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File 134821327812.jpg - (43.36KB , 458x600 , implying you wouldn't.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
966 No. 966
Vidya Ideas thread?

>Cyberpunk Mexico/Latin America (preferably Mexico though)
>open world game
>You're an 18-21 year old Mexican chick who is poor as shit
>Friend gets killed in a bar that gets attacked by cartel agents, you narrowly escape
>go looking for her
>Cartel gets to you, has you by the balls and makes you start doing jobs for them
>Game is not very combat based
>Stealth and exploration is more of what would be going on
>Using a gun would be very hard to do (untrained 96 pound Mexican chicks being not the most combat ready people on earth) but also realistically leathal (say a firefight breaks out where you are, your best bet is to hide and wait for it to end)
>A lot of the game is based on simply avoiding other cartel's goons and taking alternate routes into and out of places
>Dwarf Fortress damage system (no hitpoints, just what a bullet/Knife/fist would actually do to you)
>Cars handle realistically too.
>And last, Character customization, but not too much (You can pick what cybernetics you wan't and what your skills are, but your still the same Laura in game)
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>> No. 975
You would create a planet and slowly develop life. Sort of like SimEarth, but more user-friendly...think Sim City on a global scale.

The life would be dependent on terrain, weather, and other variables. No two planets will be exactly the same. As your planet advances, you send out ships to other planets.

Here's where it gets interesting: Everyone else is doing the same thing. Once you reach spaceflight, you meet with other players on other planets. You can trade with one another, declare war, or form an alliance with one another to wage war on other systems.

So it's like SimEarth meets SimCity meets EVE Online.
>> No. 1001
It is the present day. Insane redneck militiamen and black inner-city ghetto gangbangers have been at war for a while now.

You can control either in an intertwining campaign, like Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, Starcraft 2 and Warcraft III. It's an RTS, if you haven't caught on.

You gather resources by capturing street corners to sell moonshine or prostitution, depending on your faction.

Now, for the faction dynamics. Rednecks have rifles and shitty pickup trucks. They're good at range and can improvise molotovs to give their ground troops a grenade. You can send an ordinary Militiaman into a Survival Enclave to turn him into a Survivalist Nutjob, giving him more hit points, armor and better weapons.

The gangbangers are good up close. They have machine pistols and shivs. They also have Burglar units that are hard to detect without sharp=eyed redneck snipers. They can stab moonshine sellers at street corners to free up the spot, as well as steal their money. They can also infiltrate bases to half production and steal money. You can send an ordinary Gangbanger into a Prison structure to turn him into a musclebound freak with better hitpoints, health and weaponry.

They fight for a while. Then, the cops show up. They're much better armed and equipped than the Rednecks or the Gangbangers, so if they're usable in multiplayer, they'll be really, really nerfed. The rednecks and the gangbangers form a very tense alliance to combat the cop's superior arms and equipment.
>> No. 1002
The game starts with you controlling a Stuka escorting a bomber with spikes of villainy and EDGYNESS. You fight off what appear to be men with bows and wings shooting arrows at the bomber, along with several allies.

After a couple minutes of that, you get a cutscene of the bomber delivering its payload. The camera zooms out to reveal other bombers destroying a large white gates and various towers presumably meant to defend it. A demonic army rushes in, slaughtering all in its path.

At the head of the army, Satan rushes toward an old man with a beard and raises his arms, casting a ritual. It's revealed that he is now in hell.

God splits himself into his traditional Trinitarian three selves, God the father, God the son and the Holy Ghost. God the father sends God the son, also known as Jesus, up to earth to get a status report.

Jesus, the player character, discovers that Satan has taken control of Christianity and made it even more xenophobic and hateful than it already is. God the father realizes that he must destroy his own creation with the only tool he has: Satanism.

Jesus heads off to Israel to get his old friend Moses to join him and acquire the support of the Jews in the divine war. He discovers Moses has gone through Israeli army training, making him a formidable ally. He is armed with a service rifle and a collapsible titanium staff as his sidearm.

This is where the game truly begins. Jesus is the bare-fisted healer of the party. He is also able to resurrect once after being killed, acquiring a halo he can throw like a frisbee which easily cuts through enemies.

Moses is the party's main damage dealer. He is able to snap out his staff for close-range combat and can slam it on the ground to part it and make enemies fall in, a la the Red Sea. He is also very argumentative, fitting the Jewish stereotype.

Later on, you defeat and recruit Muhammad. He wields a beat up AKM and acts as the summoner of the party. His special ability is to summon a horde of pissed off Arabs riding on camelback with various assault rifles, mostly from the AK family.
>> No. 1003
File 13492545643.jpg - (1.07MB , 1839x1200 , 1345212387554.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Already is

Love your neighbor as yourself truly is an evil philosophy


I love it. Call it "The war of absolutely Evil degenerate fuckheads and slightly less evil degenerate fuckheads"
>> No. 1004
Whether or not its base message is hateful or not is irrelevant. Look at how it's been interpreted, these days.

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