No. 526
Richest ≠ Best
Nor has it ever.
The freedoms we praise are illusionary at best. In our country, freedom of the press meant freedom of a few megarich tycoons to spin whatever lies they wanted; in the day it was the likes of Hearst and Pulitzer, now, the likes of Murdoch, Koch (and Koch), Turner, Burke, Soros. Our so-called judicial rights mean that we still put dissenters behind bars - even moreso if they "look Muslim", Black, or Latino - in the day, this meant death camps, multinational genocide, and, simply to prove we aren't immune from political persecution, how about simply the deaths of the Rosenbergs? The right to protest has repeatedly been trampled upon as well, from history's various examples, possibly most famously the DNC, to more recent OWS.
I know that probably is getting you mad, but here's some cold hard facts relating to the latter:
In June 2012, a federal judge ruled that the protesters had not received sufficient warning that they would be arrested if they entered the roadway. While the police had argued that the protesters had received adequate warning, after reviewing video evidence, Judge Jed S. Rakoff sided with protesters saying, "a reasonable officer in the noisy environment defendants occupied would have known that a single bull horn could not reasonably communicate a message to 700 demonstrators"
In May, 2012, three cases in a row were thrown out of court, the most recent one for "insufficient summons". In another case, photographer Alexander Arbuckle was charged with blocking traffic for standing in the middle of the street, according to NYPD Officer Elisheba Vera. However, according to Village Voice staff writer Nick Pinto, this account was not corroborated by photographic and video evidence taken by protesters and the NYPD. In yet another case, Sgt. Michael Soldo, the arresting officer, said Jessica Hall was blocking traffic. But under cross-examination Soldo admitted, it was actually the NYPD metal barricades which blocked traffic. This was also corroborated by the NYPD's video documentation.
Naturally there's a bias in our police force. If I understand your position well, then you're about to say something like "yes we have problems but we're far from the worst". Well, to that, and I apologize if it's a strawman, I say this: when was the last time you heard a non-American and non-third-world child say something to the effect of "down with the po-po"? Believe it or not, some actual experience in the field of, just, say, education, is going to reveal quite a bit about minority's fears with regards to our system; this is how I know, but I know for a fact if you look in places where their fear is minimal, you'll find out a lot about a world you almost certainly don't know. And let me assure you, with my experience with even refugees from countries like Chile, Mexico, and immigrants from Germany (a Türk), France, and the UK, our racist Police force is quite really the exception, not the rule; only amongst developed/mostly developed nations do Japan and China seem to be more fixed against minorities, and China's judicial system is biased against everybody.
But let's get back to the basics. America is the land of life, liberty, and the right to pursue happiness, yeah? Note that pretty much every nation claims this to a certain extant; liberté, egalité, fraternité; Thailand is the "Land of the Free", in Thai, and "Land of the Free" Belize's national Anthem. But one merely needs to look at our history of monopolistic practice (cf TVA or Bell (now AT&T)), unabashed corporatism (cf Apple and Microsoft wiping out competition; Starbucks wiping out local competitors, WalMart doing much the same), and discrimination that we should know our claim to a right to pursue happiness isn't anything special. Liberty I've gone over. Which leads to the question of life?
Freedom of life in America for many for a long time meant freedom to be lynched at the whim of the KKK; even today, hate groups such as the KKK, the neo-Nazis, and the neo-Black Panther Party are at a high, still murdering. In just murder, gang warfare is off the charts. And yet, our prisons are overflowing with petty criminals imprisoned for life, draining our budgets, making us simultaneously one of the richest nations and in the most debt.
Denying reality won't make us better. We aren't the best. And simply believing you're the best won't work. I mean obviously, it didn't work for Chris, now did it?