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6 No. 6
ALRIGHT, lets kick this board off with something or other:

Last read:
Currenlty reading:
Planning to read next:

I'll start,

Last read: Bite Me
Currenlty reading: 2010: Odyssey Two
Planning to read next: Dracula

Go go go!
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>> No. 7
File 128365173098.gif - (43.03KB , 88x88 , 35aiqh3jpg.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Last Read: The Rum Jungle by Hunter S Thompson
Currently Reading : Atlas Shrigged by Ayn Rand
Planning to Read next: Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
>> No. 9
Last read-Slaughterhouse five, Kurt Vonnegut
Current- Man Without a Country (again), Kurt Vonnegut
Planning to read- The Black Cauldron Lloyd Alexander
>> No. 24
Last read: "With The Old Breed"

Currently reading: "The Years of Rice and Salt" (I absolutely love K. S. Robinson) and "The Pol Pot Regime", also started reading "Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen" again but it's rather short anyway

Planning to read next: Well there is a lot of stuff pilling up, I will wait and see what mood I'm in when the time comes, "Deutsche Mythologie" and "Waverley" are definitely on the list

Plus, planning to buy next: "Galileo's Dream" and "Gods and Generals"
>> No. 48
Last read: Unbearable Lightness - Portia de Rossi
Current: None
Planning: Eat, Pray, Love

It's Atlas Shrugged, and I loved that book
>> No. 90
Last read: The Prince
Currently reading: Beast in View
Planning to read next: The portrait of Dorian Grey
>> No. 91
Last read: Beloved by Toni Morrison
Currenlty reading: Ex Libris and God of Small Things
Planning to read next: Atlas Shrugged or The Jungle (trying to work through some classic stuff)
>> No. 275
Last read: Joe Gould's Secret (Joseph Mitchell)
Currently reading: An Incomplete History of the Art of Funerary Violin (Rohan Kriwaczek)
Planning to read next: Let the right one in (John Ajvide Lindqvist)

At some point I hope to have time to read Wagner the Wehr Wulf (a penny dreadful), and maybe Vathek
>> No. 295
Last Read: Cujo by Stephen King
Currently Reading: Sherlock Holmes-Study in Scarlet
Planning to Read: The Modern Prometheus
>> No. 303
How was Cujo? Was King able to pull off the tension of the story? I read the synopsis once, and it seemed a little thin.
>> No. 335
Last read: A Clockwork Orange
Currently reading: When All The World Was Young
Planning to read next: no clue, ideas?
>> No. 341
last: the hollow hills
curr: the last enchantment
next: what dreams may come
>> No. 342
The creation of the world and other business by Arthur Miller. It's a play, but I think a theatre script can still be a form of literature if it's good.
>> No. 345
Last: I forget.
Current: Godel Escher Bach
Next: Feynman physics.
>> No. 366
File 133135874984.jpg - (196.97KB , 975x1527 , Sandman_42_c01.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
last read: Cosmos by Carl Sagan
Currently: The Sandman graphic novels book 9
Planning: The Gods of Greenwhich (which I started then put on hiatus for The Sandman)
>> No. 412
Last read: Inferno
Currently reading: Purgatorio
Planning to read next: Paradiso
>> No. 413
It's tough to read translations of Dante's works. They never quite capture the poetry of the native language.
>> No. 414
Last: Babylon By Bus
Current: Farenheit 451
Next: Not sure, large backlog. Maybe Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.
>> No. 415

if you're looking for phillip k. dick, a scanner darkly is, imho, his best, better than electric sheep and better than three stigmata

of course, man in the high castle is probably his most critically acclaimed work
>> No. 416
last read: american psycho
currently reading: the naked lunch
next read: YOU DECIDE!
>> No. 418
I'll bite, but I'm afraid for me it's more like a graph than a list.

Last read:

Wheel of Time book 9 by Robert Jordan (just finished)
A Dirge for Sabis by C. J. Cherryh
The Red Wolf Conspiracy by Robert V.S. Redick

Currently reading:

Wheel of Time book 10 by Robert Jordan (I'm slogging through the series in preperation for the final volume, which will be out in January)
Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher
Halting State by Charles Stross
Empire of the East by Fred Saberhagen
Consider Phlebas by Ian M. Banks
Legacy of the Drow by R. A. Salvatore
Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind
Forge of the Elders by L. Neil Smith
Shadow & Claw by Gene Wolfe

I should, perhaps, explain. I have started all of these and read at least a couple chapters of each. I pick one every night and read more, so they all progress but at uneven rates. I have omitted from the list some books which I began reading but do not plan to read regularly. Yes, I am really reading all of these 'currently'!

Planning to read:
I'll just list the books currently stacked by my bed, rather than the ones on my TODO list in general.

Shadowmarch by Tad Williams
Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny
The Calling of the Three by Ro Emerson
There Are Doors by Gene Wolf
Thrice Upon a Time by James P. Hogan
The Last Dragonlord by Joanne Bertin
Empress by Karen Miller
Wheel of Time books 11, 12 and 13 by Robert Jordan
Alchemist's Code by Dave Duncan
Alchemist's Pursuit by Dave Duncan
Guardians by Lynn Abbey
The Crimson Sky by Joel Rosenberd
Tunnel in the Sky by Robert Heinlein
Timeshadow Rider by Ann Maxwell
The Assassin's Edge by Juliet E. McKenna
The Silver Stone by Joel Rosenberg
Orphans of the Sky by Robert Heinlein
The Time Bender by Keith Laumer
Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke
Empire & Ecolitan by L. E. Modesitt Jr.
The Forever Hero by L. E. Modesitt Jr.
The Healing of America by T. R. Reid
Pendragon's Banner by Hellen Hollick
Inventing English by Seth Lerer
Harvest of Stars by Poul Anderson
World Without End by Molly Cochran and Warren Murphy
The Floating Island by Elizabeth Hayden
The Excalibur Alternative by David Weber
The Wizards and the Warriors by Hugh Cook

I tend to read 5-10 books concurrently, so my "next" list is kind of a big target, as is my "current" list. I include multiple "last read" because I finished them all rather together, although WoT #9 was on Friday and so deserves the true "last" moniker.
>> No. 419

damn how do you process all those fully

then again, fantasy as a genre isnt about the slow burn of a deep motif
>> No. 422
Currenlty reading:

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