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File 129523148334.jpg - (29.65KB , 400x350 , doctor_who.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
158 No. 158
I just started really watching Dr. Who. And it's fucking amazing. Seriously my favorite show right now.
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>> No. 170
Eleven is better than Ten.
>> No. 171
Doctor Who is fun but I'm not that big of a fan of the series overall. The episodes "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead" is some damned inspired writing.
>> No. 184
>> No. 185
But seriously I think the new season is off to quite a good start, the impossible astronaut was a pretty damn good episode.
I hope the rest of this season is just as good
>> No. 186
Just watched the second part of the Impossible astronaut and when the little girl regenerated I got the feeling that she is Dr Sung. Anybody get that feeling ?

I have never torrented anything because I am sure i will download the worst virus ever written but I am going to have to risk it for this. I have been watching the doc since 1977 and got my wife into it . I think the older stuff was awesome .
>> No. 187
Amen Brother. I got started with all the hype in the new series. Looks pretty good, but I am a little concerned.

I think it's dangerous of them to keep a secret from the Doctor, After all, knowledge is power, and maybe he's been through something like this before. idk... Hoping it all turns out okay.

As for the girl being Doctor Song... idk... I don't know enough about River Song to make that decision.

Plus counting the fact she said she had a worse day coming, when she meets the Doctor and he won't know anything about her... Shouldn't that have happened the first time WE ( i mean people watching from the Doctor's perspective) met River? That would have been the point where He didn't know anything about her.
>> No. 191
Anybody else sick of Rory dieing and coming back to life every other episode?
>> No. 194
File 130522116116.jpg - (3.67KB , 183x275 , But its sonic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The writing for this show has always been better than the average tv drama IMO but maybe I'm prejudiced.
This was one of the best episodes in the 40 + years the show has been around.


I thought Rory was an android or something .. from the episode where the Doc gets Locked in the Pandorica.


Song explained that in the scene where they find the Doc coming out of the bathroom after they had already burnt his body .

As far as keeping the secret I agree with what you came up with. He most likely would be able to handle that info.

And now in others news I checked this out , some cool shit but pricey as hell . My wife wants the sonic screwdriver and i loled .. I told her it probably doesn't vibrate quite the way she imagines it does ...

>> No. 195
File 130555084487.jpg - (21.52KB , 444x414 , 1305256651323.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
mfw >No. of episodes774

Where should a newfag start watching, guys?
>> No. 196
File 130662024310.jpg - (64.50KB , 400x518 , 900yo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
start with series 1 from 2005, Chris Eccleston.
>> No. 199
Interesting end to the first half of the new season
>> No. 200
Is that a reboot or something? Are the series before it canon?
>> No. 215

Was a great episode.

I had a feeling the little girl was River. I rally want to know who the bitch with the steel eye is. At least we don't have to wait a year for some answers. I think this might be more than a 2 story arc.
>> No. 229
amy is my favorite companion next to martha. rose can die in a fire. christopher eccleston was a horrible doctor. david tennant is an overactor. k-9 makes me squeal. who the fuck was the little girl that regenerated in the alleyway? also some crazy shits gonna happen and matt stone wont die afterall.

torchwood sucks.
>> No. 230
>> No. 231
Hey kids, hows it hanging. I thought I'd drop in and ask if anyone saw " the best of the Doctor" .

New episode on the 27th.Lets kill Hitler? lol, should interesting.
>> No. 232
>doctor who thread


I am such a whofag, you have no idea. That shit traumatised me when it first started up again though. Gas masks freaked me out anyway, but forcing itself out of someone's face while their skulls cracks and warps in, what was for the time, very realistic CGI? aaaaaa

Let's Kill Hitler looks great, if only for the scene where RORY FUCKIN' PUNCHES HITLER. Rory, stay awesome.

Since we're talkin' about the Whoniverse, has anyone been watching Miracle Day? It's really good, better than the first two seasons.
>> No. 250

I knew it, I knew that little shit in the alley was River Sung. I wonder if we get to see how, where she grows up.


I have to say I agree, "are you my mommy" was pretty freaky. I have almost never got scared watching TV but "Blink" , "will you be my mummy and one other episod" I can't name right now got me pretty good.

"lets kill hitler" was awesome and I see a possible final episode story arc there. Since River gave all of her regenerations to save the Doctor they die together somehow. I don't know just a thought.

Also anyone from Briton know if the Doctor has actually left Amy behind? Maybe you could post a spoiler here , I would rather know now that wait another 4 days.

?I am such a whofag

I'm an old fuck so I got to see most of the original series as on public TV when I was a kid. Have you seen much of the pold stuff? >>>/bt/73 look good but it is a huge gawd damn file. I would have to buy a stand alone drive to down load it, and I probably will.
>> No. 252
File 131699190158.jpg - (52.83KB , 480x320 , closing-tiime.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Doctor Who: Closing Time.

So was I the only one who was surprised to see this come up so quick. I thought they would wait until at least next season to have the episode about his death. It's confusing to me, I mean what the hell am I to think about him dumping his companions? They have to much invested to leave Ponds behind , no pun intended. Even thought she has been on longer than anyone else in the new series.

While we were watching the next episodes teasers I had a sudden feeling that river song wasn't Ponds daughter...for some reason I think Ponds is the daughter of River Song and the Doctor. Any one else think they are going to change the basics of the show, like the next Doctor is a female or something?
>> No. 261
if the director is consumed with greed or he dies and is replaced you can bet on it
>> No. 293

Every one gets out of bed to make a buck, right? I've been watching the Doctor since 1977 if not earlier and have to say the new series is pretty true to form. Nothing will be as good as the original series IMO but that was when TV was still fairly new to science fiction.

So there is a new episode, a Christmas special on BBC America the 25th' thought I'd stop by and post it.
>> No. 317
doctor who was good up through series 26, but from 27 on it's been so-so. Too much self-aggrandizing and repetative sexual tension nonsense.
>> No. 321
Same thing that's killing House and Bones imo.
>> No. 412
It's up on Netflix. Should I start with the first season or jump straight to the second?
>> No. 413
I started watching it recently, but I'm not really enjoying it. Could be because I'm watching the first season, though.

I can see why people like it, but it's just not doing it for me.
>> No. 418
I found the first season episodes from the 1960s on YouTube and watched the first four episodes that are apparently combined into one full episode. Can you explain how this categorization goes? I'm not familiar with the British way of doing things are.

Does it get better?
>> No. 430

The series before it are canon.
>> No. 459
ninth doctor is best doctor
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