No. 111
Post-TSHTF, I would load up the car with all our food, supplies and weaponry, siphon the gas from our other cars, and head north. It would be best to get moving in the opposing direction of the majority as soon as possible for expediency to safety, and to avoid the chaos of society without order, and more importantly, the chaos of a society finding order in the shadow of panic and scarcity of basic resources. I would then set up camp somewhere at the tip of the upper penninsula of Michigan, an area of VAST resources for individual survival. Water, food, raw materials for both individual use and trade, plus, living on the water limits a rogue survivalist group's attack strategies.
Those who think that individuals would co-exist with minimal violence, think of these groups who prepare for the worst case scenario. They are basically self-fulfilling prophecies of what they prepare for. These people have developed a core competency that can only be exposed as a competitive advantage if they use it against other people, and if other people are peaceful, survivalists will be violent towards them. They see themselves as the squirrels who saved their nuts for the winter, and when you, the "squirrel who played all summer" come to ask for salvation, it will not be pretty.
Aside from that, I would just live off of fish, elk, other indigenous animals, build a cabin from the ample lumber available, and invite others who came across us to do the same, teach them what I had learned, and try to grow a community of people.