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323 No. 323
Has anyone read Crossed?

If you haven't, I should warn you: it's some sick shit. If you have, thoughts?

I thought the original was the best, Family Values had its good points, and Psychopath was good until the ending (which sucked massive dick).

It kind of reminds me of the Mars Attacks! or Dinosaurs Attack! cards they used to make, only with people torturing other people in the most horrific ways imaginable.

The series is essentially Avatar Press letting Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows make their own guro comic. It's pretty crazy.
>> No. 324
As much as I thought Preacher was brilliant, I have to wonder what the point of this comic is. I haven't read it, and I know Garth Dennis is a great writer, but I'm not sure you want a guy like him to just cut loose like this. I think he needs a good editor to keep him in check.
>> No. 325
The first arc is the only one by Ennis, and it has an actual story to it. The other two are torture porn from David Lapham, who's making a comic about werewolves shoving dicks down throats.

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