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471 No. 471
Why do nerds think that being a socially active individual is a bad thing?

I get along with most people, I don't hang out with people all to often (not much to do where I live (staten island), too many guido types) but I am well liked by pretty much everybody I come into contact with.

So I come across this thread in /adv/ about how to be sociable, and some idiot posted pic related. What the hell Cabron? When did being a person with a ton of friends become a bad thing? It boggles the mind that somehow being an all around nice guy is looked down upon by people now.
>> No. 473
Just go on /r9k/ they are all really lonely and angry people.

If they make fun of you they are most likely just really resentful because it's easier to lash out than to change their lives.
>> No. 479
Because the only thing that gives nerds emotional stability is a sense of entitlement and smug superiority forged through years of bitterness and isolation. This inherent "betterness" they possess is the conclusion they've reached for the question of "What makes me different, and why am I so alone because of it?"

"I am smarter, more insightful, and less shallow?materialistic?vapid?(hell, just call a spade a spade and say "stupid" already) than people with friends who waste their lives doing frivolous things in groups like a herd of sheep."
...says the loser who has poor social skills, even poorer judgment, total lack of emotional control or life experience, and "wastes their lives doing frivolous things (vidya, MLP, anime/manga et al.) in groups (e.g. /r9k/ or LoveShy forums) like a herd of sheep."
Bitter, angry, socially bereft and interpersonally stunted sheep with no connections to life offline.

tl;dr Sour grapes.
>> No. 480
I gotta assume that might be a troll, but like any really good troll it works because there are people who hold that opinion.
I think the other posters hit it pretty good. I also think the internet has made the borders between mainstream and underground (I'll let your imagination fill in the scare quotes) much more ambiguous.
Part of the hypocrisy of the anti-social people is that they generally base their value judgement wank on media and its accessibility, what media is consumed, or maybe how you consume it if you're ironic, etc. In the age of globalization and the web, all sorts of medias and media-based identities are available to anyone with an internet connection that were formerly marginal. That's created all sorts of anxieties over the authenticity of these identities, be they nerd, outcast, music counterculture, etc.
In some ways I think people are trying to maintain some border between the two constructions in stupid ways more so these days than pre-internet, although I'm sure arguments could be made either way. Maybe it's just that when your identity is so heavily based around projecting what a special snowflake you are, it's easier to put it out there via internet.

Theoretically, part of what's supposed to make *chans appealing is a sense of humor or irony around in-jokes and subculture. In practice, not so much usually.
>> No. 525
op, you even say you don't hang out with people to often then include some insult to "guido types"

you're not any different than them. suck a cock. faggot.
>> No. 530
i really don't know, i guess i could call myself nerdy and as long as a person contributes economically to their community they can do whatever they want, from been douche bags to never leave the basement to hang out in the park as a homeless-like hippie to go to a library and play wow with their fellow neighborhoods clan
>> No. 531
Difference is he doesn't find being extroverted to be some kind of automatic indication of intellectual inferiority. Introverts who aren't social retards do exist, ya know.

And being social doesn't mean you have to automatically like everyone you meet.
>> No. 538
im with these guys
>> No. 556
I've never understood why people look down on introverts.
>> No. 567
Most people don't.

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