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File 133336511641.jpg - (54.52KB , 720x538 , 132619038116.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
683 No. 683
Hey poorfags,

I was wondering if you'd come up with a good way to make really, really cheap vodka taste less awful and shitty. ($5/fifth variety) I read somewhere that putting it through a Brita filter a few times makes it more tolerable, but those are really expensive. Any solutions? I'd really appreciate it.

Trying to prevent board atrophy.
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>> No. 684
I have a roomate who does a lot of stupid things with vodka.

Dissolve skittles in it. That got everyone really fucked up because it doesn't taste like vodka.

Or cotton candy vodka.

Or chocolate, tho that's a lot harder to pull off.
>> No. 685
Alternatively, just don't drink. Alchohol is really expensive, and not really worth it. (you can have just as much fun without it).
>> No. 687
brita water filter.
>> No. 688
also, buy everclear. drink everclear
>> No. 689
Brita filters are just carbon. Get some activated carbon from the pet store (look in the Aquarium section) or search Amazon. It's cheap.

In addition, you can make infused vodka pretty easily. I took a Russian cooking class once. Put your filtered vodka in a bottle with fruit/spices/whatever for a week or so and you've got a flavored vodka better than Smirnoff. Lemons, cherries, pineapple, and pear work well. If you're adventurous, garlic vodka is delicious and bell pepper vodka is supposed to be good, too.
>> No. 696
Therr is a way to mix weed into it and get high-drunk. It involves cooking the weed in vodka after browning it in a vaporizer, so there isn't waste.
>> No. 698


just throw the bud in a bottle of high proof alcohol and heat it up in a pot of boiling water for a few hours. then give it an ice bath overnight. strain and serve carefully. very fucking carefully.

if you have a different method, go to /420/
>> No. 742
File 134302551583.png - (6.88KB , 85x91 , cunt1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Man up and drink it.
>> No. 752
Wait, wait, wait, they make those in 2 liters? Fuck Alabama, I want a damned two liter of those.

Also, they make 5$/fifth vodka? Holy shit, have I been living under a rock?
>> No. 759
File 134625472257.jpg - (172.34KB , 500x375 , tumblr_lkpfa0slaq1qcyfqeo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Google image search Skittles Vodka. You won't even care if it gets you drunk, shit looks tasty.

I saw a video where a woman made vodka gummi bears, very simple process. I was kind of surprised they didn't just melt.

All she did was fill a bowl with gummi bears, and pour vodka over them. Not so much that there's loose vodka floating over them, but so they're marinated. Put the bowl in the fridge over night. In the morning the gummi bears will have absorbed the vodka and be larger. Continue this process every day until the bottle is empty and you have giant gummi bears that get you drunk when you eat 'em.
>> No. 764
Same here, didn't realize those came in 2 liters til just now. Feel like a fucking AL hick.

Sticking to my hick-ness, hunch punch is a really good way to mask the taste of shit-vodka. Hawaiian Punch of your choice. Jello shots mask vodka taste, that's why Everclear is often used as the alcohol supply. My go-to with wells drinks is vodka-cranberry with two limes. Lots of lime.
>> No. 777
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>> No. 787
You know how the good stuff says "Carbon filtered" on the lable?
Well, buy your carbon filters at the aquarium store (also the water bottle ones but they cost mroe)and pour your Popov rot-gut through them. Seriously, this works.
Better: a home distiller is not rocket science. you boil something and collect the fumes which then cool into something you want to drink.

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