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File 12893693337.gif - (14.83KB , 356x491 , yuppies-web.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
66 No. 66
So, society has collapsed and the die-off has slowed down. Things are beginning to settle down and it's time to think about rebuilding again.

What tech level do you think we will sink to after a major event? For this thought exercise I'm excluding EMP events that destroy electronics but feel free to factor that in if you wish.

Personally, I don't think we'll regress to stone age living but most people don't have the skill sets to go back even to an 1800's era of living.

And, of course, the stuff that's been made already doesn't magically go away. I imagine many people will live by scavenging from the decaying hulks of abandoned buildings, gathering metals, equipment and other resources.

So probably we'll see an interesting repurposing of everyday items in ways we've never considered.

One scenario that I picture is a group of people, some are gathered around a beat up computer powered by solar/wind/water electric generator while a few others are trying to knap arrow heads from toilet tank covers.

Maybe there are examples of technical ability left, i.e, a PA self taught pharmacist sets up shop and is able to make small quantities of pain relievers and antibiotics?
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>> No. 68
File 129115862851.jpg - (581.84KB , 1000x729 , 1289459531260.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We will not regress to the stone age, i think the problem wont be technology, but culture. Only handfuls of people are left in this world, and we could not support the factories/mines/and other infrastructure we have today. However, once we get organized, i think technology would take around 10 years to get to where is is today.

pic related
>> No. 70
Maybe /sp/ knows what the world would be like 10 years after the apocalypse...
>> No. 71
File 129121876682.jpg - (83.87KB , 622x321 , postapoccar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
that really depend on the kind of event or events that cause the disaster, i personally vote for nuclear exchange, but that would be less fun since most of the urban areas would be either completely annihilated or would have lethal levels of radiation which would make scavenging/exploration less fun and more deadly, in such a scenario i would imagine mad max style convoys or traveling settlement, that would search the wasteland for resources and survivals i would be happy to see vehicles refitted for the new world like this roaming the abandon asphalt
>> No. 83
Nuclear war'll never happen. Nobody's crazy enough. Well, maybe North Korea, but they don't really have the resources to do anything on a global scale.

Worst case scenario, they nuke South Korea off the map and the US or somebody else nukes them. The fallout could cause problems for the rest of continental Asia, and maybe Japan, but the rest of the world should be ok.

Personally, my money's on peak oil or global warming.
>> No. 84
I agree a little bit with you. I'd say the only countries that would be crazy enough to nuke somebody else is North Korea and Iran. Iran has just been shady overall. Almost on the same level as North Korea. If Iran were to bomb another country, I'm sure that Iran would be gone. Same with North Korea.

As far as I know, EMP affects electronics only. I think that some businesses would still be open like grocery stores. We wouldn't go back into the Stone Age.
>> No. 85
Sure, grocery stores will still run after an EMP event. How are they gonna order stock, balance books, make payroll with fried computers? Nobody is set up to run a business by paper anymore.

How are those automatic door gonna work, the coolers stay cool, the lights work without electricity?

Oh, and how 'bout them looters? Between stealing everything in sight and smashing whatever they can't carry, I think that grocery stores are fucked.

Read 'One Second After'. The author might even be over optimistic in his scenario.
>> No. 86
Basically, after some reorganisation took place, every country that was civilized would trade valuable metals in return for food. Those with other natural resources would also trade them, and Africa, which has already been stripped of surface resources by imperialism, would almost immediately turn into a poor shithole.

Eventually, the metal trade in rich countries would turn into manufacturing because they'd have the resources and the money, so they'd develop further. Hopefully, they'd be intelligent enough to have a high development-to-growth ratio, so it wouldn't be like Brazil (fast growth, high inequality, poor education, no future) and shit would go somewhere.

After a generation, countries that put high priority on development (they'd probably not have focused on industry, so would probably be a not-poor-but-not-rich country like China or India 40 years ago) would take all the good jobs and the countries with factories would start developing the rest of the world/go to war with someone so they could get jobs. After this, developed countries would start tertiary industries and the become economic powers. Every country that put a high priority on a high growth-to-development ratio would sink, and the factory countries that didn't would become Mexico.

Everywhere else would be a shithole foodstuff grower or a shithole factory country. It would be like real life.
>> No. 107
>>86 africa is already a poor shithole, nothing would change there
>> No. 108
File 129850267212.jpg - (51.40KB , 793x525 , boe7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Africa is a shithole, but there's a lot going on there and other shitholes that we can take cues from when imagining the post-apocalypse.



No, I haven't lost my way and drunkenly staggered in from /cy/. After a collapse, there's gonna be hacking of tech in ways that weren't even imagined in the nightmares of the warranty authors.

I think the tinkerer from "Book of Eli" could be dropped into a cyberpunk story without any problems.
>> No. 164
it would probably take a few generations but then I think we would probably work our way back to our current level of tech,

the problem wouldn't be knowledge (even without the internet libraries still contain a lot of information it would be the resources (look at your PC, how much is made within 50 miles of your house)

no doubt there would be massive population drops especially when food runs out but within 10/20 year we'd probably level out at a middle ages - early industrial level with a few surviving bits a technology and then as the population starts to rise so will the level of tech
>> No. 237

So India becomes a global power?

I welcome this apocalypse XD
>> No. 250
Actually India is per capita the poorest of the BRIC states. Brazil has more than 3X it's per capita GDP.
Also Brazil isn't badly positioned at all: inequality has fallen tremendously since the Worker's Party administration took power. Their Gini inequality measurement gone down from a value higher than Mexico to one slightly below ours. Their absolute poverty rate has fallen from ~45 to 15.5%(nearly the same as our absolute rate) and extreme poverty as measured by the UN has been almost completely eliminated. They're also clocking around 7% GDP growth, set to pass the UK in GDP this year, have a major biotech industry, pharmaceutical industry, agricultural industry augmented by GMOs and automation, large oil reserves(mostly under the control of the state) and a large aircraft and machinery manufacture industry. Oh and Brazil's also leading a very successful integrations effort with the other South American nations and as a result now partakes in economic, military and technological sharing with regional powers like Argentina.
>> No. 253
Plastic won't decay/rust away.

Firearms will *not* disappear. Reloading ammo will become popular assuming, somehow, nobody takes control of an ammunition factory.

Firearms aren't ungodly complex.

You could build a simple, open-bolt SMG or single shot .22lr or 20G gun.

Blackpowder weapons? Even easier.

Wastelands won't happen. It's really annoying how Mad Max started that whole post-apoc=australian wasteland deal.
>> No. 255
Mad Max was a wasteland because before the war, there was all sorts of societal breakdown in Australia. Nuclear war happens after the first Mad Max.
>> No. 257
Firearms might not disappear, but they would become much more rare in a usable form. Gunpowder of any sort would become a serious commodity since it still requires a certain level of skill to create (especially in bulk).

Gangs with guns would probably be rare after a while due to the need of someone who can make the gun powder and cast the bullets.

I think there would be a higher percentage of people returning to bows, arrows, and spears for day-to-day long range combat.
>> No. 258
>I think there would be a higher percentage of people returning to bows, arrows, and spears for day-to-day long range combat.

I wouldn't say you'd see much of those for very long either. Arrows and spears do take a certain amount of skill to make, to say nothing of making and maintaining a bow. I'd say that unless people got together and researched it, two or three generations after the apocalypse, the planet will have seen the last of projectile weapons.
>> No. 288
Somalia today Is how I imagine the total collapse of human civilization to look like.

Old ass tech mixed with modern day stuff
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