No. 331
On my desktop in run KDE 4.7.2 (as of right now) and on my laptop I use Openbox.
Of course, especially when it comes to DEs, the distro is of importance. I run KDE via Kubuntu with the Kubuntu backports and Kubuntu updates PPAs. This gets me pretty much the most recent in KDE even though I'm not the biggest fan of *ubuntu or canonical (it's fun, though, and easy to maintain).
On my laptop I use Openbox for different reasons. One reason is that I wanted to try Crunchbang Debian and Openbox is pretty well integrated in this distro (it's basically a minimal Debian squeeze with a pre-configured Openbox, tint2 and Conky and some GUI-tools to maintain the configs), another reason was my interest in minimal setups and I wanted to keep it light on my notebook.
KDE has some good applications and naturally as a DE it looks and feels less "rugged" and "patched up" as the applications work very well together. But it's still kinda slow-ish and sometimes sluggish, at least on my setup. Plus, it needs all those extra dependencies and sometimes you don't really have the freedom of choice on what to keep and what not. But a lot happened since the initial release of KDE4 and there are some exciting developments for future releases are waiting to happen (I particularly look forward to Calligra).
Openbox on the other hand is light, fast, very reliable, very flexible and "non-interfering". For my productive system I wouldn't want it any other way, especially when it comes to speed, resource friendliness and stability. As a WM I have ultimate freedom of choice when it comes to the applications I want to have on my system. I can use whatever I like to use the most for a certain job - from the terminal emulator to the panel - and get rid of what I don't like/use. I'm amazed that my laptop setup never caused me any trouble, while Kubuntu/KDE has some crashes and stuff not working properly from time to time.
So if I would have to choose, though I like KDE, without any doubt it would be Openbox + Debian all day every day.
Other DEs/WMs I used before: Gnome, liked it once but the mentality of treating the users as retards got on my nerves pretty quickly. Plus, the applications are often inferior to KDE or "non-DE" apps. I also tried twm and Windowmaker before: I'm still interested in Windowmaker but I don't had the opportunity to use it properly and learn more about it. I don't really want to run it alongside a DE and I haven't found the time to properly set it up on my laptop were I run Crunchbang. Tilling WMs were to much of a hassle for me, though I understand why people like those. I tried awesome and some others whose name I can't remember before (ratpoison and dwm was amongst those if I remember correctly, but I'm not sure) but it somehow didn't feel the need for having/using them and it didn't particularity stuck with me, so I removed them after a short while.