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File 13355420876.jpg - (173.72KB , 253x234 , ceaseanddesist.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
31568 No. 31568
Cease and desist notice for the administrators of this forum. If my thread is not removed from the lolcow library I am taking this to high court and I am going to contact your other victims to plead against this site for cyber bullying. I already have ADF and Jordman saying that they'd love to testify against you for numerous things, especially your numerous hate crimes and link to the gang of cyberstalkers who own the ADFwiki. You may not think it's possible but I will also get in contact with Nick Bate, Anthony Logatto, Paul David Smith, Anthony Bapst, and NeuGristle among other individuals if I have to for this case. Hell, I'll even see if Chris Chan would join my cause. He's certainly the greatest victim of this sick subculture and maybe it's time he gets to speak out against his oppressors.

I have hired detectives who have been tracing you for days and told me to post this fair warning to all of you. You've been politely warned; cease and desist or this will blow Nuremberg off the fucking scale.
Expand all images
>> No. 31569
>> No. 31570
"I hereby swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, so help me JUUULLLAAAAYYY!!"
>> No. 31571
File 133554239874.jpg - (12.98KB , 189x267 , 333agdv.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>cyber bullying
>> No. 31572
No one cares.
>> No. 31573
File 133554259546.jpg - (35.23KB , 448x375 , do it faggot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>I will also get in contact with Nick Bate, Anthony Logatto, Paul David Smith, Anthony Bapst, and NeuGristle among other individuals if I have to for this case. Hell, I'll even see if Chris Chan would join my cause.

I hope this is real, and I hope you really do try that.
>> No. 31574
  >Nick Bate, Anthony Logatto, Paul David Smith, >Anthony Bapst, and NeuGristle among other >individuals if I have to for this case. Hell, >I'll even see if Chris Chan would join my cause.

Go go, autism rangers!
>> No. 31575
Time to take the cyanide.
>> No. 31576

Case in point; if no one truly cares, then you can delete that thread filled to the brim with my name and stalkerish pictures of me with very little grief. Please do it.
>> No. 31578
File 133554298167.gif - (948.59KB , 243x339 , pennywise.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Filled to the brim with who's name?

>> No. 31579
File 133554303227.gif - (1.80MB , 640x360 , 4ltVI.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31580
Rika, here's a friendly bit of advice. You want this to go away? Then shut your stupid attention whore mouth, and fuck off. We only even acknowledge you exist when you come pester this board.

It's never coming down. Hell if you play your cards right, this thread might get put in /L/ too. Even if just to spite you.

The best you can do is try to live a quiet, normal life free of drama, and cut off completely from all the lolcows you know, and eventually, we'll forget all about you.

Or you can keep coming back and drawing attention to yourself and reminding us to point and laugh.
>> No. 31581
File 133554318271.gif - (40.28KB , 200x250 , BenderLaughing.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> Nick Bate, Anthony Logatto, Paul David Smith, Anthony Bapst, and NeuGristle among other individuals, Hell, I'll even see if Chris Chan would join my cause.

>Relying on a bunch of retards to aid you in a legal battle.
>> No. 31582
File 133554320274.gif - (57.38KB , 160x256 , ash-12-blow.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hai brosis,
It'd only fair to let you know this site is outside of US jurisdiction.
Oh and nothing illegal or along the lines of libel has been committed. Sorry

Getting mad at /cwc/ for being rude won't gain you anything. Plus we those stalkerish pics were all leaked by Jordan and Phil, you should be threatening them instead.

Do yourself a favor and just talk to us. We're willing to work with you.

~Love, your homosexual deviant brosis
>> No. 31584
File 133554356591.jpg - (15.12KB , 210x240 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
While you're at it, why not whine to Jenffer and your local special education school for more people to join your cause?
>> No. 31585
Posting in an epic thread
>> No. 31586

Speaking of which, anyone care to tell me his full name and post all the photographs? You know, so I know what to avoid doing.
>> No. 31587
Now now, don't give Rika anymore ideas.

Last thing we'd want is a coalition of lolcows going after us.
>> No. 31588
A reverse PVCC?
>> No. 31589
>> No. 31590
I'm really curious, please tell me what "hate crimes" we have committed, talking about you on the internet? Because no one on /cwc/ does anything more that point and laugh
>> No. 31591
File 133554443414.jpg - (45.04KB , 642x268 , sunglasses-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dear Rika:

Bring it on.

- The /cwc/ administration team.
>> No. 31592
Hey Rika, don't forget all of these people: http://789chan.org/cwc/src/133486806082.jpg

Then you'll have a really rockin' lawlsuit.
>> No. 31593
  This is fucking awesome. Whenever lolcows visit our little board it's generally pretty boring, but you are nothing but entertaining Rika, please keep this up.
>> No. 31594
Rika, please leave me out of this crusade. I haven't been on /cwc/ in over a month, and have been doing my best to just live my life and forget about lolcows.

I did occasionally check this site to see if people are still talking about me, but so far, they forgot about me (Although thanks to you, I'm making this post and they'll be back on me).

You know why they forgot about me and stopped talking about me for a month now? Because I shut my fucking mouth, I quit samefagging and self-pitying and just went back to my life, ignoring these guys for the most part, and only returning every few weeks to see if they were still going on. Within a few weeks, they no longer mentioned me, so I felt relieved, although a little wary.

It's been a month or so since I left and I return to see that you're trying to drag me into this stupid-ass crusade.

Listen Rika, I'm just some autistic loser who will be of NO legal help to you. Just give up and leave while you still can.

I'm not going to join your crusade, I'm just going to go back to my life and try to forget this nonsense.

Do what I do, lay low, don't ever post on /cwc/ again (I'll admit, I just broke that rule by addressing you), try to go about your normal routine, and don't engage these guys at all. Keep your online presence to a minimum as well. I de-activated all of my YouTube and DA accounts and simply moved on as best I could.

So, just leave me alone and forget about this. Please.
>> No. 31595
Who are you again?
>> No. 31596
Okay, one question Rika? I don't really know you or do I follow you but I want to know.

What makes you think any of you lolcows have any angle for legal action, when most of you posted the cocks willingly? It would be like if TFLers or Loveshys tried to sue for defamation of character when their posts online DO show them to be potential rapists/serial killers.

I mean, are you even trying?
>> No. 31597

So you've been gone for a month and you just happened to check in on us not even an hour after your name gets mentioned again? Yeah, I'm sure you're not still lurking here constantly or anything, definitely not.
>> No. 31598
File 133554523681.gif - (271.11KB , 369x400 , 756010829_608633.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He's this homosexual deviant right here.
>> No. 31599
File 133554537475.jpg - (31.45KB , 400x349 , The_Quickening.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So this is what posting in an epic thread feels like...

...it feels empowering
>> No. 31600
>I'll send in detectives! I'll send in police! I'll send in EVERYTHING IN MY POWER!
>> No. 31601
You know you probably would've been better off just ignoring this shit, you weren't automatically part of this shit just because this fruitcake mentioned your name. You're the one drawing /cwc/'s attention to you here, not Rika.
>> No. 31602
File 133554544112.gif - (499.18KB , 152x146 , yt9a1.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is just the best thread.
>> No. 31603
Can do, will do. I'll admit, I'll lurk every three or four weeks to see if anyone's still sperging about me, and I'm glad it subsided, I just don't want Rika trying to drag me into a legal battle.

In other words, I don't want to be some homosexual deviant trying to fight /cwc/. I'd like to be able to delete my post earlier now, but I don't know the password to delete it.
>> No. 31604
And after re-reading this, noticed the word;

>hate crime

I fail to see what anons at /cwc/ do that counts as a hate crime.
>> No. 31605
Thanks. But I know who he is. I like to poke fun at his ego and attention seeking.

Never change Paul.
>> No. 31606
lol you're an idiot. also, calling bullshit that you're only here every few weeks, you turned up here far too quickly for it to be just by chance.
>> No. 31607
Oh joy, tranny drama
>> No. 31608
File 133554597432.gif - (312.35KB , 400x300 , 755974182_404329.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That Blingee thread was hella fun.
>> No. 31609
All of the information posted here is public information that is given by the people involved. As an archive and depository of TRUE AND HONEST publically available information the lolcow archive does not infringe on any person's rights, privacy, or property nor does it infringe any laws or cause any harm to a person's reputation that they would not cause themselves.

As such I must insist that you cease and desist your cruel and dangerous attempt to stop the natural flow of information as well as your attempt to censor the opinions of those who post here and violate their first amendment rights. Consider this paragraph a cease and desist letter. If you insist on continuing to attempt to stifle our god given right to free speech I will have no choice but to file a civil complaint in e-court.
>> No. 31610
Oh look people, it's a retarded man who can't pull off ever looking like a woman talking about oppression.

You and ADF would be the perfect couple, Rika.
>> No. 31611
I am throwing this case out on the grounds of RIKA IS A FAGG0T
>> No. 31612
Thank you esteemed counsel.
>> No. 31613
I love e-court.
>> No. 31614
Seriously. Anybody with sense would see that most everything posted here amounts to "look at person/group X. What a loon," followed by people giving their opinions on said person or group. Most people here don't really troll at all, and of those that do, a lot of them are just minor irritants to the subject of the trolling. It would be like calling the police on some kid who called you a poopy pants at WalMart.

Any "serious" trolling from here could more easily be traced to other websites. By your logic, you've been just as much as a cyberbully as almost everybody else here.
>> No. 31615
File 133554640694.gif - (1.74MB , 360x359 , H7yRp.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31616
File 133554661946.jpg - (17.80KB , 321x585 , batman-was-at-first-like.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Batman hates crime and agrees with the E-judge.
>> No. 31617
Immma gonna print lye lolcow thread, Rika. Then I'm going to paste all of them downtown on buildings everywhere in that shit hole of a city you live in, then I'm going to intercept every job application you enter by itelling the employer about the thread then doing a huge goatse in his/her face while yelling "nigger mega hitler" . Please use this for your hate crime case.
>> No. 31619
are you fucking retarded. if you had left and just ignored this shit no one here would have rembered you, but now you have fucked yourself, have fun
>> No. 31620
I would love to see Nick Bate, a pedophile, Anthony LoGatto, a fan of straight shota, Anthony Bapst, an ephebophile, Paul David Smith, a man who made several racist pro-Nazi, pro-Red Army comments on Facebook and NeuGristle, a man who willingly gave his own nudes to the forum, try and go to the police.
>> No. 31621
The Mighty Spergin' Autism Rangers!
>> No. 31622
Oh man, I wish Damn Slanderous Troll was here. Somebody needs to shoop/draw that up. Seriously.
>> No. 31623
Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith would have to be the black ranger because it's so goth.
ADF could be the pink ranger.
A-Log could be the yellow ranger, because he's a little weeb.
Anthos can be red and NeuGristle can be blue.
Nick Bate can be the brown ranger.
>> No. 31624
>hate crime
a crime, usually violent, motivated by prejudice or intolerance toward a member of a gender, racial, religious, or social group.

Name one "crime" in any capacity that we have committed, please , making fun of you?

Also do you even know how many eurofags post on here , and that this is on a Canadian server? Do you plan on getting extraditions for trolls in the UK and get the Canadian/US governments to go to all the trouble of making charges against the server just for you Rika?

I cannot even comprehend all this autism
>> No. 31625
All of them can combine their vehicles together to make the mighty Chrischandazord.
>> No. 31626
Is Chris the white ranger? He wears a special vest and can only be called in times of great need.
>> No. 31627
File 133554756170.jpg - (84.67KB , 470x319 , bush-shock-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31628
Chris is Zordon.

They need re-vive Chris-chan!
Re-vive Chris-chan!
>> No. 31629
Revive Chris-chan and get CWC-trolling back together, which was most awesome.

Compared to today's cockpy lolcow trolling.
>> No. 31630
File The_Return_of_the_Epic_Ween_-_Tranny_rides_again.txt - (204.51KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Hi /cwc/.

I think it would be appropriate if our stonecutter hategroup released some hoarded kahntent. That being, Rika skypelogs.

In these logs, Rika whines about stalking, stalks trolls, epin DOXes, rants how trolls are gonna get sued, whines about his virginity, tells about his lawyer with aspergers, harassing the police with internet crap... and much much more!
>> No. 31631
>> No. 31632

>[19.02.2012 11:39:56] Rika: Playing skyrim

Rika confirmed for Thorg.
>> No. 31633
Oh, by the way Rika, why did you make this thread in all the other boards too?
>> No. 31635
File 133554921686.jpg - (48.70KB , 263x350 , hitler not sure if want.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>[23.03.2012 23:48:55] Rika: When I think lolcow I think of someone who is gulliable, and at the same time evil and stupid
>[23.03.2012 23:49:03] Rika: I think of Chris
Rika confirmed for A-Log.

It's funny. Long, long before /cwc/ had even heard of Rika, Introman said that when Rika stops being useful, he will turn into a good lolcow. And I didn't doubt that for a second.

>gulliable, and at the same time evil and stupid
>not gullible and stupid
It was a great month and a half. Everytime you logged on skype, you got to hear how you are going to get dragged to the States and get jailed. If only Rika could comprehend how utterly unthreatening and hilarious he is.
>> No. 31636
So, Rika, ADF, Nick Bate and A-Log Vs 789chan
>> No. 31637
So, a homosexual deviant Socialist crossdresser, a pedophile, and Rika vs a shit ton of Anons?

Oh boy, this will go well.
>> No. 31638
Rika, you are the Chris! *copy pastes virgin/asexual status forever*
>> No. 31640
File 133554983152.jpg - (20.15KB , 288x290 , hitler smiling 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>[24.03.2012 00:18:20] Rika: yes, but Im asexual
>[24.03.2012 00:18:29] Rika: which means I have absolutely no desire to lose my virginity lol'
But there is one big difference; Chris got rid of his Virgin with Rage status.
>> No. 31641
I cannot wait for Rika to see this post
>> No. 31642

don't tempt me I need a reason to use my tablet atm lol
>> No. 31645
File 133555084687.jpg - (129.30KB , 454x700 , p7fqg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31646
File 133555102750.png - (92.98KB , 326x217 , 1335217558647.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31648
File 13355513363.png - (242.68KB , 807x553 , justiceleague.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 31650
Homor, why didn't you get Xanabit to make a comic of that
>> No. 31651
File 133555157459.png - (261.12KB , 500x379 , Burns.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi Rika!

You're just proving yourself to be more retarded than ADF!

Also, Nick Bate has molested his own sister and halfway admitted to it online. You think he's gonna wanna throw stones in a glass house?
>> No. 31652
File 133555188292.png - (422.48KB , 1137x1022 , Screen shot 2012-04-27 at 11_36_18 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
lol wow

The little armchair lawyer in my head needs to say, on the off ass chance that you're serious, this isn't how you ask someone to cease and desist.

You do it through a proper legal filing or a notice drafted by a professional or a lawyer and send it on a private channel with identifying info of your party, it should be similar to a DMCA filing.
>> No. 31654

To be fair he doesn't think there's really anything wrong with that, but I really doubt he cares enough about any of this to get involved with a lolsuit, too much effort and not enough scat involved.
>> No. 31655
  Nick Bate: Earth!

A-Log: Fire!

ADF: Wind!

Chris: Water!

Anthos: Hearts

Go Autism!

Rika: By your powers combined, I am Captain Autism!
>> No. 31657

He probably already tried sending them to the group of people he thought were "trolling" him, which iirc included a camgirl, anna's fatter doppelganger and a russian nazi.
>> No. 31658
>[15.03.2012 23:42:45] Rika: Were not going to harass anyone, Were just gathering all the info we can, meeting with our lawyer, then taking it to the authorities. This is going to end eitherway
>[15.03.2012 23:43:46] Rika: And this isent some shitty Mazooni Lawyer either.

>isn't some shitty mazooni lawyer
>> No. 31659
>Captain Autism

Oh wow, my sides. It's bad since my autist brother loves to watch the Captain Planet Earth Day Marathon every fucking year.
>> No. 31660

>mfw his lawyer is just scamming him for consultation fees
>> No. 31661
>[23.03.2012 00:12:03] Rika: My lawyer has aspergers
>[23.03.2012 00:14:54] Undercover Troll: :O coool!
>[23.03.2012 00:14:59] Undercover Troll: must be interesting to work with
>[23.03.2012 00:15:15] Rika: Shes a really fun person to be around

>[13.03.2012 18:58:08] Rika: Pissed off trannies with LAWYERS
>[13.03.2012 18:58:16] Rika: Well Im the only one with the lawyer
>[13.03.2012 18:58:25] Rika: But shes helping us all too
>[13.03.2012 18:58:37] Rika: Lawyer is also a member of my cuddly little Wolverine pack
>[13.03.2012 18:58:40] Rika: so that helps!
>[13.03.2012 18:58:53] Undercover Troll: :O wait what?
>[13.03.2012 18:59:07] Rika: The lawyer who is helping us is a member of my Wolverine group
>[13.03.2012 18:59:24] Rika: My urban exploration/adventure group

Their lawyer is a part of his retarded group, I'll find the picture from /L/ and has Aspergers.

Try not to be too afraid Seanie
>> No. 31662
What's going on in here?
>> No. 31663
>> No. 31664
File 133555237368.jpg - (526.87KB , 2048x1531 , 133503429893.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
take your pick, who is Rika's lawyer (assuming these are "the wolverines")
>> No. 31665

Autism. Autism is going on.
>> No. 31666
File 133555257424.png - (35.08KB , 587x491 , 131130317716.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31667
Sorry for more samefagging here, but


Rika's YT channel, a few videos of the wolverines - so his super aspie lawyer may be there (probably someone who took a law class at a community college or something idk)
>> No. 31668
File 133555261698.png - (35.78KB , 367x647 , captain_aspie_by_lionesstess13-d418fbg.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31669
You're all reading that awfully fast, I'm struggling to get past Rika's spergfesting.
>> No. 31670
According to the last thread, these guys are who Rika is using for this shit www.delawarevalleyinvestigations.com
>> No. 31672

>cartoon fandom forum

so you read our thread about alog posting on the WWOEC forum

cue slow clap
>> No. 31674
please please please let this be the real rika
>> No. 31675
>FU for using MY name without consent (does people in real life have to file an application to your secretary, of which your parents paid for, for you not to sue them?)

>FU me fucking up!
>> No. 31676
The IP address is from Hackettstown, New Jersey. Make of it what you will
>> No. 31677
rika please DO SOMETHING
>> No. 31678
>you use my name without consent, post photos of me all over the internet, reveal my ip address to the friggen world and claim that you don't think that this is cyber bullying?
The problem you have with the whole 'invasion of privacy' angle you seem to be shooting for is that you voluntarily and willingly provided all the information that /cwc/ is now teasing you for.

That's not trolling. That's called a 'consequence', something that actions have.
>> No. 31679
Yeah, it may be a simple request, but you carried it out improperly. It's not a lawsuit if you serve it to someone in a pizza box printer on toilet paper brought around by a pizza guy.

You have to have it drafted by a lawyer, notarized, and delivered by a lawyer or their assistant. You have to follow protocol for shit like this. If you want to get me to do anything like this, you can submit the request via e-mail in the proper format, or I will just ban you.
>> No. 31680

I'll bake some cookies for the cyber police now ROBERT STILES
>> No. 31681

NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-67-159-0-0-1
Parent: NET-67-0-0-0-0

This is most likely a proxy
>> No. 31682
Did you just ask Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith to lie about his family being threatened in court, on a public board?

I ... I ... I don't even, too much autism
>> No. 31683
Guys, let's stop calling him Rika, it's what he wants. How about ROBERT, ROBERT STILES or simply BOB?

He may sue you, but it'll be really funny, see how mad this guy gets
>> No. 31684

MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business UUNET1996B (NET-208-192-0-0-1) -


NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-67-159-0-0-1
Parent: NET-67-0-0-0-0

Either someone's trollan from work, (lol vzw business) or using a proxy
>> No. 31685
Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith's family openly make fun of him anyway. They're not going to care.
>> No. 31686

I think it's less about Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith's family and more that someone ostensibly involved in a prospective court case just told someone else possibly involved, on a public forum, to commit perjury.
>> No. 31687
File 133555621044.jpg - (54.90KB , 850x471 , sample-9100d360cb64ba306b44e3c3bfbd1cea.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31688
>Oh and I've already found and messaged Mr. Logotto's active account on his cartoon fandom forum.

>> No. 31689
Rika. You entered into a wolf den wearing your best bacon suit!
>> No. 31690
  You are such a homosexual deviant, it's amazing.
>> No. 31691
Good luck, given A-Log's ridiculous paranoia about trolls. He's turned down legitimate job offers before because he thought they were troll plots - why on earth do you think he'd trust you, somebody who's already admitted to wanting to troll him?
>> No. 31692
We're entertained by your threats, Rika, not scared of them, how many times do you need to be told that?
>> No. 31693
Go ahead and call Anthos, I'm sure he would love to help you out Rika. He totally wont say, "I'm retired from trollbusting" to you and hang up the phone. He'll totally help you pay for that lawyer you're talking about too.


You've got this on lockdown.
>> No. 31695
>Oh you don't want to help me because I didn't ask for help along your rigid protocol. Hmm, obsession with rituals... that reeks a lot of autism, doesn't it?

Oh man, quit making me laugh so hard...
>> No. 31696
Oh man, you figured out seanieb's last name, that must mean you know everything!
>> No. 31697
you really are a pathetic little person robert
>> No. 31698

>your rigid protocol

It's not his protocol you dumb fuck, it's standard legal procedure.
>> No. 31699
After all this, either master troll or masturbator....
>> No. 31700

That's called the legal system.
>> No. 31701
HAHAAHAHAH ROBERT STILES, classic robert stiles. just like you had introMAN's who is a fetish model?
>> No. 31702
I'm sorry for not knowing much about Rika (or ADF, for that matter), but I assume he shares ADF's political views, right? Funny how those haters of the US government seem to expect the legal system to defy all precedents and create new rules solely to cater to them as soon as somebody calls them a bad name.
>> No. 31703
File 133555811030.jpg - (146.78KB , 1200x900 , AAAANNA.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dude... I think I know someone else who can help you out too. I'm pretty sure you guys would get along.
>> No. 31704
Dare say you know more than I do tbh
>> No. 31705
You know, I wondered why you would waste so much time worrying over this shit , but then I got it

You really have nothing better to do with your time do you?
>> No. 31706
I hope you know that's not my real last name. At this point, if you do anything else it'd be considered harassment without using the proper procedures.

Before I started my business, I worked for an ISP in the abuse department. Do you really think that working like that wouldn't teach me how to do this?


I hope you can read.
>> No. 31707
Robert Stiles is a Freelance photographer (unemployed, uneducated and unsuccessful at that) so no, he has absolutely nothing more to do.

Apart from calling his parents and asking for money
>> No. 31708
Not political views, but his delusions of being a woman. That said, he probably love Stalinist dictatorship where he defines freedom of speech and can jail people saying bad things about him as he pleases.

>> No. 31709
File 133555857135.jpg - (32.54KB , 732x575 , Rika_IRL.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hey Robert Stiles. Because you need something to do on your daytime, here is me using your picture AND name without your consent so you can sue me as well.

You're welcome
>> No. 31710
File 133555970747.jpg - (43.28KB , 515x600 , s1239ka.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Leave me alone and go play in your little duct pipes while screaming movie lines or whatever you sissy girly-boys do, kid. I got real problems to deal with.
>> No. 31711
Rika, just give up on your fools crusade.
>> No. 31714
Bob, last I heard you were leaving here forever. My watch must've stopped because according to my calculations it's only a week later and not the end of the universe.
>> No. 31715
  Video related, how Rika is handling being made fun of by 789chan and the ADF stonecutters. Skip to 4:14
>> No. 31716
How are you paying for these "detectives"? Aren't you on welfare or something?
>> No. 31717
>you use my name without consent,
>Mad about liquids using similar names
Never said I was you hun, never used your legal name either.

We aren't liable for anything, but we're all for listening to requests.
If you get tired of making empty threats and decide to negotiate then feel to invite yourself and your friends to the board.

We'd be love to talk it out.
~Love, your brosis
>> No. 31718
Clearly with "money"
>> No. 31719

By "money" you mean blowjobs, right?
>> No. 31720
no, his parents pays for everything. big example is his apartment of which his parents pay for. He makes a tiny bit with his photos but yeah, parents
>> No. 31721

Has anyone contacted them about this? Like reasonably explaining to them why this will go nowhere and is a waste of their money? I dunno how their relationship is but maybe something could come of that. Maybe report him to the IRS for unreported income?
>> No. 31722
File 133556103947.jpg - (41.76KB , 300x585 , bigboss.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dad's loaded, he covers all living expenses and then some.
>> No. 31723
Assuming this is the real Robert Stiles:

You seriously don't have a single legal leg to stand on. The first amendment pretty much annihilates your entire argument.

Let me put it this way:
In the history of the american legal system, has there ever been a case like yours where the "victim" won?
>> No. 31724
I thought seanies last name was Brackeen or something

Rika, you suck at this
>> No. 31725
File 133556144124.jpg - (14.33KB , 338x372 , Do it.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Looks like this thread will be another great thread to add to the /L/ library.

- Sincerely, 789chan
>> No. 31726
You need to take into account how many trolls are linked with this website. Chris Chan's, ADF's, A-Log's, Paul David Smith's, Nick Bate's, and Anthony Bapst's all congregate on this site. In fact, who knows, maybe some of the moderators on this site have taken part in 'trolling' (read: cyberbullying, threatning, insulting and verbally abusing individuals with autism)

Granted, this isn't where all the abuse is meditated and organized but it's the metaphorical factory showroom where it all takes place. I've have enough evidence indicating just that.
>> No. 31727

jesus christ


>> No. 31728
hey Bob
>> No. 31729
You know, I'm sure authority figures are the last thing Nick wants to see.
>> No. 31731
File 133556424488.jpg - (6.15KB , 251x189 , 133448799169.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A good percentage of trolling is only susceptible to lawsuit for emotional harm and not likely to end in charges being picked up by the d.a.
It's not usually full blown cyber bullying
>> No. 31733
Rika, you do realize by doing this, you are more of a troll/cyberbully/whatever than most people who post on this site, right? You know that the majority of people who visit here are not trolls, do you not? You do see that, don't you?
>> No. 31735

Wow, look at all those totally legit dox and nothing like just a screenname on the cwcki. That is totally the same as having someone's full name and address, bro.
>> No. 31736
Fact remains you have nothing to stand on and you really should shut the fuck up, or do it right.
>> No. 31737
File 13355652586.jpg - (91.77KB , 378x600 , MTS2_Lunar_Eclipse_679556_Eclipse-[AshCrimson]Sim_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Look brosis, I feel bad for you, I really do, so I'll give you a freebie.

All those pics, chat logs and dox came from Jordan. He wanted to take the heat off himself and get back at you and he did that by giving us all the sauce.

Just thought you might want a heads up on who the trolls have been using as a spy all this time. Some friends, hu?
>> No. 31738

Most, if not all of those people have commited some kind of crime. Do you think the court would take pity on someone like ADF for "cyberbullying" if the fact that he punched his own mother came up? Do you think the court is going to be sympathetic with someone like Nick Bate, who basically admitted to molesting his own sister? Do you really even think the court is going to waste their time trying to prosecute a website based outside of the united states just because some of the users called you by your legal name, Robert Stiles? Tell me, what do you think they will call you when they ask you to come up and testify?
>> No. 31739
File 133556585298.jpg - (38.71KB , 500x414 , thumbs_nigga_you_just_went_full_retard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Do you even realise your own hypocrisy by trying to dox users while claiming you are the victim?

That surely must go against nearly every kind of data protection legislation imaginable?
>> No. 31740

why are you so full of shit rika
>> No. 31741
Nope. Only possible crime there is cyber tresspass and that would depend on how one obtained dox.
>> No. 31742
Like say stealing from medical records or some shit?
>> No. 31743

The screencap of this Nelithy guy's desktop with my photo on it is solid evidence of users on here stalking me. And the only reason he posted the pic to start with was just to take a jab at me. It isn't doxing it's merely self defense in the only way possible.
>> No. 31744

>breaking laws is okay when i think others are breaking the law

yeah that is definitely how law works
>> No. 31745

Self-defence would be shutting the fuck up, not giving a fuck what people said about you on the internet and getting on with life.
>> No. 31747

Someone having pictures of you isn't stalking, dumbass.
>> No. 31748
File 133556691199.jpg - (118.58KB , 550x550 , 1333536274887.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The court is also not going to take pity on Robert Stiles either. Robert is currently on probation for posting death threats, threatening an FBI agent, online.

Yes, we're all very sure that your retarded ass knows about the law and that all of this is not a bad case of an untreated anal fissure, Rika.
>> No. 31749
Well I must be stalking a fucking shit-ton of people then.
>> No. 31750
Who is this Rika person? One of ADF's self-absorbed sexually confused entourage?
>> No. 31751

Valid question: I'm not related to 'Nelithy' in any way, shape or form so why does he keep photos of me?
>> No. 31752
It's all on the wiki, which has yet to vanish from the face of the earth despite it should have been gone for . . . causing butthurt or something, hate crime stalking - whatever Bob http://adfwiki.com/index.php?title=Rika
>> No. 31753

Because you're a weird looking person.
>> No. 31754
because you're a lolcow
>> No. 31755

valid question: what do you hope to accomplish by flailing around this group of people who are extremely unintimidated?
>> No. 31756

Yeah, because we all keep pictures of weird looking people and lolcows (most are fat manchildren.) Those are definitely things I want to stare at when I turn on my computer.
>> No. 31757
Identity theft/exposing private information is not legally uphold able self defence
>> No. 31758

So if someone has say, a picture of Justin Bieber, are they stalking because they are not related?

the fuck Rika, do you know anything about anything, go read these charges so you know what stalking actually is
>> No. 31759
File 133556755399.jpg - (15.04KB , 265x245 , Burns.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How's probation going, Robert? Tell us again how threatening a law official compares to the EBUL!!! crime of making fun of you online?
>> No. 31760
File 133556774982.jpg - (127.79KB , 500x397 , Burns and Smithers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You have several naked pictures of ADF on your computer, despite claiming to be asexual
>> No. 31761



>> No. 31762
>[23.03.2012 23:29:49] Rika: Now he is sexy in this pic
>[23.03.2012 23:30:08] Rika: I dont know why Im actually find him sexy seeing as Im suppossed to hate him
>[23.03.2012 23:30:47] Undercover Troll: HAha :D

>[23.03.2012 23:20:09] Rika: I love internet tough guys like this
>[23.03.2012 23:20:45] Rika: He actually does look kinda hot
>[23.03.2012 23:20:47] Rika: I love the hair
Not to mention he is attracted to his trolls. Armchair psychologists, go.
>> No. 31763

It's more common than you think. There are entire websites dedicated to this concept. Even legitimate news sites have sections dedicated to making fun of weirdos.
>> No. 31764
I will also join this fight then finally I will fuck Maddys sweet butthole to show u trolls all aboot

You are awesome sauce Rika....!
>> No. 31765
Bob, not sure how you can think you're being "stalked" when you uploaded those photos and when you're the one who keeps coming here (no one made a single additional comment about you as soon as you left the last time).

Do you walk around your neighborhood slapping your naked ass cheeks on people's windows and complain about them spying on you too?
>> No. 31766
Me and my wonderful wife Resiram will join you in battle ! but you have to eat me after
>> No. 31767
I'm joining the fight against Anolbus, says Sailor Mars.
>> No. 31768
Guy who totally didn't care about rika at all before here.
Now that I'm reading this thread, I want to know everything about him to understand all this shit, can someone link me to the original thread, on /L/ or whatnot, that made this guy so enraged?
>> No. 31769
I, the TRUE and HONEST creator of Sonichu, will assist in taking down those DANG DIRTY Trolls.
>> No. 31770
Rika have should totally get fox news in on this.
>> No. 31771
Rika is some tranny dumbfuck who doxxed ADF and Jordon , or something

then said he wants all his stuff removed from /cwc/ because it will mess up job interviews, SeanieB said "lol no"

now we haz dramaz
>> No. 31772
File 133556906343.jpg - (17.28KB , 440x310 , autism.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>job interviews
i think rika has plenty of other reasons why no one will hire it.
>> No. 31773
File 133556933995.jpg - (10.21KB , 250x250 , 1332579085318.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.




>> No. 31774

please please please replace the banner with a picture of Rika , for the ween
>> No. 31775
Rika, maybe the reason people don't hire you is because you are an absurdly ugly man-woman who hangs around with idiots and has zero experience in anything work related? I dunno.
>> No. 31778
Anyone else think that there is enough for Rika to get his own honorary ED page?
>> No. 31779

>implying you have a lawyer involved

oh rob, we know you're a pussy
>> No. 31780
Rob Bell
>> No. 31781
Come on, Rika! Get in contact with A-log and get him in on this already! I seriously want you to do this.

Hell, maybe you might actually show up us trolls! Wouldn't that be nice? Now go out there, gather the lolcow army! Take down 789chan.
>> No. 31782
you should make a youtube video where you scream at /cwc/ and demand they shut down
it really worked for chris chan
>> No. 31783
I encourage all Ladies and Gentlemen, girls and boys, and dudes of all teenages, as well as the gals, to post every Rika picture in existence. I'm working on a little archive, and you all will enjoy it soon!
>> No. 31784
>Rika ED page

We're working on it, but we need more pictures and chatlogs.
>> No. 31785
File 133557123392.gif - (1.01MB , 200x200 , smile.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Keep it coming, bro.
Keep trying to look like a badass.
>> No. 31786

I don't even know who this fucker is, but this shit is hysterical.

Someone is buttmad. Here's a protip for you, stalking is not owning a photograph of someone you don't know, nor is is showing information which you have publicly disclosed.
>> No. 31787
No god don't tempt the mods I don't want to see your ass ugly face for like a month as the banner. You're a terrible person for just doing that.
>> No. 31788
File 133557205639.jpg - (222.76KB , 576x720 , 131873553774.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey, Rika. Did you fill one of these out when you went to your rent-a-cops or e-lawyer?
>> No. 31789
File 133557229899.jpg - (78.33KB , 639x595 , 1290250642135.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A single tear of happiness has been shed, for we today know that Rika will replace our glorious Christian Weston Chandler while he spends his time in jail.

Thank you, Rika. Thank you!
>> No. 31790
File 133557248779.gif - (1.40MB , 193x135 , 1292363797144.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31791

Replace gay pink spurdo face with rika face 4 new banner :DDD
>> No. 31792
Posting in an /L/ thread.
>> No. 31793
Who the fuck is Rika?
>> No. 31794
File 133557438049.png - (489.02KB , 473x648 , deathnbaloowns_by_maddu_chan-d4nepn1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For the record, Nick Bate is a pedophile. Involving him or I in this shit is a completely idiotic idea considering he has no room to be upset about being trolled, considering the first amendment and the fact that he's incredibly open with everything. He's openly admitted molesting his sister.
We've tried reporting him before, by the way. If the legal system does jack shit about a pedophile molesting a nine-year-old girl, certainly they won't do anything about someone complaining on a board on the internet.
>> No. 31795
>I will also get in contact with Nick Bate, >Anthony Logatto, Paul David Smith, Anthony >Bapst, and NeuGristle among other individuals if >I have to for this case.

It's like the expendables, only spergier
>> No. 31796
>For the record, Nick Bate is a pedophile. Involving him or I in this shit

I knew you two were still a couple.
>> No. 31797
  Please, Please, Please! Let me get what I want, this time! This would be one of the funniest things to happen on /cwc/ in forever.
>> No. 31798
I didn't mean it like that lol.
I mean, Rika, involve Nick all you'd like but that's a really dumb idea for your case.
>> No. 31799
Dahlings, by order of of President George Bush Junior Obama, there shall be no naughty, grotesque posts of this dahling US citizen.
Any new posts, or deletion of this official message shall be found punishable to the fullest extent of American Law.
From the Secreterial Desk of the White House,
The President, George Bush Obama
>> No. 31800
File 133557542975.jpg - (612.24KB , 1210x807 , ohgodwhy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's a proof of concept.
>> No. 31801
>I mean, Rika, involve Nick all you'd like but that's a really dumb idea for your case.
I think Rika claimed Jordan was a sex offender. Meaning, he has no problem with that, as long as the dang dirty trolls pay. Perfectly stupid for him.
>> No. 31802
Why is Jeffrey Dahmer on there?
>> No. 31803

My only question for you, Maddi, is; is Nick legitimately retarded and has no control over his actions? I mean, it's really irrelevant to this case anyway, regarding the previous violations he's caused. He's been victimized by this site and his family and "friends" probably have been harmed by this unwarranted attention one way or another.
>> No. 31804

>hes probably been hurt maybe

oh wow

you really are clueless about everything, arent you?
>> No. 31805

Do you also call your low functioning uncle a sperg as well? You make me sick Rika Stiles. Stop being so god damn vindictive and live your life.
>> No. 31806

Go on, Introman. Keep talking like your the voice of reason or something just because you have a well known trip. As for vindicative, hmm, if I do remember correctly you sure got angry after I "stopped being useful." Useful meaning "bully another autistic with GID."

Don't you have your own life to tend to?
>> No. 31807

You're so desperate to take down /cwc/ that you're willing to align yourself with a creepy pedophile that has said he molested his little sister. I don't think you can get any lower than this, Rika.
>> No. 31808
File 133557726635.png - (24.10KB , 507x295 , Rika.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31809
least-convincing tranny ever, after adf
>> No. 31810
File 133557732854.jpg - (49.92KB , 732x575 , rs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31811
>> No. 31812
>Don't you have your own life to tend to?

Haha, oh wow. You're acting like introman has no life when you're the one spending your free time trying to take down a website that dared to insult you.
>> No. 31813
>Armchair psychologists, go
I think this is a serious thread of jealousness and projecting. He's a stalking assburger, whining about staling assburgers. Also massive victim complex.

If Rika truly thinks his trolls are a handsome nazi and assumedly attractive fetish model, he is clearly jealous of them. He is very sexually frustrated, to the point of going full denial mode and becoming "asexual", although it is obvious he is capable of feeling sexual attraction. Rika, assuming the hot trolls have healthy sex lives, feels serious inferiority which serves as his major motivator. He doesn't really care about "the victims of cyber trolling", him attacking Jordan and ADF in the last thread he made.
>> No. 31814

seriously, why havent you gotten you lawyer?

does he....not exist?
>> No. 31815
Yeah Introman, stop using your stupid "reason".
>> No. 31816
GID = Guys In Dresses?
>> No. 31817
File 13355782599.jpg - (13.68KB , 499x156 , awkward.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You have no idea how true that is
>> No. 31818
Nope, he's in complete control of his actions. He only wants to be/seem retarded for sympathy and to get out of responsibilities.
>> No. 31820

He's said on multiple occasions that he acts retarded in an effort to make his life mirror that of a funny, loveable dumb cartoon character, like Homer Simpson.
>> No. 31821

>> No. 31822
So having someone exploit and blatantly lie to someone who is autistic is completely moral and correct? There has to be something wrong with Trey and the ADF stonecutters or they wouldn't be harassing people with autism. Think about that for a second everyone.
>> No. 31823
>So having someone exploit you and blatantly lie to someone who is autistic is completely moral and correct
It is morally justified to troll you and ADF. So yes.
>> No. 31824
I don't exploit autistic people, just complete morons. Sorry to disappoint you, Rika.

Also, didn't you do the same thing when you thought it was awesome? Even to the point where you called Chris Chan "evil?"
>> No. 31825
Hi Wraith.
>> No. 31826
Wait, wait, who's Rika?
>> No. 31827
God I love this place
>> No. 31828

You know what Maddi, I'm glad I'd have no use for him. Just seeing that fucker in court would give me heebie jeebies.


Just because I failed to comply with the stonecutters and possibly saw redemption in ADF doesn't mean I should be victimized on this site. I never layed a finger on either of my parents and I don't exploit the use of minority labels. Case in point.
>> No. 31829

Trollshielding epin troll turned ADF's friend turned full blown lolcow.
>> No. 31830
What you don't seem to understand:
>I tried to troll people and DOX my tranny friend, what have I done to deserve this?
>> No. 31831
We are all the "Christian SCUM!!" that you trolled ever so hard in the past, Rika. 789 was started by the catholic church to get revenge on your epic trolling days.
>> No. 31833

You act like a prick on the internet

Pricks on the internet are our specialty after JULAAAYYYYing
>> No. 31834
Nobody knows, but at this rate he'll be the new CWC.

Hey Billyboy, I'll be waiting for you to drop dox and invite us all over for a "man-to-man" fight.
>> No. 31836

Trey, (not your real name obviously but let's go with it) admit it, the reason you exploit "complete morons" is for EPIC WEEN fame. Your real life must be so insignificant you want to bask in the glory of being named a succesor to Clyde Cash on this trolling cult site. Either that, or you just have something very personal against autistics and gender dysphoria. Take your pick.
>> No. 31837
Rika, aren't you the same person who threatened to hack my boxen, and now you're threatening legal action? I think it's time we ended this retarded thing, I'm gonna give you another hour, and if you still act like a moron, I'm gonna ban you and that'll be the end of this shit.
>> No. 31838
File 133558016831.jpg - (19.63KB , 518x216 , Rika Irony.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I don't exploit the use of minority labels

Then what would you call it when you called Jen Rauh a "spoiled chink who got everything handed to her and never worked a day in her life?"

Also, that's very hypocritical considering that your own parents paid for your apartment and for you to go to college. What kind of idiot went to college for 4 years and couldn't get an associates for game designing.

Ah, no. I'm just another guy behind a computer, making fun of lolcows like you out of boredom.
>> No. 31839
File 133558022198.jpg - (50.60KB , 467x350 , eyes wide shut.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>trolling cult

Oh crap guys, he found us out!
>> No. 31840
Please don't hurt his family, /cwc/. This man doesn't deserve it.
>> No. 31841
>> No. 31842
>admit it, the reason you exploit "complete morons" is for EPIC WEEN fame. Your real life must be so insignificant you want to bask in the glory of being named a succesor to Clyde Cash on this trolling cult site
Hmm, nah, pretty sure that was you.
>> No. 31843

What exactly do you want me to do Sean? You could just as easily delete this thread, the /L/ one and call it a day but no, it's all about upholding your reputation on here, being an internet tough guy and all. Go ahead and ban me but you have my word that this issue will be in court if you don't take it off the internet right now.


Jen Rauh is a spoiled little princess of a bitch and one only needs to see her facebook for proof of that. "Chink" was maybe stretching it a bit into the racism category however.

Still, calling me out for never working when you're probably just a spoiled, snot nosed kiddie troll harassing transgender women on the internet when he should be doing his homework instead. Admit it Trey, you think you have the coolest troll persona around just like ween trolls, Zyklon and Introman.
>> No. 31844
Give it up, Rob.
>> No. 31845
Bob, I know you won't listen to me or anyone else for that matter, but I'll repeat it again and maybe on the 1000th time it will sink in: no one is out to get you. You are the cause of your own problems. You continue to come here and act like an ass. THAT is the root of your problem. Have you noticed that there are exactly 0 people here backing you up? It's not because you are smarter or better than everyone here. It's because you are wrong, so horribly wrong you can't even see it.

Get off the internet and get into therapy.
>> No. 31846
File 133558134852.png - (108.14KB , 429x342 , opisafag.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>my word that this issue will be in court if you don't take it off the internet right now.

You hear that Seanie?

>>204588 He marks his words. You scared?
>> No. 31847
  789chan and ADF stonecutters partied harder than Maury show guests in this thread
>> No. 31848
File 133558142677.jpg - (22.91KB , 303x720 , 26418_1241620283428_1316948428_30595657_7491694_n_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika image dump.
>> No. 31849
File 133558146614.jpg - (53.46KB , 720x540 , 23593_1255975362296_1316948428_30623478_3086182_n_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31850
File 133558147948.jpg - (62.87KB , 364x720 , 24703_1268700920427_1316948428_30651925_3907548_n_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31851
File 133558149171.jpg - (28.38KB , 240x360 , 39361_1369636483753_1316948428_30884238_5649655_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31852
File 133558151815.jpg - (62.72KB , 720x573 , 28615_1301503700476_1316948428_30719468_2544281_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31853
File 133558154985.jpg - (180.87KB , 920x2048 , 169127_1558130235979_1316948428_31253123_464941_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31854
File 13355815786.jpg - (50.15KB , 720x605 , 224478_1889875049392_1316948428_31653009_6257098_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31855
File 133558159958.jpg - (32.18KB , 457x712 , 180703_1558097715166_1316948428_31253066_4239865_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31856
File 133558164127.jpg - (76.57KB , 720x540 , 27715_1296331931185_1316948428_30708132_6301479_n_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31857
File 13355816598.jpg - (33.44KB , 720x540 , 163606_1541830148487_1316948428_31225041_494778_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31858

It's like if the uncanny valley had a face.
>> No. 31859
File 133558210945.gif - (496.49KB , 238x294 , butthurt.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>pathetic ugly deviant cross dressing scrawny worthless sack of crap
>>making fun of anyone else

>> No. 31860
If this site went after cute little girls instead of middle aged autistic weirdoes the media would be all over us and we'd end up shut down.
>> No. 31861
File 133558239918.jpg - (29.89KB , 582x480 , n1316948428_30223918_3595778.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Epic win rika trolling.
>> No. 31862
Jen just had a boob job and has really big tits now; she can be a princess as long as she wiggles.
>> No. 31863
Jesus what an ugly motherfucker.
You see this bobby? It wouldn't have happened if you didn't make this thread.
But no, you insisted, and now look what you've done. I have to go to therapy after looking at your face. You belong in the Necronomicon. You're mentally scarred a young man, are you happy? I used to have hope and dreams. Not anymore.
>> No. 31864
Rika looks like he's not even trying as hard as ADF to be a woman.

That takes skill.
>> No. 31865

get a job and pay your own rent
>> No. 31866
Rika, instead of a mazzoni lawyer go to the door that says mental health.
ps: your an assHole
>> No. 31867
My god... That's the stuff of nightmares.
>> No. 31868

But Jen is hot.

youre just an ugly crosss dressing cunt and I want to smash your face in.
>> No. 31869
Can we get this thread archived now?
>> No. 31870
Do you have a hard time keeping your teeth inside your mouth?
>> No. 31871
File 133558667520.gif - (312.13KB , 400x381 , scream.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Great, this thread just gets better and better. I didn't even know who this guy was, but for sure I'm glad he showed up.
>> No. 31872
If this thread is serious you are ridiculous, you can't just post cease and desist on a website nobody will take you seriously unless you get a lawyer to send a legal Cease and Desist letter physically to whoever.
>> No. 31873
Transgender/woman. Pick one
>> No. 31874
I'm not an internet tough guy, I just know what I'm saying when I say "I can't wait to countersue for damages"
>> No. 31875
>Happy and successful Asian person

>Call her a spoilt chink bitch

>Make thread about those mean bullying trolls
>> No. 31876
Strictlty speaking you'd have to get sued first for that to happen. Somehow I doubt any lawyer or court is going to take his legal theory of "people on the internet don't like me, give me money" seriously.
>> No. 31877
good job robert! instead of one thread you have two!!
>> No. 31878
Well this lovely thread has finally gotten to the point that you have to click to read the last 50 posts to see it properly. Seanie, don't ban Rika, at least not yet. This thread is so entertaining.

Rika, please listen, calm down and stop with the threats you know you can't back up. I'd like you to reply to some of the things I'm going to say, and seriously give the answers some thought, okay?

-Is it illegal to save or post pictures of someone which they have made public domain by posting them to the internet?
-Can you honestly claim you've never saved anyone's pictures or posted them?

-Do you realize having a public discussion about publicly available information is not trolling, stalking or harassment?
-Do you acknowledge that there are numerous screenshots of you outright stating that you're trolling people, and doing all the things you're flying into a rage about happening to you, and thus you're guilty of whatever "crimes" you accuse this website of?

-Are you aware of the long, amusing history of websites receiving e-mails or posts threatening legal action getting posted on the website for everyone to see and laugh at, and no one getting sued because people who intend to file lawsuits go through the proper channels instead of posting public threats and demanding to get their way? EncyclopediaDramatica and SomethingAwful each have dozens of examples.
-Are you aware that in every single one of those cases, angrily threatening legal action resulted in far more attention than the person would have gotten otherwise, and not only magnified by in fact caused much of the "abuse" that followed?

-Have you not been told repeatedly that if you just shut your mouth and kept quiet you would have been forgotten about by now? Consult that lolcow image. There are dozens of people who have been discussed here, but which ones are the most well-known? Which ones are discussed most? The ones who reacted. The ones who came here themselves to complain. Timbox isn't even aware of this board's existence, Duane and Ulillillia are more or less loved on this board for handling their situations with surprising maturity.

-Are you aware that this website does not fall under US jurisdiction?
-Are you aware of the first amendment?
-Has any of the information posted here about you been inaccurate?
>> No. 31879
File 133558893661.jpg - (21.82KB , 436x353 , yes shes mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In b4 this thread is archived.
>> No. 31880
SB, you should really take Rika out back and put it out of its misery.
>> No. 31881
This is the greatest thread ever.
>> No. 31882
Rika! Seanieb is attacking Earth. We need a team of autistics with attitude.
>> No. 31883
One more response, I hope it's a damn good one.
>> No. 31884
File 13355908647.jpg - (172.99KB , 1024x768 , DSCN3947.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Oh you don't want to help me because I didn't ask for help along your rigid protocol. Hmm, obsession with rituals... that reeks a lot of autism, doesn't it?
Yes, I'm sure your Aspie lawyer will certainly overlook your use of autism as a derogatory term to dismiss yourself of any need to follow standard legal protocol.
>Fine, I already have your dox anyway
>so I think we're just about even, Mr. Seanie Birkeen.
SOOO close, yet so far away.
>They've already done a complete backround check on you but unlike your cohorts I'm dignified enough not to post anything about you.
inb4 "the Seanieb dox sheet"

>In fact, who knows, maybe some of the moderators on this site have taken part in 'trolling' (read: cyberbullying, threatning, insulting and verbally abusing individuals with autism)
I am most certainly involved in trolling you with every post I've ever made. Anywhere. Ever.


You know you're floundering uselessly when Yasmin calls it straight.

We've still got another 200 posts for more butthurt lulz.

Your ill-chosen file format has given me retinal cancer due to severe compression artifacting. I'll be billing you my medical expenses for treatment as well as suing for damages because I will no longer be fit to do any sort of non-verbal work.

Once again, I look forward to seeing you attempt to obtain my dox. Here's a hint: dig through some of 789's dead boards.
>> No. 31886
File 133559198499.jpg - (12.59KB , 214x314 , bean.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't worry Rika, I know his TRUE and HONEST last name.

And identity.
>> No. 31887
File 133559417737.jpg - (93.74KB , 400x390 , ingrid.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i just wanted to say that before this thread i didn't know nor did i care about Rika. Now I can't get enough. please release more cocks.

Please Seanieb don't ban rika he is amazing
>> No. 31888
At this point we might as well just dump every "waiting for op to deliver " macro ever.
>> No. 31889
What is it with you lolcows always trying to take down entire websites because you're being trolled after literally asking for it? I personally blame anime.
>> No. 31890
File 133559982639.png - (42.46KB , 510x627 , a nice person.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's time that I start posting. I have over 6000 messages with Ms. Rika Stiles. Since Rika wants to harrass and bully her way in to compliance. It's time to unleash some of the messages I got from this women. Warning: Explicit language and Rage issues are in these screen caps.
>> No. 31891
File 133560005712.jpg - (38.89KB , 506x459 , Jordan hit on Rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There's a lot more screencaps!
>> No. 31892
File 133560017191.jpg - (36.72KB , 509x429 , ADF hit on Rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31893
File 133560026419.jpg - (66.67KB , 512x674 , Rika believing ADF to be a thief.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Go fuck yourself with a coat hanger, Robert!
>> No. 31894
File 133560038979.png - (19.51KB , 498x367 , Them conspiracies.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika admiring the trolls and uses us for the anti jordan campaign.
>> No. 31895
File 133560048522.jpg - (34.38KB , 505x428 , Rika chat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31896
Wow. I never cared about ADF or any of his friends until this thread. I vote Rika as Best Lolcow for 2012 already.
>> No. 31897
File 133560057447.jpg - (22.02KB , 510x249 , Rika Irony 0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, the sweet irony!
>> No. 31898
File 133560065725.jpg - (74.65KB , 519x883 , Rika on Introman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31899
File 133560075565.jpg - (34.40KB , 508x448 , Rika Jordman song.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31900
It's like the diary of a psychopath before they go on a shooting spree.
>> No. 31901
All of modern culture in general pretty much preaches "If someone disgarres with you they're wrong and deserve to be put on death row".
I blame the entire internet in general.
But yes I'm sure anime plays some role in it too.
Rika, again, so far crying like a baby has done the opposite effect you've wanted. Take it from CWC himself, sometimes babbling like a moron to people will get you tackled and chained to a wheelchair.
>> No. 31902
File 13356008699.png - (7.65KB , 518x182 , men flirt with me.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

All of Rika's bullies are now in awe at her beauty. That solipsism is amazing.
>> No. 31903
File 133560121137.png - (41.60KB , 512x467 , Rika on ADF court case.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31904
File 133560163860.png - (13.55KB , 495x346 , getting blackmailed attempt number 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31905
File 13356016632.png - (13.96KB , 523x334 , blackmail 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31906
File 133560180044.png - (28.09KB , 511x268 , Rika on his friends.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31907
File 13356018117.png - (16.06KB , 516x367 , blackmail attempt 3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Forgot to add that she helped with the Jordan and ADF articles.
>> No. 31908
So, Rika is a hypocrite who's ready to diss everyone despite of being oblivious to his own situation and as long as nobody diss himself?
A true Anon from /cwc/!
>> No. 31909
File 13356018601.png - (27.85KB , 507x309 , Rika on lolcows.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31910
File 133560193935.png - (16.94KB , 514x374 , blackmail attemp 4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31911
What on earth is it with the trollshielders that treat Chris or his family like subhuman garbage and then turn out to be just as bad a lolcow and even end up reacting the same way as Chris would even though Chris has more legitimate excuses for doing so.
>> No. 31912
Thanks, Rika, for never failing to deliver the lulz.

But they killed off Chris at the end of Autism Rangers In Space when what's-his-name shattered his tube to cleanse the internet of homosexual deviantry. Besides, the newer seasons are truer to Super Retards.
>> No. 31913
File 133560345238.png - (346.83KB , 812x5689 , one guy two transgenders.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31914
File 13356035224.png - (326.78KB , 508x280 , Capture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Laughing my ass off here, keep 'em coming.

This is thread of the year 2012.
>> No. 31915
Between this and the mylittleponyfriendshipismagic.com / Tacowiz doxing, this has been a good week.
>> No. 31916
For being about equality AH sure uses a lot of gender and sexuality related slurs in unironic ways.

Also the witch hunt for Petit Bourgeoisie is hilarious.
>> No. 31917
File 133560461539.png - (58.12KB , 517x1299 , hating on cwc.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Naruto sperging and hatred of CWC.
>> No. 31918
You are fighting a losing battle Rika. You'll never scare the trolls; they feed of of this kind of stuff. You are basically just putting more fuel to the fire. A fire that would have flicked out eventually.

Heck, I didn't even really read the other thread, but this one, I've read the whole thing.
>> No. 31919
Gotta love how he constantly refers to communism when talking about everything.
>> No. 31920
>pro red army

cant tell if 12 or just autistic
>> No. 31921
I think this may be the first and last time anyone refers to Chris as a "big super power".
>> No. 31922



>> No. 31923
This is a fucking bonfire.
>> No. 31924

That'd be so awesome
>> No. 31925
File 133561648581.png - (31.86KB , 420x454 , Rika_loveshy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31926
File 133561668190.png - (257.24KB , 2252x780 , Rika_the_backstabber.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika - a True and Honest woman and a loyal friend.
>> No. 31927
>ADF makes no effort to pass
>> No. 31928
waaah nobody understands the beauty of us trannys why are they getting precious china valentines day is a lie :(((((
>> No. 31929
Anyone have that video of Rika and Jordman being hideous in Philly?
>> No. 31930
Intro takes backups of everything, I'll notify him of the request
>> No. 31931
Great job dedicating this site to me, SeanieB. I'm sending this recent update to both my attorney AND the dectective agency I've hired. Now, it seems you've dedicated this whole site to laughing at a stupid but persistant "tranny with rage" Well, you've certainly slipped up doing that. Now it just looks like a big campaign against me and all of the stonecutters EPIC FB screencaps add to the whole impression of that.

You still have the golden oppurtunity to follow the cease and desist order at the top of the thread. We're picking up bits of information and IP addresses left and right and if you stop now it won't be like signing your own death penalty.

Oh and ban me, you cyberbullying, ransoming bitch. Negotiations didn't work with you cavepeople so now I'm going to have to take the rocky legal road. Next time you see me it may very well be from a defendant's seat with an underpaid public laywer defending your neckbearded asses.
>> No. 31932
>> No. 31933
Holy fuck it's like reading a slightly more coherent Chris. Except that Robert is a pretty cool guy
>> No. 31934

>> No. 31935
Don't you have a six inch fox dick to be choking A-log?
>> No. 31936

>> No. 31937
dat wordbutter
>> No. 31938
File 13356224796.jpg - (20.16KB , 400x400 , bill nye thats wrong.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>We're picking up bits of information and IP addresses left and right
But that's wrong you fucking retard. You can't get IPs without seizing the server. And the server is 1. Outside US jurisdiction, and 2. still online, meaning it hasn't been seized.

I'm still waiting for you to find my dox.
>> No. 31939
Rika is using the most cutting-edge technology his parent's money can buy, and with full cooperation of the FBI, as this is slightly more important than solving murder
>> No. 31940
Hi im rika ive a prick
all you trolls just make me sick
>> No. 31941
File 133562307171.jpg - (344.80KB , 2048x1536 , 133496582013.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why so mad, Rika? Do you really think someone is taking your bullshit seriously? NOPE

You're just another stupid tranny hungry for attention, and I'm loving every second of this drama. Keep feeding the fire, smartpants.
>> No. 31942
So Rika what did the lawyer your parents are paying you for say about coming on this site and making a fucking spectacle of yourself?

Just curious.
>> No. 31943
i have a tiny dick but this is a goddamn trick
you stupid dirty trolls are slandering my name, and i'll point it all at you and shit out the blame
>> No. 31944
Rika, you've probably heard this twenty time already and completely ignored it, so now i'm gonna say it again, and much more slowly and clearer so you might just have a chance to get it this time.


If you had anything to hold against us, you wouldn't still be here. You'd be over at your lawyers office, preparing your case. Instead you're still here, waving around empty threats hoping we'll be intimidated.

We will not.

You'd better put up or shut up, because this nut flexing crap isn't getting you anywhere.
>> No. 31945
this, Robert
>> No. 31946
But... but with all the dirty money we're raking in just by trolling you, we can simply buy the whole court and have them go after YOU! That's right, they're all in on it.
>> No. 31947
File 133562608165.jpg - (74.76KB , 400x1175 , backtraced.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31948
I'm going to give you a bit of advice that you won't listen to

your lawyer and private dick are real and just empty threats. They are cheating you out of your parents hard earned money. You have no case nothing here is illegal.

How many people have tried to get ED articles removed and have failed. What makes your situation different from theirs?
>> No. 31949
File 133562703095.jpg - (87.57KB , 600x546 , dog_lawyer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika, I just wish I were as funny as you. I was banned before the spurdo raid for posting ponies and discussing politics with some pinko homosexual deviant, but you are a blessing on a furiously cannibalizing board as this.
You're our elephant murder scene left by poachers to our inner lions and I love you for that.

I wish you're happy burning your money, Rika.
>> No. 31950
B...b...but he's a special tranny, which means he's from a protected class! And he was REALLY upset about it!

I like how he keeps ignoring the fact that if his definition of cyberbully is somebody who comes here and posts, he too would qualify since he came here and posted before he took legal action. In fact, if we consider meanness in the equation, he is probably being the biggest asshole I've seen on here in a long time. He is directly threatening us. In his world, that far exceeds the basic requirements of cyberbullying.
>> No. 31952
10/10 would send in detectives
>> No. 31953
Chances the lawyer sees easy dollar to be made from a clueless idiot - Moderate to High

Chances clueless idiot realises they haven't got a case - Low to Non-Existant
>> No. 31954
If the detective was real it'd be funny to see their face when trying to defend someone who calls people negros and chinks from getting made fun of.
>> No. 31955
>> No. 31956
I will help you out against these slanderous trolls: seanieb's IP address is
>> No. 31957
Delete this thread or I will personally see to it that there are no more Ahuviya cocks. I'll make it so you will never see anything from HER again.
>> No. 31958
File 133562802191.jpg - (29.27KB , 420x274 , burning-money.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What do you mean a high middle class teenager who crossdresses and lives with his family is not privileged and doesn't has all the right arguments to sue this site to the ground?
I'm confused.

He surely is right and will totally become a woman despite of being unable to change his DNA and owning a uterus.
>> No. 31959
Wait so are you saying you control what he does and doesn't do?

And if this thread is deleted you are going to continue to do to ADF what you want us to stop doing to you?
>> No. 31960
Not so fast, douchetard, we can counter-sue if you withhold cocks. That's why Thorg doesn't come around here any more, because he's someone's prison wife.
>> No. 31961
You're not threatening us with the cyberpolice now? You must be getting desperate.

Your ED page is going to look wonderful!
>> No. 31962
Hi, Rika. I'm Interrobang. It's nice to speak with you. Anyway, I was wondering if you could give me a well-thought out and coherent paragraph detailing your purpose(s) in regards your recent actions and how you plan on accomplishing these goals. I'm rather interested. I look forward to hearing from you.
>> No. 31963
Rika what kind of sentence does your detective say people here will get?
>> No. 31964
File 133562897385.png - (152.72KB , 769x595 , 133419508513.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31965
File 133562904274.jpg - (464.18KB , 2304x3072 , rufus2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm Rika's lawyer, Rufus Steinberg. I'm posting this photo of me to show you that I'm real and that I'm totally not a dog.
I graduated in Cornell with a degree in cheezeburger studies and internet law and I know how to play the banjo.
We are putting a cease and decease order on your site woof, so you must take all of my client's post off here or you will face the court bark bark.
>> No. 31966
Way to abandon everything you stood for in one sentence. You're making a stand against what you think is hate crime against trannies (1. it ain't hate crime or stalking and 2. neither of you are trannies)

So this is you telling us that the repercussion of not seizing "cyberbullying" you is that you will never stalk, cyberbully and commit hate crime against one of your friends?

you're a horrible fucking person
>> No. 31967
What are you gonna do, kill her?
>> No. 31968
It's ze, sie, hir, co or ey, you disrespectful howmoe.
>> No. 31969

Your right I should maintain a degree of political correctness. I am posting in a litigious thread after all.
>> No. 31970
These pages will one day be piled up in front of a top judge!
>> No. 31971
File 133563028810.jpg - (159.61KB , 619x360 , 2762247469_192c6bd295_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 31972
>> No. 31973
File 133563156163.png - (100.17KB , 1280x768 , sean birkeen.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
fuck that noise, I prefer to be called THEM. and you gotta fucking scream it or I'll sue for disrespectful use of my personal pronoun.

I'll help you rob, by confirming >>205044 is right. I left your IP visible so you can confirm this is totally legit and not edited at all in any way whatsoever.
>> No. 31974
Rika you fuckin IDIOT step away from the computer.

>>205073 what is the least time it has ever taken for a thread hear to hit 500 comments?
>> No. 31975

It's like if somebody made the entire female population of Staten Island fuse into 3 men's bodies.
>> No. 31976

Why are you vandalizing the site Robert, if you can unplug it whenever you want?

I thought you would have it down by now
>> No. 31977
smoke weed every day
>> No. 31978

I really love how you think IP addresses mean anything. I could post every IP in this thread and nothing would happen or be doable with them.

My IP is Better put that in your file on "Seanie Birkeen", lol.
>> No. 31979
File 13356335885.jpg - (939.95KB , 1981x1328 , 6a00c22520bd7a8e1d01240b988a56860e.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I googled "boots shaking" and I got this, so idk lol.
>> No. 31980
What is sad is they have basically turned a help group into a subculture hangout where they are only friends because they are trannies.

I bet the successful transsexuals don't spend all their time only hanging out with other transsexuals and instead try to assimilate back into normal society under their new gender identity.
>> No. 31981
IP confirmed for not the real Rika.
>> No. 31982
File 133563383234.jpg - (36.11KB , 225x224 , good_job_fag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're threatening us by saying that you won't cyberbully someone anymore. Way to completely destroy your case in one sentence.
>> No. 31983
Rika is swapping proxies (see the edits on the wiki) so you sure?
>> No. 31984
This IP doesn't match any of the other Rikas.

NetRange: -
OriginAS: AS30058

used a FDCserver's IP.
>> No. 31985
File 133563426064.png - (190.47KB , 1260x911 , Screen shot 2012-04-28 at 10_30_33 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh. It's just babby's first proxy.
>> No. 31986
File 133563428758.jpg - (160.20KB , 1210x622 , Rikas epic ween adventure with proxies.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika really has it in for Zyklon, doesn't he?
>> No. 31987
File 133563439928.jpg - (163.15KB , 800x913 , being_mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
god damn look at that mad!
>> No. 31988

>is a goddamn tranny

>thinks it can insult people AT ALL

how cute
>> No. 31989
Rika you are making Chris look calm and rational in comparison.
>> No. 31990
Why are you bothering to argue with this person? He's obviously incapable of listening to logic and has nothing on us, so why bother? We should've pretended to be scared so his ego inflates (or better yet, remove the /l/ thread and put it back on later for maximum mad.) or something, y'know, actual trolling.

But Seanie, is this really annoying you enough to actually want to ban him? Why? His empty threats are hilarious and god knows we actually need some funny lolcows around here.
>> No. 31991
Hey Yasmin... I thought the Indian people loved trannies, and that there is a custom in some areas for men to dress like women one week a year and allow themselves to be the fuck toys of other men. Why ya hating on Rika then?
>> No. 31992

Aren't those furries?
>> No. 31993
What they should have done was invented a whole new board all about he/she's .
>> No. 31994
>threatening to horde Phil's cockss to get us to stop

ha ha ha oh wow

no one gives a shit about phil anymore thanks to your shenanigans, bobby

you know i actually followed the ADF threads for amusement and i know everyone said they were nothing but tranny drama but i still held out hope that one day, one of you queers would pull something this fucking dumb

and congratulations bobby, you're the champion of dump

you are a credit to your people, son

also jesus christ your fucking hairline is receding faster than nick bate's erection around a postpubescent girl
>> No. 31995
Make bets on when Rika is going to commit suicide

I'm betting two years
>> No. 31996
I'm betting once his case falls through because his twenty dollar lawyer fails to show up that he just becomes an hero right on the spot.
>> No. 31997
Does being dead on the inside count?
>> No. 31998
Honestly... I am sure you've looked into this stuff and have talked with former mods of ED and all that. I am curious, what kind of case could Robert even thing he has against you? I see no rights infringement here, no harassment under the scope of the law, nothing. What do people like him say their case is and do things ever go to trial?
>> No. 31999
File 133563786874.jpg - (9.85KB , 159x147 , laugh200.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>implying it even has a 20 dollar lawyer
you're too generous seanie.
>> No. 32000
This just keeps getting better and better and better.
>> No. 32001
I'll answer that for you.

1. In his perspective, he thinks we can go to jail for hate crimes against autism and transgenderism, forgetting that we only make fun of stupid people.
2. Of course not, he obviously has absolutely nothing on us and is blowing smoke in a desperate attempt to scare the admins into removing everything about him.

As i said before, it would be pretty funny to pretend to give in to his demands, remove the threads and then put them back later, but no-one here seems to really care about actual trolling.
>> No. 32002
I've never talked to any ED mods, the most the guy could do is submit a DMCA request to me (I would be the ISP in this case, or the provider above me) the law gives provisions protecting ISPs from liability, I would have to accept the notice, pass it to the webmaster (which would be myself) and at that point, if it was a properly written notice, I would have to take it down or face litigation.

DMCA notices can't be posted in a public forum, and often times when it comes to trolling it's a really dumb idea to submit one because when you do your information is provided to the ISP & webmaster in question. In order for it to be valid, full contact info has to be provided.

He doesn't really have a case at all if he doesn't want to file the complaint against me, myself, or the ISP above me. Not a lot of this shit usually goes to actual litigation unless it's a huge corporation with lots of money to throw out the window because most infringers never really pay damages.
>> No. 32004

Wait didn't you just give all the info it needs to file a DMCA claim?
>> No. 32005
I don't even see anything that bad here. What? An IP? Pix? A name? He has provided all of that to you, you didn't steal it or coerce it out of him. Being a tranny doesn't make you some special victim unless you're a victim because you're a tranny. He's not even a victim period, this is tame. I can see why a lawyer would entertain the bullshit, especially considering he's paying, but even DMCA, I don't see why you'd be obligated to remove anything beyond just strict adherence to a business policy, which is respectable.
>> No. 32006
It is fairly obvious Rika is unable to offend anyone, even if he was given a detail instruction how to file a DMCA. Hell, even if he had a nuclear bomb people would just keep laughing at him.
>> No. 32007

This is true
>> No. 32008

The joke is that this is a google away, and they would have to dox themselves and if I removed the thread there would be no more legal shoulders to stand on.
>> No. 32009
Hey I just realised CWCs ADFwiki page is mostly about ADF. Why's that?
>> No. 32010
Just curious what the story with that .gif is?
>> No. 32011
It's Yasmin being awesome.
>> No. 32012
Gore is against the rules, Yasmin.
>> No. 32013

I think it's that fellow from the "SO CASH" creepypasta.


It is? well then I'll delete it. my mistake.
>> No. 32014
File 133564317099.jpg - (55.22KB , 500x434 , mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
op is
>> No. 32015
>Yasmin thinks it can troll
Weren't you bitching about how Chris can get some, but you're still a virgin a couple of threads ago?

Stick around, you're perfect for Rika.
>> No. 32016

Nope. Dunno where you got that.
>> No. 32018
>Yasmin denying something compromising after having volunteered everything days ago
Oh don't be so shy.
You tell us about everything you whenever you get the chance.
About being a virgin with rage, about how your cousins are autistic and every little thing we've never asked you about.

Don't deny it, you and Rika are one of a kind.
>> No. 32019
Don't cut off your dick, dude. You'll regret it.
>> No. 32020
I don't get Robert Stiles. I hear it lives off their parents and assuming they're halfway serious about these absurdly hilarious threats to lawyer up against the internet for laughing at their public information, wouldn't his parents ask why they don't get a job rather than spending their time, effort, and inevitably money on something this stupid?

I mean if I had the means to get all my shit paid for so I can pretend to be an ugly woman and spend all my time making baseless and persistent legal threats, I'd at least pretend I'm being semi-productive or building toward some sort of goals to keep the money train rolling. Either way thanks Robert, I've never encountered this depth of angry autism and obliviousness in many years on the internet.
>> No. 32021
How does one "trace bits of IPs"? Does he stare at the user names really intently untilnumbers fly out of the screen like in the matrix.
>> No. 32022
File 13356592922.jpg - (193.79KB , 497x293 , Bringiton_resize-thumb-497xauto-4132.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32023
Hi Rika go ask your cummunity school lawyer.
Sorry but I had to say that cause of who I am. Didn't mean to piss ya off.
>> No. 32024
Hey SeanieB, i know this probably isn't the best place to ask but screw it, are you having trouble with IRC too? I've been trying to log onto it for the better part of a month now with no success.
>> No. 32025
No, what hostname are you using to connect to it?
>> No. 32027
As much as I love Coney this actually sounds like a great idea.
I mean just for a little while at least.
>> No. 32028
I think Rika and her lawyer did it. You've got to believe me when I say that Rika is as wild as a serial raper and will stop at nothing to take us trolls down. It might be time to stop this act, before that d*** tranny hunts us down.
>> No. 32030
Um, hey mods. Rika gets mad when people use his handle, so why not just swap out anonymous/coney with Rika?
>> No. 32031
I'm just clicking links in my web history.

If you could provide me with a better link, that'd be great.
>> No. 32032
File 133566621363.png - (339.62KB , 814x500 , tommyleegeorge.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>We're picking up bits of information and IP addresses left and right and if you stop now it won't be like signing your own death penalty.
>> No. 32033

How about you think for a second. Hmm, what would that look like from a legal standpoint? Maybe harassment? Yeah, actually it looks a lot like harassment!

You know, why don't I just give you soap and a toothbrush and tell ya to go scrub Star Jones 'tude; that'll keep you busy for a while. You stonecutters are like little children. Always needing to be entertained.
>> No. 32034
Why aren't you idiots listening to me?! Rika's a very dangerous, very intelligent individual and he's going to fuck us up in court if we don't stop now. Please, I don't want to go to jail...
>> No. 32035
Guys, I'm pretty sure Rika has a case against us, this site is filled with shit about her, we're pretty much stalking in the eyes of the law. It's a really good idea to simply take down those threads, we don't know how far she's going to take this.
>> No. 32036
Robert Stiles, it is not harassment when you're the one coming here on your own free will.
>> No. 32037
>>Hmm, what would that look like from a legal standpoint?
>Mad because people use a handle similar to yours
Sorry dear, but there isn't much to litigate about nicknames getting taken while on the net.

You'd do much better to go and sue the things you called friends.
Jordan and Phil leaked all your images. They also left spyware on your PC. Those are things you could press charges over and you're letting them get away with it.
>> No. 32038
You idiot! She's only coming here to warn us about her case! Our continued harrassment is only adding fuel to the fire, we need to stop this. Now.
>> No. 32039
Chris will be in jail before Rika ever gets a lawyer.
>> No. 32040
No, it's because Homor uses dialup
>> No. 32041
Should be able to use

>> No. 32042
File 13356683645.jpg - (69.28KB , 800x479 , 800px-Hk50s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hi JenkinsJinkies!
>> No. 32043

Hi Rika
>> No. 32044
Ive been gone for awhile, last time I was really active here was when the ADF thread was just picking up steam (I was David Koresh from the ADF aim log). I remember us toying with the idea of an ADF wiki on IRC. I come back, and not only is the wiki a reality, but thiz board has gone from a chris/damn that hoarding clyde cash/sagechu circlejerk of fail to something truly special. goddamn guys.. almost brings a tear to my eye. i dont know who the fuck rika is, but this is hilarious. any links or anything to help me catch up, or should i just read through all the shit on /L/?

Once again, bra-fucking-vo guys.
>> No. 32045
File 133567036953.png - (56.07KB , 370x700 , tumblr_lvfjtyVvNK1qz4cuyo1_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not really when I type Rika into google I get pictures from some shitty anime. Your name is Robert anyway.

I can't go around online telling people my name is batman then send fake cease and desist notices to DC comics for stealing my name and being mean to me.
>> No. 32046
actually, the anime is really fucking strange, if you're into gore and psychological horror it might be cool to check out.
>> No. 32047
Whats it called? I might check it out I do like weird fucked up anime.
>> No. 32048
I'm not that much of a weeaboo, so I'll most likely misspell this, I know it's on torrent all over

"Higuarashi No Naka Noro Ni Kai" if I'm remembering it right
>> No. 32050
Here's the clip where Rika's namesake kills herself in a really fucked up way, but she ends up being a main character in the series, if you actually watch it you might get why this isn't really the end for her
>> No. 32051
File 13356732769.jpg - (57.52KB , 400x566 , Monster.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>if you're into gore and psychological horror
Meh, Shock and gore is fine and all, but a little more finesse couldn't hurt.
>> No. 32052

I almost completely forgot about that song. thanks, whoever you are.
>> No. 32053
>You've got to believe me when I say that Rika is as wild as a serial raper
>serial raper

Seems like mama raised a hell raiser.
>> No. 32054
File 133569212877.jpg - (45.39KB , 638x478 , Stonecutters HQ.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This Rika guy sounds pretty dangerous and not lolcow-y and delusional at all.
>> No. 32055
File 133569294394.jpg - (23.37KB , 476x500 , 1330554018133.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thanks, I had a good laugh.

Now if you want to come back to reality let's get some things straight:

1. This is an open forum where people can talk about other people. If you don't like what people think or say about you maybe you should work on improving yourself as a person.

2. Unless you submit an actual C&D ordered by a judge I doubt any admins would take you seriously

3. Why the fuck are you caring what a bunch of spergs on the internet are saying about you? Are you so much of an aspie that you can't accept some anonymous criticism?

4. Free speech. I don't think anyone here has threatened physical harm or anything against you. All people are doing is talking which is protected in most 1st world countries.

5. By making demands like you have, you do realize that you make yourself MORE of a target of trolling, right?

6. You mad, bro?

7. pic related
>> No. 32056

Hi Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith.
>> No. 32057
File 133569399597.jpg - (532.62KB , 1024x768 , volleyballs_wallpaper.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

205522 here. I don't really follow anyone but CWC and occasionally ADF so I don't even know who that is.

Link for lulz please? :D You can have some tits
>> No. 32058

go away Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith
>> No. 32059
>> No. 32061
File 133569633675.png - (470.60KB , 2785x1325 , Untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika's DOXing attempts are so sad I've gotta help him a bit.

Here's a small hint, Rika. Hope you get those dang dirty trolls.
>> No. 32062
>what would that look like from a legal standpoint?


There is absolutely nothing in any law book about using an internet nickname.

You have no case, NONE.
>> No. 32063

Can you please stop and remove my threads from this site? Just humor me for once and I won't have to go through with this.
>> No. 32064
This intellectual journey has been an epiphany for me, I wish you utmost luck in your future endeavours. Your astonishing skill with threatening to DOX and then pussy out was especially delicious.
>> No. 32065
Rika, you don't get it. You got stung by a bee, and in autistic fury you went charging into the hive. Now that your butt is covered in welts you think you can reason with the bees?

We want to see your attempt at taking this to court. Before this thread we were barely aware of your existence. You were just one of many in the gaggle of backstabbing retards that with ADF.

You reacted in the worst way possible. Do you think anyone saved any of your pictures or information before they were reposted in this thread? I guarantee you people have now.

Few things excite us more than the notion of one lolcow contacting another. I hope you do try to contact Nick Bate, and A-Lof, and Anthos and so on. I'd be happy to post e-mails for several lolcows I'd love to see react to this.

Send in detectives, send in aspie lawyers, please.
>> No. 32066

lol cry moar, brosis. This shit will never be removed.
>> No. 32067
File 133571660083.jpg - (21.62KB , 300x400 , payaso_tontin1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm Rika's detective and I'm telling you we have enough information to take this to court.
I have archived all the conversations that involve my client and they will be used as evidence on the case.
If I were you I baleet errything honk! honk!.
>> No. 32069
Oh man my sides.
>> No. 32071
File 133571684163.gif - (471.25KB , 257x137 , deal with it.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You do, already, at this point, realize that you alone are to blame for the attention you are getting? And you are the one who created, not one thread about yourself, thus drawing attention to you, but TWO?

I think the best thing to do right now would be sitting down, and starting to thing how to stop fucking up.

But before that, give us one reason why the threads should be removed. Herp derp lolsuit is a bad answer, because no one takes it seriously. And these threads are absolutely hilarious. We could only lose by deleting these threads, we have absolutely no reason to do as you ask.

TL;DR How about no, stupid tranny lol
>> No. 32073

How did you find a photo of my lawyer?!? This is worse than the Rwandan genocide!

Your loss, doxing a lawyer will get you executed by the UN for Crimes against Humanity.
>> No. 32074
You've been warned, mister. honk!
>> No. 32075
File 133571708947.png - (490.58KB , 1000x800 , Untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More hints coming to help your hired trollbuster squad.
>> No. 32076
so we make fun of you, big deal. at least you're not as ugly as Phil and Jordan. I might actually let you suck me off if i was totally shitface drunk. Just move on with your tranny fag life and stop posting here. threatening us just adds fuel to the fire
>> No. 32078
I think he was refering to sperging retards in general, such as you and yours.
>> No. 32079
File 133571750788.jpg - (55.11KB , 500x455 , hitler and a bird.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yes, I want to join your crusade against the Stonecutters, my name is Zyklon. We might have met.

No, just kidding. It's just so sad to see you trying to fight the internet. Makes me feel bad for you. It's like Don Quixote fighting windmills. Wanted to offer you my helping hand.
>> No. 32081
File 133571805432.jpg - (36.00KB , 595x385 , lets-do-this-spiderman-ofOTeh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Okay, number one, Jennfer frequents this board. If you just say his name enough times in your posts, I'm sure he'll eventually see it and write you a kind, heartfelt reply with his response, and then you can try to decipher it.

For the rest, you seem to think I'd post fake dox. No, I really want you to try to conact these people. Please though, promise me you'll share the correspondence with us. I'm just gonna copy/paste from ED and let you pick which method you want to use to try to contact them.

A-Log: http://encyclopediadramatica.se/A-Log#Dox

Fayekane can be contacted here: http://fayekane.blogspot.com/?zx=119ac0dcd445092
She's a lot like beetlejuice in that she'll show up if you say her name enough times, though after two negative experiences here I think she's sworn to never post here again. You'll probably get on well with her.

JustinRPG can be contacted at his facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Justin.the.Moltres.rider

Be nice to him. He's quite paranoid, and will more likely than not assume you're a troll.

DakariKingMykan: http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Mykan#External_Links

Timbox: http://www.youtube.com/user/timboxmckenzie

Likely neither of those two will care or respond to you.

Nick Bate: http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Nick_Bate#External_links

Your best bet is his twitter, he doesn't have a computer most of the time so usually he can only access twitter with his phone, and even then only if he hasn't run out of minutes on his phone which he frequently does. Have fun reading his tweets.

Gabrielle Chana: http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Gabrielle_Chana#External_Links

Tell her we're Jesuits.

Anthos the Crimson Impulse: http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Anthos#Dox

He may be receptive, but has become paranoid and will more than likely assume you're a troll.

Pixyteri: http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Pixyteri#See_also

I'm surprised if you hadn't checked ED. Have a fun day, I'm eager to see your results. Maybe by the time you're done you'll have your own page.
>> No. 32082
That is a real photo. Hitler was one of the original PVCC but got booted because of Kacey. So now he's here. He was the one who leaked the house tour.
>> No. 32083
File 133571824289.jpg - (45.22KB , 387x577 , Hitler serious 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>why don't you let us all know what you truly look like Zyklon
Because you are not in a position to ask for anything except that you get trolled harder, and you have already expressed attraction to me which I frankly find slightly creepy.
>> No. 32084
late to the party here. what are these videos rika is talking about being blackmailed into?
>> No. 32085
Oh you didn't know? Rika was the hooker Chris fucked.
>> No. 32086
>> No. 32087
I'd post the judge willing to take Rika's case but I'm afraid she is a pony.

Also OP is a poopy-head who likes boys.
>> No. 32088
It's called transgender homosexualism, and it's totally different. Totally.
>> No. 32089
File 133572138554.png - (100.59KB , 350x500 , 00_mad_guidebook.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You stonecutters are like little children. Always needing to be entertained.
So, Rob doesn't know what stonecutters means and unironically thinks it's a code word for /cwc/ users. lol.

If you don't go through with this, I'll sue you for hoarding cocks.
>> No. 32090
>So, Rob doesn't know what stonecutters means and unironically thinks it's a code word for /cwc/ users. lol.
I think Rika genuinely thinks only transphobic nazis can laugh at poor oppressed trannies, ergo, someone makes fun of him, he must be part of the super secret trolling cabal hategroup.
>> No. 32091
>> No. 32092

>> No. 32093
Auto sage and moving to /L/ so Rob can sue you for twice the amount of fuck all! yaaaay
>> No. 32094
When this thread is archived, do you think Rika will go quiet and just take his defeat in stride, or create a third thread?

Or, 24th or however many. He made one on each of the other boards too, right?
>> No. 32095
I went through and deleted all the other ones except for the one in /bitch/
>> No. 32096
just posting to say HI MISTER ROBERT STILES
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