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File 128364785735.jpg - (76.99KB , 580x387 , alien-invasion.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
24 No. 24
I want your opinions, /pa/.
Given that we are not alone in the universe, how will we come into contact with interstellar travellers?
Will they be peaceful?
Will they exterminate us?

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>> No. 26
There is no reason for aliens to invade us. Any resources we have, they would either have themselves or not be reliant on it (due to having evolved without said resources). Slave labor is pointless; they travelled tens of millions of lightyears just to reach us, but need help building things?

If anything, I'd imagine contact would come in the form of a probe that checks out what the Earth is like. Of course, you can't observe something without changing it, and even the most dedicatred naturalists damage the environment, so who knows what just observing us would do?
>> No. 33
They could wipe us out just because we could be seen as a potential threat in the future.

Just aswell Earth could be deamed overpopulated and half of the population exterminated.

Curiousity might be more likely scenario but there isn't really any limitations for the different possibilities when it comes to how an alien life form might react to us.
>> No. 36
Then there's the fact that they won't function the same as we do. They could exhale poisonous gas instead of CO2. They could speak in the resonant frequency of the human body. They could carry lethal amounts of radiation. Just by existing, aliens visiting earth could potentially be a threat.
>> No. 41
If they're developed to such a point that interstellar travel is possible, then they're more than likely united as a species in such a way that war is long since behind them. After all, that's the only way we'll ever be able to accomplish interstellar travel ourselves.

Of course, chances are that we'll probably be stupid and attack them first out of paranoia, and they'll proceed to swat us down like a mosquito.
>> No. 49
File 128576338899.jpg - (68.35KB , 640x844 , holy-shit-comet-holy-shit-astronaut-moon-earth-des.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Had anyone seen a colony of ants on a sidewalk? Some crawling, unthinking mass of insects next to it's nest entrance?

This is how they will see us; some inferior, pre-singularity life form with un-auguemented flesh as a brain and who needs to burn stuff to create energy.

Have you ever kicked an ant nest just for the fun? They might do the same thing to us, just out of pure indifference.

This being said, any civilization able to master intergalactic travel is able to smash a planet easily.
What if an alien spacecraft chose to jettison their sceptic tank while traveling beyond the speed of light in an "Unimportant Area" (i.e. next to Earth)?

We might see Earth destroyed due to a faster-than-light impact from huge gobs of frozen alien shit.
>> No. 88
Travelling faster than the speed of light IS impossible for us. This is non-contestable. It's not that "MEBE THEY WILL SCIENCE AND IT WILL HAPPEN!". It just can't happen. As you approach the speed of light, your mass increases exponentially. If you were to reach the speed of light, you'd need infinite fuel to travel at all, and would be crushed into infinite density.

There are no aliens within at least 100 parsecs. That's like billions of lightyears. We will never actually be "visited" by aliens. They might talk to us, but there's no reason for them to ever actually COME here. It's just not worth it.

Sorry to crush your big dream, but it's stupid to even pretend that it's possible.
>> No. 99
>a faster-than-light impact from huge gobs of frozen alien shit.
Maybe that is how life began on earth in the first place.
>> No. 103
You can't go faster than light, true, but there's plenty of cheats like wormholes, spacefolding, etc. that are possible, if somewhat unlikely, within the known laws of physics. Also, if an alien civilization's cocksal technology or whatever advances to the point where they're functionally immortal, taking a few centuries to go explore other planets wouldn't be such a big deal.
>> No. 104
Goddamnit, didn't they say they were getting rid of wordfilters?
>> No. 109
the funny thing, I've always thought, is the idea that we could fight aliens. anything that is capable of intergalactic travel is capable to destroy us in a split second, people don't realize that it wouldn't be lasers versus machine guns. it would be (essentially) be nuclear missiles versus sponges,
That being said, they would most defiantly be peaceful, because if they weren't we would already be dead
>> No. 163
I always laugh when people say about how any space faring race must be peaceful

they're not peaceful they're the winners
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