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File 134163716591.jpg - (22.65KB , 320x400 , 1338269136331.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
444 No. 444
Why do so many Atheists and people of other political beliefs; Liberals, Conservatives ect ect (Atheists do it the most in my experience though) act like they are better than other people because they believe/don't believe in some arcane mystic bullshit (or some arcane political bullshit) that has no effect whatsoever on people's lives?

There's nothing worse in the world IMO than people who think they are better than other people, especially when it is based on what you think the answer to an unsolvable question is.
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>> No. 445
>I'm better than those dang dirty atheists
>> No. 446

No, nobody is better than anybody. So why do assholes pretend that they are?
>> No. 447
I remember someone on /cwc/ made a point about Nationalists being the type who have no reason to feel good about themselves, so they latch onto their race as it's all they have. I'm assuming similar lines of thinking.
>> No. 448
File 134177005471.jpg - (122.93KB , 1024x768 , life in an image.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Interesting point, but what leads people to seek out and hate on people who aren't like them?

It isn't just political views, it's even really petty shit like internet fandoms. What leads Star wars fans to be abrasive dicks to Star Trek fans, or for Normal people to hate Bronies? (I'm not a brony and I think they are fucking annoying, but still they are doing what they want and not hurting anybody, why care?)
>> No. 449
The whole generalised idea of 'us vs them' mixed in with a love of conflict.
>> No. 450
A better question is why atheists and many other groups believe they're better than religion when they regularly practice their own irrational dogma.

Atheism as a logical deconstruction of existence and religious explanations has basis in intellectual advancement. Atheism as a cultural phenomena is just another religion. Most atheists practice the latter, and both are wrong if they think their atheism is a solution to the world's problems.
>> No. 453
File 134185178833.gif - (824.71KB , 500x244 , mia gif.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Exactly, no one thing is a solution to everything on Earth. I talked to my friend's friend the other day on facebook (she posted a link about the problems in Palestine) and I saw him say "derp this is all da americans fault111!!" So I commented after him with something along the lines of "not it isn't, it's everybody's fault you stupid sperglord" Immediately he goes all "GLOBAL CAPITALISM WILL END US AS A SPECIES, COMMUNISM IS TEH ANSWER!" Frigging retard thought that an economic system will kill people. Turns out he's a big member with the local community college communist circlejerk, and literally graduated college last year. Doesn't have any experience at all and still thinks that he is better than people with years more experience and intelligence than him just because he isn't DAT BOURGEOIS CAPITALIST CLASS

I hate that, the people who think that they are smart because they follow some political belief blindly like a sheep.
>> No. 459
>There's nothing worse in the world IMO than people who think they are better than other people, especially when it is based on what you think the answer to an unsolvable question is.

People like to confirm their beliefs. We see this all the time. It gives a sense of security. I don't believe in a gods or an afterlife, but the only time I push the issue is when I engage in friendly ribbing with a friend who is deeply religious. I could come up with any number of logical arguments, but what it really comes down to is the fact that I never felt the need to believe. I'm happy to let others continue their beliefs as long as it doesn't negatively affect me.

Here's another perspective: a guy named Matt Thornton on the other hand goes about speaking on the need for more skepticism in the world. He's openly referred to religion and religious thought as a plague and would like nothing better than for it to go away. It's not that he wants to confirm his beliefs, it's that he's witnessed events that he feels give enough circumstantial evidence that the beliefs are not valid. As opposed to some, his opinion might be worth listening to and he won't go off on someone if that person disagrees.

It's all about the person and his or her security in being able to deal with different ideas.
>> No. 465
File 134255840351.jpg - (243.37KB , 497x495 , 1070 - applejack artist madmax celestia computer d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>What leads Star wars fans to be abrasive dicks to Star Trek fans

I think generally speaking if you like one, you like the other. For the small minority that does hate the other, it's generally out of a desire to prove the universe they like better is in some way more valid than the other.

>>or for Normal people to hate Bronies?

Speaking personally, images like this did it. This right here epitomizes the problem. Think of any meme you like, anyone at all. Google image search it. Add the word pony.

Far more than any other fandom, for some inexplicable reason they feel the need to make everything about ponies. Inject it into every facet of everything they interact with. They hear a song they like, it's not enough that they like it, they have to in some way link it to ponies. That's what it is.

There are people who are like that for many fandoms, sure, but you can't say the majority of any other fandom is like that. Yes, you will find one Transformers fan who claims she's married to Optimus Prime, yes you'll find a few Doctor Who fans who spend their every waking moment pumping out two frame gifs on tumblr of every frame of the show, but generally speaking, even those people, at their most obsessed don't try to turn every conversation into the subject of their obsession.

It's like with religious people. You probably don't care if they are religious, but if they have to inject it into every conversation and remind you of it constantly, it becomes annoying. Or that one pothead friend who can't talk about anything else and ruins it for everyone.

Let me put it another way, JohnofE. He was one of the first lolcows to enter his own thread when he was first posted here and talk about himself, and at first everyone was very receptive, but after a few hundred posts everyone soured on him. Even the people who were flirting with him just wanted him to shut up, because he had outright admitted he was incapable of having a conversation that wasn't about his desire to in some way penetrate whichever cartoon dog or beaver he was obsessed with penetrating that week. From the word go everyone knew he fantasized about stabbing dogs to death, and still creepers were interested in him, but the fact that he could discuss absolutely nothing else turned even them away.

The way they can galvanize online communities, and behave as if their enjoyment of a children's cartoon is a social movement. That's the problem.

It doesn't help that they're extremely easy to make fun of. That their ranks are extremely stereotypical and seem to be made up entirely of the most embarrassing members of every other fandom. That they desire to do something most everyone else finds disgusting, absurd and laughable, and that due to their obsession they tend to have very short tempers and thus be extremely easy to troll.
>> No. 467
>Think of any meme you like, anyone at all. Google image search it. Add the word pony.
You don't even have to add pony. It's gotten to the point where pretty much any image search will turn up pony results by the time you scroll past the halfway point on the page.

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