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File 130370588166.jpg - (160.42KB , 900x827 , 128649606180.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
95 No. 95
Newfag here. I've just finished setting up Ubuntu. Can anyone recommend a good music/video player?
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>> No. 96
File 130371297496.png - (35.66KB , 245x230 , slowpokenig.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
VLC for video, mpg123 for music
>> No. 97
SMPlayer. It's a GUI for Mplayer, which supports hardware acceleration of videos.
>> No. 109
Audacious for music, VLC for videos and Boxee for both.
>> No. 110
File 130382472746.jpg - (42.69KB , 601x480 , 124666998584.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thanks, guys. I'm trying VLC and I like it. Will try the other suggestions later.
>> No. 114
Sure is trolly today.

Use SM/MPlayer
>> No. 116
rhythmbox for a music library.
>> No. 119
> rhythmbox
> good music player
Seriously, even Banshee makes a better player than that default trash.
>> No. 123
op is a newfag, so I'm recommending easy stuff.
>> No. 127
I'm willing to learn. Pile 'em on me.
>> No. 132
Fuck VLC, get Boxee.
>> No. 133
How do I compile?
>> No. 215
cd to directory of program
make install
>> No. 216
File 130433555097.jpg - (40.93KB , 640x479 , daily-picdumps-part-14_74.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thanks, dude.
>> No. 217
>make: *** No rule to make target `buildsys.mk'. Stop.

What now, guys?
>> No. 218
Alright, when I ./configure'd it said that I lacked the Glib2 package.

That's a library, right? So where should I put it?
>> No. 219
It should be installable via apt-get.
>> No. 220
Right, but I still want to learn to compile it myself.
>> No. 221

Until you're more familiar with compiling from source, I recommend installing packages from the repository whenever possible. Running 'make install' installs the software, but your package manager doesn't know about it. Libraries are compiled separately, and are available to the entire system once installed. Install the missing libraries, and try compiling again.
>> No. 222
>Running 'make install' installs the software, but your package manager doesn't know about it

So how do you remove a program installed that way?
>> No. 223

depending on the makefile, it's 'make clean'
>> No. 224
Sometimes it's 'make uninstall', but check the README and INSTALL text files that come with the source. Some make files don't come with an uninstall rule, in which case there are programs like checkinstall. It's been a while since I've had to use it, but it basically generates a package that your package manager will recognize. If you're on Ubuntu, it should generate a .deb file, which you can install, uninstall, etc.

>> No. 225
File 130461512778.jpg - (183.79KB , 600x732 , 1292489142077.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Okay, thanks for the input.
>> No. 226
"make clean" usually deletes some of the temporary files from the source directory. it does not uninstall anything.
>> No. 227
i've seen some makefiles that refer to a previous uninstall statement under clean

sauce plox
>> No. 228
I don't know, man. Sorry.
>> No. 250
I use the GUI-less MPlayer as my default video player and I recently switched from amarok to cmus. I don't regret it. cmus finally does what it should do, without fucking with me like amarok tend to do from time to time. Sure, using terminal apps isn't the best way to start if you're new to the world of linux but both programs are pretty great.
>> No. 301
Fuck all these vlc haters. VLC is robust as all hell
>> No. 302

Same guy, switched again, now using mplayer2 which right now is superior to mplayer, and from cmus to MOC. I'm pretty happy with that setup.
>> No. 303
I'm fond of VLC and mplayer, but there's nothing wrong with using WinAMP or Foobar2000 in Wine if you like them.
>> No. 340
If you like Winamp, use audacious.
>> No. 344
Deadbeef is a clone of foobar2k
>> No. 345
qmmp for audio, smplayer for video.
>> No. 395
I just use VLC for everything, it is seriously saxy
>> No. 431
yeah, i found vlc when i was on windows, and ws glad to see it fit so well with linux. does what i need, everytime. my only gripe is the whol playlist side of things is cumbersome. this from my limited experience w/ only windows media player and zunes software. whch by the way, if theres a linux build, is respectable for the music side of the house. VLC is the big wooden toolbox with all the tools. no flair at first glance, but always gets the job done.

/blowjobs for vlc
>> No. 433
File 13358349785.png - (747.18KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2012-04-30-20h14m53s81.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
VLC can now do some decent subtitles and 10 Bit files. That's really the only gripe I've had with it recently.

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