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292 No. 292
Sup /pa/. I know that quite a few of you are survivalists so I thought you might be interested in this:


It's called "Project Agartha". Apparently a bunch of anons from various websites have gotten together and are trying to found a town. Ensuring that it is "secure just in case SHTF" is in their list of goals. What do you guys think? Is this a good idea?
>> No. 293
Meeting up with anonymous people through the internet to form a town? What could go wrong?

I bookmarked it, though, so I'll check it out later. Sounds interesting.
>> No. 302
Forming a town of /b/tards/channers sounds likely lord of the flies scenario
>> No. 303
i dont even..
>> No. 304
Any woman that shows up in a Guy Fawkes mask would be their matriarch.
>> No. 306
>not migrating to the NWF

>> No. 318
>Not an FBI honeypot
Enjoy your delusions.

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