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File 134152284648.jpg - (616.40KB , 1600x960 , what a lovely place.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
911 No. 911
Why is everybody freaking out at Laura croft getting Anally raped in the new tomb raider game? I mean the game is gonna suck yeah but what is the issue with the main character getting raped?
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>> No. 912
Maybe Laura Croft is like a waifu to /v/?

More likely it's feminists getting their panties in a wad about a female character getting raped in a widely recognized video game franchise. We all know that video games have the ability to alter a child's sense of right and wrong and if the video games show them what anal rape is like, then they'll go out and try it at school. That's exactly how video games work.
>> No. 913
So is lara not a tough cookie no more then?.
>> No. 914
File 134186044090.gif - (415.96KB , 200x148 , death of homor.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why does it matter? It's like a PC ina video game could be killed,robbed,tricked any of the bad things in the world except rape. It's bullshit
>> No. 942

I agree, it's ridiculous that it's acceptable that certain games encourage you to kill people in horribly brutal ways, but if you touch on sexual assault you've GONE TOO FAR BRO.
>> No. 944
Virtually the only appeal of Lara Croft is her role as a female character who doesn't need to be helped out of situations and be strong.

Not to mention that rape is an incredibly sensitive, complicated subject to tackle in fiction and it's almost always handled idiotically and ham-fistedly.
>> No. 945
File 13459565779.jpg - (91.92KB , 718x479 , Stephanie sigman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I liked how it was handled in Miss Bala, it was just another tool the Estralla was using to control her

If they ever make a game where the female MC is raped, it should be in similar context to that, a girl way over her head being manipulated into doing wetwork for a bunch of assholes. Would make a good GTA game set in Mexico
>> No. 965

>handled idiotically and ham-fistedly

I'll give you that. But plenty of serious topics have been mishandled by video games. For example, war. It's hard to think of anything more horrific; the slaughter of thousands (often civilians who maybe be women/children) through extremely traumatic, violent means. The destruction of culture, identity, and family. People are conscripted to labor and die for others.

But you know what war is to the video game industry? GOTTA SHOT DEM BAD GUYS BLAM BLAM KILL DA RUSSIANS HEADSHOT :-DDDD EBIN

I'm not blaming anyone. It's not like you can picket the Captain America movie for making light of WW2. This shit is supposed to be entertainment. All I'm saying is, just because it's going to be stupid and terrible doesn't mean it should be censored.
>> No. 968
File 134821896951.jpg - (48.25KB , 600x300 , empowered womyn.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>But you know what war is to the video game industry? GOTTA SHOT DEM BAD GUYS BLAM BLAM KILL DA RUSSIANS HEADSHOT :-DDDD EBIN
Go play Spec Ops: The Line and you will see the subject of war in a video game handled well.

And it doesn't need to be stupid and terrible. I would rather play a Lara Croft game where she's enjoying being Vagina Indiana Jones instead of it being gritty and her getting practically raped. Maybe I just enjoy games more where the player character is having as much fun as I am.
>> No. 970

You're right, it doesn't need to. But it's gonna happen and it looks like we should all anticipate having our intelligence insulted. Unlike the SJ crowd, I know this isn't really a catastrophe and everyone should just shrug and not buy the damn thing if they don't like it.

My only worry is that Game Informer and the "gaming journalism" crowd will get a hold of this game and do their usual crap (MAN SHE GOT RAPED SO DEEP 9.5/10) and encourage this kind of drama-mongering. If there is any medium which does not need to "tackle" (read:exploit) rape, it's the vidya.

But was Spec Ops any good? I just dismissed it as a generic war game (I admit, my cynicism sometimes means I skip good games).
>> No. 972
So, let me get this straight:

Pretending rape doesn't exist in the digital world is better than having a character show that a strong person can overcome trauma to succeed.

Also, isn't it an ATTEMPTED rape? That's fairly vague...backing someone into a corner and saying "I'm going to rape you" can be considered attempted rape.
>> No. 1010
  Navigatr is somewhere, smiling.

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