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No. 42166
I am here to literally plead to you and throw money. (VIA PAYPAL ONLY. I will post my paypal email later when I have an offer.) I think my boss knows about the ED webpage and she's been acting completely suspicious around me, treating me like shit. THIS IS TOTALLY DAMAGING MY SANITY AND PSYCHE. Let me fucking tell you. Ever since your fake blackmail shit went up my life has been on the knife's edge.

You must have even contacted my father because he's just calling me "A COMPLETE FAILURE AND A QUEER" and refusing to care about his only daughter anymore.


Expand all images
>> No. 42167
But will it blend?
>> No. 42168
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles I was going to help until you started e-threatening me!
>> No. 42169
File 13440306482.png - (247.21KB , 771x882 , RIKAYYYY TEXT.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My Hero has returned!
>> No. 42170
You mean your father hasn't ever said you were a complete failure and a queer before? I find that hard to believe.
>> No. 42171
How is it our fault that your father is disappointed at his son turning out as a...thing?
>> No. 42172
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, let me tell you something that will probably save your life:

It's the fucking internet, stop taking it so fucking seriously. If you have a problem with it, just turn the damn thing off.
>> No. 42173
>> No. 42175
What I think would help is if you wore a my little pony shirt everywhere since everyone loves that show therefore people would be more sympathetic towards you!
>> No. 42176
"form" not "forum"

video related, it's me reacting to OP's post
>> No. 42177
now your talking Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, send me 200$ and I'll see what I can do, I know alot of powerful people in both Norway and in the states.
>> No. 42178
File 13440315785.jpg - (225.08KB , 576x720 , butthurt form.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's good to have you back, Robb. If you can take a second to fill out this form, your situation would be assessed as soon as possible.

>You must have even contacted my father because he's just calling me "A COMPLETE FAILURE AND A QUEER" and refusing to care about his only daughter anymore.

Did he do that, because he seen your pony porn or has he been holding his true feelings about you for quite a while?
>> No. 42179

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, that's no way to treat the people you are begging for help.
>> No. 42180
I suggest you take his offer Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 42181
File 134403173971.gif - (464.49KB , 200x199 , mysides.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42182
File 134403181743.gif - (171.22KB , 375x375 , 1338777982642.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So what's this all about /cwc/? I haven't been paying attention to this homosexual deviant at all and it seems like things are getting interesting.
>> No. 42183
I'd trust this guy Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles we know who he is and he can help you out
>> No. 42184
The only reason people could possibly have to dislike me is an ED page that they may or may not have even seen!
>> No. 42185
Go read the 12 threads in /l/
Post nudes so we know you won't just file a claim with PayPal after you get what you want
>> No. 42186

>> No. 42187
File 134403221436.jpg - (10.50KB , 222x281 , Hitler empathetic smile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert, I think this is happening because you act like a retard and "complete failure and a queer" in real life. Not because of those dang dirty trolls.

And why would I be? Just after that sentence you said you'd love to kill us all.
>> No. 42188
>You must have even contacted my father because he's just calling me "A COMPLETE FAILURE AND A QUEER" and refusing to care about his only daughter anymore.

This has been a long time coming, it must be really horrible for your father.

All those hopes and dreams he must have had for you as a child, and then you just turn into a leeching, neurotic, cross dressing, fagg0t.
>> No. 42189
>Robbay trying to guilt to stop trolling him and make money on paypal

>> No. 42190
Oh, Robb. You are both hilarious and stupid. Why the hell would anyone want to help you if you turn right around with talk of tearing us apart?


How can you damage that which has already been OBLIVERATEed? And one more question for you: Are you sorry you dropped Jordan's dox yet? Because that's what started this whole lollercoaster to begin with. If it weren't for your sorry attempt at trollshielding, you'd only be known as the annoying off-camera voice in that one ADF video. You brought this upon yourself, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 42191
>> No. 42192
File 134403244134.png - (250.14KB , 500x375 , 1343935422167.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Joe cracker actually, If you send me the cash Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i'll make it seem like you never existed, I know alot of people and I'd suggest you take my offer because it's not staying around for long.
>> No. 42193
Joe, don't ruin another fucking lolcow for us.
>> No. 42194
Master troll Robert and High Warlord of the Wraith, gentlemen.
>> No. 42195
Joe Cracker, you fucking piece of shit, do you know how much damage you caused this site? You're the reason we don't have Peter Ford threads anymore!
>> No. 42196
File 134403277593.jpg - (59.95KB , 257x276 , 4ff86320a063d62f810000e7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rob, you are truly my hero.
>> No. 42198

Oh, they've been interesting for quite awhile. You've missed a lot.
>> No. 42201
File 134403303862.jpg - (21.72KB , 500x447 , 1341718607377.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
When moneys on the table, I'm willing to do what i have to.
>> No. 42202
Fuck, i miss Peter Ford threads. I actually worked on the ED page for him back in the day.

I still can't believe it's gone.
>> No. 42203
Someone screen cap this shit so when Robayyyyy eventually delete this thread we can still all laugh at him. He I do it but I'm on my phone
>> No. 42204
How about we all agree to leave ROBBAAAAY alone if he makes a $1000 donation to SeanieB?
>> No. 42205
File 134403317022.jpg - (31.95KB , 300x428 , hitler thumb up.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Already done, and uploaded to Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Thank you, Robert, for all your help with the article.
>> No. 42207
>> No. 42208
Rob, maybe your boss treats you like shit because you burn the big macs and keep dropping the french fried. Ever think of that? ITS ALL YOUR FAULT.
>> No. 42209
File 134403346444.png - (143.36KB , 852x852 , derpy lol.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No. 42210
>> No. 42211
guys do you realize we are the closest thing robbay has to friends :(
>> No. 42212
At least he has all those men who drool over him.
>> No. 42213
File 134403398071.jpg - (20.78KB , 490x310 , alanscottwood.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
True to form Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles blames the trolls.. Cause there is no way Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's boss and dad would be pissed and upset with him for something he did. He he's a perfect special snowflake
>> No. 42214
File 134403416941.jpg - (25.10KB , 335x400 , u mad coz im stylin on you 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Heads up to Robert:

The Encyclopedia Dramatica article has 40.000 views, and it appears on ED's "Popular articles" lists.

Here are some (including, but not limited to) articles that are less popular than Robert's own article: Barack Obama, Cosplay, Paris Hilton, FanFiction, 420chan, Halo and AnonTalk.

Funny, don'tcha think. Robert always wanted to be big and notable. Now that he is, he's unhappy.
>> No. 42215
Robbay, we promise to leave you alone if you reenact every last one of Chris's videos. Mimicking his attire(or lack thereof) in each video is a must.
>> No. 42216
Also obligatory.
>> No. 42217
Also this.
>> No. 42218
>You must have even contacted my father because he's just calling me "A COMPLETE FAILURE AND A QUEER" and refusing to care about his only daughter anymore.
>"I didn't raise a daughter", and my father threw the damned "fag" card at me.
Truly Robert is new Chris.
>> No. 42219
File 134403507010.png - (179.96KB , 601x424 , Robfap.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>A man by the name of Robert is asking the internet to pay him money

I don't know why, but this seems familiar for some reason...
>> No. 42220
File 134403580761.png - (150.73KB , 762x542 , operationrika - Tinychat_1344034924061.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42221
Y'know, I was wondering the other day when Robb came back if anyone had ever tried to contact his parents or not.
>> No. 42222
Look, I am not a poet nor can I ever convince this ignorant hoard of anything but you are really hurting me, /cwc/. Do you know that I've cried countless times over the article but I still had to be strong? Even when people call me every thing from a drag queen to a hideous freak, I am able hold back the tears of rage and sheer emotion but this has OBLIVERATEed everything I've worked for in my life.

Do you think that a gender queer is not a human, /cwc/? Do you think that my skin does not bleed when you cut it and I don't take a shit every now and again, just like you?! Do you think that I don't feel fucking lonely in my life? NO. YOU HAVE NEVER CONSIDER THAT.

Why do I deserved to be treated like Christian Weston Chandler or ADF? I, for one love my family regardless of the shit that gets between us. Chris just uses his family as a stepping stone for his autism and Phillip wants to put a goddamn BULLET in his fathers head. How are we by any chance similar.

Introman, just answer me. Who the hell are you?! You've probably held a grudge against me since high school I'm sure. What made you change from Ahuviya to me?! He's a hundred fuckin times worse.
>> No. 42223
I almost can't believe this is really Robbay. What do most people do when they're having problems with their job or parents?
Go to the board you troll yourself with, beg for money, and make threats. Obviously.

Try PFLAG, Robbay, I even found their website for you. http://pflag.org
If that doesn't work maybe you can use your vast wealth to found a trailblazing Parents and Friends of Lolcows, Wraiths and Obliverators.
>> No. 42225
>What made you change from Ahuviya to me?!

Because you never learn. You just keep crawling back. It's not that difficult a concept to grasp, Robb. No wonder your boss is giving you shit...
>> No. 42226
File 134403662824.jpg - (159.62KB , 595x842 , 1316991101836201.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think the ED page should stay up. Not to punish you but make an example... You act like an ass online you get callout.

We might have hundreds of Matt Millers or Kimmos running around if it were not for ED or /cwc/
>> No. 42227
File 134403665356.jpg - (104.20KB , 1280x853 , Hitler has all the bitches.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Why do I deserved to be treated like Christian Weston Chandler or ADF?
Because you are funny. Why is it so hard to understand? You also have several times expressed you'd love to kill your trolls, so it's kinda hard to feel bad for trolling you.

>I, for one love my family regardless of the shit that gets between us. Chris just uses his family as a stepping stone for his autism and Phillip wants to put a goddamn BULLET in his fathers head.
You use your family to get money. I do not doubt that Chris loves his parents. He was broken when Robert died.

>Do you think that a gender queer is not a human, /cwc/? Do you think that my skin does not bleed when you cut it and I don't take a shit every now and again, just like you?! Do you think that I don't feel fucking lonely in my life? NO. YOU HAVE NEVER CONSIDER THAT.
I do know you are miserable. But that's because you keep coming back and don't do anything to improve your life. That's not our fault. We can do only as much as you allow us: Without you, we wouldn't have any cocks. And here's the daily reminder that you started the trolling by attacking your friends.

>Introman, just answer me. Who the hell are you?! You've probably held a grudge against me since high school I'm sure. What made you change from Ahuviya to me?! He's a hundred fuckin times worse.
I can answer this one: You are funnier and you give us steady cocks, while even Ahuviya, no matter how crazy, understands to keep away. Think about that. Ahuviya is smarter than you.
>> No. 42228

>Do you think that a gender queer is not a human, /cwc/?

How many times have we been over this, we don't about your gender shit, there's a mod on this site that's transitioning and we have no problem with them at all, we don't like you because you're just a cunt.
>> No. 42229
Yeah, when Bob died, Chris completely shut down. It's not really fair to say he doesn't love his family.
>> No. 42230

Introman is an advanced trolling and doxing AI created by SeanieB. He uses algorithms to create the most inflammatory posts and scour dox.

You have incurred its wrath.
>> No. 42231
>Introman, just answer me. Who the hell are you?! You've probably held a grudge against me since high school I'm sure. What made you change from Ahuviya to me?! He's a hundred fuckin times worse.

See this.

Seanie was involved in the Cleverbot project, he knows how to work this shit pretty well.
>> No. 42232
Surely nobody can be this stupid. To come back to 789chan after all this, blaming all your problems (even ones that probably have nothing to do with 789chan) on the board, begging for money and to top it all off posting MLP as your title? Just wow.

Mr Styles, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, Rob, man lady person whatever the fuck you are... I'm not somebody who's been following you and I think you're totally fucking loonie. What the fuck is wrong with you? I only know enough about these threads to know that lots of good advice has actually be said to you again and again, yet toy ignore it and deliberately fan the flames. Why?

And how old are you? You write like a narcissistic 15 year old. If you're a teenager you can grow out of this. If you're over 20... well shit, put aside the dresses for a few years, figure out what you want to be, work hard at a vocation, and make something of yourself. Then if you still want it you can have all the dresses and surgery you want, in addition to independent means, perspective on life, and the ability to take pride in your achievements. As it is you have no achievements, you're some loser who begs the asshole of the internet for money even while he insults them (and shows just what a stupid and self-centred arsehole he is).
>> No. 42233
File 134403714431.gif - (306.73KB , 500x375 , skeletor-laughing-animation.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Do you think that my skin does not bleed when you cut it and I don't take a shit every now and again, just like you?!

Oh my god , too funny , my sides
>> No. 42234
Rob is 24.
>> No. 42235
Oh lord I prey this doesn't get deleted
>> No. 42236
We've told you exactly what you need to do many, many times. If you just stopped coming here we would eventually forget about you. But you can't help yourself, can you? You're making your own situation even worse every time you post here, whether it be to beg for mercy, or to threaten us.

What are you even offering us money for? The ED page isn't coming down, there's nothing anyone can do about that now. If you boss was going to google you he would have done it before he hired you, not weeks after, you're probably just not working hard / well enough.
>> No. 42237
Just what did you think would happen when you dropped Jordman's DOX, Robbay? Did you think he'd just forgive and forget? One of these days, we will force you to admit that you were your own undoing.
>> No. 42238

He isn't begging for money, he's offering it.
>> No. 42239
File 134403726842.png - (122.45KB , 397x345 , MakingFunOfMe.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42240
What an absolute fucking manbaby.

Rob you seem to have no idea how infuriating a person you are. You're not strong or brave, you're a weak coward. You have no perspective and can't see just how pathetic your actions are. Instead, just like Chris-chan and ADF, you half-ass basic things everyone is expected to do and point to it as evidence of how "strong" you are. Just stop. Stop.
>> No. 42241

Seriously, this was manufactured and now I can show it to everyone. Thanks a fucking lot.

This makes me think, would you be torturing me this hard if I was a REAL woman?! Knowing the extreme misognist that Introman is, perhaps not. He's so horny he demands his fellow trolls to wear stilettos if they're women.

Fucking chauvanist pig.
>> No. 42242
Ok Rob, put your money on the table. How much you got to stop all this?
>> No. 42243
Oh god. Sorry its 1am where I am. I've seen people beg for money on other *chans before, but never seen them beg to give money to them.

Maybe he's actually trying to cook up criminal charges for the website? I'm sure according to tard logic accepting his donation would totally equal blackmail.
>> No. 42244
God, you're stupid. If you acted the way you do, it doesn't matter what gender/orientation you are. You are funny because you're stupid. That's all.
>> No. 42245
my offer is still on the table Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, 200$ to make this shit stop here, take it or leave it. the choice is yours.
>> No. 42246
File 134403770650.png - (78.32KB , 253x235 , nazi oh you.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Seriously, this was manufactured and now I can show it to everyone. Thanks a fucking lot.
Of course it was manufactured, what did you expect? People don't get trolled "by an accident".

>This makes me think, would you be torturing me this hard if I was a REAL woman?! Knowing the extreme misognist that Introman is, perhaps not. He's so horny he demands his fellow trolls to wear stilettos if they're women.
You do realize it's pretty stupid to assume a National Socialist would get offended by someone supporting traditional gender roles?

But thanks for getting mad for me, it's really kind and thoughtful of you.

And may I remind you you wanted your own internet harems.
>> No. 42247
>This makes me think, would you be torturing me this hard if I was a REAL woman?!
>REAL woman

Robbay finally admits he will never be a TRUE and HONEST female
>> No. 42248

>This makes me think, would you be torturing me this hard if I was a REAL woman?

If you were still doing and saying exactly what you have been then yes, most definitely.
>> No. 42249
Who the fuck is this guy?
>> No. 42250

>Fucking chauvanist pig.

>Actually the Harem is for forcing female players to cyber with us against there will.
>> No. 42251
You know you might be able to attract more people to your cause if you cranked out some videos on youtube.
>> No. 42252
>> No. 42253

A skilled untroller.

He has hit our cocks stocks quite hard over the years.... pay him his fee and you disappear off the internet.

Bad for business.
>> No. 42254
His gender dysphoria claims are all complete bullshit. He loves having a cock, he's said before he would never get the operation.

He's a drag queen, nothing more.
>> No. 42255
He was also proud of his dick so yeah.
>> No. 42256

>About Just doing my job

>Trying to stop the child abuse of a famous youtuber!

What's this about?
>> No. 42257
It's a mirror, not ROBBAY's True and Honest account.
>> No. 42258
Seriously though, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. If you want this to end, we might be able to help.

Get in IRC and discuss the conditions with SeanieB.
>> No. 42259

I'll be in the IRC as well Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. We can finally end this, seeing as how you're completely defeated.
>> No. 42260
as will I
>> No. 42261
Give me a private chat. As TC does not work on my iphone.
>> No. 42263
It's funny because a few people only actually did anything to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles! But nope, all of /cwc/ is clearly conspiring against it!
>> No. 42264

If we can't determine that you're Rika, you'll get kicked.
>> No. 42265
>Implying /cwc/ isn't all one single bipolar self-loathing man constantly calling himself a CWCki forums member or A-log over and over all night
>> No. 42266
I am still confused about the meaning of "Chris just uses his family as a stepping stone for his autism".
>> No. 42267

Rika, make some youtube videos and we"ll stop.
>> No. 42268

2)"Then get in IRC Rika"

3)Rika enters IRC, talks to Seanie for an hour

4)Repeat weekly as needed.
>> No. 42269
I, personally, think that Ms. Rika Wayne Stiles is a strong, beautiful womyn and would like to contribute my vast collection of derivatives and miscellaneous securities to her genocide against cis troll scum. Where do I sign?
>> No. 42270
Rika you truly are the new CWC.
Your thread has been up for a fifth of the time as the CWC dogs one and you have almost twice as many post.

The torch has been passed
>> No. 42271

>> No. 42272
Have you tried starting a kickstarter fund?
>> No. 42273

Logs from Rika's second vist
>> No. 42274
File 134404523988.jpg - (55.11KB , 500x455 , hitler and a bird.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chill brah, we'll post the entire chat when we're done with him. You know we don't hoard cocks.
>> No. 42275
All glory to Zyklon.
>> No. 42276
Never change Mr. Robert Wayne Styles.
>> No. 42278
He wanted them, but never actually had them. He's only mad because he's jealous.
>> No. 42279
I always say Zyklon's alright so I'll say it again, you're alright Zyklon.
>> No. 42280
Is there a log of the entire chat?
>> No. 42281
Be patient.
>> No. 42282

Sorry, I'm a little starved for cocks.
>> No. 42283
File 134404651998.jpg - (25.69KB , 422x500 , jolly sturmman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's cool bro, cleaning it up and sending it to Sean. It takes a bit because it's over an hour long or so, but it's for your reading pleasure. Hope you can wait. You'll have it, don't worry.
>> No. 42285
Thanks Zyklon.
>> No. 42286

>> No. 42287
Omega, I hate to do this to a transexual but unless you are willing to comply, I will drop your dox in this thread.

As long as you held me get a hold of some other troll dox, these facebook photos will stay safe and sound a folder and your name will not be uttered on the internet where it shouldn't be, Ms. B.
>> No. 42289
Stop double posting.

Also, you're still a loser Rika.
>> No. 42290

Omega, you better do it. Rika's not giving you any other real option.
>> No. 42291
Omega, just so you know: I will still love you no matter what you put inside your anus.
>> No. 42292

Oh shit
>> No. 42293

You're the most pathetic person I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. I'm happy that wayne cut you off you ugly parasitic freak.
>> No. 42294
File 134404722864.jpg - (14.95KB , 320x240 , DOLT.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Didn't you already try this one or ten times?
>> No. 42295
But nobody cares about Omega because she isn't a lolcow.

You really should stop threatening and doxing people since you are being really hypocrical but I guess you'll never learn.
>> No. 42296
>Omega, I hate to do this to a transexual but unless you are willing to comply, I will drop your dox in this thread.
> Too take your hatred on those who struggle from the same illness as you is utterly dispicable.
>> No. 42297
Lol another doxing attempt, does the b stand for broadband?
>> No. 42298
I heard a rumor that Omega's real name is Ms. Comcast Cable, located in the USA.
>> No. 42299
File 134404751958.jpg - (15.49KB , 240x200 , iy77u8op.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Do it you ugly subhuman, no one gives a shit
>> No. 42300
And thus, Robb's cunning plan falls apart...
>> No. 42302
Again he fails to understand he's the only one who considers internet Serious Business and fucking cries because of it. Grown up man.
>> No. 42303

You look pretty manly yourself, Marina. Still, you should hang out on my side. Sean hates your guts for some reason and it may or may not have to do with that you're a gender queer. Don't worry, me and many, many of my friends know exactly how that feels.
>> No. 42304
File 134404795223.png - (210.04KB , 603x431 , mahlumps.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42305
>haha you look like a man and Sean hates you
>please stop bullying me
>> No. 42306
>> No. 42307


So your dox aren't to do with broadband, but a place to keep boats now?

Sincerly, Wharf.
>> No. 42308
Leave Omega alone.
>> No. 42309
>> No. 42311

Rika, just go all the way and drop Omega's dox. Stop teasing us.
>> No. 42312
File 134404827263.jpg - (24.39KB , 300x225 , QuallOfDuty.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Scene: Garbled chatter blares from the police radio as the two chum cops speed down a highway in pursuit.

Rob: "We need to get those damn dirty cis-trolls, unleash the Wraith!"

Robert: "Wraith is a 1986 action/science fiction film, directed and written by Mike Marvin, who did not use Cinemascope 3D to project dinosaurs in real-cum-time!"
>> No. 42313
File 134404828912.jpg - (174.25KB , 1600x900 , aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You're right rika everyone hates me so why don't you just drop those TOTALLY LEGIT DOX you have while I go an hero
>> No. 42314
I'm giving Marina three days to decide. She can either help me and I'll actually accept her or this site where people hate GID as much as autism.
>> No. 42315
>> No. 42316
Go ahead Robert and show us all again how much of a hypocrite you are.
>> No. 42317
We all want you to drop the dox
Drop the dox
>> No. 42318
Robert, in the first thread you said "this is our last chance". Later you said you'd crash ADFki and 789chan in the matter of hours. I think that's about three months ago.

So yeah, no doubt you're gonna OBLIVERATE Omega in three days, uhu, yup.
>> No. 42319
File rika.txt - (48.70KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
reads best in gedit with php markup
>> No. 42320
>three days
POST THEM NOW YOU FUCKING homosexual deviant
>> No. 42321
File 13440485957.png - (490.09KB , 449x401 , laughing whores.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why wait when you can OBLIVERATE me now with those totally LEGIT DOX, not like you've been trolled or anything.
>> No. 42322
Please don't make fun of Omega or dox her because she is not a horrible man like you are and it's just not cool to call women names because they can be sensitive about it! O_O
>> No. 42323

>> No. 42324
hey guess what rika :D /cwc/ only hates trannies when they act stupid as fuck!! guess what you, ADF, and jordan do that omega doesn't? you guessed it-- you three act like retards and she doesn't!
>> No. 42325

Helps that Omega actually looks female too.
>> No. 42329
I agree. I would totally fuck Omega.
>> No. 42331
And yet you don't know why everyone thinks you are a piece of shit
>> No. 42332
Rika's trolls are the least insufferable of any trolling group. They mostly seem like cool people.
>> No. 42333
I say Mariana should do it. Imagine all the funny things Rika would say to him/her/it
>> No. 42335
Rika why on earth do you dislike Chris?

You know it's not his fault he is autistic?
>> No. 42336
Why so transphobic rika?
>> No. 42337
No. Wrong. There is literally nothing correct about anything in that post.

Look at your jaw. You have the jaw of Rock Hudson, and I don't mean that just because you will die alone of AIDs. You have a MAN'S FUCKING JAW you subhuman twit. Your Adam's Apple looks like you swallowed a golf ball and got bored halfway through. You look like a heroin addict who wore a dress to score. Omega looks like a pale she-ghost. U mad she's more wraith than you brah?

Seriously, I don't even follow lolcows outside of Chris. I think actual trolling is a pathetic waste of time. But you are just a terrible, terrible person. How asinine do you have to be to think that coming here and ranting like a lunatic makes shit better? How deluded do you have to be to think you can sue the internet? You have made your empty threats over and over again, and NO ONE HAS GIVEN A FUCK. NO ONE IS THREATENED. How fucking dense are you?

Maybe you just don't like to lose. I understand that. Sometimes I refuse to concede a point just because I feel like "Fuck you, I'm right." But sometimes you've got to face facts: you've lost. You'll never win this particular battle, and though there are a few you might win one day, this is definitely not it. I don't even have to worry about offending you because I know that you just can't quit /cwc/.

And that's the part where I'd almost-almost, mind you-feel some kind of pity for you. That you're a punching bag at this point. Of course, the fact that you're a ganglefucked gendertrash reprehensible excuse for a person prevents any kind of mercy.

The sad thing is that 789, ED, Facebook, whatever doesn't even hit on your employer's radar. You think someone sits at a Human Relations desk typing in any possible permutation of your name onto Google? And if they did, "Robert Wayne Stiles" and "Ri­ka Stiles" pointed to NOTHING before you had to continue fanning the flames and making more and more people want to see you twist more and more?

Honestly, just what in the living fuck is wrong with you?
>> No. 42338
Rika, did u really payed 2000 usd just to open a "hacker forum"?
>> No. 42339
Fuck off Rika, you'll never be a quarter of the woman Omega is.
>> No. 42340
>Rika got scammed out of money
>Rika's jealousy of Omega manifested in transphobic raging
>Rika threatened us with violence if we go into Philly

Pretty fucking successful guys.
>> No. 42341
File 134405259121.jpg - (158.99KB , 640x454 , 1343711911013.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Gets shit on for being a retard
I hate homosexual deviants like you so much. Anytime someone gives you shit for being an awful person you play the "I'M SPECIAL BE NICE TO ME EVEN IF I'M AN OBNOXIOUS CUNT" card.

>inb4 you say I'm some straight cisgender asshole
>> No. 42342
best part was where he claims none of the trouble he's gotten into in the past can be blamed on him because he's r­ika now not robbay. serious mental gymnastics
>> No. 42343
Yeah that kind reinforces that Mr. Stiles is only having a sex change in order to escape what he hates most himself. In Mr. Stiles' mind Rika never harassed a porn star and had the feds on his tail it was that loser nobody Robert who did.
>> No. 42344
One of the greatest things I have ever seen

> <RStiles> i could fuckin seduce her man. i've been compared to mila jovovich in terms of looks
>> No. 42345
Dammit, I thought we'd never find someone as amazingly awful as CWC. Then Robbay appeared to bring us new cocks jsut like when Chris was in his prime. Truly, Rika is the new Chris-Chan.
>> No. 42346
Holy fuck Rika, Jenga just READ THE SHIT out of you. >>248831
>> No. 42347
I'm pretty sure introman is gay.
>> No. 42348
Holy fuck, you sound rustled as hell.
>> No. 42349
>awful as CWC

sup A-log?
>> No. 42350
File 134405651094.jpg - (230.29KB , 1600x1000 , Introman and Robbie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fine. I'll be your arch nemesis.

>> No. 42351
So what exactly does omega look like
>> No. 42352
Go to Tinychat.
>> No. 42353
File 134405804763.jpg - (47.03KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120624_1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
getting this over with even though I have no good pictures on my computer
>> No. 42354
Quite impressive.

Or maybe she just looks normal, and I only find her impressive because I'm comparing her to Robbay.
>> No. 42355
zombies are impressive compared to robbay
>> No. 42356
File 134405852799.jpg - (71.38KB , 625x468 , oak.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42357
could be worse
>> No. 42358
Not much just celebrating a new lolcow.
How're you ISLAVERDE29?
>> No. 42359
Nothing I haven't seen before, needs a couple of sessions at the tanning booth.
>> No. 42360
Well, you don't make a very attractive girl, but you pass as one nonetheless.
Yeah really all I can see is at least you're not robbay
>> No. 42361
Honestly, every time I've seen Omega in the tinychat, I've thought he looked like an emaciated Muslim with a makeshift hijab who has been kept in a basement, and has been slowly dying of AIDS or cancer.

I'm not trying to be insulting, I seriously think Omega looks like he's dying of something.
>> No. 42362
Also, is it possible for the mods to make it so whenever Rika pops up again he can't delete his posts? He has these childish tantrums, then realizes how stupid various things he's said are, freaks out and deletes it all. Losing the ability to delete those posts would probably frustrate him to no end.
>> No. 42363
This has to be SeanieB trolling his forum. Nobody except CWC can be this stupid.
>> No. 42364
What will be the climax with Rika? This is humorous I guess, but after the 13th (?) time, it just seems stale. Will we at least get some YouTube videos or something? After awhile, walls of text, desperation, and ALL CAPS, no matter the cocks, gets dull.
>> No. 42365
Yeah, as nice as all this is it really is the same old shit time and time again.
>> No. 42366
>> <RStiles> i could fuckin seduce her man. i've been compared to mila jovovich in terms of looks

Damn Rob, you can't even spell your idol's first name right. D0 you want to know why your boss has been giving you dirty looks? Because you suck at life. Seriously, you are fucking pathetic, dude. Only someone who was completely stupid would stick around for this long. Damn, even ADF got the message long before this. You Rob are truly fucking pathetic.
>> No. 42367
Rob, the reason your dad called you a fag was because you are a fag. I don't think you understand how big of a fear the common father has of their child being gay. You could be a serial rapist clown satanist going to a court hearing for pedophilia charges, and even then the average father would just look at their son and say "at least you aren't gay". You think that's just TV? That's cold reality. You are literally your father's worst nightmare. You're walking proof he failed, and it makes him sick to look at you, because all he can see is how much he did wrong.
>> No. 42368
Robert will never leave cwc.
>> No. 42369
And then there's the fact that, orientation aside, his son is a drain on his resources whose biggest concern in the world isn't his own financial security, starting a family, helping others, getting a job, or even pursuing some sort of a sensible dream for his future, but rather obsessively arguing with more or less faceless people on the internet who have done little more than call him mean names and draw attention to the various stupid things that he has done.
>> No. 42370
>getting a better job
>> No. 42371
At this point I'm convinced that Rob derives some sort of pleasure from coming here. I mean, every other lolcow that's come here and genuinely hated it has had the sense to leave, so I can only assume that he really likes the attention or something.
>> No. 42372
File 134406451342.png - (176.12KB , 335x314 , lol so stupid.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You say that as if anybody that uses a tripcode and isn't helping with running the board is not automatically a attention whore.
>> No. 42373
If he really believes the things he has said, he could very well have some legitimate paranoid delusions. On the other hand, given that his posts are seeming more and more like parody or theatrics, I sometimes wonder if he just plays this up for fun. Though, there's also the chance that he really does not learn from his mistakes and thinks that this time will be the one where his rants actually accomplish something.
>> No. 42374
While that is completely true, the fact that he still comes here when anyone else would of learned that doing so would only make things worse can mean only one of two things.

1. He's a gigantic masochist
2. He's a gigantic moron

Well I guess it could be both
>> No. 42375
I thought he just wanted attention that badly, even if it's negative. I mean, seriously, jokes aside, he's huge right now (or was, now just kinda stale). Front page on ED and the gawk of /cwc/ all eyes are on him, since no one else would pay attention to him. Like you know how kids and teenagers break things constantly to get attention? Like that.
Not that it's completely on purpose, more of a subconscious reflex rather than intentional. He keeps coming here because people respond to him, people treat him as an actual human instead of some crazy-talking "wrath", giving him advice and telling him to straighten out. As long as we keep doing that he'll keep coming here. We're like the family he never had.
I think it's perfectly fine. Like I said, he does it more subconsciously than actively so it's pretty much the circle of life, we don't need to ignore him or anything (though that may be genuinely good for him). But, seriously, I can tell you he does NOT actually want us to forget him, that would devastate him.
>> No. 42376
File 134406739246.jpg - (17.33KB , 388x480 , 2208-1785017026[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
><RStiles> we have the deal set. i just dont know what is up with you and omega
><RStiles> and i want to know if there is something you're not telling me
><RStiles> is he your ex or something

i'm just glad someone's finally willing to crack this case


>> No. 42377
I'm gonna step up here and say this has went on for long enough. Robb isn't a lolcow, and this is just harassment. Look Robb, I'll make sure your ED page is down within the week, same goes for the archived threads.

I'm sorry this turned into such a massive hate campaign toward you, you've really done nothing wrong and these trolls don't know when to stop. No need for PayPal, you shouldn't have to pay for the right thing to be done. You have my word, everything will be gone within the week.

>> No. 42378
File 13440677402.jpg - (5.85KB , 142x197 , coolstory.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42379
Nigga you crazy?
>> No. 42380
...aaaaaand who the fuck are you?
>> No. 42381
It's Mr. Stiles way of trying to find some sympathy.
>> No. 42382
YOU FOOL! You're literally turning down tens of dollars!
>> No. 42383
I think you should ease down on the chromosomes, Rika. They've made you into something more less than man.
>> No. 42384
Rika you are starting to get boring. You need to start taking request or bring us better cocks. How about the shoe thing for a start?
>> No. 42385
It's ok, he'd probably never make it to the super secret money drop point in one piece anyway.
>> No. 42386
Even Chris at least gets some pleasure from buying video games to play so even if someone says he is wasting money you could argue at least he is enjoying himself unlike Rika who just throws his money away.
>> No. 42387
I was particularly proud of "gnaglefucked gendertrash"
>> No. 42388
He never learns, does he?
>> No. 42389
I wake up this morning and I see this and it turns out it wasn't all a dream.

Th-thanks /cwc/. Th-thanks Rikaaay.
>> No. 42390
Rika, who exactly are you going to pay off to get the ED page down? If you donate straight to ED there's no way in hell they'll take it down, and if you pay someone here, they'll just blank it and it'll get undone.

Or they won't blank it and take your money.
>> No. 42391
Sean, the deal is OFF. You fucking lied to me again. You have absolutely none of my trust because you exploit me like everyone else.

Just be happy none of you are coming to Philadelphia or your ego would be the thing most intact.
>> No. 42392
Rika seriously who the fuck would you pay to get that kind of thing removed?
Wave your stacks around the ED forums this isn't doing you a lot of good
>> No. 42393
The second time here you've used that exact phrase. You must have spent a lot of time thinking of it, huh.
>> No. 42394

Hey homosexual deviant, I dare you to dispute that phrase. Come here to Philly and tell everyone you hate the LGBT community and commit cyber crimes against members of it.
>> No. 42395

Hey homosexual deviant, I dare you to dispute that phrase. Come here to Philly and tell everyone you hate the LGBT community and commit cyber crimes against members of it.
>> No. 42396
More threats, I see. Good thinking Robb. Look at all the misery your trollshielding has brought you. And I think deep down you know that you brought this all upon yourself. That's why you feel the need to constantly put the blame on /cwc/. You're a real piece of work.
>> No. 42397
>says homosexual deviant
>gets mad about disrespecting lgbt

ironclad morals there, sweetie
>> No. 42399
File 134409984734.gif - (163.56KB , 425x417 , 133745988531.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What if I told you some of us were already in Philadelphia?
>> No. 42400
But we don't. Hell, we don't even hate you. We just laugh at your sorry ass because you're such a moron.
>> No. 42401
Good going, seanieB was going to use that money to drink with Cole Smithey
>> No. 42402
i would get in a fight with a skinny terrifying transgender

this greatly appeals to me
>> No. 42403
I say the rest of us in Philly put up flyers with a portrait of Rika and a link to his ED page. Where does he work, again?
>> No. 42404
He works as at a pharmacy, I was even there and asked him to help me find something. I was not fucked up by him
>> No. 42405

Double internet badass. And here's what we would have to deal with. Terrifying.
>> No. 42406
There were some gay gays that I went to school with and they were pretty chill and Omega seems like a nice person.

Have you ever thought we don't hate the LGBT community? Has it ever occurred to you that we only laugh at you, ADF and Chris because of a deeper underlying factor, with their sexualities just being an afterthought?

Of course not and you never will.
>> No. 42407
Shouting WOLVERINES!!! at random locations. As a professional internet psychiatrist, I can confirm autism.
>> No. 42408
Which pharmacy?
>> No. 42410
And a bit more homosexual deviantry, just to show who we're dealing with. Go to Philly, and you might see this...

BTW, it's spelled "wreak" dumbass.
>> No. 42411
>"It takes a lot to walk in these fuckin' things"
>But I'll totally rip you apart if you come here.
>> No. 42412
Cant give that sauce

But it is a top corporation in america
>> No. 42413
Well, there is a pharmacy right down the street from him. Probably not the one, but you never know...
>> No. 42414
I live in an apartment right down the road from a Walgreens
>> No. 42415
Rika how are we meant to know you wouldn't just stab someone in the back as soon as it suited you if a person tried to help you out?
>> No. 42416
He's got a point, Robb. Backstabbing someone is what brought you to our attention in the first place.
>> No. 42418
>Just be happy none of you are coming to Philadelphia or your ego would be the thing most intact.


What defense could one come up with against a 94 pound she-male? He's like an animal!
>> No. 42419
>He's like an animal!

A pterodactyl/hyena hybrid, as Zyklon put it.
>> No. 42420
God dammit I wish they would make rage videos like Chris.
>> No. 42421
That would be pretty awesome. Alas, the closest thing we have is Robb whining about a couple of people fighting on the street.
>> No. 42422
Rikka, I promise you I will fucking slit your throat within the next 5 days. I won't say exactly when but this is a promise. I'll make you bleed to trashy transgendered piece of shit, I'll gut you like the pathetic pig you are. Your last moments on this Earth will be in agonizing pain. I fucking can't wait, I'm looking at the knife I'll use right now, and knowing this thing is going to make it's way into your guts makes me smile.

Soon Rob, so soon and it will all be over.

>> No. 42423
  There's the guy who has been drooling all over Robb.
>> No. 42424

HI A-LOG! Or rather, Rika's A-Log
>> No. 42425
No, it's HI ISLAVERDE29!
>> No. 42426

>"i would murder all of you if i had the chance"
>"i'll take a glock and ram it down your cunt, zyklon"
>"zyklon, i'd skin in a second. i'm glad she is never setting foot in the us"
>"no fucking bitch. you set foot in the city limits and i'll dig into your ribs"
>"im serious. i'll tie your tubes with a boxcutter"

Robb, the ultimate loveshy
>> No. 42427
File 134410960565.gif - (29.50KB , 450x232 , HOMOSEXUALS.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i'm close enough and will take the pepsi challenge.

do i just stand somewhere and shout that to summon genderqueer wrath? am i expected to go door-to-door? will i simply be beset by homosexuals the moment i enter the city limits? your threat needs to be more specific.
>> No. 42428
Rika i will be in Philly in September. I will gladly meet you where ever you would like so you can
I swear that if you tell me where to go I will be there and you could try to get your revenge on at least one person you blame all of your problems on
>> No. 42429
His spider sense will tingle and he comes to you
>> No. 42430
File 13441169566.jpg - (184.00KB , 500x546 , smugbruce.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42431
File 134411819581.gif - (1.19MB , 320x240 , conan-laughing.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You must have even contacted my father because he's just calling me "A COMPLETE FAILURE AND A QUEER" and refusing to care about his only daughter anymore.
>he's just calling me "A COMPLETE FAILURE AND A QUEER" and refusing to care about his only daughter anymore.
>refusing to care about his only daughter anymore.
>only daughter
>> No. 42432
You know, if I didn't know better, I'd swear that this has been an elaborate trolling scheme the whole time.
>> No. 42433
People say the same thing about Chris.
>> No. 42434
Robby, I will delete your ED page for you if you write me a 500 word essay about how harem maps empower women and promote gender equality.
>> No. 42435
File 134412311767.gif - (1.64MB , 228x180 , black guy laughing.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>you think someone with 2 genders is going to steal your men
>and we just might will
>> No. 42436
>Come here to Philly and tell everyone you hate the LGBT community and commit cyber crimes against members of it.
>cyber crimes
>> No. 42437
at least dat jaw is vaguely femenine
>> No. 42438
You know the hilarious thing is that when police find a tranny body in the dumpster they usually don't investigate it. XD
>> No. 42439

>> No. 42440

Strange... there was supposed to be an auto-ban, yet there is no ban message. perhaps the word was never a ban after all, and our mod overlords were merely testing our willingness to follow their orders without question.
>> No. 42441
>> No. 42443
Well, the stickied thread was pulled, so I guess that rule is now off? A chan about lolcows doesn't really seem like the kind of place to have PC rules like that, anyway.
>> No. 42444
It had nothing to do with being PC; it was because nearly every thread mentioning trannies turned out horribly(sans Rika threads).

It'd be nearly the same as saying the pony ban is PC.
>> No. 42445
Oh, I thought it was because half the mods are LGBT and so "take that shit to Storm Front."
>> No. 42446
Any noodz of R1kaaay yet?
>> No. 42447
Robert blames the board for his dad calling him a failure and a queer when he is in fact a failure and a queer. Robert blames the board for his boss treating him like shit because he's an incompetent dumbass and very obviously is not exactly bright as proven by all his threads. Robert blames the board for the threads and ED page ruining his life even though they're all a tapestry woven entirely by him refusing to stop coming here to yell at the internet to cower before his threats and scary name calling. Robert begs for money and in the same breath threatens those he is begging.

This is an entirely special kind of stupid even Chris never quite reached. What is this retard's problem? He's not suffering from any gender identity disorder and even his parents know it. He has no real friends. He has no real goals. He doesn't even aspire to physically transition to any pseudo-female form. I was always skeptical of pursuing the idea of declaring someone the new CWC but this guy is something better because unlike Chris, there is no acceptable explanation for what drives this guy to continue making an enormous fool out of himself at the same time he's blaming everyone else for it.

Nobody cares whether you claim to be a tranny or not Robert, it's actually your fault for making it so easy to make fun of you for pretending to be one. But you know, keep up the good work. Your family, your boss, your "friends", and all of us see you for exactly who you are except you, and that can only mean you will continue to make threads kicking and screaming while this board remains happily puzzled as to what drives you. You're a lab animal eating its own shit and nothing more. Also you remind me of honey bunny from Pulp Fiction.
>> No. 42448
It's just so astounding how sure he is he can change anything, some advice for Robert in the future, Don't feed the trolls.
>> No. 42449
  as a "cisgender" who has worked in a place with a lot of traffic from a gay neighborhood, gays are the easiest people to work with from my experience. every gay/lesbian i met (dozens daily) was generally a normal looking person with a pleasant attitude. occasionally the dudes would sound effeminate or crossdress but none ever came off as someone you wouldn't hire or you'd refuse to associate with. i can't imagine being an employer of the "philly lgbt community" if even a handful are like this Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. does he have the balls to go to work looking like that? even women look freakish with no eyebrows, and you won't find a stripper in the boonies with anywhere near that degree of cracked-out makeup or ape legs. robby boy, maybe you'd take less abuse if you realized you resembled an ugly woman AT BEST and tried to look and act a little more conservative. but then you wouldn't be a lolcow would you
>> No. 42450
And that's the most hilarious part of it. The gay community makes up a small portion of the population at large. The trans community is smaller still. And the wolverines have managed to get themselves ostracized from that tiny subset. They seem to be utterly clueless as to just how outlandish and over the top their behavior really is.
>> No. 42451
File 134418303850.jpg - (30.88KB , 320x236 , nbc max headroom.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fucking. Beautiful.
>> No. 42452
Rikaim serious. I will be in Philly in September tell me where to go so you can come at me bro.
>> No. 42453
Audio Philadelphia_Transvestite.mp3 - (767.62KB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Philadelphia Transvestite.mp3 ) Length: 0:49 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Sweet Philadelphia Transvestite.
>> No. 42454
File 134419124273.png - (180.49KB , 295x312 , tim came.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42455
All this needs is music and it'd be perfect.

Oh, anon, if only you'd been around when 'Domo Arigato, Mr. LoGatto' was being penned...
>> No. 42456
/cwc/, the musical?
The /cwc/sical?
>> No. 42457
Perfect. I tried writing a song about him. It was gonna be called "The ballad of Robbie Wayne". Simple acoustic guitar and vocal type stuff. Unfortunately, writer's block hit and I scrapped the idea.
>> No. 42458

Brilliant. Here's a karaoke link if you want to make it perfect?
>> No. 42459
File 134419289872.jpg - (119.59KB , 1280x1024 , thinkingcal.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
this thread has made appreciate omega more and in the future, i think i'll bit more polite to transexuals

so robbay, you can at least walk away knowing that your miserable failure and subsequent tantrums make other transitioning people look good
>> No. 42460
File 134419303246.jpg - (135.05KB , 1280x720 , Julay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Glad you folks like it.


I'll genuinely do it later. I'm kind of loaded down with projects right now, but I'll get it done.
>> No. 42461
Why be rude to them in the first place? Plenty of trains people that are lolcows, but being trans doesn't make them a lolcow. I'm dating one right now... She's an artist from a small town down south. She's had some trouble with the law, but that's okay. Such a beautiful dancer she is, and a singer, too! She is admired by thousands and thousands of people, but she's all mine. Poor thing lost her loving father last year, and millions mourned his passing. A renaissance man he was. An engineer earlier in life, he came to be a famed lumberjack in his twilight.
>> No. 42462
Tell 'me Caca sent you!
>> No. 42463
You just need to look at Jennifer, she came here after someone posted her comic and was completely reasonable apart from her limited english skills and eventually nearly everyone was nice to her.
>> No. 42464
>trains people are lolcows

Lots and lots of TRANS, big trans , small trans , fast trans , slow trans , old trans. Trannies for everybody, especially the kids!!
>> No. 42465
File 134420424299.jpg - (28.71KB , 500x333 , updated tc laugh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw this is the first time i have ever laughed at a "lolcow" other than chris.

>updated tc laugh.jpg
>> No. 42466
You see that shit, Mr Robert "Rika" Wayne Stiles? That came from someone that said that he's only interested in Chris.

By the way Cruzetor-San, you may find Gabriel Chana to be entertaining as well. Just saying.
>> No. 42467
File 134421015196.jpg - (75.58KB , 499x509 , friend.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
thanks brah. who is she? do you have a link to her?
>> No. 42468
>> No. 42469
File 134421109533.jpg - (54.51KB , 397x407 , wtf am i reading lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>race white, japanese.

is she REALLY half japanese? she doesnt look it. im half okinawan, and i thought i looked pretty western, but she looks full 100% white.
>> No. 42470
Apparently, her mom's Japanese.
>> No. 42471
Really, because I can believe she's half-Japanese. I see it.
>> No. 42472
Does anyone have any good front and profile images of Rika?
>> No. 42473
Passes for it more than Pixyteri.
>> No. 42474
Guys, I am actually accepting Miss Wraith's challenge and driving to Philly next weekend. Be posting pics if I survive.
>> No. 42476
You will need these addresses


Stark Carpet Corporation
2400 Market St # 203, Philadelphia, PA
(215) 569-1311 ‎ · starkcarpet.com
>> No. 42477
Oh Robert. Never change Robby never change.
>> No. 42478
File 134422079821.jpg - (337.19KB , 912x684 , hi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ok, i see. she looks very foreign compared to me i think.

anyway, how does people know she is half? did she state it or something?
>> No. 42479
So I was bored this afternoon and decided to make some samples of Robb from the YT videos. Basically him being his retarded self. I recored them as 16 bit .wav format. There's 16 of them. Figure someone can make a soundboard if they're so inclined.

So any suggestions as to where I should upload them to? I have them saved in a .zip archive that's 3.7 MB.
>> No. 42480

Did you get his classic "I wuv my rainbow family 'dere like a pack of Skittles!"
>> No. 42481
Damn, didn't get that one. When I was going through that vid, it was kind of hard to tell whether it was him or Derrek. Here's a list of what I grabbed:
1. "I wish I was more than 2 genders right now"
2. "The air conditioner's broken so I can't drown them out"
3. "Oh my god! Black people fighting!"
4. "You sound like a black woman"
5. "Alright, yeah I'm gonna fuckin' change"
6. "Fuckin' crackheads"
7. "This is what I have to listen to every fucking night"
8. "Oh my feet feel a lot better"
9. "You're so ghetto"
10. "You can still fucking hear them, can't you?"
11. "Aw hell no!"
12. "Usually there's hipster kids in that alleyway..."
13. "McPubits!"
14. Robb bitching about walking in heels
15. "Now I've got these turds down here"
And of course: "WOLVERINES!!!"
>> No. 42482
Audio Skittles.mp3 - (43.99KB - 109 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 0:03 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Here is is in mp3 format.
>> No. 42483

Such a voluptuous feminine tenor. Be sure to link the whole soundboard to the she-wraith's ED article.
>> No. 42484
Her mom is Japanese and I think there were photos of her and she may have mentioned it too, IIRC. She lives with her mom who still takes care of her to some degree last I read.
>> No. 42485
File 134424623828.jpg - (28.81KB , 500x333 , hahaha5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
as you can see in the photo, i look about 50-50... but gail looks about 95% western and 5% japanese... to be honest i would have NEVER guessed it, untill i read shes half japanese.

a lot of half japanese are dumbfucks (i cant get along with others at all usually, especially the ones from outside of japan, with all their "happa" shit) so i guess she is half japanese after all.
>> No. 42486
This will be my new ring tone.
>> No. 42487
File 134425650449.png - (26.02KB , 139x143 , 2012.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Pic of TRUE and HONEST timmothy cruzetor
>> No. 42488
File 134426370467.jpg - (24.27KB , 418x289 , doyoueven.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw Mr.Cruzetor turns out to be skinny homosexual deviant looking guy.

It's just that your flamboyant persona and uses of "brah" made me think you were a /fit/tizen. You're actually good-looking, brah.

No homo.
>> No. 42489
  The 2 gendered Nero fiddling a jugalo chant while philly is burning.
>> No. 42490

Holy shit, it sounds more deranged than Beavis.
>> No. 42491
Holy shit, I hadn't even clicked on that one. I wonder if that's the fire that Jordman started. Well, time for more sampling.
>> No. 42492
Reminds me of Gollum.
>> No. 42493
Audio Arsoncelebration.mp3 - (95.86KB - 98 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 0:08 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Y'know, even if I'd have had any sympathy left for that vulture-looking fuck it would be gone now.
>> No. 42494
  Attention whore? Never!
>> No. 42495
Soundboard is now up

>> No. 42496
Robbay's voice is just as unflattering as I'd hoped it'd be.
>> No. 42497
>> No. 42498
Improved it a little.
>> No. 42499
damn if robbay knows how to handle a light saber while doing frikkin sweet backflips this complicates things. trolls should def exercise caution when confronting him, who knows what terrible feats of OBL­IVERATION he is capable of.
>> No. 42500
File 134428561649.jpg - (130.17KB , 550x420 , oh you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>you probably hacked ed and there are only like 100 people who read it
>> No. 42501
And now there are at least two more things linking to it...
>> No. 42502
File 134429258790.jpg - (32.95KB , 400x300 , 1332278625736.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why does rob think everything is done through this mysterious bandaid ritual called "hacking"?
>> No. 42503
File 134429574748.png - (55.92KB , 510x352 , 789chan-meme-generator-ebin-789chan-sprololololo-d.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42504
Tom you're a good looking guy.
>> No. 42505
Yeah, there's videos of Gail's mom harping on her in a very engrish accent.
>> No. 42506
File 134432071615.jpg - (72.08KB , 481x510 , 789chan-ebin-tom-cruise-spurdo-spurdo-sparde-you-m.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
so if her mom's english is pretty soso, then im guessing gail can speak japanese?

>also MFW this is the first time i have discussed a lolcow other than chris :DD

thanks brah :DD
>> No. 42507
I am now experiencing gay thoughts.

I'm looking forward to this soundboard. If I ever make prank calls, this will be one of the soundboards that I'd regularly use.
>> No. 42508
File 134434448230.png - (759.76KB , 1050x533 , Facebook_1344344096799.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF and Rika are back to being butt buddies.
>> No. 42509
Holy shit, I totally knew this guy/girl online a couple of years ago. I trolled Christian chat rooms with him a couple times and was friends with him on Myspace. I never would have taken him for someone with gender identity issues; I remember his picture at the time being him with a big trenchcoat and sunglasses.

I also remember reading about the Crissy stuff on his blog and his troubles with the FBI. Weird goddamn coincidence, and weird goddamn everything else
>> No. 42511
Is there someway I could mail ADF a communist badge I found?
>> No. 42512
I suppose you could mail it to Robb. Provided it gets there before they start hating each other again, that is.
>> No. 42513
I'd suggest maybe just messaging him directly on his deviantart account?
>> No. 42514
isn't ADF homeless?
>> No. 42515

Harel is technically homeless but it does have an email address.

"Ahuviya R. Harel

214 East Mount Airy Avenue

Apt 2E

Philadelphia, PA 19119-1746
>> No. 42516
That's one fucked up email address
>> No. 42517
Philly D. pulled out his weapons against an African-American individual.

"I am so glad I left my gun home today.


* 8 hours, 54 minutes ago by ~VERGANZA-DE-SASUKE
* Journals / Personal

Had a major clash with Transphobic African-American Male Cispatriarchy - on the streets of Philly

Mace and knives got pulled out in front of tens of witnesses at 16th and Walnut (outside of Starbucks) around before 6 PM - During Rush hour, how convenient, witnesses!

At the time I was carrying My knives and mace, the gun was home at my squat

if I need any more argument in favor of conceal-carrying a telescopic police baton, theres this incident.

Yeah, police baton for my birthday - Can't wait til My Birthday this weekend - so I don't have to need to carry a gun everyday. "

>> No. 42518
It's only a matter of time.
>> No. 42519
its disgusting how rіka has been treated by this board you should all be fucking ashamed of yourselves
>> No. 42520
I love how ADF seems to get into a different altercation every single day. I can't wait until he threatens the wrong person and the cispatriarchal police arrest him.

Go to bed Ri­ka's dad.
>> No. 42521
Here is an article telling them how to stop it - http://www.gizmodo.co.uk/2012/08/how-to-defeat-your-enemies-on-the-internet/
>> No. 42522

All Rika needed to do was stay away, it's not our fault he's a complete fucking idiot.
>> No. 42523
Please see his Youtube account and read some of the comments he's left: http://www.youtube.com/user/Deadkittens22/feed

Now go to his ED article and read some of the other shit he's said online. Real nice guy, eh?
>> No. 42524
Damn you niggos... Why cant you just accept us ugly failed cowmunist tranny are a more oppressed minority...
>> No. 42525
File 134444351871.jpg - (10.47KB , 206x376 , mad nazi swag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This will definitely be useful for him:


Here, Robb, I think this would be useful for you.

>Keeping your personal information safe
>Your personal information is very important. It can tell a lot about you. Special information includes things like your full name, address, phone number, the name of your school, even your photo. Learn how to keep that special information safe with Hector.
>> No. 42526
File 134447950628.png - (74.36KB , 673x1085 , Negi and ADF.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Look who has been following ADF around
>> No. 42527
Great. Now I have that song from Les Miserables stuck in my head.
>> No. 42528
it shouldnt come as any surprise considering negi is a fail-tier attentionwhore who tries to piggyback off of other 'e-famous' people no matter how lolcow or not they are. it's what he does. it's not even amusing how he does it, just extremely vapid and pathetic.
>> No. 42529
File 134448648351.jpg - (28.77KB , 400x300 , pacer-screen-shot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey /CWC/!

The Rika Stonecutters need your guys help with a project. As it is known to some of the rika historians, Rika was arrested and raided by the federal government for threats against a fbi agent and stalking Crissy Moran. These documents should be up on the PACER system. The problem we have is that we(stonecutters)don't have access to PACER and can't get access to it. Any /CWC/ bro's who wants to go to pacer and search for Rika stuff would be a bro of all ages. Thanks for reading this post and let's continue laughing at the wraith lord.

Link: http://www.pacer.gov/

PACER requires payment unless your able to get fee exemption. Just a warning to all the /CWC/ians who don't read super fine print.
>> No. 42530
I registered with my company. Where do I go to talk to you guise?
>> No. 42532

Skype is a pretty good venue to talk. Skype name is in the email.
>> No. 42533
I am contacting my PO officer about this. You cannot exploit the PACER system to launch a personal attack against someone online.

We will trace the records on PACER if you attempt to search for any records of Robert Stiles. (He is no longer who I am but you are still attempting to incriminate me, irregardless.)

Introman, I'm NOT letting you get away with this shit. This time you've gone too far.
>> No. 42535
It's public information you fucking tard.
>> No. 42536
Rika , I really fucking hate you. You bitch about how hard life is when you have a job and leech off of your parents , all of this trouble you made yourself.

You have no idea how it feels to have to pay a ton of huge debts and not have enough to cover it, you have never had to sell everything you have that is valuable to make ends meet, and you bitch about how hard your life is. Fuck you eat shit and die.
>> No. 42537
You've actually encouraged me to use PACER and look you up now. I look forward to a subpoena being issued to drag me in front of a judge to be questioned by your autistic lawyer.

You stupid fuck...
>> No. 42538
File 134454255021.gif - (1.03MB , 330x380 , 1342470317431.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


God damn I hate you so much right now
>> No. 42539
BAAWWW! Internet police!!!!
>> No. 42540
He loves using that word.
>> No. 42541
Hey Robb, what does your PO think about >>249633 ?
You seemed pretty excited to see that shit burning, didn't you?
>> No. 42542

>I am contacting my PO officer about this.

Go ahead, we have all the various death threats you've made against people on here archived and ready to show him.
>> No. 42543
File 134454323010.jpg - (12.30KB , 200x200 , ozymandias.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Introman, I'm NOT letting you get away with this shit. This time you've gone too far.

>I did it thirty five minutes ago
>> No. 42544

That was done by Robert W. Stiles. I am not him, nor will I ever be. In fact, everything that's been said was by Robert, not me. The article on ED is not about me, its about a Robert Wayne Stiles and it nearly always addresses me as that.

I am now legally certified as RIKA Wayne Stiles, someone who is entirely different than the likes of my old self.
>> No. 42545

Your PO isn't going to give a fuck if you've changed your name, that doesn't absolve you of anything you've done.
>> No. 42546
My Sides!! Robert, you are officially over the rainbow now. Nobody but you would ever believe you've undergone some kind of metamorphosis. You're still the same as you've always been.
>> No. 42547

>I am now legally certified as RIKA Wayne Stiles, someone who is entirely different than the likes of my old self.

You're still the same old idiot Robb, else you would've lurking here.
>> No. 42548
I'm calling myself Jemgatype from now on, R­ika. I want to join your fight against these trolls and cyber bullies!

You can't say no because I changed my name and by your logic, I'm not accountable for any insults I said to you!
>> No. 42549
Different how? You're still following the same pattern you always have:
1. /cwc/ does something to piss you off
2. You threaten some sort of action against the board.

Face it Robb, you'll never change.
>> No. 42550
Fuck, you idiot, if someone changes their name it does not mean its a whole new identity, you still have the same phone, same SS number. If you commit a crime and change your name you are still responsible. You are totally insane.

This is one of the worst days of my life but you still manage to make me laugh Robert.
>> No. 42551

My name has been legally changed, you fucking idiot. As in I went to court. Rika is actually a name that is very important to me and suits me a hundred times better. If you're a fuckin tard and call yourself 'jemgatype' in real life more power too you.


There is an active conspiracy to embarrass me online, for fucks sake. If things like this didn't rise out of this shithole, I wouldn't haven't have to put a stop to this.

As said, I'm calling my officer as soon as time permits.
>> No. 42552
Got a screencap of it?
>> No. 42553
ADF did the same thing, but it doesn't mean that he is a completely different person. I could change my name to Tequilashay Simone Brown, but it wouldn't mean jackshit
>> No. 42554
File 134454503573.jpg - (128.41KB , 714x600 , trueandhonest.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Whether you changed your name or not, you still can't separate yourself from what you've done, Robert. Your USI is still just as high as always, I see.
>> No. 42555
>I wouldn't haven't have to put a stop to this.
>I've changed
>Still can't put together a coherent sentence.
>> No. 42556
Great! We can search for that too along with your criminal record!
>> No. 42557
Shit, I forgot step 3 in my above post:

3. Fuck-all happens
>> No. 42558
You know, Rika, if Robert isn't you anymore, what do you care if we can see those files?
>> No. 42559
File 134454559184.jpg - (84.40KB , 1278x724 , trashboat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>suits me a hundred times better.

but thats a girl's name dude

can a shoop wizard change "trash boat" to rika?
>> No. 42560
>> No. 42561
>There is an active conspiracy to embarrass me online
>active conspiracy to embarrass me online
>embarrass me online
>> No. 42562

>There is an active conspiracy to embarrass me online, for fucks sake.

No there isn't, that was for Robert Wayne Stiles, who you no longer are, so you've got no problem with us any more, right?
>> No. 42563
File 13445463169.png - (136.11KB , 428x510 , 1343107182267.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I don't have any responsibility for what I did before because that was male me and now I'm a woman
>> No. 42564
File 134454643747.jpg - (115.48KB , 1278x724 , stupid boat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42565

I will not be threatened by you Ms. Rika . Wayne and Virginia raised you better than this . All I'm doing is posting public documents on the internet. Your court case isn't classified. We're just doing what every news organization/tmz/smoking gun does. It's 100 percent legal.
>> No. 42566
File 134454813484.jpg - (224.62KB , 1278x724 , rikafrontpage.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sorry, a bit of a rush job.
>> No. 42567
So how many grand returns is that now? 15?

I'd also like to give a big /cwc/ welcome to our new mod, Jemgatype.
>> No. 42568
  I like to listen to this when I read Robbie threads.
>> No. 42569
File 134454985558.jpg - (334.56KB , 650x978 , trollbusting.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42570
File 134455066523.png - (256.36KB , 640x360 , jsfacepalm.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42571
File 134455341685.jpg - (275.84KB , 701x911 , 134215168853.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika by name, ROBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY by nature
>> No. 42572
File 134455394195.jpg - (96.10KB , 545x858 , rrr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42573
I made a Sound mod for Rikay as The witch in l4d2. http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=19780
>> No. 42574
If you're not him, why don't you act any wiser?
>> No. 42575
>There is an active conspiracy to embarrass me online, for fucks sake. If things like this didn't rise out of this shithole, I wouldn't haven't have to put a stop to this.
Even if people didn't know how retarded you are, that wouldn't make you any better person Robb. You can't make your past retardation disappear by changing your name.
>> No. 42576
File 134455875658.jpg - (1.11MB , 2048x1536 , Ipass.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42577
Rika, how does it feel to know you'll never be as hot as Zyklon is? Not only physically, but you obviously have horrible personality as well.
>> No. 42578

I think Jen is more convincing than Robbaaay
>> No. 42579
Wait so Ricka isn't even a transwoman? they are just genderfuck?
>> No. 42580
I guess you didn't get the joke, you genderless mutant.


>There is an active conspiracy to embarrass me online, for fucks sake.

>> No. 42581
Rika is a man dressed as a woman as a disguise from a group of Stargate website users he once 'hacked'. He has stated that he won't get gender reassignment.
>> No. 42582
Say that in English and I may be able to answer.
>> No. 42583
Does Rika consider itself a woman? What would you respectfully address Rika as? Zi/Sie or She? I need to know to see if I can laugh at Rika.
>> No. 42584

Read the whole article.
>> No. 42585
Yeah after hearing Robby is no-op, unless robby is no-op because of how sex changes aren't too perfect yet, then I'm going to be laughing at this sad male voiced harpy.
>> No. 42586
Is is just me, or does it appear as though Robert incriminated himself somehow with this reply? I'm thinking that really was the fire that Jordman started. I recall him mentioning it in one of his previous threads. Perhaps he knows more about it than he's letting on. Just a thought...
>> No. 42587
Wait, does this guy seriously believe that a name change actually makes him a different legal entity? That shit only works when you're under federal witness protection.
>> No. 42588
Rika = Whiny Attention whore Tranny
>> No. 42589
It's robert, of course he's stupid enough to believe that.
>> No. 42590
No, he believes it makes him a completely different person.
>> No. 42591
He made the name change with the idea of hiding himself from da trolls. For all intents of purposes, he thinks we're the mob and he's an innocent victim who needs to hide or he'll get killed.
>> No. 42592
This. And going by Robert's fucked-up logic, if he's not the same person he can't be held accountable. Only someone as delusional as him would believe this, of course. But this is Robert Wayne Stiles we're talking about...
>> No. 42593
Surely you don't have a PO... that was Robert. You are the new person Riika who never did anything bad to call for a PO.
>> No. 42594
Audio completely_sideways.mp3 - (24.94KB - 115 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 0:02 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 42595
"How far do the delusions go? Watch and find out!"
>> No. 42596
He doesn't really understand the concept of "hiding" then, does he?

That's like the old bit of the stupid robber who puts on the mask after approaching the counter.
>> No. 42597
Robb doesn't understand a lot of things. This has worked out in our favor, though, as it makes him all the more hilarious.
>> No. 42599
File 134457651287.png - (184.27KB , 1224x1584 , docket 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Asian American field agent Paibakku has successfully retrieved the Rika court case documents. Going to post the ones I have been sent .More are coming by the way.
>> No. 42600
File 134457654519.png - (456.83KB , 1445x1870 , docket 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here is number 2 of the three documents sent to me.
>> No. 42601
File 134457697762.png - (329.03KB , 1487x1925 , docket 3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The last of the trifecta of documents. More are coming on the way. I hope the courts know about Robert Stiles not existing anymore. I don't want Rika to be the sap to be given legal punishment because she shares the last name of a person in trouble with the law.
>> No. 42603
And checkmate. Kudos to Paibakku and IntroMan for this. If there was still any doubt as to the utter stupidity of Robert Wayne Stiles, take these documents into account while you read his posts. All this, and he still tries to play the internet tough guy card. And no matter what his delusional brain may tell him, he's still the one who pulled this shit.

And I still think he incriminated himself with that response to the "burning fire" video...
>> No. 42604
Intro-san and gratitude 七八九chan warm words. And dangerous how often the power is. Carefully Rico, police surveillance always. What could be the defeat of the Wolverines.
>> No. 42605
lol well played on the identity. paibakku's a bitch, ain't it?
>> No. 42606
Did he seriously drop 50 grand of mommy and daddy's money on this crap?

Fucking hell.
>> No. 42607
And he still issues death threats online. How somebody this stupid has yet to become a Darwin Award recipient, I'll never know.
>> No. 42608
It matters not to him. Mummy and daddy are simply walking atms, he never actually loved them or considered their well-being. He'll continue to drain them until they're dead in the ground.
>> No. 42609
Just another self-centered, spoiled manchild. And he blames his problems on us...
>> No. 42610
Yup, "problems". It's not like he considered popping the question to that single mom he was seeing on-and-off for about a year before breaking up with her for good because he knew that he wasn't the father-figure that her son needed.

Rika, you're a fucking pussy who would get turned into a puddle in the real world.
>> No. 42611

>Rika, you're a fucking pussy who would get turned into a puddle in the real world.

Which is why he's so desperate about his internet reputation and his internet tough guy wraith persona. It's all he has, without it he needs to face the fact that he knows he's just a weedy little prick that everybody laughs at.
>> No. 42612
When he's not waffling between that and the "please feel sorry for me" guilt-trip card, that is. Such a pathetic creature Robert Wayne Stiles is. And he'll still never own up to the fact that he brought every last bit of it on himself.
>> No. 42613
Awesome! Can't wait to see the rest.
>> No. 42614

Fucking delicioous. These need putting on the ED if they're not already up there.


50 grand? Have I missed something?
>> No. 42615

I believe they are referring to item 8 of >>250770
>> No. 42616

Jesus christ, law isn't my strong point, is that 50k bail/ compensation/ legal fees?
>> No. 42617
Makes that three thousand-something he spent on a private trollforum seem so insignificant.
>> No. 42618
I assume that's bail but I could be wrong.
>> No. 42619
It's for a bond.
>> No. 42620
I never heard of that before ,sauce?

Can you imagine if Robert was your stepdad when you were in school...oh god
>> No. 42621
I would just like to say Robert's Encyclopedia Dramatica article is my favorite.
>> No. 42622
He wasn't referring to Robert there, but rather himself. I'd imagine he's the one who posted the response earlier about how even though it was one of the worst days of his life, Rob still managed to make him laugh.
>> No. 42624
Oh, but we have a lot, Robert. We have learned so much about you over the past half a year or so. And I'm glad to see you're still totally unaffected by this place. You're a miserable little toad, and nobody here has any sympathy for you at all.
>> No. 42625
So what's the story on "Burning Fire!" Robb? The way you responded to it yesterday was most interesting.
>> No. 42626
File 134461303432.png - (15.55KB , 709x130 , nicetrybitch.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He just deleted his last post, so here it is again.
>> No. 42627
What you have is outdated and minor and belonging to someone who is not myself.

>> No. 42628
You seem really bothered by something that "happened to someone else."
>> No. 42629
Why are you shouting then? Why is it getting so far under your skin? Why were you going on like Beavis while that blaze was going? Remember, ROBERT: You're the only person convinced that this idiotic name change bullshit is going to change anything about you.
>> No. 42630
Then why get so worked up? Oh, that's right. Attention.
>> No. 42631
Hey Robert, have you ever thought that maybe the reason that Wayne called you "A complete failure and queer" might have something to do with the constant cyber-bullying and the fact that you've cost him over $50k? Threatening FBI agents isn't something that makes a father proud, you know.
>> No. 42632
File 134461390473.png - (27.34KB , 804x336 , Robb google results.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Look what I just found on Google. The ED page is the top result for both Robert Wayne Stiles and Rika Stiles
>> No. 42634


I'm taking all this to my probation officer and believe me, if this doesn't have a fucking case for 789 I don't know what will.

I'm done reasoning now.
>> No. 42635
>I'm done reasoning

Regardless of what your name may now be, that doesn't make you a completely different person. Whatever we call you, you're still the same one who is awaiting trial. You're still the same one who keeps issuing threats. You're still the same one who tries to be an internet badass. Oh, and public records, FTW.
>> No. 42637
PACER is public information, you dumbass.
>> No. 42638
File 134461482639.jpg - (53.62KB , 495x500 , u mad coz im stylin on you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert's new coping technique: Denial.

>I'm taking all this to my probation officer and believe me, if this doesn't have a fucking case for 789 I don't know what will.
Thank you for providing more cocks for your Encyclopedia Dramatica page. Have a nice day.

What sort of response did you expect at this point, honestly? "We'll take it down, just don't hurt us"? Seriously Robert.
>> No. 42639
39,954 views on the ED page. 180 views on the soundboard, and it's only been up 5 days.
>> No. 42640

Zyklon, I fucking swear, if I ever met you in real life, I'd fucking whip you unconscious then bound all your limbs with a truss bar, stick a shotgun down your cunt until you apoligize for EVERYFUCKING THING you've done to me.

That's how much you and everyone else have hurt me.
>> No. 42641
Make sure to show that to your PO, too. Screencapped for posterity. You still never learn.
>> No. 42642
Oh shit, how will she ever be able to fend off a emaciated scarecrow?
>> No. 42643
You should make a video of you trying to fire a shotgun and put it on YT. That shit would be hilarious.
>> No. 42644
I don't think your PO would like the fact that you're giving death threats outs, you know, the thing that got you in trouble in the first place, Robert?
>> No. 42645
File 134461567453.jpg - (59.14KB , 500x344 , mad aryan pussy with mah accordion skills.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Zyklon, I fucking swear, if I ever met you in real life, I'd fucking whip you unconscious then bound all your limbs with a truss bar, stick a shotgun down your cunt until you apoligize for EVERYFUCKING THING you've done to me.
Completely needless to point out the chances of you besting someone in a fight are on par with winning lottery. You know, if you have ever as much as opened the ED page, you know Robert is a 100% muscle free twig arm, which effectively makes all your threats utterly unthreatening.

If I ever met you in real life, I'd pat you on your cheek. But not before putting on a medical rubber glove.

And then Robert would sigh with stress and crap his mother's underpants.
>> No. 42646
File 134461577341.jpg - (34.15KB , 285x427 , 1343509774302.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah:

>"i would murder all of you if i had the chance"
>"i'll take a glock and ram it down your cunt, zyklon"
>"zyklon, i'd skin in a second. i'm glad she is never setting foot in the us"
>"no fucking bitch. you set foot in the city limits and i'll dig into your ribs"
>"im serious. i'll tie your tubes with a boxcutter"
>> No. 42647
Hey Rob threatening us isn't working, you should totally act like you are going to kill yourself, that would be hilarious
>> No. 42648
File 134461692653.jpg - (32.54KB , 100x150 , robbslawyer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's the guy who represented Robert in the hearings. Not sure if this is the one he'd mentioned before or not.
>> No. 42649
Your tears are delicious.
>> No. 42650
File 134461989211.jpg - (28.60KB , 361x360 , Robb in 20 years.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Now to see what Robb would look like in 20 years.
>> No. 42651
File 134461994497.jpg - (28.30KB , 378x373 , Robb in 20 years 0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42652
File 13446200089.jpg - (26.78KB , 359x355 , Robb in 20 years 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42653
File 134462008768.jpg - (207.46KB , 361x361 , Robb in 20 years 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is the last one
>> No. 42654
Oh shit Rika becomes a zombie
>> No. 42655
>down your cunt

So do all vaginas bend upwards in your world?

>> No. 42656
Robert if changing your name would clear you of anything you've done in the past don't you think criminals would be all over that?

You changed your name not who you are, i.e. a dumbshit.
>> No. 42657
Rikaay is just surreal.
>> No. 42658
File 134463488390.png - (107.16KB , 1530x1980 , rs_1_info1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can you please stop threatening my main squeeze zyklon? I can't get her to stop to laugh and talk normally. Paibakku has delivered more documents to myself. I love public information.
>> No. 42659
File 134463500870.png - (88.24KB , 1530x1980 , rs_1_info2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Rika. I know the truth about your "probation". If you want to talk before I get the remaining documents. Open up a chat client and we can talk.
>> No. 42660
Chris is looking altogether reasonable in comparison to Rika.
>> No. 42661
At least Chris' delusions can be blame on his (largely self-imposed) isolation from the real world. Rob doesn't spend all day in a manchild den, does he? He supposedly has friends, too. Why is he so lacking in perspective?
>> No. 42662
I blame it on hanging around with sycophantic people like ADF at his trans group where I am assuming they all just agree with each other about everything for the most part when they aren't talking about people behind their back.
>> No. 42663
To be honest tho, we can't really talk about Robbie costing his dad $50k since bails are usually returned after the trial. Unless I missed something in those documents, didn't browse them too thoroughly?
>> No. 42664
Introman, what could there possibly be left to discuss? You're just a little fucking punk who's going to try ransom again.

The criminal records you're posting don't even apply to me anymore. They're just reminders of a scar filled past that no longer remains.
>> No. 42665

I'm not going to ransom you or blackmail you. I just want to talk.
>> No. 42666
File 134463706864.png - (103.49KB , 500x500 , jimmyrustler.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ey Rika.


You have to be an A+ Troll or some shit because no one can be as retarded as you and oh fuck you're getting my jimmies in a bunch.
>> No. 42667
Whatever happened to that social justice homosexual deviant who was going to help you?
>> No. 42668
If they don't apply to you then why do you need a Probation Officer?
>> No. 42669
Rika don't you think threatening to murder people is a serious offense?
>> No. 42670
>The criminal records you're posting don't even apply to me anymore. They're just reminders of a scar filled past that no longer remains.
Dude, Robb, besides the self-denial of this "other" you, this was in 2011, wasn't it? Hardly even a year ago, I wouldn't exactly call that the "past" in how you are thinking. Shit, I thought this was something that happened 3-5 years ago, damn you are pathetic. Denial won't halt the upcoming trial or whatever in 2013.

Also, you claim that "Rika" holds so much meaning to you, didn't you, like, just steal that from some model you drooled after? I'd call THAT pathetic, and you can call me Vlad Tittywinkle.
>> No. 42671
File 134464022672.png - (304.53KB , 446x334 , Vargolas.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
why do you think that changing your name means you don't have to take responsibility for anything you've done in the past?
in all fairness that's totally retarded.
>> No. 42672
So where you gonna be in April 2013, then? And also, if you're trying to distance yourself from everything you've done in the past, you've fucked up in one major area: All those death/bodily harm/other threats you made here were done using the name "Rika".

Also, what "ransom" could we possibly want? We've looked at public records that show just how utterly stupid you are. We're just laughing at your sorry ass, nothing more.
>> No. 42673
Can't make the past go away, bud. The only thing you can do is learn from it and move on. Since you've proven yourself incapable of learning on multiple occasions, I guess you're pretty much fucked.
>> No. 42674
Rika why would you think it'd be a good idea to set up a legal case when you didn't even know the identity of any of the perpetrators?
>> No. 42675
File 134464152497.jpg - (24.71KB , 600x485 , Robert_Wayne_Stiles_(6).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Call me crazy, but to me, this doesn't look like something that thinks too much. I mean, look at its eyes. Not too much going on behind them, is there?
>> No. 42676
I guess, maybe everyone in his life is just out to get as much money out of him as possible since at least the lawyer couldn't have thought it was a good idea?
>> No. 42677
I called it Mr. Stiles is dumb enough to believe a name change absolves everything.
>> No. 42678
File 13446447726.png - (79.80KB , 250x280 , RetardMedal.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42679
Please hold your awards and applause.
>> No. 42680

What a stupid fucking degenerate you are, Robert.
>> No. 42681
File 134464664711.jpg - (2.77MB , 2448x3264 , ROBBAYcaricature.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's a little caricature of Robert I did for you.
>> No. 42682
Ralph Steadman?!? I would never have guessed you posted here! Love your work in Hunter S. Thompson's books.
>> No. 42683
A lifelike representation.Well done!
>> No. 42684
File 134464806123.jpg - (97.53KB , 1380x983 , Screen Shot 2012-08-10 at 6_18_10 PM.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't wait for people to ask questions. :P
>> No. 42685
I'm honored!
>> No. 42686
So, I haven't looked at this thread in a few days since I'm in the process of starting a new line of work and HOLY SHIT. This shit is legendary tier. Has anyone gotten a Rika Wayne Stiles redirect on Encyclopedia Dramatica? Something Zyklon or Introman might want to find out about. Rev up dem Google results.

Rika, you can't just change your name to dodge legal procedings, in fact you should have contacted your lawyer and disclosed the name change to him, if you get in a paperwork snafu you could really fuck up your case. Hopefully you've realized that eluding prosecution can look a lot worse than harassing a porn star.
>> No. 42687
Whoa, dude, a little off the realism there, it's almost hard to look at.
>> No. 42688
Looking at that DOB I realize I'm so fucking old.
>> No. 42689
Best Rika thread, ever.
>> No. 42690
I think it's hilarious how Rob shows off his nails as much as he can, as if he thinks it's helping his (lack of) femininity.
>> No. 42691
Unlike Robbay, I have to make my own spending money. :/
>> No. 42692
Oh, I hear you Sean. I've been working since you were 3 years old and I've had to make my own way for the better part of a decade. It's actually a mark of pride and something to feel good about however so no worries. Robert will forever be a pathetic loser who can't stand on his own two feet and I'll forever be some old bastard who still enjoys frequenting /cwc/.
>> No. 42693
>Seanie B is only 2 months older than me

Jesus fucking Christ on a pogo stick what am I doing with my life.
>> No. 42694
File 13446605607.jpg - (23.81KB , 300x380 , 1332098577649.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are you me?
>> No. 42695
I'm seven years older if that makes you feel better.
>> No. 42696
File 134466113543.gif - (1.74MB , 390x285 , 1327021923207.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>over a year older than Seanie
>still haven't done shit with my life other than college

Kill me
>> No. 42697
Dude, look at it this way: Being 21 and not having done anything yet besides college is still better than being 24 and costing your parents $50K+ because of your own stupidity. Just saying...
>> No. 42698
Robert Wayne Styles / Rika Wayne Stiles is now the new benchmark for pure fail.
>> No. 42699
Heh, thanks for the ego boost guys, but I don't think I'm doing amazingly... I'm making a few hundred bucks a month when I can get it and I can give back to the house every so often, but I'm still living at home... When I asked for donations basically my payments from my biggest client stopped and now they owe me over $1,000. I finally put my foot down and they finally started begging ME for compromises, which is amazing, but for my own sanity I'm gonna drop most of the contract after now (I kinda short sold myself, a competitive rate freelance for a position like what I do is ~$125, and I am charging $25) and it's just not worth it.

But, a new oppurtunity opened up (at the expense of a retard, admittedly, but he screwed me over near the end and has decided to crash into slumber about everything for the most part)

I still have to get my shit straight about college..so I still have a lot to work on. If any of you have a degree (I only have my GED) you have a leg up, obvs. I just got a lot of free time after I dropped out of school and tried to at least make it useful.
>> No. 42700
As the oldfag rambling on to Seanie earlier I like this post. Being 21 is great and should be enjoyed. It's not coming back again afterall. Don't have anything going on yet? Not a big deal. Enjoy yourself. Sometimes it takes a while to find your place and figure out what you're doing. And if you're Rika? You never will. So there's that.

As this anon >>251068 pointed out.

Sorry for preaching /cwc/.
>> No. 42701
Sorry for posting again, hadn't seen your post Sean, but good luck. I hope everything works out.

I almost forgot I was posting in a thread about Robert Wayne Stile's homosexual deviantry.
>> No. 42702
Rika brings out the best in /cwc/.
>> No. 42703
Although, I have to admit I have one thing down that Rikay will learn very very hard.

I've never really had mommy (or daddy in the first place) to fall back on, if I fuck up something- I fucked it up. I don't HAVE a $50,000 reset button unless I want to go into debt.

It's gonna really suck for rikay when he can't post his next bail because dadday cuts him off. Rikay clearly lacks a concept of consequences, it's one of the things that makes him so hilarious and so easy to watch. (And, there's always some risk I'd love to have taken).
>> No. 42704

Thank you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!
>> No. 42705
You're a grown man and an adult. There's fewer and fewer nowadays.

So once again? Fuck you ROBERT Wayne Stiles. And see you real soon.
>> No. 42706
I just wonder what IntroMAN's next post is going to reveal. It shows a lot how little Robb has really been through for him to bitch the way he does.

I did 10 months in Afghanistan, and I've seen shit that would make him run crying to his mommy in fear. While I happened to be in that shithole, my wife go killed in a car accident. I went home for 2 weeks for the funeral, then went back to the sandbox. (Hell, it still beat sitting around doing nothing for 3 months.)

So fuck you, Robert (or Rika, whichever the case may be) Wayne Stiles. You haven't done shit, and you never will. You'll just be a drain on your parents and society until the day you die. You'll always be a cowardly cyber-bully who makes threats then cries like a little bitch when nobody heeds them.

You'll never escape your past no matter who you say you are. Face it Robb, you've always been a fuckup, and you always will be.
>> No. 42707
Whoa man. My condolences if you're srs.
>> No. 42708
I am, and thank you. It's been 2 years, so it doesn't affect me as much as it used to. It just shows that you never know what life is going to throw at you. How you deal with it helps define who you are. Something Robb will never learn...
>> No. 42709
File 134466535943.png - (213.55KB , 1530x1980 , rs_2_summary1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The 50,000 dollar thing is bond. I presume Rika got the parents to spring for the 10 percent. So Rika only made the parents lose 5000 dollars. The documents do hint that Rika might of not gotten the full support of the parents.
>> No. 42710
File 134466546621.png - (151.73KB , 1530x1980 , rs_2_summary2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42711
>> No. 42712
As someone else said, Rika brings out the best in /cwc/, even if it is someone sharing the bad times in their life. My condolences fellow anon.
>> No. 42713
File 134466567853.png - (170.27KB , 1530x1980 , rs_3_memorandum.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This doc has no new cocks but I don't like to withhold from the cwc people.
>> No. 42714
>Investigative organization: ICE

>> No. 42715
Damn Robb (or Rika). You're a miserable waste of space. How does it feel to know you've been trolled by a U.S. Army veteran who went through absolute living fucking hell for his country? Something you'll never do. Oh, BTW, I'm also the one who made the samples and the soundboard. So what insults/threats are you going to throw at me? I've been through worse than you could possibly ever bring. Face it Robb, you're beaten. You have more than met your match with /cwc/.
>> No. 42716
Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

That's what ICE means in my line of work anyway. Don't see why they'd be involved though.
>> No. 42717
File 134466623627.png - (156.90KB , 1530x1980 , rs_4_proposal2_good1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The bread and butter of the documents. Page 1
>> No. 42718
File 134466627188.png - (122.04KB , 1530x1980 , rs_4_proposal2_good2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Page 2. Some interesting cocks in this page.
>> No. 42719
File 134466630460.png - (87.75KB , 1530x1980 , rs_4_proposal2_good3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Page 3.
>> No. 42720
I guess by good conduct they mean not typing death threats etc to people online. If they were to find out...
>> No. 42721
Must be why he's so eager to see the threads disappear.
>> No. 42722
Robb is a border jumper?
>> No. 42723
I googled it, ICE runs the only cyber crimes center outside the FBI, so for lower priority instances.
>> No. 42724
Charged with harassment? Let's go type out in great detail how you would like to murder random people you know over the Internet.
Goddamn 'sperg logic.
>> No. 42725

>Zyklon, I fucking swear, if I ever met you in real life, I'd fucking whip you unconscious then bound all your limbs with a truss bar, stick a shotgun down your cunt until you apoligize for EVERYFUCKING THING you've done to me.

And that's only one of them...
>> No. 42726
File 134466731986.png - (243.86KB , 1530x1980 , rs_6_goodcauseshown.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The courts apparently let Rika get a voucher to fly from Jersey to California.
>> No. 42727
Thanks for doing what I was too lazy to do Sean. I deal with ICE from time to time and didn't know that about them.
>> No. 42728
He will get his parents to pay 50k to cover his ass but he wont shell out the money for gas or a plane ticket to go defend himself in court? So the US of A uses tax money to get him a plane ticket.

>> No. 42729
So basically if we were to report what Robbay was doing here, he'd be boned.

Should we wait until March 2013 and then report?
>> No. 42730
Yes, Robb confirmed for total shitbag.
>> No. 42731

Yes. Do it.
>> No. 42732
I'm not >>250638, but that was a pretty shitty day for me. The breakup was my decision, but it still hurt.

Nonetheless, I'm about to go to sleep, and when I wake up I'm going to dry my tears and do what I was already planning:Calling my sister and asking if she needs help setting up my nephew's birthday party. And I'll make sure that my would've been stepson knows that he's still invited, and that I would want him to remain friends with my nephew.

I've bounced back from some pretty bad shit before, so I know I'll get through this. But Rob, what would you have done if you were in my shoes?
>> No. 42733

Ah, but you see, those threats were perpetrated by RIKA Wayne Styles. All he has to do is change his name back to Robbert in time of any legal proceedings and he can claim he's innocent. Foolproof logic!
>> No. 42734
a felony with $50,000 bail is minor? you don't sound like a reformed man to me, Mr. Stiles. what we're seeing here is a failure of the justice system to reform a hardened criminal. you're like those cartoon criminals...aging, wrinkled and sinister with facial hair and a gruff voice. is it a surplus of testosterone that drives your death threats and other vile actions? no wonder other transgenders seem to look down on you; you're quite a knuckle-dragging, heavy-browed man-among-men, aren't you.
>> No. 42735

>> No. 42736
File 134470179385.jpg - (95.06KB , 714x532 , Estonian volunteers with a kitten.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I enjoy trolling. Sure, you could probably spend your time in the internet in many more productive ways, but it never fails to bring a smile to my face, and the thought of making another person laugh is a reward in itself.

As I read the thread, and read how Robert had made people laugh, no matter how terrible they had it, that made me genuinely happy. Thank you /cwc/.
>> No. 42737
Is Rika a misogynist?

I know it sounds odd but every time he talks about women it always seems to be hyper aggressive stuff like that and I don't remember him ever having any female friends or acquaintances not counting MtF and any transsexual people he knows who can pass he seems to have a genuine hatred for too.
>> No. 42738
That's it!
Robbay hates women because they have the parts that he wishes he had!
He's got the maturity of a 4 year old. He envies women. Couple that with a deformed adult body and, well, I'm just waiting for him to start making a skin suit.
>> No. 42739
>> No. 42740
Sorry to say this Mr. Stiles but just as you'll always be a man in everyone's eyes in the courts you'll still be seen as Robert who harassed a porn star and an fbi agent and no amount of mental gymnastics about you having a different name will change anything you were a loser as a Robert and in a way you're even more so as RIka.
>> No. 42741
Haha, what? I want to hear more about this porn star thing.
>> No. 42742

Sean should make the banner to link to the article or something.
>> No. 42743
File 134470891972.jpg - (10.16KB , 150x222 , George_Sodini.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Robb barely has any female friends. On Facebook, some woman(?) named Beth Morgan or something posted regularly on his comments. Other than her, most of Robb's "friends" are guys.

As for the misogynist part, there's a good possibility. I can imagine that Robb was rejected by women quite a few times along with the possibility that a couple of his bullies in high school were teenage girls.

Being the coddled shit that he is, Robb felt entitled to women (harem maps, anyone?). After he realized that Crissy Moran only seen him as someone who needed help and didn't return his feelings, he began harassing her.

As for him becoming "Rika," part of it was to hide and start over from being a complete failure , the other part was to become what was denied to him. "If no hot woman wants me, I'll show them by becoming one myself!"

Robb certainly has some anger issues regarding women to this day, no amount of name changing is going to change that.
>> No. 42744
Like fuck you or any reasonable person would pay for a ticket if it was government covered. I know we're on Rika like we were on Chris a few years ago but we gotta keep some realism up.

tl;dr Hi A-Rob!
>> No. 42745
File 134471097492.png - (1.05MB , 800x3738 , 800px-Robbie_and_poni.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh so that's why he had a pony picture at the start of this thread.
>> No. 42746
/cwc/ - united by cocks
>> No. 42747
File 13447118899.jpg - (62.69KB , 231x350 , SuperStock_1598R-123704.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MFW even the cheese conies call Robbay a ween homosexual deviant and to fuck off
>> No. 42748
Patience until the joyful had developed even better, my friends.
>> No. 42749
File 134471390259.png - (105.30KB , 274x277 , They_cant_troll_you_if_there_dead.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Take Shadow's advice, ROBBAY.
>> No. 42750
So time to archive?
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