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File 128407055836.jpg - (22.42KB , 279x350 , gal_aow_nuclear.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
27 No. 27
On September 12, 2012, nuclear war breaks out. Destruction is limited to the Eastern Seaboard of the United states, most of the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and parts of Fance and Germany. The governments of some of the bombed areas are weak, others are still functional.

What happens next, /pa/?
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>> No. 28
I continue living as if nothing had happened. West coast USA, muhfukkas.
>> No. 29
Enjoy the massive influx of refugees from the east of the Mississippi
>> No. 31
what's the point of bombing eastern europe?
there's nothing of worth there, and they're not filled with terrorist sandniggers
>> No. 32
For the lulz.

I was just picking random sections of the world, keeping enough of the nationalities of the majority of uses on this board, and the internet has not reached Eastern Europe yet (with the exception of mail order brides and porn)
>> No. 35
I think I'd just go to the west coast with the other refugees. I'd at least still be a citizen, and I imagine we'd have some type of contingency plan set up.
>> No. 37
Well thank goodness Poland is apparently Central Europe.
>> No. 38
I should rephrase this. What happens next concerning world government and society, I meant.
>> No. 39
File 128453458472.jpg - (13.52KB , 628x479 , 127043097361.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>No bombs hit Norway
>Enjoy all the oil money to keep you faggots out
>My face
>> No. 40
As soon as I hear word that a bomb has dropped on the U.S., I make the five hour drive up to Canada. Due to my location, the majority of the highways are along rural routes through Indiana and Michigan, though I have also long since mapped out alternate routes, specifically backroads. I then ride out the ensuing apocalypse with my buddies in the Great White North, awaiting word on whether it's safe to return or not.
>> No. 51
i'd be sitting down in australia all like "WTF mate?"
>> No. 52
I will be in Canada with the same question in my mind.
>> No. 72
File 129202578256.jpg - (36.02KB , 1054x606 , Loomx by Andy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not sure how I am. Depends with wind and everything. I'm Midwest so I reckon I'll be fine. Influx of people will move to my area though.
>> No. 73
File 129323017945.png - (276.87KB , 830x602 , 830px-Centaur.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Capital Wasteland reporting in. Am now a filthy centaur; FML.
>> No. 87
>Eastern Europe
>Parts of France and Germany
>Implying that Eastern Europe matters at all to anyone, including those from Eastern Europe
>Implying that France and Germany are small enough that only parts of them would be destroyed, while the ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST is destroyed
>Implying that the Middle East is an EVIL WAR CONTINENT FULL OF NEGROES AND WARHEADS when really, the vast majority of the people there are peaceful, especially in the south of the middle east
>Implying that the UK wouldn't be bombed by EVERYONE
>Implying that Western Europe wouldn't go to war with everyone for no reason given the chance, including the UK, and doesn't have a HUEG stockpile of nukes
>Implying that Russia isn't territorial as fuck and wouldn't bomb everyone nearby just to keep control of their empty space
Americunt detected
>> No. 89
Middle East: Israel, Iran, Syria and Pakistan are all either suspected or known to have nuclear weapons. Iran has said they want nukes and they want to use them on Israel. It would not take much to wipe out the region.

OP never said the entire Middle East.

Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey have Nato supplied nuclear weapons. Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine used to have them, but former Communist dictatorships are known for their honesty in dealing with weapons, right?

Anyway, after spending five minutes disproving your faulty logic, I'll close by saying that OP probably is an American (most users of this board are, I'd bet), and that he most likely was setting up a context for discussion.

>> No. 92
would i die if i moved into a submarine?
>> No. 97
I go into shock as nobody remembered to bomb the UK!

Then sit back and watch as we become the dominant Western power again.
>> No. 101
>he internet has not reached Eastern Europe yet (with the exception of mail order brides and porn)
I can't tell if you're trying to be witty or Chris-stupid
Out of all our failures, internet is not one of them.
Children from primary to high school in Poland are spewing old 4chan memes everywhere.
Kids don't get angry anymore, they say "FFFFUUUU-" (mispronounced, even).
They don't say "it sucks" either, they actually say "fail".
>> No. 102
So polish kids now scream FFFUUUUUU- when told to sit in the corner of a round room?
>> No. 143
Would western America feel anything?
Nuke china, gogogogogogogogogo.
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