convince an "ideal philosophy student of perfect emptiness" (aka a rock), or they try to boil it down to one big moral principle like "happiness", or "love". Guess what? such arguments and reductions *don't exist*, and if you found one, it's because you failed at rationality. It's a good test, actually.

Human morality is incredibly complex, and right now is only represented implicitly within human cognition. Even in the absence of all philosophical "morality" you would still enjoy cookies, still desire to be in her arms, still pull a passed out kid off the train tracks. That's all you need, and all there is.

Don't go off the rails OP; just do the right thing.
>> No. 240
it's very simple.

you get born into a whole world of technology. shit is crazy! people have done stuff. loads of stuff. this comes in handy, because now you can live your life easily. you don't have to hunt your food or walk 50 kilometres to get fresh and drinkable water.

so in life, that stuff is all good right? right.

life is all about making life better. In the short timespan you have gotten to live your life, you should at least do ONE thing that makes life better for others.

think about ants. yeah ants man. ants also don't know why the fuck they have to carry leaves and shit. they only know, that if they do, life will continue.

simple as that man.
live your life, enjoy it, and try to make it better for others :) people will be grateful, although they won't show it
>> No. 243
File 13301792259.jpg - (46.29KB , 320x480 , tits1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>What's the purpose of life?

>> No. 304
I live to see what amazing and possibly horrific new things the world will throw at me.

This might seem a bit like overanalyzing or overreacting, but consider the technological advances or changes which have occurred in the past 20 to 30 years. Consider, also, the social and business changes which have occurred due to the aforementioned.

Then think about how much the world can, and has, changed in just a century. It's leaps and bounds, compared to the differences between the start and end of previous ones.

So, for better or for worse, sometimes optimistic, sometimes not;
I just wanna see what changes.
>> No. 305
no matter what, we strive to simplify the big equation of it all. this anon and i can agree on some things. curiosity drives.

but curiosity brought you/us/me to this question in the first place...

the way i look at it is if you can 'afford' to do something, try it. now, obviously i dont mean that in a purely financial way. but in a baser consumerist way. if your ass can cash that check, then let your mouth/legs/hands write it! live for the experience, but be willing to pay the consequences. the universes reaction will be to lay more choices and opportunities at your feet, and eventually you will die with a list of experiences and achievements unrivaled by anyone who didnt have your exact, one-off set of circumstances. fucking rock on.

want to rob a bank? enjoy your cash/fugitive run
want to get married? enjoy your spouse/nagging
want to build shit? enjoy your treehouse/broken leg
...ad infinitum.

life has no point(?) just live it, have fun, get something out of it.
>> No. 350
It is interesting to think about why species perpetuate life , every species on the planets main goal is to reproduce, but why? Why make more babies / animals / tree saplings ? So they can die and reproduce , but whats the ultimate goal , what are we trying to get to , evolve into a godlike being ? Maybe the desire to reproduce was just a mistake when life was made on our planet that caused this, what if on other planets life formed but they didn't have the desire to reproduce so any small form of live existing quickly died out.

Fuck if I know
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