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834 No. 834
Mass effect 3 dissapointment thread?

ME3 dissapointment thread.

So far we have confirmed

- 3 terrible endings
- catering to the shippers
- bad writing
- overuse of SPESS MAGIC
- gears of war clone
- and Kaidan gets turned into a generic fauxhawk spouting douche.
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>> No. 835
still no tits.
>> No. 839
i would sooner trust IGN than yasmin's opinion on vidya

anyone else wanna weigh in on ME3
>> No. 841
So far, so good. Just got it yesterday. Also

>Kaidan gets turned into a generic fauxhawk spouting douche.

Who the fuck kept Kaidan alive? Nigga got used for one mission then spent his time on the ship WHERE HE BELONGED.
>> No. 842

I liked Kaiden. he was the only romancable male NPC that was a cool dude
>> No. 843
I wouldn't know, he stayed on the ship the entire game. I pulled him off to blow up Virmire and that was the only time he was of use to me.

I also chose the Tali romance option to see her face in ME2. So my Shepard's a little manipulative.
>> No. 845
best ME game yet. eat shit, Yasmin
>> No. 848

It killed the universe in 5 minutes.

How in Allah's great earth can that be considered good?
>> No. 851

>itt yasmin doesnt know shit about anything

big surprise
>> No. 855

Explain to me how it was good then.
>> No. 859
File 13323938931.jpg - (290.56KB , 1920x1080 , garrusfavstore.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I loved the first one, and liked the 2nd one but..boy was i disappointed with the final.

-autodialogue is more prevalent than the last, and it often doesn't fit well with what i wanted in the character
-character interaction suck and dialogue was reduced to Zaeed-esqu garbage. I know you can go to the citadel for more, but still, i shouldn't have too.
-journal was useless
-Cerberus is a major antagonist
-ME2 squadmates sidelined

it had enjoyable momments liek curing the genophage, Legion sacrificing himself for the geth, ect. I feel like they just deviated too far from the series roots. They dumbed everything down for new players.
>> No. 860
i got the demo for it and the game play was really bad, idk if it was just because i am not used to mass effect but it was still confusing and hard to maneuver. the graphics were really good but that's not enough for me to approve it.
>> No. 916
What about when you see a former team mate again but then they die but it's not them because they died in ME2 and it's some generic placeholder guy you have only met for a few minutes but when he dies the cutscene still plays out as if he was the same guy as the guy he's replacing?
>> No. 919
Why so many namefags?
>> No. 920
support their egos or gtfo.
>> No. 922
I hope EA goes out of business.

Please God, let it happen. Spread all their stolen assess amongst better companies and let this contemptible giant fall.
>> No. 924
Wasn't the main character in this game a homosexual deviant?

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