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29 No. 29
This might be stupid but I'm curious. Why do some people still push their religion (or lack of, atheists do this too) on to others?

With regards to Christianity, it did make colonization easier in the west if the people the mother country were colonizing had the same beliefs. But why is it still necessary now?

Why do people want each other to believe the same things, /id/? I suppose this can really apply to any opinion but it is always brought up with religion.
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>> No. 30
You realise that humans are hardwired into thinking that humanshaped things that disagree with them are bad? That tribal instincts force us to either act like retards or assimilate others to our views?

Humans are silly, silly human. We've established this long ago.
>> No. 33
Our capacity to imagine does not come freely. Being able to imagine requires us to create a framework to harness our imagination productively. When we encounter something that does not fit into that framework, or worse, contradicts it, we must find a way to rationalize that foreign concept or else reject it.

I don't remember the study in particular, but I recall that people with strong political opinions were shown statements by a politician they agreed with and then shown contradicting statements by that same politician. In most cases, the subjects attempt to rationalize how the contradiction did not actually exist even though it clearly did.

Look at radical Islamists, or radical Christians. They have developed an all-encompassing framework that also actively denounces contradicting ideas as evil. It's in their best interests to force the world to work their way because that minimizes the friction of a contradicting idea. Notice they also tend to be very insular as well.

Just my thoughts anyway.
>> No. 35
Because persuading others that your views are right validates your views and makes you feel good.

That's literally it.
>> No. 36
File 130790101820.jpg - (40.88KB , 640x480 , biglebowski40.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, sure, if you're into that whole brevity thing.
>> No. 108
When someone push an idea too hard this is because they have doubt and they mostly want to prove to themselve that they are right and if on the way to convice yourself you also convice someone else that make you think you are even more right.
The best exemple is religion, no one will ever know the real right answer to either god exist or not. So when you got an idea you push it to other people trying to convice yourself in the end less to convice others. convincing other is more like colateral damage, it come whit it but was not the real goal at start.
But Beware most of them are not aware of there on doubt, because they fear, they fear to be wrong and that being wrong is a big mistake. But being wrong teach you how to be right.
Last thing i'll say is to face your fear, Question yourself and be aware of what you are sure and what you are not.
>> No. 109
I'll agree that this is the case for some people. We've all witnessed this sort of thing firsthand. Someone wants to believe something and tries to convince someone else of the truth to justify themselves. This is true for some.

There are, however, true believers who think they have "The Way"(tm) and will try to do whatever they can to get people to come along with them. Religious fanatics come to mind. I don't think fanatics have any doubt as to their cause, but they are also willing to proselytize and attack to ensure others become as enlightened as they.

I once knew a woman who was a Buddhist. Not a real Buddhist, mind you, but one of those fast-food religious branches of new-age thought that referred to itself as Buddhism. If you didn't believe what she believed, you weren't open-minded. She, however, was ready to scoff if you suggested something she didn't already believe in. She had no doubts as to her belief system. She just thought you were foolish if you didn't agree.

Some people just think they are right with a capital "R". And if you don't come along with them, you need reeducation, be it a good lecture or a good beating.
>> No. 112
I think that, this women will never agree with you because, doing so will put in danger her own belief. Because if you are maybe right she might be wrong, so instead of really asking herself about you being right or not, she will simply deny your idea and be close minded. She, in fact, accuse you of what she is currently doing in the end to keep doubt away from her, because in a way, she knows she might be wrong.
>> No. 152
Christians - "So that others may be saved."

Thelemites/Modern-Satanists/Atheists/etc - "So that others may be liberated."

In the end everyone wants to belong in a club, but that's not enough. They also want you to know how great being in their club is, and why you should join.

I agree that people are silly and have found you can eliminate the need for human contact. All you need to is start coating yourself in copious amounts of vaseline and farming cabbage instead.
>> No. 154
I'm down with that. I like cabbage.
>> No. 180
so what am i? i'm always looking for answers, im not afraid of the truth, i think most of the things im sure of are probably false and im ok with that. i cold say that every moths there's something changing my view greatly.

srsly, it's very simple. I am an Apistos (without believes)

I simply do not believe. I think, I trust, I what ever you want, but I do not believe, in anything whatsoever.
believing is stupid. put my thrust and basing my knowledge on something that may be false? no thanks.
if I cant be sure of something, i'll think about it and choose the best option I have thought of. Even if this guy ask me to do that thing, if i dont have proof of possibility, why should I trust him?
this is not very clear and i rabble more than anything but anyway....
it's called being logical and rational.
>> No. 181
Bare with me for a second; why do you live, Mr. Apistos?
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