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File 134524474270.jpg - (645.65KB , 1800x1200 , 1344916129941.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
493 No. 493
How come when you like Japanese food and some of their movies (like Seven Samurai and all the other good Kurosawa movies) People automatically make it out that you are some slobbering wapanese nerd?
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>> No. 494

...but seriously?

(A) The majority of non-Japanese people who like aspects of Japanese culture come into it via cartoons (anime/manga) or food (usually the standard sushi, tempura et al. or shitty snacks like Pocky).
Non-Japanese who loudly profess their so-called love and admiration of these severely limited aspects of Japanese culture make them into an integral part of their own lack of identity. In short, they become weeaboos.

(B) The aspects of Japanese culture seen by the majority of non-Japanese people (both online and offline) is porn, "lolsowacky Japan u so crazzy nuke em all fer dis weird shit (also usually porn)," or anime/manga (kiddy, cutesty, autist magnet shit).

Thus, the impression that most non-Japanese people have of Japanese culture is largely negative, due to seeing its oddest and worst elements (B) or the oddest and worst elements of humanity acting as self-made ambassadors for it (A).

It's a conditioned reaction, and a sad one at that.
>> No. 507
I think what it comes down to is how varied your interests are.

For example if you had a list of films you liked and some were foreign including a few Japanese movies people wouldn't automatically think you were a weeaboo.
>> No. 512

I think the problem is that your varied interests cannot include mention of Japanese films/music/whatever without being called a weeb, or having weeaboos talk at you solely about those few Japanese things you like.
>> No. 514
I suspect this is a case of weeaboos ruining it for the rest of us. They go on so much about the crap they like that the general association can't help but be made by the general population.
>> No. 515
>the impression that most non-Japanese people have of Japanese culture is largely negative, due to seeing its oddest and worst elements (B) or the oddest and worst elements of humanity acting as self-made ambassadors for it (A).
>> No. 575
File 134890999785.gif - (213.06KB , 400x265 , hahahahahaha.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
that is not the TRUE and HONEST timmothy cruzetor.

anyway a lot of what that guy said is right i guess.

for some reason a lot of people who is a failure in their own country seems to think japan is some magical land where they are accepted, however it couldnt be further from the truth.

the general consensus is: if you are failure in your own country, you will be a HUGE failure in japan, like such a huge failure to the point where its pathetic.
>> No. 576
Do you ever have gaijin come around to your country because they like just really like koto music or have a humanist agenda? Or is it only pasty overgrown children who fap to cartoons and business types looking to exploit your workers?
>> No. 577
File 134892944170.jpg - (56.32KB , 510x383 , ebin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i havnt met many foreigners to he honest. i work in my company, go home to my partner, then repeat the same thing next day. im very happy in my life, so please dont feel otherwise.

in japan i had rarely met anyone who isnt japanese, or a korean with a japanese name. the reason is, foreigners make up a very small percent of japan... 98.5% japanese, 0.6% korean, 0.4% chinese, 0.5% EVERYONE else.

from what i have seen, in my limited experience is there is 2 types of foreigners. type 1 is normal people who think "japan seemes like an interesting place" who visit and travel the whole country in like 5 days (VERY rushed) and the other is wapanese who just come and see sugoi desu anime and shit like that. (protip i hate japanese pop culture and also government).

sorry i cant give a great insight, but my experience is kind of limited. although i can do my best. hope that helped even a little.
>> No. 578
That was pretty simple and sweet, actually. Out of curiosity, what's your beef with your government? Too left-wing? Too right? Too apologetic? Too agressive with the Koreas and China? Or?
>> No. 579
File 134899282296.gif - (103.14KB , 349x355 , fap.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
thanks. i dont know what is left wing and what is right wing etc.

i hate china, china annoys me a lot, i hate the way they are raised and how their culture teaches money is more important than love (chinas culture is the opposite to japan). of course there is big debate about japanese islands "senkaku shoto" which are islands of japan, but china wants them, and has caused a lot of disruption etc.

my beef with the govt is that it is so corrupt. there is people like mayor of oosaka "hashimoto touru" then at a higher level is many political probems in the way things are handled such as american military bases in okinawa, the way the fukushima disaster was handled such as radioactive debrii (sorry i dont know how to spell it... debrii like the waste).

sorry to go so political... im usually a pretty chilled guy, but politics anoys me a lot.
>> No. 582
My experience with Chinese is that that's a small part of their culture just as it's a small part of Japan's or America's. In fact, it's my experience that people like that are exactly why the mainland went commie in the first place. And it's my experience that Japanese (and weeaboos) get irrationally hateful of China, lumping all 1.38 billion all together (even some self-hating Taiwanese weeaboos!).

But, seriously, I know I'm just some whitey who don't know shit, but ya'll, the PRC, Taiwan, the Koreas - ya'll really need to get your shit together and move on as North East Asia - not Nihon, Zhongguo, Hanguk, but as a *loose* cooperative of the three. And if you all can't decide on who gets Takeshima or whatever, give them to someone like Serbia for safekeeping until you can make it like a Svalbard or something.

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