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File 132650410486.jpg - (9.26KB , 239x152 , oxymoron1[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
313 No. 313
"Post-apocalyptic" is an oxymoron.
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>> No. 317
Not if referring to the Apocalypse as a singular event and not the events following it.
>> No. 330
File 13294768648.jpg - (168.20KB , 328x512 , rtroll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
following events ?
>> No. 398
File 13403732739.jpg - (53.67KB , 720x540 , 8861_720x514.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If the apocalypse is understood as a single event, then the times that come after that one event shall be known as post-apocalyptic.

After the apocalypse...
>> No. 427
Nigga, do you understand what the Apocalypse is?

End of time, nigga. End of time.
>> No. 428
Actually it's the battle that leads to the end of days, at which point all good little Christ worshiping men and women get lifted to heaven leaving us heathens on earth, also the dead rise from their graves in order to go to heaven... Idk. Religion is for spergs
>> No. 440
Yeah like the cheap version of the Ragnarok
>> No. 442
Nope. "Apocalypse" means the revelation of something hidden.

But in modern use, everyone means the end of the world as we know it
>> No. 446
So the end of days isn't actually the end of days? What the fuck
>> No. 452
In relative non-theological terms, the modern use if "Apocalypse" means the point in time where the human race either goes extinct or very nearly so. Any time after that would be "Post-Apocalyptic".

In Biblical terms, there would definitely be a post-apocalyptic period because Christians believe in an immortal soul. Therefore, after the Christian Apocalypse (where the human race is divided into those who are sent to Heaven and those who are sent to Hell) there would be a post-apocalyptic period where those in Hell suffer for eternity and those in Heaven party like it's 1999.

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