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File 133264727073.jpg - (40.00KB , 600x337 , doomsday-preppers-overview-ralston-kids-shooting_4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
343 No. 343
Anyone here seen that Doomsday Preppers show? Most of the people seem more nut jobby than truly dedicated to Post-Apocalyptic living.
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>> No. 344
That's not the one with RUDY FUCKING REYES, is it? Because that's all that matters. I mean, I'm not gay, Rudy's just hot.
>> No. 345
Doomsday preparation is retarded. You could take the same time, energy, and money and learn how to live off the land and shit.

If there ever is a mass cataclysm, mobility will be the key to survival, not sitting in a hole with a shotgun and canned food.

Unless of course it's a nuclear war, in which case you're better off braining yourself and having it done.
>> No. 346
Agreed. However community would be more valuable. Even if nomadic, community would be one of the most valuable things for preparation, not socking away dry beans or collecting a bunch of guns. Sure food and firearms would be nice for the interim where you decide on your next moves, but understanding how to live off the land, developing numbers so that everyone can fill specific roles... I read that it is the human's natural inclination to live in groups in a range around 50 people. That is how early tribes lived, and that things like social anxiety are a natural consequence of the industrial way of life, with people gathered in cities such as they are now. No mention of feudal times though. Either way, grouping into a communities would be much more vital than this super-exclusive bullshit these idiots throw down.

And if it is nuclear war, make a brain slushie.
>> No. 352
Admittedly, if there was a stable community that could function in a given area (maybe raising animals and food), it would be vastly preferable to anything else. In that sense, stockpiling might work, but only if you're doing so on the large scale: preparing land for farming, storing grain for animals, buying farm equipment and fuel, etc.

I think a stable community is something that's easily created post-apocalypse. I've stated before that I don't think we'll have raiders wandering the wasteland. I still think that's true: there will still be canned food available in the areas without "tribes" around, and even if it isn't, it would just make more sense to join a community rather than burn it to the ground, and I think most people realize that.
>> No. 382
i agree with you jenga. the doomsday nuts will burn themselves out quick, about the time that local beer stores and grenade launcher ammo runs dry. they'll either get wise, die, or a mix of the two. those inclined to group together, the majority, will remain in some capacity and communities will pop up.
>> No. 399
File 134037410764.jpg - (136.03KB , 1200x800 , 1338333520176.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I read that it is the human's natural inclination to live in groups in a range around 50 people.

Where did you read this?
>> No. 400
I'll survive off the dead. Just take your stuff. Raid a neo nazi camp after leading all the zombies there or whatever. Fuck it.
>> No. 436
>Fuck it.

RIP you.

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