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File 129993783529.jpg - (95.04KB , 300x390 , The Shrike.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
82 No. 82
Hey, fags. If any of you like hard sci-fi, you should check out the Hyperion series. A group of people are on the way to sacrifice themselves to a razor bladed metal god called The Shrike (pic related). Along the way, they tell their stories, a la the Canterbury Tales.

Oh, and the overarching story is that a machine intelligence far into the distant future has advanced enough to become a machine god, and created the Shrike, which travels around the universe and through time itself, impaling people on a metal tree to suffer for all eternity in an attempt to conjure the human god, which will then battle the machine god at the end of the universe.

So a lot happens in the series.
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>> No. 83
Who's the author of the series?
>> No. 84
Dan Simmons. There's some outdated stuff in the book, like a war between the US and the USSR, but that kind of thing is in 2001, too, and that movie's still badass.
>> No. 360
File 132833241590.jpg - (65.13KB , 350x142 , hyperion-novels-hdr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Read this review of Hyperion: http://englishmajoradventures.blogspot.com/2011/03/book-review-hyperion-by-dan-simmons.html

Anything by Dan Simmons is good (and not all sci-fi, by any means) but Hyperion & it's three sequels are simply great pieces of literature.

Also good by this author, Carrion Comfort; The Terror, Ilium/Olympos & Drood. I love Dan Simmons, and consider the Hyperion Cantos to be worth every second of reading, every time I read it.
>> No. 363
I've been meaning to read Simmons for some time.
As a bit of a philhellenist I feel like I should read Ilium & Olympos first, but this sounds intriguing. Can anyone recommend one or t'other?
>> No. 372

No. Fuck that racist "Kali" book he wrote
>> No. 373
I haven't read the book, just the Wikipedia entry. Was it the general depiction of the citizens of Calcutta, or something specific?
>> No. 374

According to Dan Simmons all of us Indians are either evil or otherwise suspicious in some way. The whole book is plagued with complete innacuracies about Hinduism that even I know more about despite being a New York born Muslim. And to top it off it's as scary as Chris circa 2007.
>> No. 378

yasmin remains the greatest troll on /cwc/. see you on tinychat.
>> No. 379

But I never went on tinychat.

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