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File 133703686333.jpg - (12.78KB , 300x300 , islam.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
351 No. 351
Do you believe the Islam religion is a threat to the world?

I am an atheist but I don't hate Christianity or any other religions, however Islam scares me. It teaches to kill anyone who does not believe and has a billion followers. Islamist in the middle east are indoctrinated from birth to be believers and to die for their faith.

Can Islam and any other religions co-exist. Do you think there is any possible way to stop the threat of Islam extremist without a devastating attack on the religion and its followers?
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>> No. 352
>Can Islam and any other religions co-exist. Do you think there is any possible way to stop the threat of Islam extremist without a devastating attack on the religion and its followers?

No, and this is coming from a guy named Mohammed. It's because anyone who'd want to be a muslim has shit for brains
>> No. 369
>Can Islam and any other religions co-exist.

Yes, but the radicals may have to be dealt with first. Right now there are many moderate muslims in the world (it's the world's most populated religion to my knowledge), but the moderates are more interested in keeping their heads down than dealing with the extremists or the non-muslims in general.

Interesting tidbit: There's a muslim gathering place by where I live, but I've lived here for almost three years and didn't find out until last month. I was walking by late at night and they were finishing some kind of meeting. The building is almost completely unmarked and easy to walk right past if you're not thinking about it.

The point is, radicals aside, all the muslims are in hiding. The radicals are scaring everybody, the moderates just want to be left alone, and no one is left to pull the reigns in. That's why Islam seems such an uncontrollable religion. Stop the dynamic and it will co-exist fine with other religions. Without the radicals there are plenty of moderates to carry the coexistence.
>> No. 371
I have a friend from Iran who basically left the country to study elsewhere as did many of her friends because muslims took over that country and basically force it upon everyone. Also that reporting non-muslim actions to the government is encouraged by the government because they will basically pay off people to rat out others (who will probably get stoned for a punishment) fucked up.
>> No. 373
This basically serves my point. The moderates are trying to find places where the extremists are not and are keeping their heads down to avoid attention. The extremists then get to essentially form concentrated groups that allow them to seem more numerous than they actually are. This, unfortunately, also gives them the visibility they need to bolster their numbers with new recruits.

I knew a guy who thought the US could get Osama bin Laden in a week if America was willing to go in and smash the hell out of Afganistan. It would have made the US administration look bad internationally, but his thought was it would show such an overwhelming display of force that the extremists would back off from bothering America out of fear of extermination.

Bush's Shock and Awe campaign nearly had that effect. The US was so overwhelming in it's initial stages of the 2nd Iraq war that other countries like Syria were lining up to play nice with the US. Unfortunately the war was horribly thought out and in the end only served to bolster the confidence of various US enemies. Now many muslim radicals think they really can fight a drawn out guerilla battle with the US. So far nothing has really disproved that.
>> No. 374
File 133752979525.jpg - (19.82KB , 400x307 , Rumsfeld Shaking Hands with Saddam (1984).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There is no threat of "Islam". The terrorist attacks from Islamic Fundamentalists were originally retaliation from the exploitation of the western world; we installed rapacious dictators and financed other sadistic regimes (saddam, bahrain, saudi arabia and the apartheid in palestine/israel), these actions causes the muslim world to cynically despise american, french and british business and intervention, and it makes a portion (some religious crazies and some politically legitimate) of the people rally to the Bin Ladens of the world under the religious aspects. But don't be naive, it's not a real jihad on their part in any sense of the word. We only have ourselves to blame but actually WE don't, WE should blame the politicians and corporations who act in our name to do this shit in the first place which provokes legitimate outrage towards us.

Anybody who seriously thinks that religion plays a part in all of this is as gullible and inexperienced as the person who believes that the televangelist is seriously doing what he does for the promotion of christianity and not his own bank balance.

>>371 there are some problems in Iran, but it's none of anybodies business but the Iranians. You'd do better to complain about your own politicians and bankers if you want to change anything rather than attacking the enemies of your exploitative politicians by attacking Iran.

>>373 (just your last paragraph) anybody anywhere knows they can wage guerrilla war against a government army indefinitely, and the US proves this point better than anyone else in South East Asia and South and Latin America.

The reason being that Americas ground troops -the average rank and file, not your green berets- are incredibly incompetent, mentally weak, badly trained and their officer class (who're supposed to be in control and provide leadership) are a total joke.

I had .. er nvm who it is.. one guy who's in officer training at the moment told me that all the officers were ordered to perform a cabaret show for the infantry.. i mean, who is THAT going to inspire leadership in a combat scenario when the privates have gotten used to lol'ing at their officers? Ridiculous.

Anyways in short, don't even reply to this thread, let it die. The replies before mine are just attracting garbage-like anti-arab-for-no-good-reason propaganda bullshit.. when the REAL and ONLY enemies you and me should be worrying about are the scumfucks in our own governments and their pandering to the war crime ridden and apartheid state of Israel.

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