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File 12850429354.jpg - (59.64KB , 450x673 , 294.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
21 No. 21
Post your favorite *nix OS.
Expand all images
>> No. 22
>> No. 24
File 128513923436.png - (11.06KB , 512x512 , arch.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25
Parabola GNU/Linux is a lightweight, free and flexible GNU/Linux system
based on Archlinux.

Be Free! ::

>> No. 26
File 128522570688.png - (4.16KB , 248x189 , 1257205672417.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fuck your free software propaganda, I'm going to install more proprietary packages.
>> No. 27
Mac OS X
>> No. 28
My computer gets slow after about a day of running, so I have to reboot about every 2 days.
So why am I a virgin?

>> No. 30
Red Hat Enterprise Linux

People who say GNU/Linux can go drown on RMS's cum
>> No. 31
>> No. 32
File 128674890128.jpg - (45.99KB , 500x495 , rms_fundi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
shhhhhhhhh! he sees everything.
>> No. 34
File 128711176424.png - (9.33KB , 424x390 , 1269338564943.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ubuntu karmic
>> No. 35
dude this shit is oollllllllllld
>> No. 36
Arch linux
>> No. 38
Arch + KDE desktop, Gentoo + LXDE laptop, debian + CLI firewall/router
Next Im builing a CentOS network intrusion detection system.
Get laid plenty.
>> No. 41
File 129261980916.jpg - (48.48KB , 1028x1270 , debian-swirl-1600x1200.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Debian GNU/Linux. Nothing compares.

As for 'real' Unix, I think FreeBSD is a pretty cool guy, eh writes good man pages and doesn't afraid of anything.
>> No. 91
Gentoo on desktop, Gentoo on laptop
>> No. 92
Plan 9 from Bell Labs
>> No. 98
Ubuntu or Arch
Simplicity or Freedom.
>> No. 108
and ....Elementary OS (lol seriously)
>> No. 125
backtrac and gentoo (install it)
>> No. 235
Is Gentoo Linux a good stable OS for work, or does it need babying?

How much Bloat does Backtrack have?
>> No. 238
Ubuntu 10.04
>> No. 245
Older Ubuntu is good, new Ubuntu with unity is bad. Crunchbang is good too. I wanted to use Arch but it has no gui and I could not get it to boot off a thumb drive. I tried Archbang but got the same problem. Trying to Switch to Crunchbang.
>> No. 246
I use Kubuntu. From all the distributions I tried it's the most user friendly one with great user support. I doubt it's the best, though and I know it has it's flaws. I would like to switch to debian but right now, honestly, I'm too lazy with the system running and all.
>> No. 273
>arch has no GUI

arch has every GUI. You have to pick one and install it.

I think you have to do something special to get *anything* to boot from thumb drive. Try unetbootin (if you havn't already).

>> No. 275
I'm pretty amazed by Crunchbang 10 atm. I run it on my notebook with openbox and it doesn't leave much to be desired. I still need to tweak a few things, getting conky all set how I like it and stuff like that but right now it just works fine to do work I have to do.
>> No. 279
Ubuntu 11.04 for now, I'll want something for Gnome 3.0 when 11.10 comes out.
>> No. 281

I'm not one of those ubuntu haters but every distro should be able to run GNOME 3.
>> No. 298
arch on laptop, cant decide on desktop
>> No. 304
File 131602223412.png - (360.72KB , 342x359 , slack.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Proud user for about a year now.
>> No. 308
File 131639044516.png - (26.61KB , 200x200 , linux-mint.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In my opinion, easier than Ubuntu
>> No. 310
How is that Ubuntu hating and not GNOME hating for making it inaccessible?
>> No. 311
File 131683210429.jpg - (125.49KB , 980x501 , mac_os_x_10_7_lion_wallpaper-other.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't hate because you can't afford a Mac
>> No. 312
File 131688547610.png - (24.32KB , 221x197 , 1268543788011.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Don't hate because you can't afford a Mac
>I like hipster tech because I can throw a bunch of money at a guy who wants to own my soul. It's better than being a nerd with limitless hardware and software options, right?
>> No. 348
Debian with the Trinity Desktop (a fork of KDE3.5)

mac fags are fags.
>> No. 355
it's all files O.o all of it
>> No. 358

How can something be easier then ubuntu? It's already piss easy and pretty well outfitted so that everyone should be able to run on pretty much every hardware, without touching as much as a Terminal or config-file.

As for the topic: I like the idea of an OS like *ubuntu (making things easy for everyone and enable people to put their efforts into their work, not getting/keeping their system running). But I have to go with Debian. I wouldn't use anything else as a productive system, to be honest. It doesn't get more stable and reliable then Debian. I don't need bleeding edge, necessarily, I need to know I can do my work without interference and without worrying about stuff going fubar.
>> No. 359
linux mint is pretty much 'just works' to the max
>> No. 361
To be honest, this hasn't really been my case. Whenever I've tried installing Mint, it won't recognize any of my wireless drivers and seems to think it's vista on a system designed for windows 98. So every other program would crash and it didn't seem to be aware that I had multiple cpus. I've tried both debian and not, even with LXDE as a backup. No progress.

Then again, I haven't yet tried Lisa. The funny thing though, I've used ubuntu as main distro for years and the only time I've had trouble with it was some driver issues for some obscure graphics card. And I kinda felt that since Mint was based on it, it wasn't really worth following.

But, hey, times have changed. GNOME 3 broke everything.
>> No. 362
>get an operating system with no warranties
>everything breaks
>> No. 363
You do realize that what you posted is basically gibberish, right?

>it won't recognize any of my wireless drivers and seems to think it's vista on a system designed for windows 98

>I've tried both debian and not, even with LXDE as a backup

You probably forgot to calibrate your CRT's internet vent and boost your wallpaper.
>> No. 364
Okay, let me try again. It seems to act like my computer is a decade out of date despite being basically new. Not so new that other distros won't support it out of the box, but new enough that basic minimalistic DEs running on averagely resource-hungry systems should not be acting as slow or broken as it is. What I meant by LXDE as a backup was, basically, Mint was slow as hell and resource-hungry whenever I tried anything. So I thought, "Maybe it isn't the system, but the DE". So I changed DE's, from hungry GNOME to light LXDE, and the system would hang and things would crash just as often. I tried other DEs too, they did nothing. So I looked up drivers for my hardware, and found nothing. I gave up due to lack of time at about that point.

Gentoo has worked fine. Ubuntu works fine. Mandriva, Arch Linux, Open SuSE too. Everything else seems to. For a distro based off of Ubuntu, I just don't really understand why I'd have to manually configure everything, when I don't even have to do that with OSes that could care less about being user friendly. It's not that it can't work - I'm sure it likely just works now - it's just that, for me, in my own stupid little experience, it's done nothing along the lines of "just work".

I'm not complaining that I have to do the work to get it to work, I'm just stating, "that wasn't the case for me."

>> No. 365
File 132135881820.png - (196.13KB , 547x700 , Portrait_of_a_chef_making_an_OK_gesture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 366
File 132138060285.jpg - (105.75KB , 489x400 , retarded mongo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>play around with useless desktop environments made by people in their spare time
>no time productively spent

You pretty much hit the nail right on the head
>> No. 367
>successfully installed arch and gentoo
>try something else anyway
>> No. 371
OpenBSD is probably the best available full system.
Arch Linux is nice for regularly updated software, and a certain degree of customisation if your hardware bullies you into using Linux. It's just as customisable as gentoo if you use the ports system, without forcing you to compile everything like an idiot. why anybody would want to spend more time with automake and friends than they really have to, I do not know.

Taking Arch Linux and slowly turning it into Version 7 is a good way to get a nice operating system.
>> No. 375
ITT Arch hipsters.
>> No. 376
haha stupid fuking nerd blud
>> No. 382
Install a better coolant system. Heat is the enemy.
>> No. 389
i've got Ubuntu 11.10 running.. i'm cool with unity so far and prefer it over gnome3.. i like deb package management..
>> No. 396
File 132606977946.jpg - (5.50KB , 110x131 , tux-puias.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
On some level, I wonder if I've made a terrible mistake.

*goes back to installing packages RHE-style*
>> No. 418
I use Crunchbang 10 on my desktop and laptop

Debian on my file server

Honorable mention goes to Fedora
>> No. 419
I use Crunchbang 10 on my desktop and laptop

Debian on my file server

Honorable mention goes to Fedora
>> No. 420
I use Crunchbang 10 on my desktop and laptop

Debian on my file server

Honorable mention goes to Fedora
>> No. 422
>>Whole lotta people talking about Debian GNU/Linux.
The Debian people deserve a medal or something for their tireless and excellent work they do for the community. They make an extremely stable distro which is important (debian etch has crashed on me when I pushed it too hard though...) But I don't use it any more because I think there are some serious drawbacks with Debian. Not to rustle anyone's jimmies but I think it's fairly retarded that I can't install Gnome without it also pulling in solitaire of all things as a dependency. I don't like unnecessary shit hanging about on my computer.
>> No. 423
>Not to rustle anyone's jimmies but I think it's fairly retarded that I can't install Gnome without it also pulling in solitaire of all things as a dependency.

The gnome package is a metapackage intended for users looking for a full-featured gnome. Install the gnome-core package instead.
>> No. 424
Really! Well I'm distro hopping anyway at the moment so I'll try debian out sometime in the next couple of days.
>> No. 429
Well, I'm a noob to *nix.
Used Mac OS 9 or 8 years ago, OSX slightly more recently, but not often.
I had Ubuntu Oneiric but switched to Xubuntu as I prefer Xfce to Unity or GNOME-shell.

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