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File 130479485566.jpg - (42.47KB , 600x338 , 1304460054133.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
126 No. 126
I was just reading an article in today's LA Times. The article was about Libyan rebels and how they transferred from their previous life into guerilla fighters. One kid make bombs to catch fish, and now he makes booby traps. One person was going to medical school, and now he drives around patching up fighters. One was a simple day-laborer, and now he's firing assault rifles and throwing around firecrackers to keep enemy troops awake.

In the wake of a post-apocalyptic event, what skills do you have now that would help you survive in a harsh new world? What skills would you try to acquire to round yourself out?
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>> No. 127
I learned masonry(Plus some other stuff, you get to learn on the way, like carpentry, etc) and grew up in a household with a "food" garden(Is that the right word? Germanfag here), so I know how to build stuff and grow crops.

Adittionaly I served my basic-time in military.
So I know some survival.

What I'd need to know is a little more of medical stuff.
>> No. 128
File 130491427273.jpg - (447.80KB , 1800x1015 , 1297873027792.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"food" garden(Is that the right word?)
Close. The phrase you're looking for is "farm garden"

Personally, I don't have any building skills, gardening skills or medical skills. I think I'd be toast. I can provide emotional support like nobody's business, though. Maybe I'll just be one of those guys that tells the local warlord that he's doing a great job and nobody really appreciates how awesome he is.
>> No. 129
I'd say, as long as you'll find a comunity and you're somehow healthy, you can allways be an "unskilled" worker, thus learning the stuff.
>> No. 130
Taking an interest in your own survival and well being will probably wind up with you learning some skills that others will value.
>> No. 132
depends on the apocalyptic event.
Alien invasion= camoflague, covert movements, escape and evasion, storing caches of food and supplies all around, Recon their habits and ways.

Nuclear devastation= finding a clean area to evac to. start society over, hit every library and study up on medicine and radiation sickness as well as try and find a gieger counter to know if your screwed or not. people skills like negotiation and bartering, learning to defend an area

Natural disaster= clean up and or move to safe area protecting yourself from the elements, become hunter gatherer, plant id of what left,

Zombie= stay mobile unless they are dinural then shack up like i am alone. learn mechanics to repair vehicle and where to scavange gas. land navigation, weapons smith, improvised munitions
>> No. 133
I've done some archery in my time. I guess that'd be pretty useful.
>> No. 134
I was military police in the army for awhile, so I can shoot and provide basic law and order services.

Also the things like first aid that you learn in basic training would contribute to my abilities as well.

I'm also pretty good at building stuff, so worst case scenario, I can make a living doing carpentry and shit like that.
>> No. 135
I majored in Accounting for my undergrad, passed the CPA exam, hold an MBA from a top 25 University, and am completing my Ph. D. dissertation on Organizational Development. I've worked as a business development consultant and in sales. I am sure I could find a way to manipulate the new societal order that would arise in a way that it took a structure and form where collaboration and teams were valued more than individualism.
>> No. 137
This is interesting because you would first have to wait for the initial chaos to die down, which could take years. Then you would have to watch the social structures form, and wait until it achieved enough complexity that you could insert yourself into it with a reasonable upward path. At that point you could start organizing others and developing social, political, and economic plans.

Depending on the post-apocalyptic scenario (see >>132) in question, however, you could be waiting years or decades for everything to come together on a large enough scale. I would think, anyway.

I'm no MBA, though, so take it all with a grain of salt.
>> No. 140
I'm pretty agile. I guess if I were to come across some kind of obstacle I could easily get around/over it. I'm pretty open-minded as well, so I always see many ways to a solution.
>> No. 149
same. 31B. i feel pretty up-to-snuff on the medical stuff. also, lots of labor-trade skills. my marksmanship wanes, as of late. i have a garden that yields enough veggies to feed myself, currently.

I think i would do fine as a loner to secure myself a little corner of the new world, and maybe keep my family alive. reforming society from any other standpoint than simply procreating (social re-structuring, politics, entrepeneurial endeavors, spiritual leadership) would be lost on me. i think i would satisfactorily fill a capacity of civic planner, rebuilding infrastructure and whatnot.
>> No. 251
File 131905187498.jpg - (484.20KB , 1531x1089 , 1315069904548.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I want to make one of these but I'm scared I'll blow myself up while test firing it.
How safe/easy is it to make? I'm assumeing it's not EASY easy, but not hard either.
>> No. 417
Perfect jobs for those with college degrees!
Ammo sorter-Just sort out the different sizes bullets.
Lure-If you're the constant talkative type.
Food taster-Just take a lil bite to see if its safe to eat.
With these exciting jobs you'll be glad you got that MBA and you wil be safer too! Sort of.....
>> No. 429
I know where I would go, provided I could get there and it wasn't radioactive or something. I'd go to the upper peninsula of Michigan where everyone is armed to the teeth and knows how to hunt, fish, grow crops indoors (marijuana mostly, but it's a transferable skill, just greenhouse wheat or something). Also there are enough canned provisions and there is enough ammo to wait it out till society starts up again.
Zombies wouldn't stand a chance.
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