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446 No. 446
The Marshall Point Foundation of Science and Study has just released their findings on their latest study on the effects of viotlent video games on children, the results of which are, to say the least, less than expected. Their study reports that children who play violent video games have a higher senitivity level to violence than children who don't.

Brandon Cooper, one of the children monitored for the study, played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare so much that he decided to try out for the real american military. The results, as Drill Instructor Walter Higgs described, "a complete disaster."

"When Brandon first told me he wanted to join the army 'cause of a video game, i actually got a little scared." Higgs remarked. "Within a few days, i discovered my fears to be completely without merit."

Eye witnesses report that when Cooper first arrived at the military camp's gun course, the sound of the weapons firing all around him made him "visably distressed." When he was finally ready to fire a gun, Higgs described what happened next "surprised the entire platoon."

"Before he fired the gun, i tried to explain the concept of recoil to him, and he looked at me like i had lobsters in my ears." Higgs recalled. "Then when he actually fired the damn thing, he made the most girlish scream I've heard in my life and fell over. The damn thing was loaded with blanks!"

Afterwards, Cooper reportedly "began to cry" and had to carried away by fellow recruits. Cooper was later deemed "mentally insufficent" to continue training.

In an even more extreme situation, another child reportedly "went hysterical" upon simply seeing a gun in his father's gun safe. "I tried to show hm my new hunting rifle." said Walter Greene, father of the child. "He instantly flipped out, started breathing heavily, begged me not to come near him with the thing, and one point i had to go get him his inhaler."

The children monitored by the study were all different, by everyone single instance they were introduced to a weapon or combat all ended the exact same way, with crying and hysterics.

Gary Herrman, head researcher and founder of MPFSS said that all of this was "no surprise."

"When a child plays a violent video game, they assume everything they're seeing is 100% accurate." said Herrman. "A video game simply shows a character shooting a weapon and earning points, it tells them nothing about recoil, or how a gun is to be assembled, let alone portray the mental anguish that can be brought on from such an event."

"They go into these situations with a very simplistic, Hollywoodized version in their heads of what's going to happen, and they quickly discover what they believe is not the case."

Jason Smith, anti-videogame activist and head of the group Parents Lobbying Against Sensationalist and Terrifying Interactive Codswallop (PLASTIC) said that this new report was "nothing to worry about."

"Facts and satistics have never stood in the way doing what's morally correct in the past, and they certainly won't stop us now." said Mr. Smith.

Although this is the first time video games have been linked to such a phenomenon, it's not the first time the media has been reported to have a negative effect on people's perception of reality. A study in 1995 reported that men who frequently watched/read pornography were deemed "worse at sex" by their partners, due to the fact that they would often try strange or "kinky" moves that weren't nearly as sexy or pleasurably as porn made them seem.

>> No. 453
>read story
>not from the Onion

>> No. 454
>click link
>giant tl;dr about SOPA

You have another link, OP?
>> No. 457
>Call of Duty

No wonder. Fuckin' casuals.
>> No. 458
for some reason i already knew that violent video games turned kids into pussies
>> No. 471
Then give your kids something else to play rather than Call of Duty.
>> No. 476
lol @ "facts are for liberals"

Does this sound like total bullshit to anyone else? They are making the effect sound super strong, when it most likely is not, if it even exists.

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