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File 131007973317.png - (19.42KB , 796x448 , Xterm.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
265 No. 265
Let's talk terminal emulation. Which terminals do you use?

On my desktop which runs KDE I use Konsole. Well it's pretty much a given.
But I recently switched from Vista to Crunchbang on my laptop and now I have to think about with what I should go as openbox doesn't have it's own default terminal and rather uses XFCE's terminal. Right now I'm running Terminator which is good, I guess. It supports UTF-8 and it does it's job well. But I'm generally open to look at other "independent", lightweight and fast terminals in the future.

Let's hear what you got.
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>> No. 266
OP here. Switched to urxvt. Just because.
>> No. 272
urxvt is the one true terminal.

st is getting there but not really good yet.

terminals suck, someone needs to make a new system.
>> No. 274
tilda is master race
>> No. 282
urxvt can do that too. urxvt is true master race.

>> No. 283
File 131252420920.jpg - (215.34KB , 500x600 , youSoldOutMan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I thought urxvt was indie, now I'm going to have to find a terminal emulator with fewer users.
>> No. 284
File 131259651685.gif - (135.67KB , 466x425 , 131.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 288
File 131319105896.jpg - (24.09KB , 400x266 , hipster-beard-pbr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You petulant?
You covetous?
>> No. 317
I just the default one with Ubuntu and have never used anything else. Is there any real difference between various terminals.
>> No. 325

gnome u can configure with right click
xterm - .Xresources or .Xdefaults
urvxt - .Xresources --- this can do a lot of SHIT, can set transparency, while in xterm the only way i know how to transparency is to use xcompmgr
>> No. 332

When it comes down to it the Gnome Terminal can do the same as Xterm or others. But the flexibility (how much can you configure it, etc.), the features (unicode, tabs, clickable links, etc.) and the resource consumptions (speed, dependencies, size, etc.) differ.

For example, I like xterm as it is the original terminal emulator for X and a piece of software history. However, my terminal emulator of choice is the urxvt as it handles clickable links and is overall pretty flexible to adjust.

In the end it depends on how much you use the terminal. For basic stuff every terminal will pretty much work the same. But if you use a lot of terminal/text based applications not every terminal emulator will do - for example, irssi or mutt are not advised to use with xterm as it can't handle clickable links, the same way rxvt isn't advice for browsing as it can't handle unicode, etc.
>> No. 347
apt-get install xfce4-terminal
>> No. 369
gnome-terminal has a context menu, explicit clipboard support and supports links.
>> No. 370
rxvt-unicode is lovely.
very fast to launch, when using urxvt(c|d)
(put 'urxvtd &' in your .xinitrc before you launch your wm, and set your terminal emulator to urxvtc)
urxvt supports unicode wonderfully. you can type unicode characters by holding C-S and typing their code, then releasing C-S. (C-S262d -> ☭)
fast and small and customisable (by way of your .Xdefaults (man urxvt))
it can support links by way of a nice plugin called urxvt-url-select.

it's not quite perfectly simple enough, but it is probably the best terminal emulator available at present.
>> No. 493
I go for two things in a terminal: small footprint and pretty. The best intersection is Eterm, the good old terminal emulator from the Enlightenment project. I invoke it this way:

--background-color black --foreground-color white --trans --itrans --shade 90\
--scrollbar-width 16 --scrollbar-floating --scrollbar-popup\
--buttonbar off --select-line --select-trailing-spaces --save-lines 1024\
--cursor-text-color white --scrollbar --scrollbar off

But when I'm not doing pretty I use rxvt and its friends, because RAM isn't free. Stats? Let's throw down some stats!

$ ps x -o comm,vsize,size,rss | egrep 'rxvt|konsol|term|powersh|xvt' | sort -k1,1 -u -n -k2

xvt 3580 316 1496
rxvt 5680 888 2116
rxvt-xpm 5788 896 2176
wterm 5868 852 2228
mrxvt-full 7672 1076 2968
xterm 10596 3312 5608
Eterm 10644 2220 4960
powershell 13512 1112 4904
urxvt 14704 2504 6224
aterm 14772 944 3660
taterm 14772 940 3660
gaterm 14780 944 3672
katerm 14912 1080 3844
pterm 17152 912 6112
vala-terminal 102828 9620 9392
lxterminal 103440 9668 10096
roxterm 106952 9980 11548
gnome-terminal 130656 36004 12440
konsole 170312 16324 26480

One of each running (except Eterm, lots of those). Results show vsize, size, and resident set size (obviously). None of them are doing anything, just started and sitting there, so it's hard to tell how badly they perform over time... but you get a pretty clear picture from this.

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