No. 93
My perspective, if you care.
When I became an atheist, it was bitter. My Mom being a theist, her idea was I was deciding to go to hell. Because I couldn't accept her particular belief. The girl I liked basically went up to me and said, "go to hell". Now it's like anyone who isn't actively trying to convert me is saying "go to hell".
It was... rather depressing, to say the least.
Now see what (certain brands of) fundamentalism does to people; Westboro, Al-Qa'ida, the crusades, and so many other wars and so on. Easy stuff to blame on religion.
By being barking dogs, they think that for some, they're putting up a "united front" for people to stand behind, to feel not alone. For others, they're giving Atheism an intellectual place, so that nicer theists don't think they're all stupid arrogant morons, and actually lend one they might know a hand in some flavour of support while they establish their identity without the religious element. And for others, by proselytising Atheism, they think they're doing the world good while helping to stomp out unsupported claims of such great importance.
Then you get a number of ex-fundies, who feel gipped, and, because they're not used to shades of grey in the right or wrong area, think that their Atheism is of the same importance to the world as some fundies think their beliefs are.
I tried "converting" my friends, trying to persuade them to a more atheist worldview, simply because I was afraid that, since their morality-source basically says I deserved pain and torment for all eternity, they did too, and... I don't know, I was just scared.
But still, there are many atheists who really don't care what one believes, and are simply interested in promoting rational and empirical thought. For those, it isn't theists they hate, it's the claims of some particularly clueless or dishonest creationists or other denialists. xxxThePeachxxx, ZomgItsCriss, Potholer54, these come to mind. Hell, even thunderf00t used to be that way until the whole "he who fights monsters becomes one" thing and he went all fundie-atheist.
(Speaking of thunderf00t, he hated that, in the field of religion, he was defined as basically being the etc. too, the not believing in something group. So he coined the term PEARList: Pure Evidence And Rational Logic - ist (or so, if I'm remembering correctly). He thought of himself as champion in the promotion of science, innovation, progress, usw. Something he believed in, not what he didn't believe in.)
The thing about the amazing atheist is that he's a comedian by trade and nature. And I don't mean one who gets laughs by observing something humourous, no, he gets his laughs by being as offensive as possible. Like Louis Black without the humourous observations and twice the yelling. Even other atheists hate him. He's really only tolerated because he brings an audience to the occasion charity event. I don't remember, but I think he's doing dprjones' MSF blogtv drive going on now.
Not to mention, you're just seeing one side of them. Yes, ZomgItsCriss's Internet identity is mostly about atheism and politics, but she also has another site where she does movies reviews and another where she vlogs about all her pets, so it seems (she is most definitely an animal person, let me tell you).
Hope that helps at all. To me it wasn't about a common hivemind or anything, it was sticking up for one another when some religious group started attacking somebody with a weak defence. And politics. Politics makes everyone pseudo-intellectual idiots.