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No. 325
  Holy shit, these spasts sure do hate the Simpsons!

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>> No. 326
For some old school Simpsons whining, go to snpp.com
>> No. 327
The show fucking sucks and it's sucked for like ten years. I haven't visited that page but god damn I don't blame them.
>> No. 328
>last episode of the simpsons was 7th last in simpsons viewership history

haha jesus
>> No. 329
It really is a fucking terrible show now. I honestly can't remember the last time I regularly watched the Simpsons. There was an episode a few weeks ago that nonsensically shoehorned Julian Assange into the plot. How can something that has been so consistently awful for years stay on the air?
>> No. 330
File 133101014240.jpg - (779.34KB , 1470x2637 , 1328437787388.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The Simpsons is increasingly feeling like an early 90's cultural relic that somehow managed to last 20 years.

Picture also very related as well.
>> No. 331
>that feel when you're the only one who still watches the Simpsons
>> No. 332
i still watch them. the best seasons were probably 7-13, the newer ones kinda suck
>> No. 333
File 133101200118.jpg - (34.01KB , 384x288 , homer_insanity_pepper.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I find it kind of surreal that the simpsons have been around all of my life. Literally, I was born on the day the first short aired on the Tracy Ullman show. Sometimes I wonder if the show won't end until I die...
>> No. 334
That is basically why I watch Futurama now, It has it's flaws but it's still managed to stay fresh, and there isn't a celebrity in goddamn every episode.
>> No. 335
The Simpsons is as old as it's target audience.

Scary, isn't it?
>> No. 336
>Implying that Futurama isn't just the Simpsons but with more 'LOLZ IT'S TEH FUTURE ALIENS AND STUFF XD' jokes.
>> No. 337
Yeah, I don't like any of these shows. I'm too DEEP for them.
>> No. 338
Who´s the lolcow, Matt Groening or the people from OP´s link?

ps. Think about it, somewhere, there´s an Otherkin who wishes to have been born with yellow skin and big bulgy eyes.
>> No. 339
I actually shivered when I read that...
>> No. 340
People personing anrily about the Simpsons? The fucking Simpsons? Are you kidding me, internet? God do I hope I'm being trolled.
>> No. 341

>> No. 342
Hell yeah you're being trolled lol JULAYYY all those posts above spurging like little bitches were totally just pretending.
>> No. 343
File 133104182488.png - (126.57KB , 637x477 , tellmemore.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
oddly, I just ran across this site earlier today. it was the first GIS result for "tell me more" that wasn't related to npr or language software.
>> No. 344
personing about the Simpsons is an internet tradition. What are you talking about?

Wasn't Comic Book Guy's personality developed in a way to imitate the alt.tv.simpsons newsgroup posters(and, similarly, the snpp.com episode reviews)?
>> No. 345

Really? I think the best seasons are 2 up to 10. After 2000, the show started to suck, and eventually evolved into crap. Though to be fair, how can one expect a show to be good for THAT long? It should have ended around the year 2000. I would have preferred fond memories of an old tv show long over than an painfully drawn out show wayyyyyy past it's prime.
>> No. 346
That does bring up a good point. All of the simpsons memes and references that people make on the internet are from season 10 and earlier. Nothing memorable happened after that. Someone must still watch it though, if it keeps airing.
>> No. 347
I still lol at this scene to this day
>> No. 348
I still think the show should have pulled a Watterson after 10 seasons, but I guess the jew golds were much too tempting.
>> No. 350

>pulled a Watterson

I lol'd.

And yeah, it definitely should. As Bill Watterson himself said:

>It's always better to leave the party early. If I had rolled along with the strip's popularity and repeated myself for another five, 10 or 20 years, the people now "grieving" for "Calvin and Hobbes" would be wishing me dead and cursing newspapers for running tedious, ancient strips like mine instead of acquiring fresher, livelier talent. And I'd be agreeing with them.
>> No. 351

Pretty much that. The simpsons was a memetic as hell show up until season 11 for some reason.
>> No. 352
>> No. 353
>Someone must still watch it though, if it keeps airing.

Of course. As has always been the case, most of the people who watch it probably don't go to sites that you go to. Hell, even the movie was a big success. Also, you know how people who complain about the show say this moment sucked or that moment sucked? That means they are probably still watching it, too, despite their complaining.
>> No. 354
I actually liked the movie tbh. It felt like an extra-long classical episode and I genuinely found it funny. Keep in mind I'm one of those people who thought the show got tired around season 10-ish or so.

I don't hate the show, if anything I pity it. It's just changed beyond recognition so much that it's sort of sad.
>> No. 355
>The Simpsons meet Kim Bassinger and Alec Baldwin

In its defense, it was one of the first straight-in-the-face celebrity cameo episodes I can remember and it was actually good. Ironically, the moral of the story seemed to be that Simpsons and famous stars shouldn´t mix.

As for the rest of those episodes, fuck them. Specially the ones with showing a smug look and crossed arms.
>> No. 356
That's actually a pretty good telltale sign.

Add to it if the guest star looks like he or she came from a totally different cartoon and they just happened to color his skin yellow. I can't get over how visibly out of place the actual characters look in their own promotional art now.
>> No. 357
Most of the cameo episodes sucked, but I did like the one that had The Critic on it. It was pretty funny, it's just too bad The Critic was so underappreciated.
>> No. 358
File 133107353158.png - (357.97KB , 374x463 , arthurLA.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Nothing can ever match the out-of-placeness and level of horror achieved by Arthur-fied Lance Armstrong.
>> No. 359
I'd venture to guess it's because the main characters are fairly rigidly based on the original character models and there's not much that can be done to update them without creating a shitstorm within the hardcore (read: spastic) fanbase.
The cameo characters are much more fluid because
1: They're based off of Futurama character models. (Which translates well between the two shows, since talking celebrity heads are a common occurrence in Futurama.)
2. They can be more intricately stylized because they only have to maintain the character for one episode.

The same also applies to South Park. Jesus appeared early on in the series, and looks just as cut up and awkwardly done as any of the central characters. But over time they got better at the cutouts or whatever so now the cameos are pretty much exact caricatures of that person.

They've essentially both become celebrity parody shows which are only funny in the present tense, assuming you're aware of current entertainment trends when it airs.
>> No. 360
File 133107467998.png - (304.63KB , 560x416 , hey hey hey.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That was a season 6 episode and Matt Groening hated it so much that he took his name out of the credits.

Just rewatched the Critic and it was alright, except for the webisodes which were god awful.
>> No. 361
File 133107474680.jpg - (14.22KB , 200x139 , neilgaiman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh hello, Lance. Neil here. Mind if I join you?
>> No. 362
I've found some of his "Life in Hell" comics published in a local free paper
Good god they are awful.
>> No. 363
File 133107571798.jpg - (1.58MB , 1470x2637 , 1329737753366.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 364
File 133107602447.png - (384.58KB , 650x542 , Blue_Haired_Lawyer.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Speaking of odd looking characters in the Simpsons, one of my favorite things is how the blue haired lawyer hasn't really been updated that much at all and still has that odd, loose, natural look of some of the earlier Simpsons episodes.

It's jarring to see him next to the rest of the cast who all look much more rigid than they did early on.
>> No. 365
Just two words (or three):

Armin Tamzarian
The Principal and the Pauper

Jesus Christ, I can´t believe how many person rage buttons are touched everytime someone mentions this in /co/.
>> No. 366
Uh, guys, have you actually gone back and watched the first season of The Simpsons lately? 'Cause I have.

Horrible animation, awful voiceacting, shitty jokes. Seriously, I'd rather watch the new episodes, bad as they are, over that old crap.
>> No. 367
South Park can be a lot more relevant with its parodies of the news, I think they only spend a week or two making an episode, whereas The Simpsons can take a couple of months, so it seems like South Park captures the zeitgeist of something much quicker.
Then you go back and watch a topical episode and it's shit because the joke was only relevant/funny at the time.

I seem to recall someone made one of these for Family Guy as well.
The Simpsons is like an Alzheimer's patient, it was loved and had a slow, sad, and drawn out descent into being terrible, while Family Guy is liked someone rendered retarded in a motorbike accident - just seemed to happen overnight.
>> No. 368
The early episodes at least seemed more significant and generally more memorable. Now they just seem to be a sea of forgettable parodies and insignificant nonsense.
>> No. 369

>simpson meet jack black
>jack black is a slim, psuedo-hipster looking guy
>> No. 370
13 lackluster season one episodes, or literally hundreds of shitty new episodes. I think the choice is easy.
>> No. 371
Ok, you pretty much got it. South Park also devolved into this sort of thing finally as well. It's actually fairly depressing that both of these shows went from biting commentary and being genuinely funny to just making fun of other entertainers. It's almost meta at this point. Then again don't the cast and crew of both shows live in Los Angeles now?

Family Guy went down a different and arguably darker path. It was always retarded but it was also funny in its own right. (Albeit a dumber humor than the Simpsons or even South Park, but it was still enjoyable in a guilty pleasure way.) Now there's something very disturbing about a supposedly progressive and definitely now-rich guy from the northeast peddling some of the worst gay/black/jewish stereotypes out there in public society and calling them jokes, much less including his famous bashing of "Middle America" and the south in the mix as well.

I consider myself a good little left-liberal from the northeast myself (definitely not rich though), but watching any of Seth's shows makes me feel genuinely disturbed these days.
>> No. 372

That seems a false dichotomy. Why not the middle year episodes (seasons 2/3 through 10) that were actually good?

And yeah, the first season *did* suck. But it improved vastly.
>> No. 373
Is the Futurama reboot any good?
>> No. 374
Season 1 was pretty awful. The jokes were generic and "sitcomy," although maybe it was funny for the late 80's. 2 was better, but, they didn't really find their formula until season 3. When most people think of classic simpsons they're usually thinking of season 3-10.
>> No. 375

It's not a reboot, just regular episodes they made a decade after cancellation. And opinions vary, I personally think they're as good/better than pre-cancellation episodes, others argue they're among the worst of the series and that they fell into a Family Guy type "post resurrection shit spiral". I have no idea why they insist that, but there you go.
>> No. 377
I'd chalk that up to him being a recurring, but minor character. His entire character basically consists of him being a dull, lawyer stereotype. How better to keep a dull character dull than to never change anything?

I had to read that one twice, and I still think someone ID'd that wrong. I haven't seen the episode though, so idk.

I think with Family Guy, whoever the tried to sell it to saw it as the shit it was and told them to get lost. Eventually it developed enough of a cult following from cable (I think) that Fox decided that there were enough idiots to make the ratings and decided to go with it.
I actually saw the 100th episode special, and though Seth was obviously playing up the whole "fuck you network television!" stuff, you could tell he actually felt like he had proved himself in spite of them. All he really did though was bring low-brow comedy to a new generation of people who were born after The Simpsons went on air.

The main problem with it is I think he's basically trying to be the next Matt Groening without really paying attention to what really made The Simpsons so groundbreaking. Simpsons used words like 'bitch' 'hell' and 'crap' back when it was taboo, and in an animated show no less. Now that's considered generally acceptable for television. It paved the way for South Park, which was somewhat the FG of it's time when it launched. I remember there was a Newsweek cover article about it. I'd heard about it a little from listening to my mom talking to people, but when I saw the cover that was the first I'd actually seen of the show and characters. I couldn't help thinking "There's no way something like this could be as evil and corrupting as adults are making it out to be." I was half right. Yes, it has expletives (though they were significantly more conservative in using them at the time) which is what parents objected to. But the parents were reasoning that the show was targeted at 4th graders, since it's animated and that's what age the main characters are. The show was for teens and young adults, and decided to use a different style of art, rather than the conventional actors/props/sets method.
Robot Chicken dodged that bullet because it was on cable and aired during the late night segment clearly identified as [Adult Swim].

So anyway, Seth sees that Simpsons used light curse words in a cartoon and correlates that to being the defining influence that caused the shift in public opinions and censorship regulation. So he decides to do the same thing but throw in some stuff that he knows will get censored so that he can sell DVDs and stir up some dissent in the younger generation with regards to censorship of 'fuck' and 'shit' etc. He also taps into the ADD tendency of modern teens by using the "random-access-humor" aspect to bring up irrelevant filler (Peter vs. the giant chicken pt. 2 anyone?) and establish lots of running gags (everyone hates Meg) and lowest-common-denominator, drawing-things-out-to-the-point-where-it's-not-funny-but-it's-established-shtick-so-that-makes-it-funny skits (90 seconds of Peter, Bryan, and Stewie vomiting all over the family room couch and floor). He also uses Bryan as a soapbox for politics, which comes off as more of an insult in that a talking dog represents liberals, and is also apparently the only socially-aware member of the household. Plus Peter makes Homer look like a decent, upstanding guy and loyal husband with a slight beer gut by comparison. Actually, that pretty much is Homer, at least the one I'm familiar with.
I don't mean to rap on FG in particular because Lisa has become more or less the same as Bryan, but who was first is beyond me.
Personally, I think American Dad is better than FG because it has some premise for what goes on, even if it still reuses the same old stereotypes. It also has significantly less of the pointless flashback jokes. But Seth is still just an unoriginal drawfag with a budget and air slots.

And what the fuck did I just write?
>> No. 378
File 133108820592.png - (71.70KB , 250x141 , man the harpoons.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I agree. The most recent season of Futurama is just as good if not better than the older seasons.
This thread is like something right out of /co/.
>> No. 379

/cwc/ gets a lot of cross-pollination from /v/ and /co/, since those boards are where Chris-Chan used to be discussed the most (/b/ too, but in a predictably less coherent and more obnoxious manner).
>> No. 380
That Simpsons Jack Black episode was (like most celebrity cameos) a few minute long couple of scenes where they just talked for a bit and were gone. It was Jack Black, but in one of the rare instances, they let him play "a character". it's just that the character was a wacky, crazy funny man comic book guy. So his character was just Jack Black is Jack Black was a skinny hipster that sold comic books.
>> No. 381
agreed. it shouldve ended in 2000
>> No. 382

Actually Family Guy was originally on Fox. Got canned since the execs hated it. Dvd sales and Adult swim ratings are what prompted Fox to give it another chance.
>> No. 383
So what happened at the ten year mark to spur the massive decline in quality?

Did the execs hate it? My understanding was the ratings were terrible, but everyone remembered laughing at it. Then it was on Adult Swim and everyone was like "It's such a shame this got cancelled" and the dvds made a shit load of money and they brought it back.

I remember the last few episodes before it got cancelled they made jokes about how they knew they were going to get cancelled due to ratings.

Thing is, I remember being one of those people who laughed during the first airing, then was disappointed it got cancelled, but I've gone back and watched those first episodes again and I don't think they're funny now. The jokes were just as hamfisted, the political shit was just slightly more subtle and less directly hostile and mean-spirited, there were less musical numbers, and the characters weren't all irredeemably annoying and inconsistent yet.

Maybe it's just that I've already heard all the jokes.
>> No. 384
General consensus was that the new showrunner who came in around that time and shifted the show's tone, and it never really recovered. That said I still think age in general is also a big problem for the Simpsons.
>> No. 385
I wonder how long will it take until the Simpsons have a spin-off (like in FG and that black guy).
I once heard that Matt wanted to do a Krusty the Clown kiddie show cartoon, but then it never happened.
>> No. 386
Family Guy was cancelled because of executive stupidity, not executive malice.

The executives loved the show and it got great ratings, so great that the executives decided to put it up against Friends and Survivor, the two highest rated TV shows on air.

The rest is history.
>> No. 387
Season 1 has Life on the Fast Lane, Bart the General, Krusty gets Busted etc. All brilliantly written (dark) episodes that are better than most from season 9+
Season 2 is one of the best seasons ever
Seasons 9-23 however, some of the worst tv ever
>> No. 388
>namefag giving an opinion
>on an animated show
>/cwc/ has turned into tvtropes
>> No. 389


Apparently, your site was mentioned on this chan board, there’s a whole discussion about the show now!

>>That can’t be good. Expect the Legion to ddos this website come the end of following schoolday…
>> No. 390
This is probably going to sound paranoid, but do you think the finns are planning to spam that site, and posting this thread here, and then mentioning it there and suggesting we're going to ddos them is an attempt to blame it on us when they do it?
>> No. 391
>Expect the Legion to ddos this website
How do they know about our relationship to the defunct legi0n?
>> No. 392
I am sure that the stonecutters, the 789chan mods, and Snyder himself will be involved in some way, too. Figure that out and then we will know the truth.
>> No. 393
Shit is gonna go DOWN
>> No. 394
He probably meant legion as in "anonymoose is legion".
>> No. 395
They actually seemed to appreciate the comparison image that was posted in this thread. I'd be surprised if they didn't make a blog entry featuring it now.

Given the subject material and it's a single-topic blog, they'd probably consider a raid by "Anonymous" to be a badge of honor and good publicity.
>> No. 426

This is true.

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